'1, Vj 5 -Ifi' .f ..;** L L Product wDevelopfmenatt for Root and T eubr CroPS Volume III - Africa Tropical Agriculture INTERNATIONAL POTATO CENTER (CIP) International Institute of TIHE INTERNATIONAL.POTATo CENTER (CII') is a scientific, aujonomous, and non-profit institution dedicaled to developing and disseminating knowledge for greater use of the potato, swctlpotato, other and tuber crops as baLic ft-×xs in the developing world. ('IP was eslablished by agreement with the Government of Peru and is supported by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Re.seardh k'tc;AR) whose members provide funding for international agricullural development. TH-lEtI"II ROII('Al, agriculturl research and training institute supported..\;RI('iltIgTIIST: (OIITA)is a non-profit, international primarily by the C(GIAR. IrTA employs about 18) scient ists and prof1essional staff membe rs from over " 41 countries and abou I14X) support staff, mostly from Nigeria. t'os our objectives are: (I) to improve agricultural pr(duction systems for the African humid and subhumid tropics which can be sustained without degradation of the environment; (2) to improve he pcrfonnancc ofseleccd ftod crops which cun be integrated into improved and sustainable production systems; (3) to develop naitional agricultural research capabilities including ces on a ha.sis of sharcd responsibility human rc'';:ur­ with IITA, by means of training, information, and othcr ctiv outreach itics; and (4) to improvL food quality and availabilit\. including food storage, processing, and marketing. TXQ' '- El, CI:NTRO INTI-:RNA(IONAL, "-LJL'\L A(;RIt't;RTIR ROIAI.( (C IATis) tural research i,'stiution dedicated to the application a developmcnt-oricnted agricul­ of science towards lasting alleviation of hunger and poverty in developing countries. CIAT is one of 17 international agricultural research centers under the auspices of the CGIAR. ISBN - 92-9060 - 160-4 Set of Thirce Vols. ISBN - 92-9060)- 163-9 Vol. III -Africa Product Development for Root and Tuber Crops Volume II--Africa Editors Gregory J.Scott' Princess I. Ferguson 2 Jose E.Herrera3 'Leader, Postharvest Management, Marketing Progran, International Potato Center (CIP), P.O. Box 5969, Lima, Peru. 2Editorial Consultant, International Potato Center (CIP), P.O. Box 5969, Lima, Peru. Economist, Social Science Department, International Potato Center (CIP), P.O. Box 5969, Lima, Peru. This publication is the proceedings of the International Workshop on Root and Tuber Crop Processing, Marketing, and Utilization in Africa, organized by the International Potato Center (CIP), the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (ITA), and the Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), held October 26-November 2, 1991, at the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (ITA), lbadan, Nigeria, as part of a United Nations Development Program (UNDP) sponsored project on Human Resource Development. Product Developmert for Root and Tuber Crops/Dveloppement des Produits de Racines et Tubercules. ©International Potato Center (CIP), Apartado 5969, Lima, Peru, November 1993. Copies printed: 1000 ISBN-92-9060-160-4 set of three vols. ISBN-92-90()0-161-2 Vol. I-A:;a. ISBN. 92-9060-162-0 Vol. 2-Amrica Latina. ISBN-92-9060-163-9 Vol. 3-Africa. Under normal circunstances, CIP will authorize reproduction of all or part of these publications upon receipt of a written request. Correct Citation: Scott, G., P. I.Ferguson and J.E. Herrera (eds.). 1992. Product Development for Root and T-iber Crops. Vol. Il-Africa. Proceedings of the Workshop on Processing, Marketing, and Utilization of Root and Tuber Crops in Africa, held October 26- November 2,1991 at the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria. CIP. Lima, Peru. 506p. + xxiii. Key words: Africa /cassava/potato/sweetpotato/yams/new products/ processes/equipment/re­ search/ marketing/consumption/ developing countries. The purpose of this publication is to encourage debate and advancement of knowledge about production, processing. marketing, and utilization of root and tuber crops indeveloping countries. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the institutions to which they are affiliated. Abstract Processing of root and tuber crops is the focus of increasing interest by farmers, traders, researchers, and policymakers in many parts of Africa. This publication includes a wealth of information on the progress made to date with new or improved products and processes that utilize cassava, sweetpotato, or potato. Individual papers discuss work underway in Burundi, Cameroon, the Congo, C6te d'Ivoire, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zafre. The document also contains selected reports on processing activities in Colombia, Peru, Vietnam, and the Philippines. Particular attention is given to production, marketing, and con­ sumption trends that either have facilitated or resulted from the growth in processing. In addition, an overall approach to product development is outlined followed by specific papers on each of the components including: assessing processing potential; research in support of product and process development; pilot plants; and expansion to commercial operation. Examples are provided for each of these components based on experiences in the countries represented. Case studies outlining the knowledge acquired and lessons learned include cassava processing for animal feed, new snack foods from sweetpotatoes, and village-level potato processing for flours and mixes. The document also presents recommendations for future activities in priority areas of endeavor and suggested areas for collaboration with the International Potato Center (CIP) and the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) for work on product development for roots and tubers in Africa. Compendio El procesamiento de rafces y tubdrculos es de creciente interns para los agricultores, comercian­ tes, investigadores y politicos en muchos paises de Africa. Esta publicaci6n incluye una amplia compilaci6n de informaci6n sobre el progreso observado hasta Ia fecha con productos y procesos (sean nuevos o mejorados) de yuca, batata (camote) y papa. Las presentaciones discuten trabajos que ya estin en marcha en Burundi, Cameroon, el Congo, C6te d'Ivoire, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda y Zaire. El documento contiene tambi6n informes seleccionados sobre actividades de 2rocesamiento en Colombia, Perd, Vietnam y las Filipinas. Se presta especial atenci6n a las tende.'cias de producci6n, comercializaci6n y consumo de estos cultivos, en la medida que han facilitado o alternativamente han sido resultado del crecimiento de la actividad de procesamiento. AdemAs, se presenta un enfoque global seguido por ponencias especificas sobre cada uno de los componentes incluyendo: la evaluaci6n del potencial del procesamiento; investigaci6n sobre productos y procesos; establecimiento de las operaciones a nivel piloto; y la expansi6n hacia la operaci6n comercial. Se presentan diversos ejemplos de cada componente para los paises mencionados. Entre los estudios de caso que sintetizan la experiencia adquirida y las lecciones aprendidas para un producto o proceso especifico, estin el procesamiento de yuca para la alimentaci6n animal, bocaditos y du!ces de camote, y procesamiento de papa a nivel rtistico para hacer harinas y mezclas. El documento presenta tambi~n recomendaciones para iniciativas futuras en temas de alta prioridad, en lo que se refiere al desarrollo de nuevos productos y procesos de rafces y tub~rculos; recomendaciones para la colaboraci6n entre paises de la regi6n; y propuestas para el apoyo del Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP) y el Inteinational Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) en el desarrollo de productos de raices y tub~rculos en Africa. (/ R sume La transformation des racines et des tubet cules ne cesse de recueillir l'attention soutenue des fermiers, des commerqants, des cherche'ars et des politiciens dans de nombreux pays de l'Afrique. Cette publication comprends un bon nombre d'informations sur les progrbs r~alis6s jusqu'ici quant aux procluits et proc6d~s nouveaux ou am~lior~s ayant trait au manioc, la patate douce ou 5 la pomme de terre. Ce document discute 6galement des travaux en cours au Burundi, Cameroon, Congo, C6te d'Ivoire, Ghana Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzanie, Uganda et ZaYre. Ce document prsente aussi les resultats des activiti~s dans le domaine de ]a transformation en Colombie, Peru, Vietnam, et aux Philipines. Une attention particulire est portC-e aux diverses tendances de production, de commercialisation et de consommation de ces produits dans ]a mesure oi elles ont rendu plus faciles ou ont contribu6 aux augmen­ tations observges. D'autre part, une vue globale est present6 quant au d~veloppement des produits en question, suivie de documents spcifiques Achacun de ses composants, y compris: l'6valuation du potentiel de transformation, la recherche sur le d~veloppement des produits et procMd~s, les projets pilotes et le droulement des op6rations jusqu'A la commercialisation. Des examples bases sur les experiences des pays repr~sent~s sont fournis pour chacun des composants. Des 6tudes de cas spcifiques exposent les connaissances acquises et les leqons aPprises sur la transformation du manioc pour l'alimentation des animaux, celles de ]a patate douce dans I'6laboration de nouveaux types d'aliments pour snack bar et celles de la pomme de terre pour preparer de
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