ANALYSIS FORM Linda M. L. Khan and Nancy P. Lewis Age Calculation Name: ______________________________________________________ u Female u Male Year Month Day Test Date Grade/Ed. Level: __________ School/Agency: __________________________________________ Language(s) Spoken in the Home: ___________________________________________________ Birth Date Examiner: ____________________________________________________________________ Reason for Testing: ______________________________________________________________ Age ____________________________________________________________________________ Reminder: Do not round up to next month or year. KLPA–3 Score Summary Confidence Interval *Total Raw Score Standard Score 90% 95% Percentile Rank Age Equivalent SAMPLE,– * Raw score equals total number of occurrences of scored phonological processes. Percent of OccurrenceNOT for Core Phonological ProcessesFOR Vowel Alterations Number of Total Possible Percent of Notes: Phonological Process Occurrences Occurrences Occurrences DeaffricationADMINISTRATION (DF) of 8 = % Gliding of liquids (GL) of 20 = % Stopping of fricatives and affricates (ST) of 48 = % Dialectal Influence Manner OR RESALE Stridency deletion (STR) of 42 = % Yes No Vocalization (VOC) of 15 = % Notes: Palatal fronting (PF) of 12 = % Place Velar fronting (VF) of 23 = % Cluster simplification (CS) of 23 = % Overall Intelligibility Deletion of final consonant (DFC) of 36 = % Good Fair Poor Reduction Syllable reduction (SR) of 25 = % Notes: Final devoicing (FDV) of 35 = % Voicing Initial voicing (IV) of 33 = % Copyright © 2015 NCS Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 B C D E Product Number 0158012844 0158012844_KLPA3_AF.indd 1 9/22/15 9:34 AM Manner Place Reduction Voicing CORE Phonological Processes Target IPA Individual’s Target Sound ITEM Word Transcription Response Sound Change Deaffrication Gliding of liquids Stopping of fricatives and affricates Stridency deletion Vocalization Palatal fronting Velar fronting Cluster simplification Deletion of final consonant Syllable reduction Final devoicing Initial voicing h 1 house hs s d 2 door dɔr r p 3 pig pɪg g k 4 cup kʌp p 5 boy b b p 6 apple æpəl əl 7 go go g d 8 duck dʌk k k 9 quack kwæk w k SAMPLE,t 10 table tebəl b əl m 11 monkey mʌŋki NOTŋ FOR k h 12 hammer hæmɚ m ADMINISTRATIONɚ f 13 fish fɪʃ ʃ w 14 watch wɑʧ OR ʧ RESALE s p 15 spider spdɚ d ɚ w 16 web wɘb b d 17 drum drʌm r m p 18 plate plet l t n 19 knife nf f 20 shoe ʃu ʃ s 21 slide sld l d Subtotal 1 2 KLPA–3 j Analysis Form 0158012844_KLPA3_AF.indd 2 8/11/15 12:27 PM Manner Place Reduction Voicing SUPPLEMENTAL Phonological Processes Target Target Affrication Frication Gliding (other) Glottal replacement Liquidization Stopping (other) Backing to velars or /h/ Deletion of initial consonant Deletion of medial consonant Initial devoicing Medial devoicing Medial voicing Vowel alterations Other phonological processes Processes per word (PPW) Sound Word ITEM h house 1 s d door 2 r p pig 3 g k cup 4 p b boy 5 p apple 6 əl g go 7 d duck 8 k k w quack 9 k SAMPLE, t b table 10 əl m NOT FOR ŋ monkey 11 k h m hammer 12 ADMINISTRATIONɚ f fish 13 ʃ w watch 14 OR RESALE ʧ s p spider 15 d ɚ w web 16 b d r drum 17 m p l plate 18 t n knife 19 f ʃ shoe 20 s l slide 21 d Subtotal 1 KLPA–3 j Analysis Form 3 0158012844_KLPA3_AF.indd 3 9/22/15 9:34 AM Manner Place Reduction Voicing CORE Phonological Processes Target IPA Individual’s Target Sound ITEM Word Transcription Response Sound Change Deaffrication Gliding of liquids Stopping of fricatives and affricates Stridency deletion Vocalization Palatal fronting Velar fronting Cluster simplification Deletion of final consonant Syllable reduction Final devoicing Initial voicing s 22 swing swɪŋ w ŋ g 23 guitar gətɑr t r l 24 lion lən n ʧ 25 chair ʧɘr r s 26 soap sop p g l 27 glasses glæsɪz s z t 28 tiger tgɚ g SAMPLE,ɚ p 29 puzzle pʌzəl z əl NOTf FOR ŋ 30 finger fɪŋgɚ g ɚ r 31 ADMINISTRATIONring rɪŋ ŋ ɵ 32 thumb ɵʌm m OR l RESALE f 33 elephant ɘləfənt n t v k 34 vacuum vækjum j m ʃ 35 shovel ʃʌvəl v əl t 36 teacher tiʧɚ ʧ ɚ z 37 zebra zibrə b r ʤ 38 giraffe ʤəræf r f Subtotal 2 4 KLPA–3 j Analysis Form 0158012844_KLPA3_AF.indd 4 8/11/15 12:27 PM Manner Place Reduction Voicing SUPPLEMENTAL Phonological Processes Target Target Affrication Frication Gliding (other) Glottal replacement Liquidization Stopping (other) Backing to velars or /h/ Deletion of initial consonant Deletion of medial consonant Initial devoicing Medial devoicing Medial voicing Vowel alterations Other phonological processes Processes per word (PPW) Sound Word ITEM s w swing 22 ŋ g t guitar 23 r l lion 24 n ʧ chair 25 r s soap 26 p g l glasses 27 s z t g tiger 28 SAMPLE, ɚ p z puzzle 29 əl NOT FOR f ŋ finger 30 g ɚ ADMINISTRATIONr ring 31 ŋ ɵ thumb 32 m OR RESALE l f elephant 33 n t v k vacuum 34 j m ʃ v shovel 35 əl t ʧ teacher 36 ɚ z b zebra 37 r ʤ r giraffe 38 f Subtotal 2 KLPA–3 j Analysis Form 5 0158012844_KLPA3_AF.indd 5 8/11/15 12:27 PM Manner Place Reduction Voicing CORE Phonological Processes Target IPA Individual’s Target Sound ITEM Word Transcription Response Sound Change Deaffrication Gliding of liquids Stopping of fricatives and affricates Stridency deletion Vocalization Palatal fronting Velar fronting Cluster simplification Deletion of final consonant Syllable reduction Final devoicing Initial voicing v ʤ 39 vegetable vɘʤtəbəl t b əl b r 40 brushing brʌʃɪŋ ʃ ŋ b 41 blue blu l j 42 yellow jɘlo l b r 43 brother brʌðɚ ð ɚ f 44 frog frɔg SAMPLE,r g g 45 green grin r NOTn FOR ð 46 that ðæt t l 47 leaf lif ADMINISTRATIONf k 48 cookie kʊki k ʧ 49 cheese ʧiz OR z RESALE p ʤ 50 pajamas pəʤɑməz m z t 51 teeth tiɵ ɵ p r 52 princess prɪnsɘs n s s k 53 crown krn r n t 54 truck trʌk r k r 55 red rɘd d Subtotal 3 6 KLPA–3 j Analysis Form 0158012844_KLPA3_AF.indd 6 8/11/15 12:27 PM Manner Place Reduction Voicing SUPPLEMENTAL Phonological Processes Target Target Affrication Frication Gliding (other) Glottal replacement Liquidization Stopping (other) Backing to velars or /h/ Deletion of initial consonant Deletion of medial consonant Initial devoicing Medial devoicing Medial voicing Vowel alterations Other phonological processes Processes per word (PPW) Sound Word ITEM v ʤ t vegetable 39 b əl b r brushing 40 ʃ ŋ b blue 41 l j yellow 42 l b r brother 43 ð ɚ f SAMPLE, r frog 44 g g r green 45 NOT FOR n ð that 46 t l leaf 47 ADMINISTRATIONf k cookie 48 k ʧ cheese 49 OR RESALE z p ʤ pajamas 50 m z t teeth 51 ɵ p r n princess 52 s s k r crown 53 n t r truck 54 k r red 55 d Subtotal 3 KLPA–3 j Analysis Form 7 0158012844_KLPA3_AF.indd 7 8/11/15 12:27 PM Manner Place Reduction Voicing CORE Phonological Processes Target IPA Individual’s Target Sound ITEM Word Transcription Response Sound Change Deaffrication Gliding of liquids Stopping of fricatives and affricates Stridency deletion Vocalization Palatal fronting Velar fronting Cluster simplification Deletion of final consonant Syllable reduction Final devoicing Initial voicing ʤ 56 juice ʤus s 57 zoo zu z s 58 star stɑr t r f 59 five fv v s 60 seven sɘvən v n Subtotal 4 Subtotal 1 Subtotal 2 SAMPLE,Subtotal 3 + Subtotal 4 SUMSNOT OF SUBTOTALS FOR ADMINISTRATIONTOTAL RAW SCORE OR RESALE 8 KLPA–3 j Analysis Form 0158012844_KLPA3_AF.indd 8 8/11/15 12:27 PM Manner Place Reduction Voicing SUPPLEMENTAL Phonological Processes Target Target Affrication Frication Gliding (other) Glottal replacement Liquidization Stopping (other) Backing to velars or /h/ Deletion of initial consonant Deletion of medial consonant Initial devoicing Medial devoicing Medial voicing Vowel alterations Other phonological processes Processes per word (PPW) Sound Word ITEM ʤ juice 56 s z zoo 57 s t star 58 r f five 59 v s v seven 60 n Subtotal 4 Subtotal 1 Subtotal 2 SAMPLE, Subtotal 3 NOT FOR + Subtotal 4 of 151 = of 111 = of 81 = of 159 = of 124 = of 59 = of 134 = of 58 = of 27 = of 41 = of 22 = of 11 = of 82 = of 60 = ____% ____%ADMINISTRATION ____% ____% ____% ____% ____% ____% ____% ____% ____% ____% ____% OR RESALE KLPA–3 j Analysis Form 9 0158012844_KLPA3_AF.indd 9 8/11/15 12:27 PM Core Phonological Process Definitions Supplemental Phonological Process Definitions Manner Manner DF Deaffrication: deleting the stop feature of an affricate, AFF Affrication: adding a stop feature to the continuant with retention of the continuant, or fricative, feature feature of a fricative chair [sɘr] /ʧ/ [s] brushing [brʌʧɪŋ] /ʃ/ [ʧ] GL Gliding of liquids: producing the liquids /l/ and /r/ FRC Frication: changing any nonfricative or nonaffricate as glides /w/ and /j/ consonant to a fricative giraffe [ʤəwæf] /r/ [w] quack [kvæk] /w/ [v] ST Stopping of fricatives and affricates: stopping a GL(Oth) Gliding of consonants other than liquids: fricative, resulting in an affricate, stop, or glottal stop; changing a nonliquid consonant to a glide in a stopping an affricate, resulting in a stop or glottal stop position other than word-finally pajamas [pədɑmas] /ʤ/ [d] shoe [ju] /ʃ/ [j] STR Stridency deletion: deleting stridency from strident GR Glottal replacement: using a glottal stop to replace consonants either through deletion or replacement any consonant chair [tɘr] /ʧ/ [t] vacuum [vaʔum] /kj/ [ʔ] VOC Vocalization: replacing a word-final liquid /r/ or a LIQ Liquidization: changing a nonliquid consonant to a word-final syllabic liquid—/əl/ and /ɚ/—with a vowel liquid consonant door [dɔo] /r/ [o] pig [lig] /p/ [l] Place ST(Oth) Stopping of sounds other than fricatives and SAMPLE,affricates: replacing a nonfricative or nonaffricate PF Palatal fronting: fronting a palatal fricative or consonant with a stop consonant or a glottal stop affricate to the alveolar ridge web [dɘb] /w/ [d] shoe [su] /ʃ/ [s] Place VF Velar fronting: fronting a velarNOT consonant to an FOR BK Backing to velars or /h/: alveolar consonant altering the place of articulation of any nonvelar consonant to velars finger [findɚ] /ŋ/ [n], /g/ [d] drum [gʌm] /dr/ [g] ReductionADMINISTRATION Reduction CS Cluster simplification: simplifying consonant clusters DIC Deletion of initial consonant: deleting the initial by reducing the number of remaining consonants or by consonant of a word.
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