COUNCIL AGENDA WEDNESDAY 8 FEBRUARY 2017 COMMENCING 7 PM COBURG TOWN HALL, MORELAND CIVIC CENTRE, 90 BELL STREET, COBURG D17/33328 INFORMATION ABOUT COUNCIL MEETINGS Moreland City Council encourages its citizens to participate in the local government of Moreland. Accordingly, these notes have been developed to help citizens better understand Council meetings. All meetings are conducted in accordance with Council’s Meeting Procedure Local Law. WELCOME The Mayor, who chairs the meeting, formally opens the meeting, delivers an acknowledgement of country and welcomes all present. This Council meeting will be recorded and webstreamed live to Council’s website. This recording will also be available as Video on Demand. Although every care is taken to maintain privacy, gallery attendees are advised they may be recorded. APOLOGIES Where a Councillor is not present, his/her absence is noted in the Minutes of the meeting. DECLARATION OF INTERESTS AND/OR CONFLICT OF INTERESTS Under the Local Government Act 1989, a Councillor has a duty to disclose any direct or indirect pecuniary (financial) interest, s/he may have in any matter to be considered by Council that evening. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES The minutes of the previous meeting are placed before Council to confirm the accuracy and completeness of the record. PETITIONS Council receives petitions from citizens on various issues. Any petitions received since the previous Council meeting are tabled at the meeting and the matter referred to the appropriate Council Director for consideration. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEE TO COUNCIL Council considers reports from Committees that Councillors represent Council on. QUESTION TIME This is an opportunity (30 minutes), for citizens of Moreland to raise questions with Councillors. “ON NOTICE” ITEMS FROM PREVIOUS COUNCIL MEETING Items raised during Question Time at the previous Council meeting that were not able to be answered are responded to. REPORTS BY MAYOR AND COUNCILLORS A report of activities from Councillors to advise of events, meetings and other functions they have attended between Council meetings. COUNCIL REPORTS Detailed reports prepared by Council’s Administration are considered by Councillors and a Council position is adopted on the matters considered. The Mayor can invite firstly Councillors, secondly Officers, and then citizens in attendance to identify Council reports which should be given priority by the meeting and considered in the early part of the meeting. NOTICES OF MOTION A motion which has been submitted to the Chief Executive Officer no later than 12 pm (noon) ten (10) days prior to the meeting which is intended to be included in the agenda. The motion should outline the policy, financial and resourcing implications. GENERAL BUSINESS An item of general business relates to business that calls for the presentation of a report to a subsequent meeting in line with particular requirements. NOTICE OF RESCISSION A Councillor may propose a motion to rescind a resolution of the Council, provided the previous resolution has not been acted on, and a notice is delivered to the authorised officer setting out the resolution to be rescinded and the meeting and date when the resolution was carried. For a decision of the Council to be rescinded, the motion for rescission must be carried by a majority of the votes cast. If a motion for rescission is lost, a similar motion may not be put before the Council for at least one month from the date it was last lost, unless the Council resolves that the notice of motion be re-listed at a future meeting. If a motion for rescission is not moved at the meeting for which it is listed, it lapses. A motion for rescission listed on a meeting agenda may be moved by any Councillor present but may not be amended. URGENT BUSINESS The Chief Executive Officer or Councillors, with the approval of the meeting, may submit items of Urgent Business (being a matter not listed on the agenda) but requiring a prompt decision by Council. CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS Whilst all Council and Committee meetings of Council are open to its citizens, Council has the power under the Local Government Act to close its meeting to the general public in certain circumstances which are noted where appropriate on the Council Agenda. Where this occurs, members of the public leave the Council Chamber or Meeting room while the matter is being discussed. CLOSE OF MEETING The Mayor will formally close the meeting and thank all present. NEXT MEETING DATE The next Council meeting will be held on Wednesday 8 March 2017 commencing at 7 pm, in the Council Chamber, Moreland Civic Centre, 90 Bell Street, Coburg. Council Meeting 8 February 2017 2 1. WELCOME 2. APOLOGIES 3. DECLARATION OF INTERESTS AND/OR CONFLICT OF INTERESTS 4. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES The minutes of the Council Meeting held on 7 December 2016 be confirmed. 5. PETITIONS PET1/17 PUBLIC LIGHTING WHITTON STREET, COBURG NORTH (D16/421968) 7 PET2/17 PETITION FOR PEDESTRIAN SAFETY ON NICHOLSON STREET, COBURG (D17/8128) 9 6. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEE TO COUNCIL RCC1/17 METROPOLITAN TRANSPORT FORUM OCTOBER 2016 (D16/417206) 12 RCC2/17 FRIENDS OF AILEU COMMUNITY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETINGS 8 SEPTEMBER AND 6 DECEMBER 2016 (D16/329815) 17 RCC3/17 FAMILY AND CHILDREN'S SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE NOVEMBER 2016 (D17/8605) 30 RCC4/17 HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES SEPTEMBER 2016 (D17/12413) 33 RCC5/17 MORELAND LIBRARIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE (MORLAC) MEETING MINUTES 19 DECEMBER 2016 (D17/13773) 36 7. QUESTION TIME 8. ON NOTICE ITEMS FROM PREVIOUS COUNCIL MEETING ONR1/17 ON NOTICE ITEMS FROM PREVIOUS COUNCIL MEETINGS (D16/418152) 42 9. REPORTS BY MAYOR AND COUNCILLORS Council Meeting 8 February 2017 3 10. COUNCIL REPORTS CORPORATE SERVICES DCS1/17 ASSEMBLY OF COUNCILLORS RECORD 1 NOVEMBER 2016 TO 31 DECEMBER 2016 (D16/394705) 51 DCS2/17 INSTRUMENT TO APPOINT AND AUTHORISE OFFICERS TO ENFORCE THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT ACT 1987 (D17/13436) 56 DCS3/17 REPORT ON THE CONDUCT OF THE 2016 MORELAND CITY COUNCIL ELECTION (D17/19443) 60 DCS4/17 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT REPORT - FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2016 (D17/25367) 114 CITY INFRASTRUCTURE DCI2/17 REVIEW OF INTERSECTION AT SUSSEX STREET AND GAFFNEY STREET, COBURG (D16/410866) 128 DCI3/17 SIGNAGE REQUEST BY THE ISLAMIC MUSEUM OF AUSTRALIA (D16/421559) 131 DCI4/17 TRAFFIC AND PARKING CONCERNS AROUND 223 MELVILLE ROAD, BRUNSWICK WEST (D17/6456) 134 DCI5/17 COBURG STATION - IMPROVING ACCESSIBILITY (D16/397055) 140 DCI6/17 ROAD CLOSURE OF DUCKETT STREET, BRUNSWICK (D17/4975) 144 DCI7/17 UPFIELD SHARED PATH LINE MARKING (D17/5729) 148 DCI8/17 MUNICIPAL ASSOCIATION OF VICTORIA (MAV) CONTRACT NO PP4924. PANEL FOR PARK AND PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT (D17/8383) 152 DCI9/17 CONTRACT NO 527T - PROVISION OF OPEN SPACE LANDSCAPE AND BUSHLAND SERVICES AND MANAGEMENT INCLUDING DESIGN, MATERIALS, CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES - CONTRACTORS (D17/13196) 156 Council Meeting 8 February 2017 4 SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT DSD1/17 FRIENDS OF AILEU: CONDOLENCES ON PASSING OF MR MARIO SOARES, SECRETARY AILEU FRIENDSHIP COMMISSION (D16/440398) 159 DSD2/17 INITIATIVES AND SUPPORT PROVIDED TO LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, TRANSGENDER, INTERSEX AND QUEER (LGBTIQ) PEOPLE BY COUNCIL SUPPORTED CLUBS AND SPORTING CODES (D17/11957) 162 DSD3/17 MORRIS RESERVE DRAFT MASTER PLAN - COMMUNITY CONSULTATION (D16/233873) 168 DSD4/17 FOOD SYSTEM STRATEGY UPDATE (D17/9276) 181 DSD5/17 YOUTH SERVICES IN MORELAND (D16/417649) 203 PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DED6/17 BUILDING 16 LOT S6 CHAMP STREET, COBURG – NOTICE OF HERITAGE VICTORIA PERMIT APPLICATION NUMBER P26010 (D17/28586) 223 DED7/17 BUILDING 9 LOT S4 AND S6 CHAMP STREET, COBURG – NOTICE OF HERITAGE VICTORIA PERMIT APPLICATION NUMBER P24560 (D17/28592) 259 DED8/17 BETTER APARTMENT DESIGN STANDARDS (D16/442242) 297 DED9/17 MORELAND HERITAGE ACTION PLAN - ENDORSEMENT FOR PUBLIC CONSULTATION (D16/423729) 322 DED10/17 AMENDMENT C159: NEIGHBOURHOOD CENTRES STRATEGY (D16/414968) 361 DED11/17 LEVEL CROSSING REMOVAL PROJECTS IN MORELAND - AN UPDATE (D16/437083) 593 Council Meeting 8 February 2017 5 11. NOTICES OF MOTION NOM1/17 TREVOR (TURBO) BROWN (D17/30897) 601 NOM2/17 HERITAGE CONTROLS (D17/30885) 602 NOM3/17 GLENROY ART GROUP (D17/30854) 603 NOM4/17 ARTWORK BY ELLIOTT RONALD BULL - PENTRIDGE PRISON WALL IN F DIVISION (D17/30836) 604 NOM5/17 NOTIFICATION REGARDING DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS (D17/30603) 606 NOM6/17 IT SUPPORT FOR COUNCILLORS (D17/30820) 608 NOM7/17 LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR ALLARD PARK, BRUNSWICK EAST (D17/30849) 609 12. GENERAL BUSINESS 13. NOTICE OF RESCISSION Nil. 14. URGENT BUSINESS REPORTS 15. CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS DED12/17 THE COBURG INITIATIVE UPDATE (D17/18872) Pursuant to section 89(2) of the Local Government Act 1989 this confidential report will not be publicly disclosed because it relates to (d) contractual matters; and (e) proposed developments. Council Meeting 8 February 2017 6 PET1/17 PUBLIC LIGHTING WHITTON STREET, COBURG NORTH (D16/421968) A petition has been received containing nine signatures requesting Council to investigate the performance of public lighting in Whitton Street North Coburg, and make improvements where needed. Recommendation Council resolve: 1. The petition be received and noted. 2. The petition be referred to the Director City Infrastructure for consideration. 3. Any proposed action is emailed to all Ward Councillors and Councillors responsible for, allowing seven clear days for Councillor feedback. 4. The first named signatory to the petition be advised of this action. Attachment/s 1 Residence information about poor quality of the street lighting - CRS D17/23381 579403 Council Meeting 8 February 2017 7 PET2/17 PETITION FOR PEDESTRIAN SAFETY ON NICHOLSON STREET, COBURG (D17/8128) A petition has been received containing 552 signatures requesting Council to investigate and improve pedestrian safety on Nicholson Street, Coburg. Recommendation Council resolve: 1. The petition be received and noted. 2. The petition be referred to the Director City Infrastructure for consideration. 3. Any proposed action is emailed to all Ward Councillors and Councillors Responsible for, allowing seven clear days for Councillor feedback.
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