Continuous & - > Ml | News 11Service ambridge Since1881 | Massachusettsif 1[ g |es Volume 99, Number 24 I5 If A_> Off__Friday, May 11, 1979 I Class of 1978 dedicates gof in Lobby 7 By Richard Salz liaisons contacted the class James L. Bidigare, president of members in their living groups the Class of 197Bl presented the and asked them to donate. About class gift to President Jeronme B. $850 was raised from class dona- Weisner in an informal ceremony tions. An additional $850, in the in Lobby 7 this past Monday form of a matching grant, was afternoon. donated by (Challenge/78 of the The gift, an arrangement of Alumni Association. benches and flowers, is now a per- In. addition, an unidentified manent addition to the Rogers member of the Class of 1928 Lobby lounge area. The arrange- donated $1,00 because he was so ment replaces the old seating pleased that the concept of the facilities of rug-covered blocks. class gift was being reinstated. V In his presentation speech, President Weisner said he was Bidigare remarked that this is the proud to accept the gift, and glad first time a class has presented a that the idea was being brought gift to MIT in over four years. back to, life. (Brenda Hambleton i The last gift was a redecoration of '79 is coordinating the purchase i the lounge area on the second of the class -gift for the current floor overlooking the lobby. senior class.) 'The class wanted to de Weisner noted that past class something for Lobby 7," gifts have all concerned remarked Bidigare, observing themselves with improving the that the idea for the gift was a MIT environment; he was glad, result of a poll taken . of the he remarked, that concern for stu- members of the class. The design dent life atMlQIT did not disappear and construction of the gift was after graduation. SOP 111111!1111 done by M IT's architecture ser- After the ceremony, everyone vices. was invited into the dean's office Members of the class were for a champagne reception. As Class of '78 president James 8idigare looks on while President Jerome Wiesner makes some remarks dur- solicited for funds by about fifty soon as everyone left, the com- ing the dedication of the class gift (Photo by Kevin Osboh) fund-raising liaisons. These memorative plaque fell down. I· t MIT fraterities lie affected by 1i9d0gs By Gordon R..-Haf ,Barbi-Chili Ago -saij.dthat at-.hir mentioped jthXt she ,thou9t the hazing and pledge, pranks. Bye said that pledge pranks, for Editor's NVote: This is thae third house [Delta Psil "tradition was ,argument comes out of how AIthough MIlT certainly did not instance the Smoots on Harvard part in afour-partseries of articles thrown out in the late '60's." seriously you should take escape the shadow of the hazing Bridge, are an important part of .. on fra~tenlities. Much of this questioning dealt yourself. This varies from house spectre - one pledge died as a the fraternity process. He added to house." II MlT's present fraternity system with how much conformity a result of hazing in the late fifties that the reason pledge initiation is strong. No MIT fraternity fraternity should demand. Mark Another major problem which - the fraternity system was never -had never really become a chapters have folded in the recent Bye '78, a former fraternity has caused difficulties at many really crippled by it as systems at problem of the same magnitude at past. In fact, several new houses member and Dean Robert schools is the entire concept of other schools were. (Please turn to page 2) have been added over the past few Sherwood's assistant in the hous- years and Zeta Psi will be par- ing office, said that in his former ticipating in Rfush next fall. house there was a lot of diversity 11 There are a number of reasons among the members, but if a eniors raising funlll sll113t for this situation. The MIT frater- house function occured, people By The Tech staff I! person from each independent liv- and should have received a letter nities never went through much of were expected to attend. Hill said The Senior Class Gift Project is ing group, and some residents and business reply envelope this the turmoil which killed and crip- that-at her house things are less underway! The Class of 1979 of- from each of the dormitories. week. pled systems at other schools dur- formal. ficers mn'et with forty solicitors and Each solicitor is assigned to re- Hambleton said ."The senior ing the sixties. Still, changes were .The debate is an old one. In any several members of the Alumni . quest donations- from the gift fund raising drive is beginning brought about by -that turbulent such living group situation -'be Association staff on Thursday, members of the class of'79 in his to look encouraging. Senior con- decade. At many houses the it frat or dormn - there is always a May 3, for pizza and soda and to or her living group. tributions have already started to traditional conflict between individual rights fraternity attitudes kick- off the Class Gift Project. During this past week these come in." were questioned. IFC Chairman and conformity to the group. Hill The solicitors include at least one _ _ _ _ _ nmembers of the senior class have aqraa IplP· = -p- - ---- -- ---- p·rpgT II = ---· C-- -q---·- PIIIIIA The goal for the drive is $5,000, been soliciting contributions from and the Class of 1929 has issued a classmates toward the Senior special challenge, in celebration Class Gift, which consists of plans of their fiftieth Reunion, to match to create a comfortable student every contribution made by a cur- area at the intersection of rent senior dollar for dollar. Buildings 2 and 6, and to plant a The Class of 1979 expects to ex- class tree. Senior Gift Coor- ceed the Class of 1978's participa- . dinator Brenda Hambleton '79 tion percent. Every member of o said that "the class tree, which 1979 is asked to participate and -will probably be either a dogwood help make this truly a "class" . or a cherry tree, might be planted project. Seniors who would like to . near the Dreyfus building. The be solicitors for the Class Gift or plans have not been Finalized, help with the planning of other . however," events relating to graduation, are Those who live off campus will asked to call Marcia Grabow or have an opportunity to par- Brenda H;mbleton at x5-8307 or v x3-82l4. t. ticipate in the fund drive by mail P~~~~~~~~ The Tubes in concert prove Kaleidoscope isn't just the they know about nmore than Tank contest and the Fiji "White Punks on Dopes; they Island party; it also includes a have vigor and some depth. woman who used a cable spool Page 5. as a unicycle, and the Senior House Steer Roast. Page 7. - Placing third- in the Greater Boston Classic, the golf team The women's varsity crew won ended its sixth straight winn- the Alice P. Higgins Troph ' ing season with a record of 8-2, last week, defeating thy and coach John Barry loolks defending champions from th6 forward to another good University of Massachusetts Memers ot the Choral Society relaxe during-a BrnjK in tneirr con-cert' Cast Sunday. story, eaDge (See season next year. Page 6. by over a length. Page S. 4J- (Photo by Joel West)}- r, Y·P -- IL I sr_ - --- k ---c-- r --· Y r~~~~urge,~~~~~~ l II -I -- _- '.1-1- ·-. 11 . .- ·- -- I - - , - LI LIAI ·LL_--P- --- pJI|llls PAGE 2 THE TECH FRIDAY. MAY 11, 1979 -- -1 -p4·o-p-rs~P~--·lllae~l--I- Frt hazing is not an issue I (cotinued from, page 1) and pledge pranks of a non- President Kenneth Wadleigh '43, MIT as at other places isthat hazing nature. To further confuse former Dean for Student Affairs, "MIT people seem to know when the issue, standards vary from said that hazing is no longer a to draw a line." place to place Sherwood. men- severe proIblem because "NIT X .even today, hazing is the tioned the case of one MIT frater- students are much more serious- - The Carter administration announced touchiest of subjects. When asked nity whose National has such minded [than students at other SALT treaty Completed of a new strategic arms treaty with the Soviet about hazing in fraternities severe standards that the house schools]. It's been a long time get- yesterday the completion, The agreement, to be signed inEurope next month, set to limit Sherwood said that it is "alive was placed on probation by the ting rid of this sort of thing and it Union. arsenals both the US and Russia to some 49600 mis- and well in the South and New National for a hazing violation, didn't disappear overnight. I thp long-range of Inannouncing the arms accord at the White House, Hampshire." even though they had abided by suspect there is still some." siles and bombers. Cyrus Vance said: "With this treaty we take a step How about at MlIT, however? the MIT IFC's rules. Hill, Bye, Sherwood, and Secretary of State America and a.safer world." But despite Mr. Vance's This is a question which is dif- Despite this nervousness, haz- Wadleigh all agree that the single toward a safer the treaty isexpected to face tough opposition inthe Senate. ficult to answer for a variety of ing is not the political issue at most important factor which has optimism, reasons, not the least of which is MIT today that itwas 10 or 15 molded MIT fraternities into a of the near impossibility of drawing years ago or that itis today at thriving system isthe clear lines the line between hazing activities other schools.
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