WEATHER: Nice for those in igloos, if the igloos don’t melt. WOOD AVENUE KALEIDO­ Linden’s Oldest and Foremost Newspaper--------First in News, First in Editorial Leadership SCOPE:—A prominent Orchard ter­ ESTABLISHED 1920 race resident was having an awful CITY OF LINDEN, NEW .JERSEY, THURSDAY, AUG. 8, 1940 PRICE 3 CENTS time guiding his w fe, as she tried to park her car on Wood avenue the other night..... As she backed out to Find Safe Port in America get a fresh start, some wise guy shot WE CALL ON TWO ANDERS0NS; Council To Regulate ahead and parked his car in the spot, the only empty one on the block, with no trouble at all.....The Interloper ONE WINS $10; YOU MAY BE NEXT turned and grinned at the open- Wood Ave. Parking; mouthed Orchard terrace burgher, as Mrs. Louis C. Anderson, of 949 North Wood avenue, was the Observer’s if to say, “ See how it's done, kiddo?” weekly prize winner last Thursday night. Mrs. Anderson was given the Irked hubby strode over to interloper, $10 cash award when she answered a call by Observer representatives at Set Limit at 1-Hour stared at him for a second, and then, 7.30 o clock Thursday evening with a copy of the Observer in her hand. bash! He let him have it. nice right Other persons called upon by the Observer representatives last Thurs­ cross to the beezer. The ensuing row day between 7 and 7:30 P. M. and who did not qualify for the prize were: One-hour Parking W ill Be Decreed for Four Centers was interrupted by the local gend­ Alexander Anderson of 2705 Grasse lli avenue, and Mrs. Leon Barvin, 1134 North Stiles street. In City; Curb-Parking To Be Enforced Along armerie..... Friend wife never did park the car th at night. Mrs. Anderson, a subscriber in good T H E W IN N E R Wood Avenue; Asks New Linden Census standing, forgot to take her paper with her in answering the door. She passed by it, lying in a chair nearby, An ordinance regulating parking of cars throughout the city and regulat­ THE AMAZON A JOURNAL:-— as she came to the door. Mrs. Barvin ing one-hour parking in Linden’s business section, was ordered prepared “Come quick, a wo nan’s beating hell had failed to keep her subscription in by the City Council Tuesday evening, meeting for the first time in more out of a man,” was the urgent mes good standing. It was on the third than a month. The council meeting was also highlighted by Council­ page phoned to police headquarters and last call that Mrs. Louis Ander­ man Arthur Croucher’s request that the city conduct its own census, this week. Patrolman Tony Berlin son finally qualified for the award. since he staed that he “knew of at least 2,000 people in the First Ward who arrived at 930 Bac iellor avenue just Mrs. Anderson said that her fav­ were not tabulated in the census. in time to save a toarder there from orite pages in the paper were the The council Instructed City Attorney Winetsky to prepare the parking complete annihilati >n by the woman social page and the first page. She ordinance, which will cover parking in four sections of the city. Park­ landlord.... She hac already worked had just renewed her subscription ing in Wood avenue from Elm street to Twelfth street; in Elizabeth ave- on him with a broom-handle, and was and told the Observer representatives -------------------------- —---------------------------- nue, 500 feet on each side of Wood in the process of heating in Tils ribs how much she has enjoyed reading avenue; St. George avenue from ■with a b rick , when the law arrived ...... the paper recently. Bautimore to Oxford avenue, and on The altercation? A little matter of Sub-Groups the northerly side of Price street, 500 rent, etc. He was treated at St. In order to receive the $10 which feet each side of Wood avenue, will Elizabeth’s. the Observer gives away each week be limited to one hour between the Post To Aid English Lads in a person must be a member of a family hours of 8 A. M. and 7 P. M. The holding a subscription to the Observer Named For ordinance will probably be passed on in good standing. Some one must KENTUCKY h ILL NOTES: — first reading at an adjourned meet­ In Listing Linden Refuge be at home at the time the Observer’s ing Tuesday evening. Little Donnie Molnnr, aged 9, likes to good-will representatives make their City Attorney Winetsky suggested lurk on her front porch, crouch be­ London Boys With Swintons call and must answer the door holding Celebration hind a post and let passing cars have that the council revise its zoning Aliens Here Seek American Cricketers; a copy of the Observer. it with her little a r rifle .... H er one- The calls will be made each Thurs­ Constitution Day Committee ordinance so that it will be similar woman feud agains: the machine age Tell of Placid England day evening between 7 and 7:30 to the one used in Elizabeth. He sub­ came to an abrupt end this week, Makes Preliminary Plans Legion to Co-operate With o’clock. A maximum of three calls mitted a copy of the Elizabeth ordin­ when a motorist stopped, chased her Two young arrivals to this coun­ will be made each week. If no one Postal Authorities In For Sept. 15 Affair ance for study. The Linden council over backyard fences, until she was try from war-menaced England have qualifies for the money at any of the ‘Really Super’ brought at bay anc the weapon was Alien Registry Liken residence with Aunt and Uncle three homes visited, no award will be has long debated on -whether or not to change the Linden zoning ordin­ confiscated by the oolice. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph S. Swinton of 345 made. If someone qualifies at the Sub-committees for Linden’s huge Linden Post 102, American Legion. South Stiles street. first or second place called upon, no Station Here Constitution Day Celebration were ance. has offered to aid postal* authorities The two boys, Brian Jennings, 12 further calls will be made. named at a meeting of the general ar­ Passed on first reading was an ord­ in registering all alients in the city years old, and George Jennings, 8, are inance providing for the resurfacing COLUMN'S COMMENDATIONS: — W ill Erect Mod'rn Service rangements committee Friday eve­ Patrolmen Kopec and Wolf probably throughout the month of August. from Harrow, in Middlesex, England, ning in City Hall. Tentative plans of twenty-three streets in Linden, at Twenty-five members of the post vol just outside of London. They are Station in S. W ood Ave. a cost of $7,000. Work on these nipped in the bud several holdups in for the affair were also prepared. sons of Mrs. Swinton’s brother. They streets had been started by the WPA, Linden last week when they stopped unteered to assist in the filling out of Linden’s first “ really super” service Plans will be discussed further at the arrived in Quebec a week ago aboard but the project expired before they three suspicious looking characters blanks for the registration, after a Expect Gain In station will be erected at the west committees next meeting Friday eve­ the Duchess of Richmond. Mr. and were complted, so the council had to in Edgar road and brought them in for discussion of the proposed work at a corner of South Wood and Linden ning, August 16, in the City Hall. Mrs. Swinton’s son, John, drove to complete the work itself. The coun­ investigation.... In t ieir car was found meeting of the post Thursday eve­ avenues, replacing the newly- reno­ The list of committees follows: Quebec and brought the boys back HS Enrollment cil okayed City Engineer Davison’s a knife, as well as slugs, some money ning in American Legion Home, West vated stores from 14 to 20 South Honorary Committee—Mayor Myles with him to Linden. suggestion that the council purchcase and old clothes.....The men. it turned Elizabeth avenue. Wood avenue, according to John T. J. McManus, chairman; chairman, Taking residence in this country on 600 tons of stone chips and 30,000 gal­ out. were wanted ii Woodbridge and The American Legion citation for Superintendent Brown Fore­ O'Donnell, proprietor of the Square a visitor’s passport, Brian and George Ralph H. Martone; co-chairman, Fred lons of road oil to be used in the sur­ other New Jersey municipalities. exceptional work in promoting mem­ Deal Tire Store, 16 South Wood ave­ Simmel; secretary, Barbara Wigging- will remain here for the duration of sees Increase Here facing. bership was presented to the Linden nue, who will be manager of the new ton; treasurer, Robert Dalziel; Roy post by County Commander William the war. superautodrome, lubritorium, gaso- An ordinance was passed on final The largest enrollment in its his­ Wheeler, William Hurst, John Fitz­ reading providing for construction of P. Haffernan of Elizabeth during his The two boys are intensely in­ lium, public waiting room and library, terested in this country. Asked if tory is expected at Linden High patrick Jr., Arthur Croucher, Thomas sewers in portions of Harvard road, NO MILITARY SUFFRAGE:—The official visit here. The citation also School this year by Superintendent together with accompanying powder Weiser, Herbert Banta, James J.
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