.... .... Council Sharply Criticized ... at Olivet College in Olivet, on August 7 and 8. OUJt1tl ~ will spe:!k on "Press ~ all On Fair Housing Ordinance Serving the State UnWersity of Iowa and the People of Iowa CUll and Honor Societies" and By NORBERT TATRO plause (rom the 120 persons who jammed the Coun· in Journalism" and wiU AS$istant City Ed itor cil chamber. Iowa City, Iowa Wednesday, July 22, 19M an illustrated lecture, "'~e Richard LJoyd·Jones, SUI associate professor of The Iowa City Cily Council Tuesday night came Behind the Iron CUr. English, defended the commission's version of the r under sharp criticism for changing a portion of a ordinance. He said it was not designed to punish, but • • proposed fair housing ordinance. The criticism can· to change the behavior of those discriminating cerned both the change itself and the conditions against the public good. The commission's version Johnson Calls .. " under which the meeting was held . seeks only a court injunction, he said. The housing ordinance was hard by the Council A REPRESENTATIVE of the League of Women .... at its first reading. Final action will not come until Javits, Keating Say Voters said there would be little reason for observ· For Probe of after the third meeting, probably Aug. 18. The ing an ordinance if the landlord could not be pun· Qrdinance would prohibit di crimination on the ished for non·compliance. , , basis of race, religion, or nationality, in renting. The Council defended its action, pointing out it has Harlem Riots ' leasing or selling both commercial and residential the power to write ordinances; the commission property. does not. " If we're not doing what's right," Berger Wagner Returns, THE ORDINANCE WOULD not apply to the rent· said, "it will show up in the next election." Talks with Officials; Can't, Support Barry al of less than 10 persons if the landlord lives on the "Are we supposed to be smarter than the people premises. A survey indicates this would eliminate in Washington?" asked Councilman Max Yocum. FBI Investigates 98 pel' cent - or all but 14 - of the houses in the . "U you think we've not got brains enough to run it, Carnov'ale will be accompanied city. lhen put somebody else in," he told the audience. NEW YORK (AP) - Mayor • Norma Cross, associ.1te The original ordinance, as proposed by the Iowa The last comment was met with boos. Robert F. Wagner cut short a Prof Wants of music. City Human Relations Commission, would have Interwoven with criticism of the deletion was European trip and returned to N.Y. Senators • • given the commis ion authority to take accused vio· criticism of the nature oC the meeting at which the this racially troubled city Tue • King Will Lecture lators to Johnson County District Court. The Council deletion was made. Tax Study deleted this pOI·tion of the ordinance. The deletlon THE COUNCIL MET in what it called a public, day, 1eanwhile, FBI agents, Rap Extreme Ginpoh King, visiting lectur· would make the ordinance identical to one pa sed but unannounced meeting Monday noon to consider acting under orders from Pres. the Department of Orienta) ea rlier th is year by the Des Moines City Council. the ordinance. The vote was 3·2 for the deletion. id nt Johnson, were probing Commission and former head of the Art Under the new form the Human Relations Com· Councilman William Maas said the results sbould lhe bloody rioting of the last three at the University of Dei) S. Wright, SUI associate Conservatives present a lecture-dem· I mission could hear cases and reprimand violators, not have been made pubilc until tonight's Council nighls. on Chinese landscape but would have no power of punishment. meeting. He called the release of the story before THE MAYOR went into a closed professor of politica1 science. 'Goldwater Should MAYOR RICHARD BURGER defended the Coun· the Council meeting "ill·advised." 8:30 p.m. today in the door huddle with Acting Mayor has urged the formation of a Disassociate Himself Room of the Union. I. cil's action. He said the commission can handle Maas denied the Council had held closed door Paul Screvane and other officials permanent tax study commis­ to discuss the city's tense racial is no admission charge. the problem within its own jurisdiction. I would meetings, and Burger, said all Council meetings are sion to equalize the burdens of From Birch Society' • • • like to try administering it ourselves." He said he public. situation. Violence has taken bne would favor putting the district court provIsion back No one in the audience spoke in favor oC the life and brought injury to more Meal property taxes. NEW YORK (AP) - New than 100 persons. At the luncheon meeting of Egger, A4. Cedar Rapids, in the ordinance if the city cannot handle the Council's deletion. Maas said "the objectors are Wagner welcomed the federal York's two Republican Sena­ problem alone. afraid to state their position," or are not aware of operation, but added that he hfd the Kiwanis Club Tuesday, he said tors said Tuesday they could present a plano recital, at that a broadly representative tax m. Saturday in the North Re­ Father L. D. Soens, head of the commission, the provisions. City Manager Carsten Leikvold said "complete faith" in clty Polin not at thi time support Sen. said "we left one tooth in this thing and you copies of the ordinance wlJl be available for the Commissioner Michael Murphy. study commission could sponsor Hall. continuing studi s on tate and lo­ ator Barry Goldwater of Ari- Egger's selections will be: pulled it oul." The comment was followed by ap- public Thursday Noon. The President issued a statement in Washington after talking by tel\!· cal finances. 20na, th party's nominee for in D Major" by Mozart; .'!lII!1O I"II ________ NO. 3" by Guarnieri; and phone with Srevane. The statemoot On the basis oC the commission's President. on a Hungarian Song" $2,500 Goal said In part: "1n the preservation scientific research, he said, the of law and order there can be no state Legislature could receive reo Sen. Jacob JC. JavHs, in New Rights Workers compromise. It must be made commendations which CQuld im· York, coupled hls statement with clear once and for all thaL violence prove the administration of tbe a rap at what he called "wtra· Bail Fund Hits $800; Released on Bond and lawlessness cannot, must not entire property tax system. conservative forces." and and will not be tolerated." PROF. WRtGHT has completed Sen: Kenneth B. Keating, in GREENWOOD, MIss. - GI'HfI, Dry Cleaning JOHNSON SAID the FBI was a study of financing of Iowa City ~ashID~on, 8~ld Goldwater shoijld Drive Starts Third Day wood tfflcl .. l, Tuesd .. y reI ....ed seeking to determine if any federal and c 0 u n t y governments and disassoc18te hImself from aU ex­ Specials 97 civil rl,hts wOl'tl'rs from j.. 11 laws were violated in the bloody school districts from 1910 through tr~mist ~ou~~ "like the John sur faCilIty and students collected more than $800 :fonday .ft.,. thtlr c.... w.... romoved rioting that erupted after a is·year· 1960. The study POints out the Birch SocIety. H, DRY & nnd Tuesday in a drive for the Student Bail Fund. according to to I Fed.r.1 Court. old Negro boy was shot by an 0[[' Jeers for Police relationships of total am 0 u n t s BOTH JAVtTS and Keating ex· duty white policeman. The police. spent through the years to person· pressed hope they could support John Huntley, sur professor of English, drive chairman, Among the ,roup w.rt two man said tbe youth had attacked A ,roup of Cub .. n .xll.. shout I...... t the pollct Tuesd.y durint e al income totals. the GOP national ticket before the D , . 12cLB. demon,tr.tion ntlr the Pin Amtrlcen Union Bulldln, In Wlshl"" Jlis committee has been working since Monday morning to SUlow .. nl, B.. mbl Brown, AI, him with a knife. "Now we need greater informa. campaign is ~v~r. But Javits indio ton. Mounted pollc. drove Ihtm b.ck tow.rd the W.shl",ton 20c EA, raise money [or an emergency D.. MoIntt .. nd R.ymond L, As darkness fell, pickets appear· tion on the groups who actually cated his deCISIOn would hinge OIl fund for seven sur students now areas in the South at any time Rohrbaugh, G, low. City, ed again at various spots in Man· Monum.nt grounds, under ord.ra !lot to permit • demon.tr.tlon bear the biggest burdens of pro- restateme~t or. clarification of IL ..L ..... SHORTS, working in Mi ssissippi for civil In front of the bulldl"" Thou ••nd. of exll .. w.... 011 hand d"".nd· during the day or night. 1M .7 wtr. charged with III .. hatton. A dozen marched outside perty tax. We need," he said, "to Goldwater s position. SKIRTS, rights. Inll action ....IMt the Fidei C.. stro dict.tor.hlp. -AP Wlrephot. "WE CAN SEND BAIL money letlllll • Mlululppl I.w fortIld. police headquarters, demanding be more certain oC where property Keating, up for re·electlon this The committee set its goal at to the e students within one hour Murphy's ouster. Forty paraded tax relief is needed before the year, said again he hasn't decided 3 FOR$l $2,500. The Money will be used to after we receive a distress caLI," dll1tl plck.tlng of • public build· before the Elizabeth Street sta· Legislature enacts such relief leg· whetber he will run.
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