THE SOONER MAGAZINE OKLAHOMA ALUMNI NEWS Oklahomans at home and abroad ., Ana- MARCH CALENDAR DR RAY BALYEAT, '18 med., Oklahoma G. Ross HUME, JR ., '29 arts-sc City. darko. March 2. Piano program by Mr and THURMAN HURST, '12 law, Pawnee. DISTRICT SEVEN Mrs Boyd Ringo at 8:00 p. m. in the .NJARTIN KINCKADE, '06 arts-sc., Oklalio- DR LEALON LAMB, '28 med., Clinton. university auditorium . ma City. JOE W. MCBRIDE, '28 bus., Elk City. March 3. Art show in the gallery of R ~YMOND EVANS, '20 law, Shawnee. MARION J. NORTHCUTT, '17 law, Walters, the art building, displaying oils and KIM, G. PRICE, ex '25, Norman. DISTRICT EIGHT water colors by Millaid Sheets of Los MRS CAROL DAUBE SUTTON, '22 arts-sc ., DR GLEN FRANCISCO, '16 med., Enid. Angeles, California . Bartlesville . CHESTER WESTFALL, '16 arts-sc., Ponca March 4-5. State high school wrest- BART ALDRIDGE, '25 law, Wewoka . City. ling tournament at Norman. JotIN ROGERS, '14 law, Tulsa. JOHN BELL, '25 journ., Tonkawa. March 15 . Art show in the gallery of OTTo A. (DUTCH) BREWER, '20 law, the art building, displaying oils and Hugo. lithographs by Harriet Kritser. FRITz AURIN, '15 geol., Ponca City. Norman monthly meeting March 18-19. Play Children of the DONALD E . WALKER, '15 geol., Ardmore. An invitation to all alumni of In Moon by the Playhouse, 8:00 p. m. DISTRICT NOMINEES : the state to meet with them has been the auditorium . DISTRICT ONE: extended by the members of the Doctor Compton, Univer- March 20. JOHN JOSEPH MATHEWS, '20 arts-sc., Paw- Norman Alumni club . Thursday of Chicago, will speak at 7 :30 in "1,e sity of huska. the third week in each month has been auditorium . .\,IRs FLoY ELLIOT COBB, '17 arts-sc., Tul- selected as the time at which the Nor- sa. man group meets at luncheon in the I"I.ovD ABSHER, '20 geol ., Bartlesville . Union building. King Price, president ASSOCIATION PROGRESS of the Norman club, has organized his DISTRICT TWO Board nominees members so that a large number turned FLOYD WARTERFIELD, '20 eng., Muskogee. out for the first of these monthly lunch- Preparations are underway for election WILLIAM A. BURESS, '24 geol., Okmulgee. eons . A competition between campus of fourteen new members of the execu- A . N. (JACK) BOATMAN, '16 law, Olc- and downtown members for the largest tive board of the alumni association who Inulgee. vote of all number present has started and the los- will be selected by a mail DISTRICT THREE April 15 and May 15, ing side must furnish the program for members between JAMES W. BATCHELLOR, '29 law, Durant . Cleckler, alumni secretary, an- the succeeding meeting. Secretary MRs ELSE POTEREFF CHAPMAN, '18 arts- nounces. sc., Ardmore . each of the eight One member from 1-11Rir1 IMPSON, '15 arcs-sc., McAlester . O. E. A . meeting districts and six candidates-at-large will DISTRICT FOUR Recent alumni meetings took on an be elected from nominations which were MRS GERTRUDE SIDENOR I'IIII.I.IPS, '20 academic tone as the University of Okla- made February 13 at a meeting of the arts-sc., Shawnee. homa Association luncheons were held nominating committee. The new ex- HATCHER, '25 law, Ada . concurrently in Oklahoma City and Tul- ecutive board will take office at com- BEN BUD BARTLETT, ex '19, Sapulpa. sa, Friday, February 5, during the an- mencement in June . convention of the Oklahoma Edu- Nominations for members-at-large are : DISTRICT FIVE nual Oklahoma cation Association which was; divided NEIL JOHNSON, '17 law, Norman. LEWIS R. MORRIS, '15 law, two cities this year. HARRINGTON W. WIMBERLEY, '24 journ., City. between the Norman. The Oklahoma City luncheon was Altus. FRED E. TARMAN, '10 arts-sc., the Huckins hotel with Mike LUTHER WHITE, '14 arts-sc., Tulsa . FRED HOLMAN, '24 arts-sc ., Guthrie. held at Monroney, '24, president, in charge. A LEE B. THOMPSON, '27 law, Oklahoma DISTRICT SIX El Reno. large number of alumni attended . Dr City. MERLE WOODS, '17 arts-sc., '15 B. Bizzell spoke, urging that alumni LEO GORTON, '13 sc., Tulsa . MRS ELIZABETH MCMILLAN KOLB, W. the university at the pres- JOHN R. BUNN, '23 geol ., Ardmore. arts-sc., Duncan . remain loyal to 166 The Sooner Magazine March ent time as their support was essential to the welfare of the school . Dr H. D. SUPREME COURT CLERK Rinsland, '20 arts-sc., M. A. '24, associ- ate professor of education in the univer- sity, gave an educational talk. Frank Cleckler, secretary, acted as chairman at Tulsa. An unusual feature of this meeting attended by forty-six alumni, was the fact that four members J. Dawson Houk of the Tulsa board of education were has been instrumental present in the . Luther H. White, '14, former splendid progress in the work president of the Association, and presi- of the Supreme court since dent of the board of education, was the the adoption of the Law principal speaker. Mrs Floy Elliott Cobb, Clerk System . He is law clerk '17, was chairman of the committee on to Justice James B . Cullison . arrangements. Receiving his degree from the law school at the university in 1921, Mr Houk is still OUR CHANGING VARSITY proud to remember that he is Dr William F. Foster a member of the famous class of '14. He has seen the uni- Doctor William F. Foster, Newton, versity grow from a small Massachusetts, prominent economist and school in 1910 to its present business cycle authority, paid a two days position of influence visit to the university campus recently, at the invitation of President W. B. Bizzell. Doctor Foster is director of the Pollak Foundation for Economic Re- search and former president of Reed col- lege, Portland, Oregon. study of the Spanish Indian policy of Dr and Mrs J. W. Sturgis have had Don Juan Bautista de Anza, governor the honor to be named Norman's Most of New Mexico, 1777-1787, is the title Faculty Useful Citizens for 1931, by the Norman of the book written by Doctor Thomas chamber of commerce . A certificate em- which has just Leonard Logan, sr., father of Leonard been published by the blematic of the honor was presented to Logan, jr., '14, associate professor of ec- University Press. Research for Forgot- them at a dinner recently by Walter ten Frontiers was done onomics in the university, was awarded in the Archivo Kraft, superintendent of university util- General de Indias, the Oklahoma Education association an- Sevilla, the Archivo ities, and chairman of the committee on General y Publico de la Nacion, nual medal for distinguished service in Mexico selection. Doctor Sturgis is head of the de- the teaching City, the British Museum, the Santa Fe, profession . Mr Logan is partment of Latin. The certificate reads : New Mexico Archives and the eighty-one years old and is president Bancroft "In recognition of outstanding unselfish emeritus of Library at Berkeley, California . His work Northwestern Teachers col- service to their community, Dr and Mrs lege, was made possible through European Tahlequah. Twenty-seven of his J. W. Sturgis are selected as Norman's forty-six years of fellowships endowed by the Native Sons teaching have been Most Useful Citizens for 1931 . Their spent in Oklahoma . Two of the Golden West and the John Simon other sons efforts in supplying food, clothing, em- who are graduates of the Guggenheim Memorial Foundation and university are, ployment and financial assistance, also Dr Clifford K. Logan, M. D. '20 through funds provided by the American of moral and spiritual help, to the unfortu- Hominy, and Dave Logan, '16 Council of Learned Societies. of Ok- nate and destitute of the community en- mulgee . A daughter, Sally Harris, was born title them to this recognition." Dr Paul B. Sears, head of the depart- to Doctor and Mrs Paul B. Sears at Uni- The selection was made from a list of ment of botany and national chancellor versity hospital in Oklahoma City Janu- twenty nominations in a contest sponsor- of Phi Sigma, national biological fratern- ary 14. ed by The Norman Transcript. ity, went to Salt Lake City, Utah re- Prof. F. F. Gaither was to represent cently, to install a chapter of the society the university chapter of Kappa Delta at the University of Utah. Pi, national educational fraternity, at the Captain von Bechtolsheim Dr A. B. Thomas, associate professor annual convention held in Washington, of history, has been given the distinctive D. C., February 22, 23 and 24. Captain Anton Baron von Bechtol- compliment of appointment as a fellow Dr Harry N. Howard, formerly a sheim, military observer for the German of the Historical Society of New Mexico . member of the history department and army stationed at Fort Sill, was a visitor He is one of three honored by this or- now a member of the history department to the university campus January 13 and ganization this year, the other two be- of Miami university, read a paper at 14. He was impressed with the work ing Percy Baldwin, professor of history Minneapolis during Christmas holidays done at the University of Oklahoma, he in a college at Las Cruces, New Mexico, before the American Historical Associa- said, particularly with the R. O. T. C. and France V. Scholes, formerly of the tion on "Bulgaria's Entry into the World unit. No such organization is allowed University of New Mexico and now en- War, 1914-1915." Doctor Howard is the in Germany. gaged in foreign research in connection author of the widely commented on vol- with the Carnegie Institute of Wash- ume published by the University of Ok- ington. The New Mexico Historical Re- lahoma Press, The Partition of Turkey, The Apple Cart view, a quarterly, is the official publica- a diplomatic history, 1913-1923 .
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