May 1999 NORTH AMERICAN DIVISION EDITION Her Song Was Silenced Out of a terrible tragedy came a healing ministry. A Kinder, Gentler Church Deep Breathing ConneXions99 at GC LETTERS Time to Go Deeper wherever there is a need. because they were made to feel guilty Well, it happened again! The mail for their reluctance to do things that arrived just as we —Clyde Brooks did not fit their personalities. finished dinner, O XFORD, GEORGIA Prior to the 1940s educational and with it the choices such as the ministry, literature special edition of evangelism, medicine, nursing, and the Adventist “The Lord Said, ‘Baltimore’” was both teaching offered few options for intro- Review (March inspirational and challenging. It cer- verts. Now we have the sciences, engi- North American tainly hit a nerve. If Myrna Tetz keeps neering, many allied health fields, busi- Division Edition). writing like that, she could be personally ness, and more that provide many suit- I figured the dirty dishes could sit on responsible for creating a whole genera- able options. But even today we are the table for a minute while I just took tion of cranky Adventists who missed still being made to feel guilty if we a little peek. An hour later they are their Sabbath afternoon naps! Of don’t do the extrovert things. I would still sitting there, crusting over, while I course, they’d probably be too caught up encourage our pastors and church lead- devour article after article. in the joy of serving to notice. ers (who are most likely extroverts) to I can’t remember a time when the consciously try to find a place where Review wasn’t part of my life. Even —Kim Johnson introverted people can contribute and before I could read, my mother would P ORTLAND, MAINE feel comfortable in their church. read the children’s story to my siblings and me. You would think that after all —Bruce E. Lee these years, it would be just “old hat.” The aesthetic quality of this issue B ERRIEN S PRINGS, MICHIGAN But each week I’m amazed all over immediately caught my eye, first again at how fresh, pertinent, and well through the intensity of the cover’s written each issue is. It is a wonderful color and the white space of the first After nine years of pastoral ministry, my blessing to God’s end-time church. pages, then the attractive background body let me know—with an ulcer and Thank you! and layout of the table of contents. I other symptoms of stress—that it wasn’t was so eager to see what else was new enjoying my trying to fit my round peg —Glenda Sutherland that I found it difficult to lay the mag- into a square hole. Eventually the Lord A USTELL, GEORGIA azine aside until I had read for con- led me into editorial work, which fit my tent. Thank you for making the print personality much better. ministry an art as well as a science. My concern is that I never would Tears came to my eyes as I read of have been considered qualified for the Myrna Tetz’s experience (see “The —Jesse Thompson editorial positions I’ve held if I hadn’t Lord Said, ‘Baltimore,’” March I NDIANA U NIVERSITY OF had my “baptism by fire” in pastoral 1999) of being led to the “jungle” of P ENNSYLVANIA work. What provision does the church Baltimore, assisting her pastor-hus- make to capitalize on its creative, band, working the inner city, elimi- innovative introverts? Do we seek nating her Sabbath afternoon naps The Other Side of Introversion them out and encourage their input and quiet dinners at home with spe- Kim Allan Johnson’s “The Other Side and contributions? cial friends, etc. Before God’s work of Introversion” (Feb. 25 Anchor- is completed, there must be more Points Edition) describes many of us in —Ken Wade such people who will take to the the church. It probably also describes WRITER/ PRODUCER streets as she has done, working many who have left the church V OICE OF P ROPHECY 2 (570) ADVENTIST REVIEW, MAY 1999 Thank you so much for this insightful at dealing with people. This article was article. In fact, as I was reading this right on target and reassuring. God issue, I questioned the assumptions does have a place for each of us and raised in another article about recog- our unique personalities. nizing Christians in the airport by their level of outward joy. This seemed —Corey Metcalfe COVER STORY to reinforce the guilt trip syndrome L ILBURN, GEORGIA that has only served to suppress our 8 Her Song Was Silenced She lived every parent’s nightmare; ability to be expressive. Counting the Cost then she learned to sing about it. Then I read Kim Johnson’s self-dis- BY M YRNA T ETZ covery and explanation about our I have just read Leslie Kay’s unique way of viewing the world and “Counting the Cost” (Feb. 25 ARTICLES more important, our contributing AnchorPoints Edition). Again we strengths. (I would urge that he be a stand amazed at the jewel of a writer 12 Kari’s Story: An regular contributor to the Review. If you found in the Arizona desert. My Extraordinary Journey one fourth of us are introverts, then husband and I love her way with Getting to know Kari Paulsen. once a month would give us propor- words, the lessons she draws from the B Y C HARLOTTE M C C LURE tionate time, right?) everyday events in life, and her 16 Forever Friends When I worked in a major corpo- openness in letting us in on her own God is at work, and we have the ration, they put us through “team problems. Kudos to you, Leslie! stories to prove it. training,” which included personality Thanks for blessing our lives. BY L UDI L EITO tests. When I tested almost off the scale as an introvert, the professional —Enid Hands 28 A Kinder, Gentler Church If only we could be more like Jesus. trainer explained how introverts con- S ILVERTON, OREGON BY S HARON W EAVER P ITTMAN tribute to the team effort. Introverts, he said, usually think deeper and 36 Deep Breathing more creatively and often come up As a little girl I thought the Review Do we have to pray in desperation with better solutions to problems, but was a nice church magazine for the before we can pray in triumph? because they are too quiet to promote older folks. I have never been as BY J O A NN D AVIDSON their ideas, it is the job of the extro- thankful for it as I am now. I have verts to seek out their ideas and stay appreciated it more and more in recent 40 ConneXions99: The Other Spring Meeting quiet long enough to listen and value years. In the past few weeks, during What are the young adults up their input. these very painful events, I am so to now? Though it seldom happens, I could thankful for the manner in which the BY A NDY N ASH see how that arrangement could greatly Review has kept us informed. May our improve cooperation and productivity. new president, Jan Paulsen; our entire DEPARTMENTS Most of the time, though—whether in church worldwide; Elder Folkenberg; 2 Letters or out of the church—the extroverts and our Adventist Review remain faith- are not only in the limelight (where ful until His soon return. 7 Give & Take they should be), but are considered 14 Sandra Doran: Dialogues the only good source of ideas, which is —Marguerite Ray Dendy 24 Cityscapes R ALEIGH, NORTH C AROLINA often their greatest weakness by , B.C. nature. 25 Global Mission 32 World News & Perspectives ELOWNA Letters Policy , K —Floyd Phillips 39 Camp Meeting Schedule B ERRIEN S PRINGS, MICHIGAN The Review welcomes your letters. Short, WIGHT pointed letters are the most effective and 47 Reflections D have the best chance at being published. Labels such as aloof, antisocial, cold, Letters will be edited for space and clarity EDITORIALS wallflower, and depressed are very only. Send correspondence to Letters to the HOTOGRAPHY BY 5 From What I Hear P familiar to me from my childhood and Editor, Adventist Review, 12501 Old INE up. I too have experienced some of the Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904- 6 Where a Child Is Treasured ; F doubts of thinking I’m an inadequate 6600; Internet: [email protected] Christian because I’m not good at CompuServe network: 74617,15. OVER PHOTO meeting strangers and could be better C ADVENTIST REVIEW, MAY 1999 (571) 3 “Behold, I come quickly . .” Our mission is to uplift Jesus Christ through stories of His matchless love, news of His present workings, help for knowing Him better, and hope in His soon return. Publisher General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Executive Publisher William G. Johnsson Associate Publisher Charlotte McClure Publishing Board: Phil Follett, vice-chair; Lowell Cooper; William G. Johnsson; Robert E. Lemon; A. C. McClure; Ardis D. Stenbakken, Donald R. Sahly; Ted N. C. Wilson; Robert Nixon, legal advisor Editor William G. Johnsson Associate Editors Roy Adams, Bill Knott Managing Editor Myrna Tetz News Editor Carlos Medley Assistant Editors Stephen Chavez, Andy Nash Editorial Assistant Ella Rydzewski Administrative Secretary Chitra Barnabas Editorial Secretary Jean Sequeira Art Director Bill Kirstein Designer Bill Tymeson Design Assistant/Production Stephanie Kaping Ad Sales Genia Blumenberg Subscriber Services Steve Hanson Consulting Editors: G. Ralph Thompson, Matthew Bediako, Phil Follett, Robert J. Kloosterhuis, A. C.
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