Volume 38, No. 10 Oct 2012 Phil Ochs Song Night Friday October 26th Join us as we sponsor a Song Night the sum of the two parts. Their harmo- rousing as a call to arms. Through con- celebrating the songs and legacy of Phil nies and arrangements are nothing less temporary songwriting, informed by the Ochs. Phil Ochs was a singer-songwriter than transcendent, taking the listener into deep roots of gospel, blues and folk, the who died tragically in 1976. Since 1983 his deep realms of emotion. With the stir- trio weaves a tapestry of harmony that is sister, Sonny, has been keeping his mem- ring themes of their songs, the result of brilliantly fresh and yet familiar. Imagine ory and songs alive with a series of song this powerful delivery is a provocative and Crosby, Stills, and Nash with hints of the nights comprised of a group of accom- moving experience. With Greg’s brilliant, Dixie Hummingbirds. In less than two plished folk artists assembled for concert versatile and driving guitar work and Ter- years of touring nationally, Brother Sun’s tours around the country. These song ry’s excellent playing of the harmonica, debut CD reached #2 on Folk-DJ, and nights commemorate the life and music mandolin, dulcimer and rhythm guitar, they’ve played to standing ovations at Fal- of the late folksinger while also highlight- their instrumental arrangements are the con Ridge, Kerrville, Old Songs, Philly ing new talents who make music in the perfect vehicle to carry the songs. Folk and numerous other venues. With spirit that Ochs made his. We are in for Magpie’s 12th recording entitled Grammy-winning producer Ben Wisch, a treat as Sonny Ochs brings in another “The Civil War: Songs and Stories Un- they are working on their 2nd CD, sched- set of great performers for an evening told” was just released in late summer uled for release in early 2013. From three of music, sharing the songs of her late 2012. Their 35th anniversary CD “In This major points on the map -- New York, brother Phil. Some of the musicians you World” joins a list of excellent CDs not Boston, and Chicago -- Pat, Greg and Joe will know and some may be new to you, only including the 10 others of their own, have truly blended themselves into Broth- but trust me when all put together it will but also two recorded with Kim & Reggie er Sun, a unique celebration of the amaz- be one of those evenings of music you Harris. It also includes track contributions ing power of singing together. will long remember, sung by folks you will to numerous compilations and tributes, Jen Cass was born to unusually want to hear more of. We’ll give you short including being the only artists featured hip parents in the suburbs of Detroit, bios of the musicians here, but it is really on all three of Appleseed’s tributes to Michigan where the singer-songwriter the live performance you will want to see Pete Seeger, as well as a tribute CD to Phil was raised on a healthy mix of folk mu- and hear. Ochs on Sliced Bread Records, tracks on sic, homegrown vegetables, spontane- For nearly four decades, Magpie CCNC’s documentary CD “Freedom is a ous dancing, black licorice and Motown. (Greg Artzner & Terry Leonino) have Constant Struggle,” music for several film When asked about her childhood, Jen toured the folk music circuit all over documentaries including “Nashoba” the muses, “I remember my mom doing pir- North America and abroad. Hailing from story of the four Civil Rights Workers’ ouettes around the living room, with Joan the northern Catskills, Magpie is famous disappearance in Mississippi, the Harper’s Baez and Simon & Garfunkel blasting in for the humanist message in their per- Ferry National Park Visitor’s Center film the background. Then dad would pull out formances of hard-hitting songs, and music and ADDY Award-winning song his guitar and we’d all sing Tom Paxton for dedicating themselves through their “Take Me Back to Harper’s Ferry,” and songs. My sister and I weren’t allowed to work as musicians to the causes of jus- in Smithsonian’s monumental collection, watch TV, so we sang, danced and read tice, peace, freedom and protection of “Folk Song America.” every book we could get our hands on. the earth. The sound that Terry & Greg Joe Jencks, Greg Greenway and Pat By the age of five, I was a miniature trou- produce is far bigger than you would ex- Wictor have formed the dynamic male badour in bad seventies clothing, quoting pect from just two people. Both have trio called Brother Sun. Their harmonies Jack London and belting out Jim Croce strong, beautiful voices and excel as solo- and lyrics tell what they are about: warm tunes. I love my parents for that.” In the ists, but together the result is greater than as a campfire, stirring as a gospel church, eighth grade, after a Josh White Jr. concert Phil Ochs Cont. surprises and the possibilities of moving Mad Folk Concert Tickets in Ann Arbor, Jen found Phil Ochs’ “All the emotions.” As a young father, Flynn When you see this symbol – ee The News That’s Fit To Sing” in the Folk left a Nashville staff writing gig and be- – you’ll know that you’re read- bin at Schoolkids Records. She has been a gan writing songs for his kids and about ing about a Mad Folk sponsored rabid Phil Ochs fan ever since, writing her his life. These songs yielded CDs that are event. Advance tickets for Mad popular song “Standing In Your Memory informed by the trademark humanity and Folk shows are available online (For Phil Ochs)” in tribute to her hero. humor that Flynn sees as the essential at www.madfolk.org and at these Kim & Reggie Harris’ performances tools for parenthood and living. Recent- outlets: are characterized by rich harmonies, per- ly, the 51 year-old Delaware resident has cussive guitar and a warm, upbeat pres- turned his attention -- and his songwriting • Orange Tree Imports, 1721 Mon- ence. In 20 years of working together, -- to the world his four children will one roe Street they have written and sung in styles rang- day inherit. ing from traditional to adult-contempo- Mark your calendars for a return rary. Their first CD, “In the Heat of the of a Phil Ochs Song Night on October • Spruce Tree Music, 851 East Summer,” (title song by Phil Ochs) show- 26th @ 7:00. We will again be present- Johnson cases the depth and passion of their song- ing an evening of musicians bringing writing. Their first album, “Music and the you the music of Phil Ochs. This Purchase tickets ONLINE for Mad Underground Railroad,” has been praised years line-up will be: Kim & Reggie Folk concerts via Brown Paper in musical, cultural and historical circles. Harris, Magpie, John Flynn, Brother Tickets: A large part of this album has been rec- Sun and Jen Cass. We’ll give you a https://www.brownpapertickets. reated on a new CD titled “Steal Away” description of all these performers com/producer/10879 which is getting heavy airplay nationwide. in next months newsletter, but we You can also purchase advance Originally from Philadelphia, Kim and wanted to make sure you got this on tickets by mail. Send a stamped Reggie live in upstate New York. your calendars, as it is going to be an In praising John Flynn’s songwriting, amazing night of music, with the op- self-addressed envelope with Kris Kristofferson writes, “The truth is in portunity to see many performers in your check payable to Mad Folk, the details; his gifts are an ear for accu- one night. These nights always turn PO Box 665, Madison, WI 53701. If rate dialogue, an eye for powerful imagery out to be magical and for a different all else fails, call 608-846-9214 for and anything funny, and a heart open to reason everytime. information. Wisconsin Native John McCutcheon in Concert Join us as we welcome John back has produced over twenty albums music into the lives and homes of to Madison on Saturday, Novem- of other one of the broadest audiences any ber 3 for a concert at the Barry- artists, from traditional fiddlers to folk musician has ever enjoyed. more Theatre. John McCutcheon contemporary singer-songwriters People of every generation and has emerged as one of our most to educational and documentary background seem to feel at home respected and loved folksingers. works. His books and instructional in a concert hall when John Mc- As an instrumentalist, he is mas- materials have introduced budding Cutcheon takes the stage, with ter of a dozen different traditional players to what critics describe as “little feats instruments, most notably the rare the joys of their own musicality. of magic, breathtaking in their ease and beautiful hammered dulcimer. And his commitment to grassroots and grace ... like a conversation His songwriting has been hailed by political organizations has put him with an illuminating old friend.” critics on the front lines of many of the Whether in print, on record or on and singers around the globe. His issues important to communities stage, few people communicate thirty recordings have garnered and workers. But it is in live per- with the versatility, charm, wit or every imaginable honor, including formance that John feels most at pure talent of John McCutcheon. seven Grammy nominations. He home. It is what has brought his TEMPEST Mad Folk News is published monthly by BOB DYLAN ~ 2012 COLUMBIA RECORDS the Madison Folk Music Society, a non- profit, volunteer-led society dedicated slip in under five minutes, the pretty to fostering folk music in the Madison slow dance “Soon after Midnight” and area.
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