S6768 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 16, 2005 (C) Sinn Fein must work in good faith with SENATE RESOLUTION 175—COM- (1) commends the University of Michigan the Police Service of Northern Ireland; MENDING THE UNIVERSITY OF softball team for winning the 2005 National (D) the leadership of Sinn Fein must insist MICHIGAN SOFTBALL TEAM FOR Collegiate Athletic Association Division I that those responsible for the murder of Rob- WINNING THE NATIONAL COLLE- Championship on June 8, 2005; ert McCartney and those who were witnesses (2) recognizes all of the players and coach- to the murder— GIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION es who were instrumental in this achieve- (i) cooperate directly with the Police Serv- DIVISION I CHAMPIONSHIP ON ment; and ice of Northern Ireland; and JUNE 8, 2005 (3) directs the Secretary of the Senate to (ii) be protected fully from any retaliation Mr. LEVIN (for himself and Ms. STA- transmit an enrolled copy of this resolution by the Irish Republican Army; and to the University of Michigan athletic de- BENOW) submitted the following resolu- (E) the Government of the United Kingdom partment for appropriate display. tion; which was considered and agreed must— f (i) permanently restore the democratic in- to: stitutions of Northern Ireland; S. RES. 175 AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND (ii) complete the process of demilitariza- Whereas the top-ranked University of PROPOSED tion in Northern Ireland; and Michigan softball team defeated the Univer- SA 790. Mr. DAYTON submitted an amend- (iii) advance equality and human rights sity of California–Los Angeles (UCLA) Bru- agendas in Northern Ireland. ment intended to be proposed by him to the ins in the Women’s College World Series 2 bill H.R. 6, Reserved; which was ordered to games to 1, becoming only the eighth team f lie on the table. to win the National Collegiate Athletic Asso- SA 791. Mr. BINGAMAN (for himself, Mr. ciation (NCAA) Softball Championship and COLEMAN, Mr. JEFFORDS, Ms. COLLINS, Mr. SENATE RESOLUTION 174—RECOG- the first Big Ten Conference team to claim a DORGAN, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Ms. CANTWELL, Mr. NIZING BURMESE DEMOCRACY national title in softball or baseball since REID, Mr. SALAZAR, Mr. OBAMA, Mrs. CLIN- 1966; ACTIVIST AND NOBEL PEACE TON, Mr. KERRY, Mr. LAUTENBERG, Mr. JOHN- Whereas the University of Michigan soft- LAUREATE AUNG SAN SUU KYI SON, and Ms. SNOWE) proposed an amendment AS A SYMBOL OF THE STRUG- ball team clinched the 2005 Women’s College to the bill H.R. 6, supra. GLE FOR FREEDOM IN BURMA World Series in an exciting extra-innings SA 792. Mr. WYDEN (for himself and Mr. game with a 3-run homer in the 10th inning DORGAN) submitted an amendment intended Mr. MCCONNELL (for himself, Mrs. to win 4 to 1; to be proposed by him to the bill H.R. 6, FEINSTEIN, Mr. MCCAIN, Mr. FRIST, Mr. Whereas the University of Michigan soft- supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. LUGAR, and Mr. REID) submitted the ball team hit a home run in 57 of 65 games SA 793. Mr. LAUTENBERG submitted an following resolution; which was consid- during the 2005 season and is just 1 of 3 amendment intended to be proposed by him ered and agreed to: schools in NCAA history to hit 100 home runs to the bill H.R. 6, supra; which was ordered in a season; S. RES. 174 to lie on the table. Whereas in 2005, the University of Michi- SA 794. Mr. DOMENICI (for himself and Mr. Whereas June 19, 2005 marks the 60th birth- gan softball team earned its first Number 1 BINGAMAN) proposed an amendment to the day of Burmese democracy activist and ranking in school history and won its tenth bill H.R. 6, supra. Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Aung San Suu Big Ten Conference championship and sev- SA 795. Mr. BAYH submitted an amend- Kyi; enth Big Ten Tournament title en route to ment intended to be proposed by him to the Whereas Burma is misruled by the State advancing to its eighth Women’s College bill H.R. 6, supra; which was ordered to lie on Peace and Development Council, an illegit- World Series; the table. imate, repressive military junta led by Gen- Whereas the NCAA championship title SA 796. Mr. FEINGOLD (for himself and eral Than Shwe; marks the 52nd national championship for a Mr. BROWNBACK) submitted an amendment Whereas although the main opposition sports program at the University of Michi- intended to be proposed by him to the bill party in Burma, the National League for De- gan, the second for a women’s athletic pro- H.R. 6, supra; which was ordered to lie on the mocracy, won a landslide victory in national gram at Michigan, and the first for a softball table. elections in 1990, the State Peace and Devel- program east of the Mississippi River; opment Council has refused to honor the re- Whereas the University of Michigan soft- f sults of that election and peacefully transfer ball team mounted an impressive season TEXT OF AMENDMENTS power in Burma; record of 65 wins and 7 losses; Whereas the State Peace and Development Whereas Coach Carol Hutchins eclipsed the SA 790. Mr. DAYTON submitted an Council as a matter of policy carries out a 900 win mark, capping a stellar 21 year ca- amendment intended to be proposed by campaign of violence and intimidation reer at Michigan that has seen her become him to the bill H.R. 6, Reserved; which against the people of Burma and ethnic mi- the most victorious coach in University of was ordered to lie on the table; as fol- norities that includes the use of rape, tor- Michigan history, currently ranking among lows: ture, and terror; the top 10 Division I active coaches, with 940 Whereas hundreds of democracy activists, career wins and a .729 winning percentage; On page 159, after line 23, add the fol- including Aung San Suu Kyi who is the lead- Whereas 2 University of Michigan softball lowing: er of the National League for Democracy, re- players, shortstop Jessica Merchant and SEC. 211. ETHANOL CONTENT OF GASOLINE. main imprisoned by the repressive State pitcher Jennie Ritter, were finalists for the (a) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: Peace and Development Council; and USA Softball Collegiate Player of the Year (1) CELLULOSIC BIOMASS ETHANOL.—The Whereas the United States and other Award; term ‘‘cellulosic biomass ethanol’’ means democratic countries recognize and applaud Whereas a record-tying 8 players from the ethanol derived from any lignocellulosic or the dedication and commitment to freedom University of Michigan softball team were hemicellulosic matter that is available on a demonstrated by Aung San Suu Kyi and the named to the Big Ten All-Conference Team, renewable or recurring basis, including— people of Burma: Now, therefore, be it and 6 players were named to the Spring 2005 (A) dedicated energy crops and trees; Resolved, That the Senate— Academic All-Big Ten Conference Team; (B) wood and wood residues; (1) recognizes Burmese democracy activist Whereas the University of Michigan soft- (C) plants; and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Aung San ball team was led by the solid coaching of (D) grasses; Suu Kyi as a symbol of the spirit and dedica- Carol Hutchins, Bonnie Tholl, Jennifer (E) agricultural residues; and tion of the people of Burma who are coura- Brundage, and Jennifer Teague; (F) fibers. geously and nonviolently struggling for free- Whereas players on the University of (2) WASTE DERIVED ETHANOL.—The term dom, human rights, and justice; Michigan softball team included Stephanie ‘‘waste derived ethanol’’ means ethanol de- (2) calls for the immediate and uncondi- Bercaw, Angie Danis, Samantha Findlay, rived from— tional release of Aung San Suu Kyi and all Alessandra Giampaolo, Tiffany Haas, Lauren (A) animal wastes, including poultry fats other prisoners of conscience who are held by Holland, Jennifer Kreinbrink, Grace Leutele, and poultry wastes, and other waste mate- the State Peace and Development Council, Becky Marx, Jessica Merchant, Rebekah rials; or the illegitimate, repressive military junta in Milian, Nicole Motycka, Jennie Ritter, (B) municipal solid waste. power in Burma; and Lauren Talbot, Michelle Teschler, Michelle (3) ETHANOL.—The term ‘‘ethanol’’ means (3) strongly urges Secretary of State Weatherdon, Lorilyn Wilson, Stephanie Win- cellulosic biomass ethanol and waste derived Condoleezza Rice to initiate a discussion of ter, and Tiffany Worthy; and ethanol. the repressive practices of the State Peace Whereas Michigan had tremendous support (b) RENEWABLE FUEL PROGRAM.—Notwith- and Development Council during the 12th As- from its hometown fans during their season, standing any other provision of law, not sociation of Southeast Asian Nations re- setting a home attendance record in 2005, later than 1 year after the date of enactment gional forum and post-ministerial meeting and bringing in the 5 largest crowds in pro- of this section, the Secretary shall promul- scheduled to take place in Vientiane, Laos gram history: Now, therefore, be it gate regulations ensuring that each gallon of on July 29, 2005. Resolved, That the Senate— gasoline sold or dispensed to consumers in VerDate Mar 15 2010 20:46 Jan 30, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00100 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2005SENATE\S16JN5.REC S16JN5 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY.
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