AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSIONARY UNION. ____________ t ' N ? V T • ; ( Av M’SSSO THIRTY-SIXT’H / =. „ . - R A S • ANNUAL REPORT: W ITH THE PBOCEEDINGS OE THE ANNUAL MEETINGS, BUFFALO, N. Y., MAY 14-17, 1850. BOSTON: M ISSIONARY ROOMS, 33 SOMERSET STREET. 1850. INDEX. T h i r t y -s i x t h A n n u a l M e e t i n g o f t h e B o a r d , .................................................... 8 Resuscitation o f the Ava Mission, .................................................................................... C Comparative Claims o f Missions to Reinforcement, ................................................. 13 Reports of Committees: — Maulmain Missions, 5; Ava Mission, 9 ; Rein­ forcements and Appropriations 1850-1, 11 ; German Mission. 12 ; Com­ parative Claims of Missions to Reinforcement, 18; Indian Missions, 19 ; Siam and Chinese Missions, 20; Publications, 21 ; Assam and Teloogoo Missions, 22 ; Karen Missions, 23 ; Agencies, 24 ; Obituaries, 25 ; Bassa Mission, 26 ; French and Greek Missions, 2 7 ; Burmese Missions, 29 ; Finances, ............................................................................................................................ 30 T h i r t y -s i x t h A n n u a l M e e t i n g o f t h e U n i o n , ................................................ 32 Members present, ...................,............................................................................................. 32 Report o f the Board to the Union, ............................................................................... 35 Report on Change of Time fo r holding the Annual Meetings, .............................. 36 Report on the Apportionment o f Members o f the Board, ........................................37 Election o f Officers, ............................................................................................................ 38 “ “ Managers, ....................................................................................................... 38 Reinforcements and Appropriations fo r 1 8 5 0 -1 , ........................................................... 39 Designation of Missionaries, ........................................................................................... 43 Instructions o f the Executive Committee, .................................................................... 43 M e e t i n g o f t h e B o a r d f o r 1 8 5 0 -1 , .......................................................................... 48 Election of Officers, ........................................................................................................... 48 “ “ Executive Committee, Secretaries, Treasurer and Auditors, • • • • 49 T h ir t y -s ix t h A n n u a l R e p o r t , ......................................................................................... 50 Home Operations: — Missionary Rooms, 50; Financial Operations, 5 1 ; Agencies, 54 ; Publications, 55 ; Missionaries Appointed, 57 ; Member­ ship of the Union, ........................................................................................................... 57 Operations of the Missions: — Maulmain Burman, 5 8 ; Maulmain Karen, 60; Tavoy, 64; Arracan, 6 6 ; Sandoway, 69; Siam, 70; China, 73; Assam, 76 ; Teloogoos, 79 ; Bassas, 81 ; France, 81; Germany, 87 ; Greece, 91; Ojibwas, 93 ; Ottawas, 93 ; Tuscaroras, 94 ; Shawanoes, 95 ; Cherokees,.............................................................*............................................................ 96 Recapitulation,....................................................................................................................... 98 Table of the Missions, Sfc., ................................... ............................................................ 99 R e p o r t o f t h e T r e a s u r e r , ............................................................................................... 100 A p p e n d i x . — Constitution of the Union, 104; Preachers at Triennial and Annual Meetings, 1 0 7 ; Officers of the Union, 1 0 8 ; Life Members of the Union, ....................................................................................................................... 109 ANNUAL MEETINGS. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF MANAGERS. Buffalo, Tuesday, M a y 1 4 , 1 8 5 0 . At 10 o'clock, A. M., the Board of Managers of the American Baptist Missionary Union, held its thirty-sixth annual meeting with the Washiugtou Street Baptist Church, Buffalo, N . Y. A letter from the Hon. Janies II. Duncan, Chairman of the Board, assigning reasons for his absence from the meeting, was read, and on motion, Rev. Elisha Tucker, D . D ., of 111., was appointed Chairman, p ro tern. The services were commenced with singing, and prayer by Rev. B. T. Welch, D. D., of N. Y. A season of prayer was then observed for the blessing of God on the deliberations of the Board and the Union, and upon the missions under their direction. Rev. 0. C. Comstock, D. Ives, and R. II. Neale led in prayer. The Recording Secretary being temporarily absent, Rev. Jirah I). Cole, of N. Y., was appointed Recording Secretary, p ro tcm. The roll of the Board was then called, and the following members answered to their n a m es: Ministers. Ministers. Ijnymen. T. F. Caldicott, A lfr ed B ennett, W m . B u c k nell, J r ., J onah G . AY a m ie n , W illiam R . W illiam s, D . S a n d e r s o n , L e v i T u ck er, M organ J. R u l es, J. B orden, A . D . GlI.LF.TTE, E . L . M agoon, T. W atts on, C. B. D avis, J o iin J enn in g s, B . G reknough, E lish a C uhiiman, E . E . L . T aylor, J oiin Cona.vt, I saac W escott, J. G. Collom, I). R, B arton, J. L . B urrows, S. W . A dams, G eo. J ames, E. T ucker, L. R aymond, J. N . W il d e r , L . F. B eec h er , N. Coi.v er, I). M. WlE'ON. R . H . N ea le , J. N. G ran ger, D w i g h t I ves, C. P . Sheldon, E. G. R obinson, M . A l l e n . The Chairman made a brief and appropriate address to the Board. 4 TJüriij-s/'.rtJi Annual Jlcding of the Board. Letters, accounting for absence from the meeting, were read from Rev. I'. "Wayland, D. D., of 11. I., E. Hutchinson, of Yt., and C. Evans, of Mich. The times of meeting were fixed at 9 A. M ., and -h , and 7J,- P. M .; and of adjournment at 121-, and 5 o’clock, P. M. Y. II. Hotchkiss, C. P. Sheldon, E. Bright, Jr., and R. E. Eddy were appointed a Committee to make arrangements for the devotional and public missionary meetings to be held during the session. The Treasurer, R. E. Eddy, Esf[., read his Annual Report, showing the expenditure during the year ending March 31, 1850, of $8-1,147.-0, and the receipt, during the same period, of *87,537.20, exclusive of grants made by the U. S. Government and coordinate Societies. The report of the Auditing Committee, Messrs. Charles D. Gould and Joshua Loring, was read. The reports were laid on the table. The Annual Report of the Executive Committee was read by Rev. E. Bright, Jr., one of the Corresponding Secretaries, assisted by Rev. B. Stow, D. D.,— Rev. S. Peck, D. D., being absent on account of severe illness. This report, with that of the Treasurer and the Auditing Committee, was on motion referred to the following committees : 1 . On Obituaries.— H. J. Ripley, L. Raymond, J. B. Olcott. 2. On Finances.— D. R. Barton, D. M. Wilson, J. Borden, L. D. Boone, B. Greenough. 3 . On Publications.— A. S. Train, II. Fletcher, H. Y. Jones, J. T. Seeley, W . Bucknell, Jr. 4 . On Agencies.— C. B. Davis, E. Cushman, J. L. Moore, S. Tucker, D . B o w en . 5 . On Burmese Jlissious.— E. G. Robinson, X. G. Lovell, H. Davis. T. W attson, S. X. Kendrick. G. On Karen Missions.— S. F. Smith, E. E. Cummings, J. G. Collom, 11. R. Raymond, M. Allen. 7 . Siam and Chinese 3Iissions.— 0. C. Comstock, W. Clarke, S. J. Drake, J. C. Foster, T. D. Chollar. S. Assam and Teloogoo 3Iissions.— D. Ives, J. Smitzer. H. I. Parker. J. Jennings, S. Haskell. [). Bassa Mission.— R. Babcock, D. C. Eddy, S. B. Paa;e, X. Hooper, S. D. Phelps. 1 0 . German Mission.— L. Tucker, B. T. Welch, I. Wescott, W. Doug­ lass, T. 0 . Lincoln. 1 1 . French and Greek Missions.— L. F. Beecher, I. Harris, II. Seaver. G. W . Harris, J. Hall, J. Reed. 1 2 . Indian Missions.— J. X. Granger, X. Colver, A. Bennett, A. I 1 Gillette, S. W . Adams, J. X. W ilder, Jesse Elliott, E. E. Cummings, T. 0. L in c o ln . Adjourned till 2^ o’cltick, P. M. Prayer by Rev. L. Leonard, of X. T- l£50.] Thirty-sixth Annual Meeting of the Board.. 5 Tuesday Afternoon, o'clock. The Board met. Prayer by Rev. L. Raymond, of 111. It was resolved, that all committees be nominated by the Chair, and appointed by the Board. A report on the Comparative Claims of Missions to Reinforcement, was read, and referred to J. Stevens, L. Tucker, A. Whcelock, L. Sione, and A. P . M ason. The Committee appointed last year on the Claims of the Maul main M inions, reported. The report was adopted. The committee appointed at the last meeting of your body, with instructions to inquire into the relative claims to reinforcement and support of’ the Maulmain Burman, and Karen Missions, and to offer such suggestions to the Executive Committee, relating to these missions, as the facts in the case might seem to require, respectfully present the following report: Your committee have attended to the duty assigned them : several meetings have been held, and a sub-committee have visited the Missionary Rooms, in Boston, -where every facility was afforded them for obtaining a full understanding of the whole subject. They have also been favored with a personal interview with both the Corresponding Secretaries, and with Rev. Messrs. Yinten, 0<good and Ilaswell, returned missionaries. They also addressed a fraternal letter to the Executive Committee, whose reply, your committee .are happy to state, shows that that body entertain similar views to those to which your committee have been led. Your committee believe that the Executive body are prepared to sustain both these important missions, to the^fullest extent allowed by the contributors to the Union. Your committee do not find that any further action of the Board, upon the subject assigned to them, is required. All which is respectfully submitted. S. H. C o n e , Chairman. J a m e s X . G r a n g e r , Secretary.
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