Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC October 1978 Daily Egyptian 1978 10-19-1978 The aiD ly Egyptian, October 19, 1978 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_October1978 Volume 60, Issue 44 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, October 19, 1978." (Oct 1978). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1978 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in October 1978 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Circuit judge lets tax-lid proposition remain on ballot By Bob Sprin.~er A..sodaled PrPSII Writer SPRI;~GFIELD lAP) - A Circuit Court judge Wednesday allowed Gov. James R Thompson's battle-scarred tax lid proposition to remain ...-: the Nov. 7 ballot. apparently ending a ~a1 batik but reheating a months-illd political ~AJe. Judge Simon L. Friedman of Sangamon Cl'Unty ruled the prop«lSition was given II "fair and imr-artial hearing" by statl' elections officials, who certified it Stopt. 8 for lhe ballot. }o'riedman's ruling came on a suit filed by Rfop. David 1.. Roblllson, Do. Springfield. who sought to knock the proposition off the ballO(. Rutlmson said he would not appeal the ruling to L'le Illinois Supreme Court .•n part, because 01 the expense involved. I"rlt'dman's decision thus endf'd. apparr-ntly for good, weeks of legal maneuvering over the proposition, which is considered a key element of Rf'publican Thompson's re-election campaIgn. But the ruling set off a new round of politIcal charges and counler-<-harges involving the proposItion. which wauld ask voters in NovemlJE.r if the.. favor a ceiling on state and local taxes and spending. The referendum would be advisory and have r... binding rifed. In a statement. Thompson called the Ben.1Ie eI ~c:daa, tnKb have 10 ."weI' ~ nils 15 v.. n. the driYe w" won dowa. Afler win,; trn ap'''' a ruling "a victory for the pE'OPle of fro.. die bac:1l dow eI die Oakland S&refl MaliGn. The wftIl, c:emm& was poured Wednnday. CSla" , .... by Illinois," and said: "I fought very hard wetpt ellile Incll.... OIIDIed 10 I5lGD11 per da,......... au Gearp Bams) to give the people of IllinOiS this right." gus 'Bode Daily ~cryptian Southern Dlinois University Gn a,. .... COl» ••J ban f ....d SUllIe fire iD all &Ita' s-'Ie. City to ask for $3 million BUD grant By Pam BaBey without UDAG funds, "said Donald UDAG funds. The first application was $17 million. Hoye will finance th~ Staff Writer Monty, assistant city manager for returned to the city in September conventiotl center and the motor hotel. A document which wiD belp decide the community development, "The land ~al1Se HUD offkials ",eren't satisfied City officials project that the sbai:le of Carbondale's future will be C'JSts are so great that we c:ouldn't find with it. hand-delivered to the federal convention cenli:!r will create about 22S that amount 01 money locally, And a To ensure that the second application jobs and expand the city's tax base. by De,'artmenl of Rousing and Urban private developer c:ouldn 't come up with is acceptable. city officials have about S8OO.000 over a IG-year period. Dn!I~t by City Manager Carron $1 or $2 millioo to acquil~ the land and Fry Fnday_ The capacity of the center will be about still have an economically fea$ible ::~~=!:{~ :!'~r:/~= 2.000 people. In addition, Hoye plans to Tne document is an application for a project." pledged by Stan Hc;e-genel'al $3 million Urban Development Action build an adJoimng 16-5tory. 230-roorr. Monty said HUD has abQ:! !liS million manager of Carbond;o!~ s Holiday Ir.n hotel. Grant, ami the funds are crucial to the and the priviue developer of th,' success of Carbondale's plans to :em:r.::ta~ =~.:=a~.~:~ downtown projec:t--from S5 million to Although Hoye will also finance and revitalize its decayin. downtown appiied for l;DAG "small (:iues" granls. about SI9 million. Monty said. own the planned parking gar!i~~. the t-/~iness district. According to BiD Hammer. a HlID In addition. the City .:'-ouncil passed an structure will be initially flIDded by the city. saKi cit; about $2 Under the massive program planned development director. the purpose of the ~!'dlRance Monday night designed to Mont, the will sell by the city, two square blocb bounded UDAG grants is to "create jobs and assure HUD officials that the city is millioo in municip..:' '--ads to pay for by Elm and Monroe streets and strengthen the tax base In ec"flIIomic'dly willing and ready to use its powers of construction of the buiJding. hut Haye University and Illinois avenues will be distressed areas." Special empnasi, is emlDent oo.."Ilain and condemnation to will repay the d!y when the gara~ cleam and rebuilt with a convention placed on the degree of private-se.:tor ilcquire the n,"cessary properties to b~lns to bring in revenues. center and motor hotel. a parking Involvement, he said. t.ecause that complete the UDAG "rojecl AU owners The city wiD fund construction 01 the garege and a new city hall and library. provides greater eronomic stimulation of businesses in the area wiU be ci\y hall, and the library board of However. without federal fwds. which m publIC investment. compensated for the apprais..."CI value of tru:;tees will finance the new library, will be used to acquire and clear !he City officials wtllieam whether tht>ir their property a~d will receive Monty ~aid. Howf'Ver, he added that the p..ct. the pro~t will remain just a application has been approved in early rek..cation assistance, Monty said. city may ultimately fund the library dream. November. This is the second tim.. the The total cost of the downtown construction because the library boaff4 .. It would be very ditrlcult to do city has submiUt'CI an application for revitalir.ation is estimated to be about is essentially a part of city govent~ent. Defendant to fight luarijuana charges By Ric.. Klic:ki the ('oaUtion said they would proviO'.: knowledge, no complaints 01 impropri­ Slaf. Wri.... legal .uistance if he needed il ha·~7~!::=J.:~ ~~~ :a~J o.'::!ta: ety by olfio:ers in the parade Weft Scott Stender is going to fight for his "We are in c:onsultaiioo with the do want to say that r'D not guilty. which reported to the (~hief or the Internal convictions. American Civil Liberties t;nion and means going to c.lW't. :'!!airs Divisioo of the department. Stender, a sophomore in liberal arts. NOlL'lL <National Organization i'lf the "The coalition passed """ 3.000 jP.l'lls P()1iff said thr. p.uade permit issued to was an-.:Sted by Carbondale police Reform of Marijuana Laws)," a at the smoke-in and I got bustt:.:: .ith less the c·18lition st.·M(I that the marchers Frid~y dt!!"!ng II the "Autumn coo!:ti= spokesman said. "We \oviD than ~ ~'nt on me. woulC: not be allowed to smoke Harve5tfest" smoke--in parade through consider all alternatives available foc "1 didn t have enough 011 me to get a lJ'larijuana during the parade. Stender Carbondale. The par.cle. sponsored by assisting the arrested student. bird hIgh." he added. said he was unaware that he couldn't the Carbondale CoaIilJOllfor Marijuana "AII the group members agreed that Although Slender had no complg~ts smoke during the parade. Reform, was part 01 3 ~ hours 01 we are obliged to assist the individual's about his arrestil'g officer, be y;d one Stender said he went through actitlities protesting marijuana laws_ legal battle with aU available ~:!nclotbes office." began to 'hassle" a-:ocessing by ~ce and spent two hours According to Carbondale police. resources." the spokesman said. mjail before his rights Wf'fe read to him. plainclothes officers ub&erved Stender Stender said he thought the police used "While J was being cuffed, an~ther Murphy said that in that particular fiUing a pipe with marijuana, smoking it discriminatory selection in hi.~ arrest. plainclothN oIftcer walked up to me and io.tance Stender's righls did not have to and passing it to the crowd. He wall ". have no idea why I was singled 'itarted badmouthing me," Stender said be read to him at ijJe time ,If arrest. charged with possession 01 nlarijuana GUt." Stender said, ""here were other "He yellt'd at me. asked me what the heD Stender said ~ though the arrest was lUloor 2.5 grams and released on ~ people smoking in the par~." J tl!ooght t was doing and preached t~ meaningless. bcrJd IV said he has talked with law~ m~ allout pot." "It was a stupid little bust." Stender 'Iowner, Stender said Tuesday he from NORML, but :.. unsure what ~egal Lt, T"fTY Murphy of the Carbondale said. ... think the police used some wouJd fight the charges. and members of steps may be taken. police said that to the best of his pretty unjlllt and sneaky tactics." Neutron bomb parts to be produced By Ja_ r.en1etnan1C Soviet and other Warsaw Pact for:..:s in be innu~ bv the ~ree or Soviet w~apon C'~ntrov~r!lY w~re b(,lnj( AsHri8ie11 '""- Writer Europe. J'l'Straint in coo\'entional and nuclear inlonnE'd of Carter's decision by DefenSf' WASHINGTON CAP) - President The bomb, rormally known as an arms.
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