![CHESS REVIEW 'It, ,.,Cu,., C"'U](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
DECEMBER 1960 THE U.S.A. TEAM 60 CENTS Subscription Rate ONE YEAR 56.00 1 White to move 2 Black to move Mind rOll. we lire not going If. in t hese pos ilions. the BLUNDERFUL! t o calnlllni;t t e yOll r opponent. wlnner,to·bc se ems so often 'i'fl. r tal{o ver·s poetic ann maJ"l' elously truth f111 pronotlllce· H is " bluuder" ma y have to be an Exchange down, ment: "All the li ttle blunders a re there on th e board. waiting been pe nlJ itting you to sac, ther e is, p e rh ap~ n reason. to be made." is n ot s trict ly applicable her e. ~' or t he blunde r s. rifice the Exc- ha llge, for e x' T he Exchange is a CO mpara · little 01' otherwise, ha"e been ma de - amI. ir you don't add ample. Howcvcr t h:l t may tively inexpensive sacrifice. to th em, you a re now to cash them in. Appz'a is e eac h posi, be. you ,He mate rial down it lea,'es til" g iver with st ill tion a nd select the win n ing li ne including any variations. F or but enjoying a won gam e. an equa l n umber' of pieces te n COlTcct solutions, rate yourse lf e xcellent: for cight. good; For n MelTY Christmas Il OW. and it usually costs ' the for s ix, f;lir. find how to will alld ca ll it ta ke l' a. tempo. You win So lutions on page 380, out lond ,llld cle a l". ellsily here. How ? 3 White to move 4 B laek t o move 5 W h it e t o move 6 Black to move YOII a re only a mere mat, FOI' a mere Pawl), you Once ilg:till. you a re a n Ex, You're no mer e Exchange tel' of P awns down h ere; hal'e a 1\' 0 11 game. That's chan;:::e down: monoto nous is behind t his time - but then s Ull it is a m ply enough to chea p at any Iw icc ; hut it nOt? \\'ell. no. because it betokens only that your los e. Ir YOli sae'd t hose this is so chea p here tha t the !<eqnel i;; certainly di f, win must be t he mOI'e dras , Pawn s, pres umably Y OU have White must truly huve made fer ent. In Ih e words o{ the lie The more drastic it is, a follow u p : is it another. some litUe bl unders, or a big 0 ](1 ~o n ~ : "l>ery little of a s Urety. th e more obl'i· piece, sa crifi ce? or a triclty one. The point n ow. how. mO I'('lll ent haH ;t 1Jl E' a ning of Oil S . As a watter of fact, maneuver to r econp a piece? ever. i ~ to concentrate Oil i ls o\\'n ." and the right little w hy haven't you seen It al· (You clln hardly win three what counts (woolgath ering mOI' E' llle nt here will produce ready ! Well. be of good Pawns !) H ow do you win may forfeit the win! ) : h ow a win. Which moveme n t chC(l r. You a r e allowed Tim e. in this pos ition"! do you win? brings on a sy mphony? Go to it. 7 White t o move 8 Black to move 9 W h ite t o move 10 B lack to move Whe never YOIl fin d a King A Pawn per haps divides Over the board and with a T his time, YOU I" question is s traying out in front of ili s t he fa lse from trlle. willner tour nament clO Ck tick ing, what did White miss ? It is Pawn ba lTier, you can judge fl'om loser in m ost (Ie cisions this position is one t o shake cleal" that he i ~ hungrily t he opponent hns blundered ol'e r the board. And you are t he nerves, ' Ware mate ! B Ul eyeing 2 QxHi: and, If your an d Is " dead." T rue. you o n e P awn d .o II' II h e re ! Is there nny defense? 1 B-Bl defe nse is 1 . , , R/ 6- Bl, seem hel"€ to he lacking a White's game is nlight y won't do; nor 1 B- RZ, You you won't be goi ng a nywhere Queen a nd t o hal'e a Hook solid . too, S till. it is abso­ can tl1' tile panic button fast. So make n. Nell' Year's e n prise. But don't let s uch lutely so ? Jus t one little with 1 P - QB3. But s utJpose I'esolution for hel'e a nd now tl'millg detail s stop YOII c revice migh t provide a. way you r emember th a t you'r e and also t he fu ture: Look from the swi ft com pletion of into th e s tr onghold. Can you supposed t o win? What (l id fo r wha t you can do to win ! the willning line. create one? Black miss? And a Happy N ew Y ear! CHESS REVIEW 'It, ,.,cu,., C"'U . "O. "H' Volume 28 Number 12 O."embe r, 19&1 EDITED & PUBLISHED BY I. A. Horowitz: TABLE OF CONTENTS APPAL.L.ING HORROR ! mllgaz.mes. It is unc alled fo r in even the FEATURES As do ma ny chess e nt h u ~ia.s t s, I live most comme rcial of chess publicalions. Chen Biaeuits ............. .. .. ... 362 ror each issue of CII.:55 R t:\u:w. Imagine Game of t he Month .. .............. 360 A I.lIF.RT \V£ ISS MI,," Ill y a l)pa lling ho rror when I OI)CUOO III )" Tales of a Wood pusher .... ••. ..... 370 I\' ~ II' LOl/doll , COIIII. World T eam Championship .... .. .. 354 m ail box Ihis morning and round all REAL. SATISFACTION DEPARTMENTS em pt y Cm;ss RF.v! !::w envelopc! lim· The story, "White to Move," in the No· Annual Index ....... .... .. ....... 382 mediately wcnt into II Slate of shock. vember issil c of Cm;ss Ihvn:w was really Ch essboard Magic! .. ....... ...... 363 1 haven't dccided yct wh clher the postal sensational! I've never read such an ex· Chess Caviar ... .. .... 358, 363, 371 eml)loyecs should he ki ckt.>J 01" whether citing short story concerning chess lind Chess C lub Directory ....... ..... 364 you r stuffers ou:;hl to he l)Urged. I n any those who have a violent passiun fo r the Che•• Vignettes .. .... .. ........... 359 case, please send me a CO lly or CHt:SS game. Would you please give m y regards E vent of the Month ..... .. ........ 357 Rn'u:w, q uick, quick. 'I uick.like. Thank to the author \V illiam Brower ? Finish ing T ouch ... ... ......... .. 365 yo u. Gamet from Rece nt Events . .. ..... 372 Because of my deel) passion lor chess, I How to Win in the Ending ... ...... 356 ROln: rn N OFSIKGt;l\, JI;. devote all of Ihe time I can get between Past Masterpieces .. .. .. .......... 361 Missoula. • llfonlana school and m y homework to chess and Postal Chess ... .. •.•...•.•...••.. 377 ANO THE REVERS E! psychology. 1 hope 10 sce m ore stories Solltillire Chess .......... ... .... .. 367 I really allprcciate Illy C ll t;SS ]{f;VIF.W 'S of this kind in CHI'.sS REVIF.W. Spotlight On Openings .... ... ..... 368 coming to me in thc large cnl·elopes. It EDWARD H ."NTt NG Tournillme nt Calendar . .. ........... 359 ma kes them look 100% nealer a mi newe r. Vicksburg, Michigall W orld of Chess ... .. .... ........... 355 WANTED not to be lolded :I;; the)' ust..'(1 I" hc. Tile EDITOR I am inrerested in rhe purchase 01 Rus· I. A. Horowlt" content is as great as ever - kee p up EXECUTIVE EDITOR Ihe g.)O,1 work. Thank you. s ian chess publications, books and maga· Jack Straley Oattell zi ncs ( HlI ssian language). Can you sU PI)ly Gf;on(;E CUIIOX ES CONTRIBUT ING. EDITORS these? If nOI , can you lell me where they A. D. BI , guler. 1. Chernev, J . W. Comns. Eugene, OregOIl T. A. Dunlt, Dr. M. Euwe, H anl Kmoch, can be ohlained. either direct 01" from W. Korn. Fred RelnrCld. WANTS TO BE S HOWN sources in this country. CORRESPONDENTS Alabama E. M. Cockrell. Dear .\f r. H orowil:.:: J was " leased to Incidentally, your J uly issue of CHF.sS Aluka S. H. O'Neill. find you r usual caustic c"mme"l;; in R";" I"; w deservC$ comme nt. Every few is. California Dr. H. Ralston. M. J. Hoyer. " Reader-'!' Game;;" in Ihe Septemlier is sli e. Colorado J. J, Reid. sues you come u p with one just a little Connecticut Edmund e. Hand. YOll have been ali$(' nl s in ce the April extra, a little better than your usual good District of Co lumbi" R. S. Cuntwell. i$suc. I was afraid you were ill or apa· Florida n . C. EaSlwood. work. Your July issue seems to me 10 be Georgia Druwe lJ Deen, t hetic. BUI , in checking i $8 u e~ ~ in ce :\pril, one of the best of those which are " just IId aho H. 8. ' ·nndenberg. 1 see them loaded with \V"rld ChaIllJli(Jn.
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