asa wa fala yar ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ADMINISTRATION fare Freer /Directorate Of Education tele stu Port Blair, dated the 2A ocember, 2020 ORDER No.:- DOQY The following transfers and postings of the Graduate Trained Teachers — Humanities (Hindi / English Medium) are hereby ordered as under: | S.No. Name ofthe Staff From To Remarks | = Ms.Phool Kumari SS MS Govindpur | Carbyn's Cove Ms. Elsie Leslie SSS Swadesh Nagar SS wn Arong Ms.Jaya Singh SSS Sabari (Jn) MS Carbyn's Cove Bi Ms Jolly Vijayan SSS Sabari (Jn) | MS Brichgunj ; wT “Ms.Swapna Kumari MS Laxmanpur SS Ram Nagar-| | OD Mr.Nirmala Anand G SSS Kalighat SSS Swaraj Dweep | (Havelock) Ms.Omana M K SS Laxmipur SSS Model Blair ON Port Ms.Kanaga Laxmi SS Laxmipur SS Delanipur -Ms.Maya Rani Halder : SSS Sita | © [Adhikari] Nagar SSS Karmatang-10 ay oO SSS Swaraj Dweep Ms.Preeti Gobind SS (Havelock) Govindpur [On Request] = Ms. Indra Pandey SS Ram Nagar-| GDMS sts (Secondary) yo Ms. Tahira Bibi SS Ram Nagar- MS Panchawati | = wo Ms.Nazma Bibi MS Rampur SSS Swaraj Dweep (Havelock) = oy Ms.Suman MS Panchawati SSS Garacharma a Ms. Jalaja B [PH] SSS Boys SSS Girls DH Ms.Jameela Bibi SS Shoal Bay-12 SSS Wimberlygunj fata “Ms.Mercy SSS Champin SSS Bengali (Teressa) AN oa Ms.Rajni Devi SSS Champin SSS Saheed Dweep (Neil) al] Ms.Seema Devi ODO SS Kamorta (Model) SSS Hutbay (Model) by Mr.Paneer Selvam SS Arong SSS Tushnabad Mr.Nathaniel MI = SSS Tushnabad SSS Swaraj Dweep [09-03-1979] (Havelock) Mr.Tanzeem Zameel NIN) SSS Kapanga SS Mus wON Ms.Phulkeria Tirkey SSS Kapanga SSS Sita Nagar MI Ms.Baby Jessy SSS Manglutan MS Govind Ak Nagar IN Long Ms.Meena SSS Island | MS Rampur NO oO SSS Ms.Steffi Graf S SS Harminder Bay Swaraj Dweep (Havelock) nN Ms.Sangeetha M SSS Hutbay (Model) SSS Campbell Bay NON co Ms.Chetna Charan SSS Oralkatcha | SS Laxmipur N oO Ms.Minerva T | SSS Model Blair MS Port | Hanspuri AGT-2020 1. Keeping in view of forthcoming Pre-Board, Centralized Examination and CBSE class of 10" and 12'” Examinations-2021, all DDOs/Heads of Institution should relieve the officials / teachers by 31-03-2021 and report about relieving of teachers to this Directorate by 14-04- 2021. 2. All DDOs / Heads of Institutions should submit the report about joining of officials / teachers at their respective place of postings to this Directorate on 21-04-2021. 3. Salary for the month of April, 2021 of the above officials / teachers should be drawn and paid at the new place of posting. 4. On relieving the Officials / teachers, the DDOs must send their LPC and Service Books to the concerned DDOs immediately to draw & disburse salary of the relieved officials at their new place of posting from April, 2021 onwards. 5. If the above officials / teachers are not relieved on 31% March 2021, they shall be deemed to be stand relieved on 1* April 2021 without any formal relieving order. 6 Representations if any shall only be entertained after joining the new place of posting and forwarded through proper channel This has approval of the Competent Authority. (KAMLESH KUMAR, DANICS) Director (Education) [F.No.8-10(1551)/Edn/Estt/GTT-Hum-H&E Med/AGT-2020] OFFICE ORDER BOOK Copy to:- Sr. PS to Chief Secretary for kind information of Chief Secretary please PS to Secretary for kind information of RwWN= (Education) Secretary (Education)please The Principal, State Institute of Education, Port Blair / DIET Garacharma. The Deputy Education Officer, South Andaman / Wimberlygunj / Rangat / Mayabunder Diglipur / Science. / The Education Officer, Car Nicobar. State Project Officer, Samagra Shiksha, UT Mission Authority, Port Blair, A & N Islands. CONG The Accounts Officer, Directorate of Education’s Office, Port Blair The Assistant Education Officer, Nancowrie The Principal - SSS Bakultala / SSS Bengali (Teressa) / SSS Boys / SSS Campbell Bay / SSS Champin / SSS Diglipur / SSS Garacharma / SSS Girls / SSS Hutbay / SSS Hutbay (Model) / SSS Kalighat / SSS Kapanga / SSS Karmatang-10 / SSS Long Island / SSS Manglutan / SSS Mannarghat SSS Mayabunder / SSS Model Port Blair / SSS Oralkatcha / SSS Sabari (Jn) / SSS Saheed Dweep / (Neil) / SSS Sita Nagar / SSS Swadesh Nagar / SSS Swaraj Dweep (Havelock) / SSS Tushnabad SSS Wimberlygunj / 10. The Vice Principal / Headmaster (Sec) - SS Arong / SS Delanipur / SS Govindpur / SS Harminder Bay / SS Kamorta (Model) / SS Laxmipur / SS Mus / SS Ram Nagar-! / SS Shoal Bay-12 / GDMS (Secondary) 11. The Headmaster(Middle) / Teacher-in-charge - MS Brichgunj / MS Carbyn's Cove / MS Govind Nagar / MS Hanspuri / MS Laxmanpur / MS Panchawati / MS Rampur 12. The Pay & Accounts Officer, Port Blair / Rangat / Car Nicobar 13. The Sub Pay & Accounts Officer, Diglipur / Mayabunder / Hut Bay / Nancowrie / Campbell Bay. 14. The Asst. Director (Admn-| & Il) / Statistical Officer, Directorate of Education’s Office, Port Blair. 15. The Statistical section / Estt. Section / RT| Cell / APAR cell / CCA / CCB, Directorate of Education’s Office, Port Blair 16. Person concerned through the Head of Institution. 17. Personal File of the party concerned 18. In-Charge, IT / MIS cell, Directorate of Education's Office, Port Blair to upload in the Departmental web portal of http://education.andaman.gov.in/tops/Login.aspxfor information to all concerned. 19. File Concerned 20. Guard file. Director (Education) AGT-2020 asa wa fala wearer ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ADMINISTRATION frat freee /Directorate Of Education kkk ty 9 Port Blair, dated the December, 2020 ORDER No.:- 9 OG Q The following Intra-zonal transfers and postings of the Graduate Trained Teachers — Humanities (Hindi / English Medium) are hereby ordered as under: S.No. Name ofthe Staff From To Remarks = Ms.Niranjani SS Dairy Farm SSS Bambooflat 4 Ms.Suchitra Roy [Devi] PH SS Junglighat GDMS | WY | (Secondary) Mr.Harish Kumar [PH] SS Junglighat SSS Boys | FR Ms.Anjana Chand [PH] MS Dugnabad SSS Girls Ms. Shakeela Bibi SSS DO Girls SSS Prothrapur ‘Ms.Sajitha GDMS (Secondary) SSS } Rangachang + “Ms.Sarita | Kumari GDMS [18-12-1965] SSS Garacharma | DN (Secondary) + | | Ms.Parvathi SSS Mohanpura SSS | | Prothrapur Ol | Ms.Bagyalakshmi K SSS Wimberlygunj | SS Dairy Farm oO ‘Mr.Ganeshwar Singh SSS School Line SSS Wimberlygunj =a|oaj;o >A Ms.Shakila Rehman SSS Mannarghat SSS Girls Ni Ms.Sunanda Parekh [Rao] SSS Mohanpura SSS Mannarghat | Ms.Usha P T SSS Haddo SSS Mannarghat Ms.Razia Zaheed SSS Haddo SSS Tushnabad Ms.Chandramati SSS Girls SSS Rangachang Ms.Jacy P John SSS Garacharma GDMS (Secondary) ‘Ms.Mani Deepika-Biswas MS Carbyn's Cove SSS Prothrapur _ “Ms.Lipika Malakar [Karmakar] Sss School Line SSS Tushnabad minimeirwimwloajafoafa/aiasa Ms.Sarita Kumari [04-02-1966] SSS Port Mout MS Carbyn's Cove Ms.Geeta K SSS Haddo SSS Rangachang Mr. Jahangir Mohammed SSS Mannarghat SSS Prothrapur Ms.Geetha Naveen Bhat SSS Model Port Blair SSS Bambooflat Ms.Pushpa Lata MS Kanyapuram SS Dairy Farm Ms. Mohammed Younus SSS Prothrapur SSS Bambooflat Mr.|smail SS Junglighat SSS Garacharma ln Mr.Chhote Lal Pandey SSS Port Mout SS Junglighat Mr.Chandra GDMS (Secondary) SSS Bambooflat Nh oc SSS Model Port Mr.Kishore Kumar Bramha MS Humfrygunj Blair SSS Model Port 29 Ms.Saroj Singh Devi SS Namunaghar Blair 30 Mr.Suban Ali SSS School Line MS Ograbraj Model 31 Ms.Sulekha K MS SSS Port | Kanyapuram Blair 32 | Ms.Parvathi D SSS Mohanpura SSS Bambooflat AGT-2020 S.No. Name ofthe Staff From To Remarks 33 Ms.Pramila P MS Chouldari SSS Haddo 34 Ms.Minaz Begum MS Ograbraj SSS Girls 35 Ms.Premlatha Kumari SSS Bambooflat sss Mohanpura - 36 Ms.Shiny Koshy SSS Boys MS Ograbraj 37 Ms.Savita Singh _ SSS Haddo SS Namunaghar 38 Ms.RajjiG R SSS Wimberlygunj SSS Girls 39 Ms.Sulochana R MS Ograbraj SSS Girls Model 40 Mr.Minazudeen MS Bambooflat SSS Port Blair | SSS Model Port 41 Ms.Geeta Kumari MS Kanyapuram Blair 42 Ms.Susma Singh GDMS (Secondary) SS Calicut 43 Ms.Geeta Devi [28-02-1969] SSS Model Port Blair SS Calicut 44 Mr.Mahender Singh MS Ograbraj SS Junglighat 45 Ms.Saina.S SSS Rangachang SSss Mohanpura_ - 46 Ms.Sheeja Nair S SSS Girls MS Humfrygunj — Model 47 Khatoon MS SSS Port Ms.Razia Kanyapuram Blair 48 Mr. Trilok Maniyam MS Bambooflat SS South Point 49 Ms.Kamlamma J MS Sippighat SSS Girls 50 D S Ms.Rekha SS Calicut _ SSS Mohanpura _ _ 51 Mr.Souraj D SSS Model Port Blair SSS Bambooflat 52 Ms.Margaret Naidu SSS Manglutan SSS Haddo 53 Ms.Sowamini Luke MS Brichgunj Sss Mohanpura Model 54 Ms.Ganga Devi CH SSS Bambooflat SSS Port Blair 55 Mr.Rasad Ali SS Mile Tilak SSS School Line 56 Ms.Swarna Rekha SSS Tushnabad SS Junglighat - 57 | Mr.Periya Swamy SS Mile Tilak SSS School Line 58 Ms.Sarita Devi _ SS Dairy Farm SSS Garacharma - 59 Ms.Kailash Kumari MS Ograbraj SS Junglighat 60 Ms.Madhuri ss Delanipur MS Ograbraj 61 Ms.Poonam Kapoor _ SSS Garacharma SSS Haddo MS Haddo (Laltha Singh 62 Ms. Tara Devi [25-05-1969] MS Ground) Kanyapuram 63 Ms.Sagari Devi SSS Rangachang SSS School Line 64 Ms.Roja SSS Prothrapur SSS School Line Model Port 65 Ms.Roshima MS Bambooflat SSS Blair _ 66 Mr.Sasikumar T SSS Model Port Blair SS Shoal Bay-12 67 Ms.Lalitha Devi SSS Rangachang SSS Haddo 68 Mr.Raj Kumar Chaurasia SSS Model Port Blair SS Mile Tilak SSS Model Port | 69 | Mr.Abdul Hamid SSS Bambooflat Blair 70 Ms.Rukiya Bibi [23-07-1972] SS Shoal Bay-12 SS Junglighat 71 Mr.Surender Kumar SSS Bambooflat SSS School Line 72 | Mr.Rajeev Ranjan Trivedi SSS Garacharma SSS School Line AGT-2020 | S.No. Name the Staff From To of _ Remarks 73 “Ms.Sobha L SS Calicut SSS Girls 74 Mr.Ashok Kumar SS Junglighat SSS Garacharma 75 t Ms.Suja Johnson SSS Model Port Blair SS Calicut “Ms.Parimala 76 Devi MS Dolly Gunj SSS Haddo 77 Ms.Shibu P Abrahim GDMS (Secondary) MS Kanyapuram Mr.Saira 78 Begum SSS Girls SSS Garacharma Mr.Krishna 79 Kumar Singh SS Namunaghar GDMS (Secondary) Mr.Panneer 80 Selvam SSS Garacharma GDMS (Secondary) Mr.Mohd.Shahid 81 Anwar SSS Rangachang SSS School Line 82 Ms.Usha P SSS Garacharma SS Delanipur 83 Ms.Gurpreet Kaur sss School Line MS Bambooflat 84.
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