1 Preconditioned Stochastic Gradient Descent Xi-Lin Li Abstract—Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) still is the Still, they are applied with successes to machine learning workhorse for many practical problems. However, it converges problems like neural network training, and are made available slow, and can be difficult to tune. It is possible to precondition in standard toolboxes, e.g., the Matlab neural network tool- SGD to accelerate its convergence remarkably. But many at- tempts in this direction either aim at solving specialized problems, box [7]. The highly specialized Hessian-free neural network or result in significantly more complicated methods than SGD. training methods in [8] represent the state of the art in this This paper proposes a new method to adaptively estimate a direction. There are attempts to adapt the deterministic quasi- preconditioner such that the amplitudes of perturbations of pre- Newton methods to stochastic optimization [9]–[11]. However, conditioned stochastic gradient match that of the perturbations due to the existence of gradient noise and infeasibility of line of parameters to be optimized in a way comparable to Newton method for deterministic optimization. Unlike the preconditioners search in stochastic optimization, the resultant methods either based on secant equation fitting as done in deterministic quasi- impose strong restrictions such as convexity on the target Newton methods, which assume positive definite Hessian and problems, or are significantly more complicated than SGD. On approximate its inverse, the new preconditioner works equally the other hand, numerous specialized SGD methods are devel- well for both convex and non-convex optimizations with exact oped for different applications. In blind source separation and or noisy gradients. When stochastic gradient is used, it can naturally damp the gradient noise to stabilize SGD. Efficient independent component analysis, relative (natural) gradient is preconditioner estimation methods are developed, and with proposed to replace the regular gradient in SGD [20], [21]. reasonable simplifications, they are applicable to large-scale However, in general the natural gradient descent using metrics problems. Experimental results demonstrate that equipped with like Fisher information can be as problematic as Newton the new preconditioner, without any tuning effort, preconditioned method for large-scale problems. In neural network training, SGD can efficiently solve many challenging problems like the training of a deep neural network or a recurrent neural network a number of specialized methods are developed to improve requiring extremely long term memories. the convergence of SGD, and to name a few, the classic momentum method and Nesterov’s accelerated gradient, the Index Terms—Stochastic gradient descent, preconditioner, non- convex optimization, Newton method, neural network. RMSProp method and its variations, various step size control strategies, pre-training, clever initialization, and a few recent methods coming up with element-wise learning rates [12]– I. INTRODUCTION [17]. Clearly, we need a stochastic optimization method that Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) has a long history in is as simple and widely applicable as SGD, converges as fast signal processing and machine learning [1]–[5], [20], [21]. as a second order method, and lastly but not the least, is user In adaptive signal processing, an exact gradient might be un- friendly, requiring little tuning effort. available in a time-varying setting, and typically it is replaced with instantaneous gradient, a stochastic gradient with mini- batch size 1 [1], [2]. In machine learning like the training of neural networks, deterministic gradient descent is either In this paper, we carefully examine SGD in the general expensive when the training data are large, or unnecessary non-convex optimization setting. We show that it is possible when the training samples are redundant [5]. SGD keeps to design a preconditioner that works well for both convex to be a popular choice due to its simplicity and proved and non-convex problems, and such a preconditioner can be efficiency in solving large-scale problems. However, SGD may estimated exclusively from the noisy gradient information. arXiv:1512.04202v3 [stat.ML] 22 Feb 2017 converge slow and is difficult to tune, especially for large- However, when the problem is non-convex, the preconditioner scale problems. When the Hessian matrix is available and cannot be estimated following the conventional ways of Hes- small, second order optimization methods like the Newton sian estimation as done in the quasi-Newton methods. For the method might be the best choice, but in practice, this is general non-convex optimization, a new method is required seldom the case. For example, calculation of Hessian for a to estimate the preconditioner, which is not necessarily the fairly standard feedforward neural network can be much more inverse of Hessian, but related to it. This new preconditioner complicated than its gradient evaluation [6]. In deterministic has several desired properties. It reduces the eigenvalue spread optimization, quasi-Newton methods and (nonlinear) conjugate of preconditioned SGD to speed up convergence, scales the gradient methods are among the most popular choices, and stochastic gradient in a way comparable to Newton method they converge fast once the solution is located in a basin of such that step size selection is trivial, and lastly, it has a built- attraction. However, these methods require a line search step, in gradient noise suppression mechanism to stabilize precon- which can be problematic when the cost function cannot be ditioned SGD when the gradient is heavily noisy. Practical efficiently evaluated, a typical scenario where SGD is used. implementation methods are developed, and applications to a Independent researcher, 1521 Sierraville Ave, San Jose, CA 95132 (email: number of interesting problems demonstrate the usefulness of [email protected]). our methods. 2 II. BACKGROUND is the Hessian matrix at θ0. Note that H 0 is symmetric by its A. SGD definition. With this approximation, the gradients of f(θ) with respect to θ around θ0 can be evaluated as Although this paper focuses on stochastic optimization, deterministic gradient descent can be viewed as a special case g(θ) ≈ g0 + H 0(θ − θ0); (8) of SGD without gradient noise, and the theories and methods g^(θ) = g0 + H 0(θ − θ0) + , (9) developed in this paper are applicable to it as well. Here, we consider the minimization of cost function where contains the errors introduced in both (6) and (8). Using (9), around θ0, the learning rule (5) turns into the f(θ) = E[`(θθ;zz)]; (1) following linear system, [new] [old] where θ is a parameter vector to be optimized, z is a random θ = (I − µHH 0)θ − µ(g0 − H 0θ0 + ); (10) vector, ` is a loss function, and E takes expectation over z. For where I is a conformable identity matrix. Behaviors of such example, in the problem of classification using neural network, a linear system largely depend on the selection of µ and the θ represents the vector containing all the tunable weights in distribution of the eigenvalues of I −µHH . In practice, this lin- the neural network, z = (xx; y) is the pair of feature vector 0 ear system may have a large dimension and be ill-conditioned. x and class label y, and ` typically is a differentiable loss Furthermore, little is known about H . The selection of µ is like the mean squared error, or the cross entropy loss, or the 0 largely based on trial and error, and still, the convergence may (multi-class) hinge loss. Gradient descent can be used to learn be slow. However, it is possible to precondition such a linear θ as system to accelerate its convergence remarkably as shown in θ[new] θ[old] g θ[old] θ = θ − µgg(θ ); (2) the next section. where µ > 0 is a positive step size, and III. PRECONDITIONED SGD @`(θθ;zz) g(θ) = E (3) A preconditioned SGD is defined by @θθ θ[new] = θ[old] − µPPg^(θ[old]); (11) is the gradient of f(θ) with respect to θ. Evaluation of the expectation in (3) may be undesirable or not possible. In SGD, where P is a conformable matrix called preconditioner. The this expectation is approximated with sample average, and thus SGD in (5) is a special case of (11) with P = I, and we should leading to the following update rule for θ, call it the plain SGD. Noting that our target is to minimize n the cost function f(θ), P must be positive definite, and 1 X @`(θθ;zzi) g^(θ) = ; (4) symmetric as well by convention, such that the search direction n @θθ i=1 always points to a descent direction. In convex optimization, θ[new] = θ[old] − µg^(θ[old]); (5) inverse of the Hessian is a popular preconditioner. However, in general, the Hessian is not easy to obtain, not always where the hat ^ suggests that the variable under it is estimated, positive definite, and for SGD, such an inverse of Hessian n ≥ 1 is the mini-batch size, and zi denotes the ith sample, preconditioner may significantly amplify the gradient noise, typically randomly drawn from the training data. Now g^(θ) is especially when the Hessian is ill-conditioned. In this section, a random vector, and it is useful to rewrite it as we detail the behaviors of preconditioned SGD in a general setting where the problem can be non-convex, and P is not g^(θ) = g(θ) + 0 (6) necessarily related to the Hessian. to clearly show its deterministic and random parts, where random vector 0 models the approximation error due to A. Convergence of Preconditioned SGD replacing expectation with sample average. Although being We consider the same second order approximation given in popular due to its simplicity, SGD may converge slow and (7). With preconditioning, the learning rule in (10) becomes the selection of µ is nontrivial, as revealed in the following [new] [old] subsection.
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