12 NEW-YOBK DAILY TRIBUTE. SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 6. 1004. Ocean Steamers. Hotels. Excursion. Excursions. "ALV ADAMS IN BIG DEAL Apartment Hotels. Apartment Pays $210000 for Large Plot in Long Acre Square Section. A BOOKLET ENTITLED HOTFT Going Away This Winter ? , ——————— John H. Berry fcae sold for George V,'. Stetson MARQUIS through Pother & Co to Albert J. Alans the piot. -SrlOu.l feet, or. ths north side of Fortv-'ourth-st., 12, Just a hint for your benefit Voyages :25 feet west of Kixth-avex The- consideration was 14, 16 Last 31st St. Winter :£o.';\X). Mr. Adan-,p evvned KM. 117. H9 and 121 i.A FLW STLPS LROM FIFTH AVL. Ten Special Trains to CcvliforrviaL. "West Forty-fourth-st.. three four story iiwelllr.*; house* adjoining this riot Blac« November. 1002. Two Special Trains through old Mexico. to Summer Lands \V!:h his present purchase he control* th* frontage A Superior New Apartment Hotel. between the Hotel Gerard and Hurr.s's Annex. A number of select parties for Florida. ideally situated. Perfect in Appointments, Unique in its Describes anJ Illustrates Cruise BUYS PLOT AS SITE FOP. STABLES. sunlight. A charming tour through Oriental Lands vacant ILvery room flooded with ITenry D. WiMMM & May have Fold tlie many novel conveniences. and frequent Cruises to Porto Rico and plat or. the Mask side or 51xty-sev«-th-»t.. 120 an extensive outlook from every room. Reilty Large bay windows and TO TMu WLST INOIL"5. :ect east of L^xington-ave.. for the Leafiue the VVest Indies. Our booklets give full Company to the Common Itt-al Estate Com- pany. These arc the two easterly lots of the plot information. Let us sei^d you one. TO ITALY. the Mount SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS purchased by David H Hvman from remaining TO rML MLDIIERRANEAN. S r.at Hospital Association. Th*> purchaser will to desirable parties, renting immediately the erect two high gride private >tobies on the plot. Also, this Bra hap sold, in eonsecttoa with Horace THE ADRIATIC 6. Ely & Co.. represent !•;».' the barer, »h«> three UNFURNISHED rtory high sloop bnMrnstone dweUlri; hou?« No. Raymond & Whitcorab Company, AND THE ORIENT 9 Eau Itfrty \u25a0oculti il. on « loi "JOxIiO-d .ect. for apartments of Claivnec Morf.t. trustf^. The pur;'n.ici r will erect 25 Urvion Square, New York. on th« lot a hfgh grade private modern American by superb new Twin-Screw Steanwvs basement dwellinß house. BObVON. PHILADELPHIA. CHICAGO. Ktc. "ihe <ar.ie firm h.ie also f=r.lfl th three story pri- 2, 5 and 5 Rooms vate stable No. 15* West Kifty-sixih-st.. on a lot ~r,S3 feet, for August H*ck»rh«r: the four itaty A POSTAL BRINGS A BOOKLET apartment bouse No. 16S Kast Ninety-sixth st.. on KLSTAURANT A LA CARTL AT REASONABLE PRICLS. & lot 30x102.2 feet, for Charles l(Jnw«beimer. and *hf- four story apartment house No. 102 F^t Fttty- FAULTLLSS SLRVICL AND CUISINL. fourth-st., on a lot 22.6x75.5 fe"t. for lira. Anna Financial. to Mm. Minnie K. THANKSGIVINS OUTING! HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE Kortlai Blanchard. Specially arranged trip*, In.lint ail expen»*s. cliV, 2 Days' Trip, 58.00. 85-37 Broadway. N. T. AND EAR HOSPITAL PLANS. ATLANTIC EYE OLD POINT COMFORT of the Manhattan AND WASHINGTON. Ground for the n»w buildinr 1C- HOTEL, HE\u25a0 f IA APARTMKNT 3 days' trip, ocean voyaK^. etc, $19.30. Eye and Ear Hospital, to be treated on a p'.ot of "^rVIIOLVIL!>iA ,17 WEST 58TH ST. APARTMENTS TO 5 GRAND OP Th£ OLD :>OUTH. nine lot* In Sixty-fourth-st.. Just east of Third- CHOICE 2 ROOMS. WE TO BUY: TOUR THE GERARD. RlrhmunJ, FURNISHED WISH Vattiml Bridge. Lnray OR UNFURNISHED. 123 WEST 44TH ST. visiting Old Point. tv*.. will be broken on December 1. Plans for the Carpi and Wa.«l.ingt»n —6 day*' sightseeing, only $45. buildin*. designed by York & Sawyer, have been The Most Convenient Location FAIK, &I IN NEW YORK. Groat No. of Canada R'way ss. eTery of the structure willbe between $350,000 Auction Sales Real Estate. APARTMENTS rented, furnished and unfurnished, by speclaJ low rato fours or Independent tickets ThVcost largest of Kansas City Elevated Co. 4s. Send for printed details. and *4QO.Of'O. Ths hospital will be one cf the week, month, or year. ss, 1925. week. \u25a0AIMIB«l!IIC-Aa*[S«8]CA55 of its kind In this country. The building will have Richmond Pass. &. Power THOS- H. hiICNDRICKSON. A<enl. L3OBE. depth It RATES REASONABLE. 313 St., Brooklyn, PLYMOUTH. CHERBOURG. UAMBCBG. a fror.tage 118 feet and a of 12- feet E. W. Biiss Ccm. &. Pfd. Stocks. Fulton >'. T. 'Fret-jria Tsvsa, of high. Kennelly Excellent accommodations for transients. •tM^itk*...Nov. lv.10 a-m. Ncv. 23. will be flvfe stories Bryan L. American Bank Note Stock. Hamburg .Dec. 3. ip. C Auctioneer, UNDER ORIGINAL MANAGEMENT. Ensley Nov. 1«. noon '.Walderaee. board. C. B. GKTfARP. Prop. T. J. MORRIS. Mgr Land Co. Stock. •Has grill room ar.d t^ymnastura -a LEXINGTON-AVE. BLOCK REPORTED SOLD. WILL SELL AT AUCTION Sloss Iron & Steei Co. Ist 6s. call at Dover for London and Paris. U. S. Reduction &. Refining 6s. Instruction. YORK—NAPLES—GENOA. The of John Kieries If reported to have TUESDAY, NOV. 15, NEW estate 1904.Estate Sales- Denver & Southwestern R'y G. M. ctfs. PRINT". 11 a.m. Jan. 10. Feb. 23 by at 12 o'clock noon, at the New York Real Let. ADALBERT Nov. 24. : \u25a0old* the block bounded One-hundred-and-twen- 161 Broadway. Unfurnished Apartments to Chi., Peoria & St. L. Prior L. 4'/is. For Boys Young City. PRINZ OSKAR Dec. 4. ft air... ..'an. 31. Mar. 21 One-hundred-and-twenty-first sts.. Lex- room. and Men— DEI'TSOHT-AND Jan. 7. 6:30 an-.. Feb. 7. 1:M a.m. tleth and American School Furniture Co. 6s. Jan. 11 Sylvan Place, with the exception 699 Ay. Company :MOL.TKE 30. •. m. Ington-ave- and to 705 Sixth Celluleici Stock. IVla Maderia, Cadis. Gibraltar. Malaga & Alglerj. plot. 75x96 feet, at the «outhwest corner of J. City &. Eergen R'way Co. 4'/2S. HAMBl'Kii-AMtRILA.NLLN£, of the OfTc«ij. One-hundred-ar:d twenty-first-st., and Sylvan Place 101 to 111 West 40th St. N. Y. & Westchester Ltg. (new) ss. Berkeley School 85 and 37 Broadway. Piers. Hoboicen. N. J. and the plot 10x100 fpet, at. the southeast corner cf Cbe Square International Traction 4s (Buffalo). Aye. Loxington- being madison United Boxboard Paper Co. 72nd Street anJ West End One-hundred-and-tv.-enty-firtt-Pt. and &. ss. T\VE>TY-FLFTH SCHOOL YEAR. (BNER&DASS ave. The property has a frontaee of 100.11 feet in N. V., Brooklyn &. Man. Beach Pfd. BOfIBTTQO jUL(Mi)= LexJnjrton-avf-.. 145 feet in One-hundred-anu-twen- Northwest Corner. 37 Riadison Evcnuc Pitts., Northern Express Service. Place, Shawmut &. ss. PRET\\I:KS BOYS FOX AM. COLLEGES. Fast tieth-st.. 120 feet in Syivar, and 33 feet In Plot, 10')x200, A Apartment House and Cuban Revolutionary 6s, 1396. THOROUGH INSTKI/CTIO'. TWIN-SCREW EXPRESS 3. c. One-hundred-and-twenty-firei-st. Size of modern fireproof Nice 6-story and ba?ement brick and stone slnsls apart- Apartment Hotel of the highest class. ment houses. Fix sturit*. five finished basements; eight situation, Square, (BOYS) D£tf\D©[£'J3 WfQ(LOOSa.bS DO. heat, water, and Unexcelled 'facing Madison BUILDING SOLD. and ten rooms and bath; Eteam hot IRVING SCHOOL (Fastest atearrwhip the DOWNTOWN LOFT electric lights; 45 apartments; size of 9 or. quietest and beautiful of New York's WEST KiTH ST. In Worlci> plot 9?. avenue the most S3 will Day. Berman Realty Company has sold for A. H. ty 200 on street; opposite Bryant Park and NEW PUB- small parks within a few minutes' walk of the DR. LOTTO DWIf.HT KAT. sail Election The STATION Srhonl Now la !*e«iilon. story LIC LIBRARY:convenient to NEW SUBWAY best shops and theatres and easily accessible to Olsen to Si. gfried Lowenthal the seven loft 423 and Broaawsy. and "L" station. WE HAVE FOR SALE: TUES9AV, B!i>, 3*&w at St. building Ml I?. BS. building, feet, at northeast One the largest and best located plots in the city for all the principal transit systems. The JOCK, on a lot 25x100 the of of the. shopping — PLYMOUTH—CHERBOURG— Laight Bts. improvement. t«ine as it is in the centre has been specially designed to meet the require- For Tounjr Ladles Ctty. K. Wrn. 11..N0t. 3. 3:3i» 1.l Kronprinz Jan. corner of Varick and and theatre district; also centre between the two 17. Noon the Grand ments of those who desire quiet and dignified sur- Kaiser Nov. 22. 10 AM Kaiser Feb. T. 10 ASt largest railroad terminals In the. world—i. c.. Syracuse Gas Ist ss. Wm. 11.. .Dec. 10 Ail,Knmprmz. .Feb. 7:30 stations. roundings. & cheerful outlook and abundance of K. 13. 21. Ail FIRM ADDS TO ITS FERRY-ST. PLOT. Central an new Pennsylvania Tefft-Weiler Pfd. Stock. Jan. AM,Kaiser X.J.?. 7. 10 Ail light, air. and sunshine. THE BARNARD Kaiser 3. 10 Emily Watson, Louisville. H. & St. L. Pfd. CLASSES Irving P. Lovejoy has fold for to Very Liberal. Fonda, FOR GIRLS. COLLEGE PREPARATION. Twin-screw passenger service. 18 Ferry-st. a plot com- Terms Johnstown & G. W/z*. Hewitt &\u25a0 Bro.. N'Os. 16 and Maps and further particulars at Auctioneer's ofllcet, 7 The following Apartment* still remain* Retsof (Salt) Mining SPECIAL COURSES AM POST-GRADUATE WORK- PLYMOUTH—CHERBOrRO— BREMEN.
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