CHIP DUCKETT * DRAG QUEENS IN THE CHAPEL! * CAVERNOUS DANCE FLOORS (including the School Gym and a gigantic drained swimming pool)! * Dykes will love the inlomous LESBO LOUNGE- ploying non-stop Mot/onno 011night longl * HOT GO-GO BOYS EVERYWHEREI * Sexy Locker Room FUN! ___ Ml_ "' __ DANCE TRACKS A DIFFERENTLIGHT PATRICIAFIELD 91 East Third St. 548 Hudson St. 10 East Eighth St. Th ill b . I ere w e a sp8Cla and at MARS every Sunday night entrance for advance ticket holders-with no waiting. Film Gone with the Wini! Film Steel Magnolias ' Music Chafin and Starr Dance Fresh Tracks Art Set the Wood5 on Fire! ..... ~;wu, f,j 'If,. ~. Perfonnance Wonderful Life • ~$ CARDINAL KNOWLEDGE The complete Theater Dr.jekyO and Mr. Hyde 61 Sl Patrick's stary begins on page 12. Books Reader - Animal Instincts· Holy Terror 62 "Photo:Rex Wockner - . ON THE COVER: Rollerena and friend. Concept and styling by Dan Williams. photo by T.l Litt. OutSpoken (EdiloriaJ) ,4 , letters 6 Stonewall Ri<1S(Natalie) . 7 Dykes To Watch Out For (BecbdeO 8 , 9 Quote of the Week Jay Blotcher Skates Down Memory Lane with'the Fairy Godmother of New Y6rk-Turned-AIDS-Activist Blurt Out 10 Xeroxed '11 42 GLAAD Tidings 32 THE,DREK OF A DECADE , . Out Law (Leonard) 34 In a Special Section Devoted to the Creepy Monsters who Made the 80s One Long, Bad Dream, OUlWeeMs Lookout 48 Editors Present the First Annual Gallery of Nightrmres Out of my Hands (BalJ) 50. Gossip Watch 51 Going Out Calendar (X) 66 Best Bets (X) 68 Bar Guide 70 Community Directory 72 Classifieds 75 "; 1WA.<.__ 4' Personals 86 .....tC .l"Tc'--'~ . Crosswor~ (Greco) 98 ~"~':u~:-. - .. " • ~~~'t><~ L...-"'". " ,~~ "',,-"'\.. .. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. s8e page 61 • Over Whose D~a~lJodies? i ' . ',' ,.. , . he ACT UP and WHAM!civil dikbedience at-St. P~trick's Cathedral has resonated throughout New york and the \ nation in a way no demonstratjon has in reCent memory. ForT sheer spectacle it's hard to imagine a',symbol more powerful than the sight of priests stepping over prosttate people with AIDS in America's greatest Catholic church. With, this action', ACT UP and WHAM!have taken peaceful, non-violent protest to a new lev~l. But many have succumbed to the temptation to biame the embarassing mesSenger for the devastating power of the message. Arguments that raged throughout the mainstream press fol- lowing the action centered not on the thoµsands dea<;iand y~t to die of AIDS, or the women's lives ,to be sacrificed to ,the obscene morality of current Catholic dogma. The ~edia are tired of all that. Commentators and columnists can't be bothered, seems, with ,wasting"their moral capital on sex-crazed faggots who got what they deserved, or women whose lives will be jeopardized by terminating unwanted pregnancies through unsafe' illegal abortions. What the media and the politicans, including our mayor-elect, focused on instead ~as, tol them, the· incredible, shocking, blasphemous actions of the protesters. Apparently even when it's a 'matter of life and death"some.actions, no mat- ter how peaceful or non injurious to people or property, just mustn't be taken. Apparently matters of life and death are just not as important as rites and ceremon'ies. Apparently the thou- sands of future deaths of teenagers currently un infected\.but sOon to be infected due to iatk of AIDS education and awareness aren't as important as a crumbled cracker on a marble floor. The, sweeping hYpoCrisy that allows it newspaper writer on his third marriage, a publisher who's, recently paid for a favorite daughter's abortion, a politican who maintains a- secret' love shack, and Catholic prelates who suck a littie dick on the side to publicly beat their breasts about "desecration" is a nauseating spectacle indeed. In the best of times such hYpoCrisy 1ihould be abhorred. But when it serves to fuel a major epidemic, it 'must be exposed and smashed. \ What we should be beating our breasts about instead is the remarkable courage and dignity of those who braved arrest and now face trial for trying to bring a little sanity to their churCh and our city. The spectacle of the feudal oppression in the church is abouno be replaced by'the even stranger spectacle of a modern religiOUStrial of the protesters. Even those who ·felt un comfort- ' able with the many· ramifications of the civil disobedience should . I. be aware that the fate of the demonstrators is' intim~tely,tied up with all our fates, both symbolically and actually. The protesters thumbed their noses at the "traditionai morality" of the Roman CathoJic "Church. They "insulted the body of Christ.:' They engaged in "unnatural acts" of protest. Arid now the wolves of hYpoCrisyhowl for their punishment. ' . It alLsounds very familiar. 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For more information abo'ut N~w York Tax-Exempt Income Funds, call Christopher Street Financial, Inc. at (212) 269-0110 or 1-800-262-6644 or return the cOy'p0n below. ----.--------------------------~--------------Please send me more information about New YorkTax.Exempt Income Funds. ,( NAME ,AOORESS . ClTr ' ~> STATE ZIP " .1.- TELEPHONE - HOME BUSINESS CHRISTOPHER STREET FINANCIAL; INC. 80 Wall Str~t, New York, NY 10005 - M"mh!'r S('curitit', Inv('\tor Prott'ction CO'lxlration -----------------~---------------------------- OUT~WEEK 15 the decency to dissociate Andrew Humm of the Coali- LETTERS themselves from vandalism tion for Lesbian and Gay against LA churches just priOl' Rights decrying this Interrup- to their protest. ACT UP/NY tion of the right to worship, i (~::., now says that it refuses to would like to 'express a very , HummBug Co( wilincrease AIDSdeaths In aaw my bounday Inas.Any- different view and personal ACT UP Is the largest New York.~The Boad of Edu- one paticipamg nMure A~T experience of what hap- and most powerful AiDSI cation- while having a long UPactions $hood consider tile pened in that church that. gay/ieSblan activist group in way to go on 'AIDS and i"lllIlcations of that statemenfl day. the country. With size and gay/lesbian issues-last O'Connor is an immoral I am an Irish Catholic. I power comes a responsibility month passed (over Arch- man and a rigid one as well. describe myself as such to lead the community and diocesm objections) a.resolu- We should use him as a tQ~. because I have found it to th.e broader coalition that tion 'mandating revision of ail But we should never ced~ be an Inescapable phe- will end the AIDS crl$ls. ACT curricula to refiect cuitural the morai high ground t.o nomenon in my lite. All of my UP'sfailure to!dissoclate.ltselt diverslty- Including diversity him. Sunday's actions gOlf'" greatgrandparents were from the actions of a small 'based on sexual orientation. him his first positive publicity born In Ireland. They came spilnter group that disrupted O'Comor iost on the gay/1es- . In a long time. e, and settled on the eastside the rellg,lous service on Sun- ' bian rights bill. Mayor-eieet i have been a pC!lrt~Qf of Manhattan and were day at, st. Pat's has dlstract- , Dlnldnshas pledged to pros. protests against the Archd~ , often forced to rely on th'e ed the lesbian and gay cute Operation Rescueto the cese In 1975. I was partiof soup. kitchens operated out mov~rnent from the goal of fullest extent of law, Even an the only protest against tbe of Saint Patrick's Cathedral limiting the. Influence of relI- ACT UPspokesperson at the Pope's visit to New York1lin for food. Although they had gious bigots such as John demo on Sunday was qJOted . 1979. And the Coalition flor only a few years of formal O'Connor to,focusing us on on 1V as saying that "9(fper- Lesbian and Gay Rightswitb schooling, it was provided by the Issue of whether or not cent of Cathoiics don't agree which I work sponsored tine Saint Patrick's. My favorite freedom of religion should. with O'ConnOl"sstoods.· first demo against O'Connor grandfather had been an be, abridged In order to . So, who was wir:lning?: in '1985 ,after he took office. altar boy at Saint Patrick's , advance our gods. Our issueswere being taken Some say we must escalate and used to .take me there i have no doubt that up by mainstream leaders our tactics. Fine, Let us not as a kid and speak with most of those who lay In the , md groups. Pollsare st'lowih,g descend, however, into vio- great warmth of all that the aisles of the church to call , a shift in pUblic opinion bop< lating the rights of others or place had given him. In fact, Pttentlonto O'Comor's abus- toward support tor gay /Ies- staging actions that set back he met my grandmother at es of hispulpit were sincere in bian rights.We have m awful our movement.
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