Volume: 90 - No. 4 April 2015 Ag people Ag Awareness Day at the Legislature draws crowd in the news Members of the N.C. Soy- bean Producers Association elected its offi cers for 2015. Jeff Peed of Aurora was elect- ed president, John Fleming of Scotland Neck was elected vice president, Jeff Tyson of Nash- ville will serve as secretary and Bernard Lennon of Evergreen will serve as treasurer. The group also elected the following directors. • Greg Manning of Nashville representing Edgecombe, Halifax and Nash counties; • Reggie Strickland of Mt. Olive representing Duplin County; • Philip Sloop of Mt. Ulla representing Alexander, Catawba, Cleveland, Da- vie, Davidson, Iredell, Lin- coln, Randolph and Rowan counties; • Logan Watson of Monroe representing Gaston, Meck- lenburg and Union coun- ties; • Jason Starnes of Salisbury representing Alexander, Catawba, Cleveland, Da- vie, Davidson, Iredell, Lin- coln, Randolph and Rowan counties; (See People, pg. 2) Ag Awareness Day at the Legislature drew more than 1,000 people focused on highlighting the state’s No. 1 industry - agriculture. Top photo, Gov. Pat McCrory talks about his support for North Carolina agriculture at the rally at the Capitol. At left, representatives from Robeson County head into the legislature to visit with members of the General Assembly. Above, Rep. Garland Pierce visits with agriculture supporters from his district. From the tractor by Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler ture. For those of you who trav- was great to let legislators know Agriculture defi nitely eled to Raleigh in support of this just how big and important ag- has friends among the legis- event, “Thank You, Thank You, riculture is to our economy, to lators, and I was thankful we Thank You!” our rural communities and to the had nearly a dozen legisla- With warmer weather, I farm families whose livelihood tors join us at the rally along know there is a lot to do on the depends on this industry. with Gov. Pat McCrory, Sen- farm to get ready for the planting Legislators are used to see- ate President Pro Tem Phil season. So I know that being at ing representatives from my de- Berger and Speaker of the the rally meant making a personal partment, the N.C. Farm Bureau, House Tim Moore, who were sacrifi ce. the N.C. Grange and other ag and all on the program. Commissioner Troxler More than 1,000 people commodity groups, but hearing Gov. McCrory has been I hope you can see from the came together for the rally and from a neighbor back home reso- talking about agriculture photos above that we had a great offi ce visits with legislators. It nates even more. After all, these since early in his administra- day and great turnout for Ag was great to have such good turn- are the people our legislators are Awareness Day at the Legisla- out, but equally as important, it here in Raleigh representing. (See Ag Awareness Day, pg. 2) Page 2 AGRICULTURAL REVIEW April 2015 26,000 copies of this public document were printed at a cost of $993.72 or 3 cents New manager joins the per copy. Brian Long ...................................Editor DIVISIONS Andrea E. Ashby .................Mng. Editor Agronomic ........... Dr. Colleen Hudak-Wise Charlotte Farmers Market Danette Jernigan ..........................Ads & Emergency Programs .........Sharron Stewart Circulation Mgr. Food Distribution .........................Gary Gay A former extension agent has the Queen City for more than 30 ers markets in the Charlotte Jen Kendrick ....................... Staff Writer Food & Drug ..................Audrey Pilkington been named the new manager of years,” said Agriculture Com- area where farmers can sell their Heather Overton ..................Staff Writer Human Resources ............. Sylvia Crumpler the Charlotte Regional Farmers missioner Steve Troxler. “Amie products,” Newsome said. “My Legal Affairs .............................Tina Hlabse Market. Amie Newsome replaced brings a lot of fresh ideas that will job is to make sure that those AGRICULTURAL REVIEW (ISSN Marketing ..........................................Vacant 07445466) is published 11 times a year Meat & Poultry Inspection .......Alan Wade Fred Cole, who retired in Decem- help the market continue to serve farmers see the Charlotte Re- with a combined November/December N.C. Forest Service ...................David Lane ber. She is the fi rst female full- Charlotte’s diverse community gional Farmers Market as a vi- issue by the N.C. Department of Agricul- N.C. State Fair ........................Wesley Wyatt time manager of the market. for years to come.” able option to sell their goods.” ture and Consumer Services, 2 W. Eden- Plant Industry ............................Vernon Cox ton St., Raleigh, NC 27601. Second-class Property & Construction ......Kent Yelverton Newsome spent nine years Newsome said she wants to The Charlotte Regional postage paid at Raleigh, N.C. Public Affairs .............................Brian Long as an agent with Johnston County create a family atmosphere for Farmers Market is one of four Research Stations ............Dr. Sandy Stewart Soil & Water Conservation ...Patricia Harris Cooperative Extension. She also shoppers and vendors. She plans state-owned farmers markets POSTMASTER: Send address changes Standards .........................Stephen Benjamin has worked for retail gardening to work with farmers and crafters operated by the N.C. Depart- and classifi ed advertising to Statistics ...................................... Dee Webb centers, nursery wholesalers and to improve their stands and pre- ment of Agriculture and Con- AGRICULTURAL REVIEW, 1001 Mail Structural Pest & Pesticides .... Jim Burnette has taught agricultural education sentation. In addition, she hopes sumer Services. The market, Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699- Veterinary ....................Dr. Douglas Meckes 1001. at Southern Vance High School that vendors will work together located at 1801 Yorkmont Road, AGRICULTURAL REVIEW is printed in Henderson. Newsome has a to share best practices with one is open Tuesdays through Satur- in interest of the farmers of the State and Chief of Staff: degree in horticulture from N.C. another. Newsome also hopes to days from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. is sent free to residents upon request. Zane Hedgecock State University. explore new partnerships with lo- More information is avail- Chief Deputy Commissioner: “The Charlotte Regional cal food trucks, restaurants, uni- able at www.ncagr.gov/markets/ N. David Smith Jr. Farmers Market has been serv- versities and schools. facilities/markets/charlotte/. Assistant Commissioners: PHONE: 919-707-3001 Scott Bissette ing farmers and consumers in “There are dozens of farm- Steve Troxler Joe Reardon Commissioner Dr. Richard Reich Ag Awareness Day Upcoming farmers market events (Cont’d from pg. 1) Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler, right, welcomes ag supporters to the State Capitol grounds for the Ag Awareness Day rally. tion and he understands that ag- ports. I think it was appropriate riculture is not only a strength that the united message we shared of this state, but it is also an with legislators was “Come Grow Spring is here and with its arrival comes increased activities at farmers markets across the economic driver with the po- With Us.” That’s what I intend to state. Look for the freshest N.C. food products available at local and regional markets. tential to grow even larger. I see happen with agriculture and The following are upcoming special events at the state-operated farmers markets. was pleased that during the agribusiness in the coming years. Western N.C. Farmers Market, Asheville, Robert G. Shaw Piedmont Triad Farmers program, the governor recog- This event would not have 828-253-1691 Market, Colfax, 336-605-9157 nized agriculture and agribusi- been possible without the lead- • April 11 -- Fifth Annual WNC Farmers • April 11 -- Gourd Day ness for helping pull up North ership and support of the N.C. Market Car Show • April 24 -- Greenhouse Vegetable Day Carolina’s economy during the Farm Bureau. the N.C. Agribusi- • April 10 & 11 -- 10th Annual BBQ • April 25 -- Fire Safety Day last recession. I look forward to ness Council, N.C. Grange and Cookoff & Bluegrass Show • May 2 -- NC CASI Chili Championship working with his administra- N.C. State University, plus many • April 14 & 28 -- Master Gardener plant • May 8 -- 20th Anniversary Celebration tion and some of his public-pri- of our agricultural commodity clinics • May 22 -- Strawberry Day featuring a vate initiatives for job growth. groups. • April 24 & 25 -- “Growing in the Strawberry Recipe Contest We have a lot to celebrate I am so proud of the coopera- Mountains” Plant Show • May 29-31 -- Spring Craft Fair in North Carolina when it tion of all of these groups and I • May 1-3 -- 26th Annual Spring Herb • June 20 -- Wing Festival comes to agriculture. This $78 am proud of the turnout we had. It Festival • July 10 -- Blueberry Day billion industry employs nearly is not easy to get so many people • May 9 & 16 -- Master Gardener plant • July 17 -- Peach Day featuring a Peach a fi fth of the workforce, and it together and united in focus, es- clinics Recipe Contest produces food, fi ber and fuel. pecially when it comes to agricul- • June 13 & 27 -- Master Gardener plant But I believe, it can easily be- ture, but this event proved once clinics State Farmers Market, Raleigh, 919-733- come a $100 billion industry again that North Carolina is the • July 17 -- Watermelon Day 7417 with continued investment in best agricultural state. • July 11 & 25 -- Master Gardener plant • April 16 -- Greenhouse Vegetable Day research, marketing and ag ex- clinics • April 25 -- WPTF Weekend Gardener Charlotte Regional Farmers Market, 704- Show People 357-1269 • May 14 -- Strawberry Day (Cont’d from pg. 1) bane representing Alamance, • May 15 -- Strawberry Day • Ryan Kennedy of Hope Mills Caswell, Durham, Forsyth, representing Cumberland Granville, Orange, Person, and Harnett counties; Rockingham and Stokes • Sydney Edwards Dunn of counties; Edenton representing John- • Ryan Cahoon of Fairfi eld ston County; representing Bertie, Chowan, To keep up with the latest on the N.C.
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