1328_chfm 12/7/07 9:29 AM Page XXIII 310-567/B428-S/11006 Abbreviations and Terms AA/NESA, Bureau for Near East and South Asia, Agency for International Development ABM, Anti-ballistic Missile AEC, Atomic Energy Commission AFRTS, Armed Forces Radio and Television Service AFSOUTH, Armed Forces South AH, Alexander Haig AID, Agency for International Development AIS, Country Director, Austria, Italy and Switzerland, Bureau of European Affairs AKEL, Anorthotikon Komma Ergazo Laou (Reform Party of the Working People), Cyprus Communist Party Amb., Ambassador AMF, Allied Multilateral Force AP, Associated Press ASAP, as soon as possible ASW, antisubmarine warfare Backchannel, a method of communication outside normal bureaucratic procedure; the White House, for instance, used “backchannel” messages to bypass the Department of State BBC, British Broadcasting Corporation BCP, Bulgarian Communist Party BNDD, Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, Department of Justice BOB, Bureau of the Budget BOP, Balance of Payments C, Office of the Counselor of the Department of State CA, circular airgram CAB, Civil Aeronautics Board CAP, Common Agricultural Policy CC, Central Committee CCC, Commodity Credit Corporation CCMS, Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society CDU, Christian Democratic Union (West Germany) CEA, Council of Economic Advisers CEMA, Council for Mutual Economic Assistance CENTO, Central Treaty Organization CES, Conference on European Security CIA, Central Intelligence Agency CIA/ONE, Central Intelligence Agency, Office of National Estimates CIEP, Council for International Economic Policy CIEPDM, Council for International Economic Policy Decision Memorandum CIEPSM, Council for International Economic Policy Study Memorandum CINCEUR, Commander in Chief, U.S. Forces, Europe CINCMEAFSA, Commander in Chief, Middle East, South Asia, and Africa South of the Sahara CINCSOUTH, Commander in Chief, U.S. Forces, Southern Europe CINCSTRIKE, Commander in Chief, Strike Command CINCUSNAVEUR, Commander in Chief, U.S. Navy, Europe XXIII 1328_chfm 12/7/07 9:29 AM Page XXIV 310-567/B428-S/11006 XXIV Abbreviations and Terms CIS, Cyprus Information (Intelligence) Service CNO, Chief of Naval Operations Cocom, Coordinating Committee on Export Controls Codel, Congressional delegation COE, Council of Europe Col, Colonel COMECON, Council on Mutual Economic Cooperation Comite, committee COMSIXTHFLT, Commander in Chief, Sixth Fleet, U.S. Navy CONG, Congress or congressman CONGEN, Consul General CONUS, continental United States CP, Communist party CPSU, Communist Party of the Soviet Union CSCE, Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe CSSR, Czechoslovak Socialist Republic CTF, Carrier Task Force; also Commander Task Force CU, Center Union Party (Greece); also Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, De- partment of State CY, calendar year D, Democrat; also Deputy Under Secretary for Economic Affairs, Department of State DATT, defense attaché DCI, Director of Central Intelligence DCM, Deputy Chief of Mission DDCI, Deputy Director of Central Intelligence DDO, Deputy Directorate for Operations DDP, Deputy Directorate for Plans DefAtt, Defense Attaché DefMin, Minister of Defense DefSec, Secretary of Defence Del, delegate; delegation Dept, Department of State Depcirtel, circular telegram from the Department of State DepDirGen, Deputy Director General DepFonMin, Deputy Foreign Minister DepSecDef, Deputy Secretary of Defense Deptel, Department of State telegram DIA, Defense Intelligence Agency DirGen or DG, Director General Dis or Dissem, dissemination DLF, Development Loan Fund DMZ, demilitarized zone DOD, Department of Defense DOD/ISA, Department of Defense, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for In- ternational Security Affairs DOI, Department of the Interior DOS, Department of State DP, Democrat Party (Turkey) DPC, Defense Planning Committee DPM, Deputy Prime Minister DRV, Democratic Republic of Vietnam DTG, date/time/group 1328_chfm 12/7/07 9:29 AM Page XXV 310-567/B428-S/11006 Abbreviations and Terms XXV E, Bureau of Economic Affairs, Department of State E/CBA, Commercial Affairs and Business Activities, Bureau of Economic Affairs E/IMA, International Monetary Affairs, Bureau of Economic Affairs E/ITP/EWT, Office of East West Trade, International Trade Policy, Bureau of Economic Affairs E/OT/GCP, General Commercial Policy Division, Office of International Trade, Interna- tional Trade Policy, Bureau of Economic Affairs E/W, East/West EA, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Department of State EA/VN, Office of Vietnam Affairs, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs EAM, Ethnikon Apeleftherikon Meteron (National Liberation Front) EC, European Community ECE, Economic Commission for Europe ECOSOC, United Nations Economic and Social Council EDA, Elliniki Dimokratiki Aristera (Greek Democratic Left) EE, Eastern Europe EEC, European Economic Community (Common Market) EFTA, European Free Trade Association ELDYK, Elliniki Dynamh Kyprou (Greek Forces in Cyprus) ELR, Elliot L. Richardson Emb, Embassy Emboff, Embassy officer Embtel, Embassy telegram enosis, union EOB, Executive Office Building EOKA, Ethniki Organosis Kyprion Agoniston (National Organization of Cypriot Fighters) ERE, Ethniki Rizopastos Enosis (National Radical Union - Greece) ESC, European Security Conference EST, Eastern Standard Time; also estimated Eucom, European Command, U.S. Army EUR, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State EUR/BRY, Country Director for Bulgaria, Romania, Yugoslavia and Albania, Bureau of European Affairs EUR/CAN, Country Director for Canada, Bureau of European Affairs EUR/CHP, Country Director for Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Baltic States, Bureau of European Affairs EUR/EE, Office of Eastern European Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs EUR/NSC–IG, NSC Interdepartmental Group, Bureau of European Affairs EUR/RPE, OECD, European Community, and Atlantic Political-Economic Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs EUR/RPM, NATO and Atlantic Political-Military Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs EUR/SCAN, Country Director for Scandinavia, Iceland, Finland, Bureau of European Affairs EUR/SOV, Country Director for the Soviet Union, Bureau of European Affairs Exdis, exclusive distribution Ex-Im Bank, Export-Import Bank of the United States F–4 (Phantom), twin engine turbo jet, all weather, supersonic tactical fighter bomber with two crew members FAA, Foreign Assistance Act; also Federal Aviation Administration FAM, Foreign Affairs Manual FAS, Foreign Agricultural Service; also Foreign Area Student Program FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation FBIS, Foreign Broadcast Information Service 1328_chfm 12/7/07 9:29 AM Page XXVI 310-567/B428-S/11006 XXVI Abbreviations and Terms FBS, Foreign Broadcasting Service Fedrep, Federal Republic (of Germany) FEC, Federal Executive Council (Yugoslavia); also Free Europe Committee Flash, indicates message of highest priority requiring the attention of the Secretary of State FM, Foreign Minister; also from FMS, foreign military sales FonMin, Foreign Minister FonOff, Foreign Office FonSec, Foreign Secretary FR, France FRC, Federal Records Center, Suitland, Maryland FRG, Federal Republic of Germany FSO, foreign service officer FY, fiscal year FYI, for your information G, Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs GAGS, Greek Army General Staff GA, United Nations General Assembly GAO, General Accounting Office GATT, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade GDP, gross domestic product GDR, German Democratic Republic Gen, General GER, Office of German Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State GMT, Greenwich Mean Time GNP, Gross National Product GOA, Government of Austria GOB, Government of Bulgaria GOC, Government of Cyprus; also Government of Czechoslovakia GOF, Government of Finland; also Government of France GOG, Government of Greece GOH, Government of Hungary GOI, Government of Israel; also Government of Italy; also Government of India GOP, Government of Pakistan GOT, Government of Turkey GOY, Government of Yugoslavia GOVT, government GPO, Government Printing Office GVN, Government of Vietnam GVR, Government of the Republic of Vietnam H, Bureau of Congressional Relations, Department of State HAK, Henry A. Kissinger H.E., His Excellency HEW, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare HFAC, House Foreign Affairs Committee HICOM, high commissioner HK, Henry Kissinger HMG, Her Majesty’s Government, United Kingdom HNDGS, Hellenci National Defense General Staff hq, headquarters HR, House Resolution HS, Harold Saunders; also Helmut Sonnenfeldt 1328_chfm 12/7/07 9:29 AM Page XXVII 310-567/B428-S/11006 Abbreviations and Terms XXVII I, Office of the Director, United States Information Agency IAEA, International Atomic Energy Agency IBRD, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, World Bank ICMB, intercontinental ballistic missile ICC, International Control and Supervision Commission (Vietnam) ICJ, International Court of Justice ICRC, International Committee of the Red Cross IDA, International Development Association IFI, international financial institution IG, Interagency Group IMF, International Monetary Fund INFO, information INR, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State INR/DDC, Office of the Deputy Director for Coordination, Bureau of Intelligence and Research INR/OD, Office of the Director, Bureau of Intelligence and Research INR/REA/NA, North Asia Division, Office of Research and Analysis for East Asia and Pacific, Bureau of Intelligence and Research INR/RNA/NE,
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