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(l) KWAJALEIN HOURGLASS VOLUME XXIII, NO 229 U S ARMY KWAJALEIN ATOLL, MARSHALL ISLANDS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28. 1986 Hawaii Contra Aid Program In Jeopardy Iran Offers Help lava Continues, By TIM AHERN Assoclated Press Wrlter Into seSSlon In January " Freeing Hostages Homes Threatened Another opponent, Sen Davld By SCHEHEREZADE FARAMARZI WASHINGTON -- The Reagan ad­ Durenberger, R-Mlnn , sald, "I Assoclated Press Wrlter KALAPANA, Hawall (AP) -­ mlnlstratlon's pollcy of help­ suspect lt WIll be a cold day Kllauea Volcano contlnued to Ing Nlcaraguan rebels lS ln In Washlngton before any more NICOSIA, Cyprus -- Iran's spew lava today, and a stream deep trouble on Capltol Hlll money goes to Nlcaragua Oille parI lament speaker saId today of glowlng, molten rock threat­ followlng assertlons that Iran­ North may have kliled hlS NIC­ hlS country stIll would consld­ ened SlX addltlonal homes af­ lan arms money helped bankroll aragua program " er helplng free Amerlcan hos­ ter earller destroYlng nlne the program, supporters and One Contra aId supporter, tages In Lebanon lf the Unlted others, leavlng vlctlms ln opponents of the Contra ald Sen Sam Nunn, D-Ga , agreed, States dellvers weapons bought tears program agree notlng "Contra ald was already by the late shah The maln lava flow, however, Resumptlon of Contra ald was a very Llose questlon," and the The speaker, Hasheml Rafsan­ crept away from resldentlal only narrowly approved last latest revelatlon "puts It In Janl, also denled reports of Is­ property Thursday nlght, and month before Congress adJourned further Jeopardy " raell Involvement ln recent arms was lnchlng along at 5-yards for the year Three events Slnce The program has been contro­ deals wlth Iran The Reagan ad­ per hour and 150 yards from then hav~ led to predlctlons verslal Slnce shortly after mlnlstratlon has sald It Inltl­ Hawall Island's southern coast, that klillng the program wlll Reagan took offlce ln 1981 It ated weapons deals wlth Iran In sald Tom Wrlght, SClentlst ln be one of flrst ltems on the w~s run as d covert CIA opera­ a bId to l~prove relatlons wlth charge of the U S Geologlcal agenda when Congress convenes tlon untll Congress adopted the moderates In the Is1amlc reglme Survey's Hawallan Volcano Ob­ ln January so-called Boland Amendment ~n "If AmerIca stops belng a servatory The flrst occurred Oct 5, 1982 bully and returns our materlel Another flow to the west of when an alrplane crashed In Reagan says the guerrlilas held there, we wlll ask the Leb­ the maln flow reached the Nlcaragua whlle carrYlng sup­ deserve U S support Slnce NIC­ anese people to help you ln the Queen's Bath area early Frlday, pIles to rebels trylng to over­ aragua IS backed and equlpped questlon of the hostages," Raf­ a fresh-water natural pool near throw the Central Amerlcan na­ by the Sovlet Unlon and threat­ sanJanl sald In a prayer sermon the ocean, sald Hawall County tlon's leftlst Sandlnlsta gov­ ens U S strateglc Interests today at Tehran Unlverslty The C1Vll Defense Dlrectory Harry ernment along Amerlca's southern flank sppecr was quoted by Tehran radlo Klm, based on reports Frlday Then, Democrats retalned mornlng control of the House In the Latest reports lndlcated Nov 4 electlon and captured AQUINO CLEANS UP CABINET the flow had not entered the the Senate, reverslng SIX years By EILEEN GUERRERO ocean, Klm sald of Republlcan Senate control and Assoclated Press Wrlter was rumored to be Ilnked to Lava from the volcano, puttlng the Contra program In the coup plotters whlch was splillng down the greater Jeopardy MANILA, Phlllpp~nes -- PreSl­ "r am compelled by the na­ slopes of Hawall Island toward But the last straw, members dent Corazon AqUIno today re­ tlonal Interest to make some the sea ln three dlstlnct of both partles say, may have placed two nore members of her changes In my government wlth flows, destroyed seven homes been Tuesday when the WhIte Cablnet and told a rally of a Vlew to hammerlng It lnto an Wednesday nlght The lava House sald profIts from the 7,000 supporters that the effectlve Instrument of prog­ crossed the two-lane Kalapana clandestIne sale of U S arms to "forces of eVll" would contlnue ress," AqUIno ';ald today In a Hlghway In at least one place. Iran were funneled Into numbered attempts to destablllze her gov­ teleVIsed speech settlng the asphalt on flre SWISS bank accounts and then ernment She appoInted VIncente Two houses were obllterated routed to the Contra leaders Aqulno sald on natlonal te1e­ Jayme, presldent of the Phll­ Thursday Presldent Reagan at that pOlnt V1Slon she had accepted the res­ Ipplnes ~atlonal Bank, as mln­ Only one InJury was reported accepted the reSIgnatIon of Na­ Ignatlons of PublIC Works MlniS­ Ister of pubJIC works and Car­ and about 60 people were evacu­ tlonal Securlty Advlser John ter Rogaclano Mercado and Natur­ los DomInguez Jr • a former ated Wednesday from 17 threat­ POlndexter and flred one of al Resources MInIster Frnesto deputv mlnIster of agrlculture ened houses before the lava POIndexter's aIdes, Lt Col ~[aceda to the natural re~ourLes post began Its destructlon OlIver North, who assertedly - AqlIllU demanded the reslgna­ Domlnguez wa~ ~worn In Im­ The actlvlty, whlch began oversaw the money transfers tlons of all 25 Cablnet members medlatLly Aqulno sala Jayme July 18 wlth lava passIng Sen John Kerr;, D-Mass , one last weekend followlng an al­ Wlll assume hlS new post af­ over barren land marked the of the leadlng opponents of leged coup attempt by dlsaffect­ ter he returns Dec 9 from start of the 48th phase of an Contra aId, saId Wednesday he ed mllltary offlcers and follow­ Wa nlngton. where hc IS In­ eruptlon that started Jan 3, plans to try to klll the pro­ ers of deposed PreSIdent ferdIn­ volved In negotlatlons for 1983 gram "the moment we get back and E Marcos But the only loans to the PhlllPPlnes reslgnatlon she lmmedlately ac­ Fnrlle today formally na~d­ cepted was that ot Defense Mln­ ed over hlS defense post LO re­ u.s. To Surpass SALT Limits Ister Juan Ponce Enrlle, who tlred Lt Gen Rafael Ileto WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Rea­ polItIcal dIscomfort, ano It gan admlnlstratlon's declslon Wlll n011 be much harder to reach to put the 131st crUIse mls­ a bIpartIsan consensus on stra­ slle-carrYlng B-52 bomber Into teglc weapons and arms control serVIce today, takIng the UnIt­ here at home " ed States beyond the ceillngs Gorbachev, concludlng a V1Slt of the SALT II arms-llmltatlon to Indla, accused the Unlted treaty, drew fIre from leadlng States of showlng "contempt" for congressIonal Democrats and So­ arms control by treaty Ilmlts vlet leader Mlkhall S Gorba­ "We regard thlS as a maJor chev mlstake, whlch wlll make It more Rep Les Aspln, D-WIS , the dlfflcult to search for the ap­ chalrman of the House Armed proaches for dlsarmament," he SerVIces CommIttee, saId that sald exceedIng the Ilmlts of the The SALT II treaty was never never-ratlfled treaty was "a ratIfIed by the Senate, untll very bad deCISIon" and maln­ now the government has had a talned that the admlnlstratlon P011CY of abldlng by ItS llmlts was dOlng It now because the The Defense Department sald move "shores up Ronald Reagan Wednesday lhal the 131sl B-52, WIth the rIght WIng" equlpped WIth alr-launched Sen Sam Nunn of GeorgIa, crUIse mlsslles, would go on the senIor Democrat on the Sen­ duty today at Its operatIonal ate Armed Servlces CommIttee, base, Carswell Alr Force Base, saId Reagan's deCISIon would Texas, and that no PoseIdon nu­ aId the Sovlets, dIstress U S clear submarlnes would be dec om­ allIes and hlnder the arms-con­ mlssloned to compensate trol process A correspondlng dlsmantllng In a statement, Nunn saId or retlrement of an older sub­ "I belleve the presldent's marIne that carrled mISSIle war­ deCISIon gIves the Sovlet heads would keep the UnIted \ UnIon a mliitary advantage, States ln compllance WIth the wlth ItS near-term mISSIle pro­ 1979 arms pact ductIon capabliltles, as well The SALT II treaty has a com­ as a substantlal world propa­ blned cap of 1,320 mlsslle war- - Newly appolnted Phlllpplne Defense Mlnlster Rafaelo Ileto ganda advantage It WIll cause heads carr led by bombers and (AP Laserphoto) our allIes abroad conSIderable submarInes e o LOCAL NEWS PAGE 2, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1986 Ra nge Operation Karate Demonstration Coming To Kwajalein By GLOBAL OPERATIONS COORDINATION Next FrIday, local reSIdents and martIal Kaalhue, on the other hand, has been arts students In partIcular WIll be treated on KwaJaleln for the last seven years He A range operatIon IS scheduled for to a fIrst-class dIsplay of karate actIon operates a martIal arts school here, and FrIday, November 28, 1986 Caut10n as SIxth-degree black belt and chIef In­ estImates he's averaged 16 students at areas for seacraft and aIrcraft WIll structor In the HawaII and Los Angeles area anyone tIme eXIst In the ocean wIthIn a 180 nautI­ for the InternatIonal Karate AssocIatIon, He has partICIpated In many tournaments cal mIle radIus of KwaJaleln and KwaJa­ Edward Badlang, comes to KwaJaleln leln Atoll There IS also a cautIon SInce 1968 In both karate and taekwondo area In the lagoon north of a lIne In­ AccordIng to the PaCIfIc RepresentatIve For the last 10 years, he hImself has been cludIng BlgeJ Island and not IncludIng for the Go~oku-Kyu (heart-fIst style) of a member of the Hee III Cho TaekwO'1do and the \lnnl Island and south of a lIne JOIn­ karate, KwaJaleln's DennIS Kaalhue, Badlang's Kyokushln Karate schools, as well as the Ing, but not IncludIng Ennublrr and appearance WIll be a treat for
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