Light Turnout Seen for State Primary Today SEE STORY BELOW Sunny, Warm THEDAILY HOME Sunny and warm today. Clear and cool tonight. Sunny, still warmer tr Morrow. / FINAL (See Details Faj« 3) Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 89 Years VOL. 90, NO. 23*" RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 1968 TEN CENTS Rise Now in Effect; Gasoline Next on List Cigarette Tax Hiked 3 Cents TRENTON (AP) — New Jer- stockpiling on cigarettes pur- Some legislators and some re- one per cent increase in the It would mark the first in- bilTpaiseTpf rThouses but was sey's cigarette tax is three chased at the lower tax rate tailers predict that the vending corporate income tax, from 3.25 crease on the mortgage ceiling sent back to the Senate for con- cents-a-pack higher today, with and sold at the higher rate. machine price now will be per cent to 4.25 per cent. in more than a century. currence in a minor amend- some forecasts that the price The increase brings the state raised by a nickel because The gasoline and corporate Most Democrats and a hand- ment. Hughes has indicated he of a pack of cigarettes will go tax on cigarettes from 11 to 14 many vending machines aren't income measures now go to the ful of Republicans opposed the would sign it. North Jersey up a nickel in vending ma- cents. In New York City the geared to making change in Senate. excise tax package. But Hughes communities and property own chines. tax is 15 cents while in neigh- pennies. In another major money mat- signed the cigarette levy as a ers would benefit. The legislature quickly ap- boring Pennsylvania it is 13 The cigarette tax increase ter yesterday, the Assembly first step toward financing what The cigarette tax increase proved the tax increase yes- cents. was part of a Republican pack- passed and sent to the gover- he calls critical needs. measure was approved by a 54- terday and Gov. Richard J. The general retail price of age, of tax bills approved by nor a bill that would increase , Flood Relief 23 vote, the gasoline tax by Hughes signed it into law to cigarettes was 37 or 38 cents the Assembly. Other parts in- the ceiling on mortgage inter- On still another important fi- 62-12 and the corporate income take effect last midnight. in New Jersey under the old cluded a penny-a-gallon in- est rates from 6 to 8 per cent. nancial matter, the legislature tax increase by 62-15 in the The idea of rapid passage system while the cost in most crease in the gasoline tax, rais- The governor has indicated he acted to.allocate ?5 million in Assembly. was to stop retailers from vending machines was 40 cents. ing it from 6 to 7 cents and a would sign it. emergency flood relief. The Republican lawmakers, who hold 3-1 majorities in both the Senate and Assembly, expect the cigarette tax to yield $26 ~ri " I'lBli—ml • i •> « L, ••*• - • • *'• .. ... g -MttK™T0AST- NowJyy>,y crease to yield another $26 Merrick of Farmingdale, toasts Senate President Edwin Calls Russo Case million. The combined change; Forsythe, a dairy farmer of Burlington County at yes- in corporate taxes would yield terday's session of the legislature. The Senate and As- an estimated $64.4 million. sembly adopted resolutions declaring June dairy month Another part of the Republi- can package was introduced at and wishing Miss Merrick good luck in the American Monday's session. It would in- Dairy Princess contest. , IAP Wirephoto) As Jury Stays crease driver license fees by ?2 to provide $20 million. Mortgage Interest - FREEHOLD — After a jury fino Maccioli and at 9:20, they go to trial on the two charges p.m. and were completed at The trial began with jury se- The mortgage interest mea- ^failed to readi * verdirtin PA wanted a rereading of testi- which arose from the extend- 2:05 p.m. lection May 23. Fourteen mem- sure, which was opposed by or- Fresh Red Units hours of deliberation last'night, mony of state Trooper Ray- ed session oi tne urand Jury After Judge~McGciwaircoTTK fters—wenr~picked and twcr ganized labor, was approved County Court Judge M. Ray- mond Castellano. probing interference with the pleted his explanation' of the —both women—were excused by a 65-12 vote in the lower mond McGowan granted a mis- At 11 p.m., Judge McGowan Long Branch Police Depart- law and how the panel should just before deliberations be- house. trial for perjury and false summoned the panel and asked ment. apply it, the jury retired at 3 gan yesterday. Sponsors contended the max- swearing charges against An- p.m. imum rate would be established Strike at Saigon if they thought they would be Russo was continued on his In his summation, Mr. Wil- thony (Little Pussy) Russo. able to reach a verdict. The $10,000 bail by Judge McGow- Russo is charged with deny- entz argued that this case af- at from 7.3 per cent to 7.5 per spokesmen said the government The eight men and four wom- foreman replied he thought an. ing to the extended Grand Jury fected everyone, that it didn't cent at the start. SAIGON (AP) - The Viet Cong sent fresh troops into Sai- troops overran Viet Cong posi- en panel began their delibera- they might. But at 11:24 p.m., Summations by Assistant that he told three policemen: involve property rights Of mon- The State AFL-CIO opposed gon today on the heels of the tions and drove the enemy tions at 3 p.m. At 7:35 p.m., the panel was still deadlocked. County Prosecutor Thomas L. "We can take care of the may- ey but human rights. it on grounds it would put an heaviest enemy shelling so far back a mile. the panel asked for a reread- The mistrial means that Rus- Yaccarino and by Warren W. or. We got three councilmen. "When a right is taken away additional strain on the work- so, the reputed rackets boss of Wilentz of Perth Amboy, rep- Tonight or tomorrow, we'll from one human being," he ingman. of the harassed capital district. In the western part of the ing of the testimony of Long U.S. sources conceded that the Branch Patrolman Sera- Monmouth County, may again resenting Russo, began at 12:34 have number four." (See RUSSO, Pg. 3, Col; 3) (LEGISLATURE, Pg. 3, Col. I capital, the Chinese section enemy "certainly could keep called Cholon, government the fighting going for quite a forces were still trying to root while."..-.... H_ out rocket-firing, sniping enemy New fighting broke out only a troops holed up in a residential mile and a half north of Presi- area three miles from the pres- State Among 6 Votirig Primaries Todaydent Nguyen Van Thleu's Inde idential palace. Intelligence pendence Palace, in the heart sources had estimated 15 to 20 By the ASSOCIATED PBESS slate for a share of New Jer- he is going to win the GOP hour write-in campaign for for- of the state's 82 Democratic •headed by Sen. Clifford of Saigon, while government guerrillas were holed up, but a The decisive showdown be- sey's 82 Democratic National nomination and then the presi- mer Vice President Richard M. delegates—a figure even 'more, Case, a potential favorite so: forces were still battling other defector reported 200 enemy in tween Sens. Robert F. Kennedy Convention delegates today and dency in November. Nixon. optimistic than that suggested candidate. enemy troops for the fifth day the area. by the Minnesota senator's own in the western part of the capi- and Eugene J. McCarthy in Kennedy, McCarthy and Hum- Rockefeller said in Milwau- While the Garden State con- But a last minute write-ii U.S.' sources said there were supporters. tal and in the northeastern sub- California today and delegate phrey vied for 24 South Dakota kee that Nixon has shown an test is overshadowed by the campaign on behalf of formei reports that five-man Viet Cong contests in New Jersey and delegate votes. inability to win in big cities of "Hughes has conceded us 20, Vice President Nixon has shak- urb of Gia Dinh, 2'^ miles from cells were infiltrating into the California clash between Mc- the city's center. South Dakota highlighted vot- Primaries in Alabama, Miss- such key states as Illinois, Carthy and Sen. Robert F. Ken- but we'll be very happy with en GOP ranks in the state. capital in civilian clothes. The ing in six primaries across the issippi and Montana had no Pennsylvania and New York. nedy, the New Jersey contin- 15," said a spokesman for Vol- Robert R. Douglass, cam- Military spokesmen reported reports said the cells were told nation. presidential contests. - Democratic delegates pledged gent elected will be the eighth unteers for McCarthy, which paign manager for Gov. Nelson that South Vietnamese marines to hide in "safe." houses as Heated charges by both Ken- On the Republican side, to Sen. McCarthy will chal- largest at the\Democratic Na- has waged an extensive grass- A. Rockefeller, charged that and rangers, spearheaded by a back-up forces. column of tanks, mounted a nedy and McCarthy marked fi- Richard M. Nixon returned to lenge an uncommitted slate tional Convention at Chicago in roots campaign over the past Nixon forces had violated an massive attack on North Viet- "They have a capability In nal campaigns in California, New York to prepare for dis- headed by Gov.
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