.-.-" _ ... --' \ ********************************** * * * * * * * * THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA * * * * * * * * D IRE C TOR Y * * * * OF * * * I * STU DEN TOR GA NI ZA T ION S * * * '-I * 1953-54 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COM PI LED BY * * * * THE * * * * STUDENT ACT IVI TIE S BUREAU * * * * 114 Temporary South of Mines (a) * * * * Extension 6277 - 6943 - 6568 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Office of the Dean of Students * * ~rIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA * * * * * ************************* * * ** * * * * ** _---------------------------~----~ ..... ---- - ---------------------------------------_~- -- "" 1-\ tV ~ , :".:ct.,c\.l,t FOREWORD i The 1953-54 Directory of Student Organizations has been prepared by the Student Activities Bureau in cooperatio~ with the officers of student organizations. The Directory lists those student groups which have been given official University t recognition by the Senate Committee on Student Affairs. In some instances, it describes in limited summary form the major committees, projects, and programs sponsored by the student organizations. The Directory is published: 1. As an annual description of organized student life at the University of Minnesota; 2. To facilitate communication and understanding of each other's programs among student leaders; 3. To help professional and academic counselors provide informed advice for meeting the recreational, cultural, and social interests of their advisees; 4. To help the administrative and service agencies of the campus to provide effective service to the authorized responsible officers of recognized student organizations. Since new student officers are frequently elected during the academic year, and because new student organizations are continually being formed while others are disappearing, the Directory is fully accurate only on the date of publication. For information concerning these changes as well as for a more detailed description of the function or program of any group, we recommend consultation with the appro­ priate staff member of the Student Activities Bureau. The staff for 1953-54 is listed below. The Department's office is located at Temporary South of Mines A, Room 114. Mr. B. J. Borreson Director Ext. 6945 Miss Mary Kelly Associate Director Ext. 6943 Mr. Paul Bloland Associate Director Ext. 6944 Mr. Edwin Sigglekow Financial Adviser to Student Organizations Ext. 6568 Mr. Donald Zander New Student Orientation Programs and AdViser to Religious Organizations Ext. 6277 Mr. David Kanatz St. Paul Campus, Medical Fraternity, and Men's Dormitory Adviser Ext. 6277 Mr. William Baker Adviser to Institute of Technology Organi­ zations, Political Action Groups, and Professional Fraternities Ext. 6277 Mr. Charles Lewis Adviser to College Governing Boards, Information on Student Participation, ::l and Scheduling Ext. 6277 ~ (To be Appointed) Adviser to Academic Fraternities Ext. 6277 Mr. Harold Strom Social Service Adviser Ext. 6277 ~ Miss Ann Cornog Academic and Professional Sorority •... Adviser Ext• 6277 ~ ....::> --------------------------------------~ TABLE OF CONrENTS Memorandum from the Student Activities Bureau Senate Committee Members of the University Senate 1 Alphabetical Listing of All Student Organizations 88 Cooperative Organizations - - -------_ 33 Fraternal Organizations Academic Fraternities 18 Academic Sororities ­ 23 Professional Fraternities 26 Professional Sororities ----- 30 Governing Boards and Inter-group Councils ---_ 2 Publications ----------____ 16 I Recognition and Honorary Organizations I Leadership ------------________ I 45 I Scholarship and/or Achievement ____ 47 ~ Student-Faculty Honorary Societies ---- 55 Religious and Inter-faith Organizations 35 Residential Organizations Dormitories -- 31 Roaming Houses --------_ 32 Special Interest Organizations Departmental and Professional ----- - - - - -- - 59 Language and Culture - - - ­ 73 Music and Fine Arts - - - - ­ -- - - - ---- 77 Political and Social Action ­ 79 Recreational and Hobby 83 Social Service ------ 85 Due to the rapid change in organization roster and officer lists, same of the information in this roster will soon be out-dated. r l ~ -----------~ COMMl.Tr,r~~$:Qf._'r.ng;1ffl~.~$P~Y.. S;ENA'I'E; :. CONCERNED WITH STUDENT ACTIVITIES SENATE' COMIvIITTEE ON STUDENT AFFAIRS ,I ' (, r A standing committee made up of faculty and students; having supervlSlon of all I Student Affairs •. :It mainta;j:ns an advisory supervision over the· financial affairs ~ of all stlJdent organizations and all pUblications •..., Members Kenneth E. Clark, Chairman Edwin B. Wenzel (Duluth) *G. Charles Mohlke Robert H. Beck Cornelia Williams *Judy Rasmussen Norman J. DeWitt *Burton D. Cohen *Anne Reick Donald P. Duncan *John T. Estes *Lavlrerice R. Smith Marcia Edwards *Dale Epland *Ralph G. Smith Gerald B. Fitzgerald *Hiph,ard. Jaeger _ *Diane Tanner John C. Kidneigh *Diana Kuske (two to be nroned) John M.·MacKenzie *Thomas Lowe William MalOney" : ·*Madge. Micheels .*( Student Member) SENATE COMMITTEE: ON DEBATE AND ORATORY A:stahding connnittee' of the University Senate having charge of all local and inter.. collegiate 'contests in debate and oratory over which the Senate has jurisdiction. Members .' ,',- -, E. William Ziebarth, Chairman Fred Kildow *G. Charles Mohlke Helen G. Canoyer Charles H. Mclaughlin *Gera~d Rosenzweig Norman J. DeWitt *William Dean *DaDiol Weinor William S. Howell *~idney Johnson. *(Student Member) SENATE COMMITTEE ON INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS A committee of staff, faculty, alumni and students responsible for all athletic matters of an ~intercbllegiate. nature. It also constitutes the eligibility committee deciditJg all questions of athletic eligibility including letter' awards. Members Thomas F. Barnhart, ,Chairman J. Lewis Maynard *DonaldMcGrath Ike J.Armstrong William T. Middlebrook *Ralph E. Peterson Harold S. Diehl Henry Rottschaefer *Robert Summers John E. King (Duluth) Max ·0. Schultz (two to be named) ,David W.Louisell ' J. Warren Stehman *(Student Member) SENATE COMMITTEE ON RECREATION A standing committee to establish general policies concerned with the development of new and b'etter.·recreational facilities and programs for students. Members .. ':. Gerald B. Fitzgerald~ Chairman Gordon Starr *Sue .. Olmstead Dorothy L. Ericson *Sherman Kemmer *JudyRasmU$sen Joseph Nowotny *Joan Krause *Joyce Btepht:i1s Edwin O. Siggelkow . *Donald Mogen *(Student Members) - 2 - GOVERNING BOARDS AND INTER-GROUP COUNCILS Description: These are student organizations that have governing powers, or who can act for the students in the formation of policy. A large. number of projects and services of interest to the University are sponsored by these organizations. Events like Homecoming, Greek Week, and Welcome Week are examples of traditional projects. In summary: governing boards and inter-group councils provide the channel for student action with respect to the faculty and administration. Participation: Positions on governing boards and inter-group councils are usually filled by student elections or by appointments. AG. CLUB COMMISSION (College Office, St. Paul Campus - NE4616) President Russell Krech 966 Laurel Ave., St. Paul EL 966 Adviser A. L. Harvey 119 Peters Hall, St. Paul Campus 391 Purpose: To coordinate the activities of the professional clubs on the St. Paul Campus. Membership: President and one elected representative from each st. Paul Campus I professional club and the faculty advisers for each club. ~ Project: ~ Annual Winter JUdging Contest 1 I AG. STUDENT COUNCIL 1I (202 Coffey Hall, St. Paul Campus - NE 4616) 1 President Harold Knudson 2060 Carter Ave., St. Paul NE 4790 I Adviser David Kanatz 114 TSMa 6277 Purpose: To promote the best interests of the University of Minneso~a, to direct and coordinate the student interests of the College of Agriculture, Forestry, Home Economics and Veterinary Medicine and to encourage student leadership. Membership: Elected at large from the student body. Each member represents not more than 100 and not less than 51 students. To be eligible, a student must be regularly enrolled in the College of Agriculture, Forestry, Home Economics and Veterinary Medicine. He must also meet the all-University eligibility requirements. Filings are held Spring Quarter in the Dean of Students' Office on the St. Paul Campus directly preceding elections. Projects: Ag. Recognition Dinner and Assembly Leadership Assembly Christmas Assembly Committees: Social Coordinating Committee Human Relations Committee Commissions: Honor Case Ag. Student-Faculty Intermediary Board of Elections and Eligibility Board -, - 3 - ALL UNIVERSITY CONGRESS (213 Coffman Union ~ Ext. 179) President Larry Smith 1515 University Ave. S.E. GL 1455 Advisers B. J. Borreson 114 TSMa 6945 ,. Robert Beck 215 Burton Hall 6860 I Marcia Edwards 202-B Burton Hall 6858 I Errett McDiarmid 215 Johnston Hall 6221 I I ~. I Purpose: To provide a representative organization of University students, to promote student interest and student welfare, to set policies for the supervision and coordination of student activities and to encourage and educate student leadership. Membership: Twenty-five Congress members, three of whom are elected at large in the spring all-campus elections, and the others appointed by college boards. Unlimited membership on Commissions or Co~nission Committees. Projects: Homecoming Purpose: To promote campus spirit and loyalty, welcome alumni back to the campus and to provide an opportunity for students to participate in honoring athletics at Minnesota. Welcome
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