NOAA Technical Report NMFS Circular 397 Marine Flora and Fauna of the Northeastern United States. Cnidaria: Scyphozoa Ronald J. Larson August 1976 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Elliot l. Richardson, Secretary National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Rob\~rt M. White, Administrator National Marine Fisheries Service Robert W. Schoning, Director t'ot Sale by the Superintendent of Documents. U.S. GO'o'crnment Printing Office Wo,hington. D.C. 20~02 - Stock No. 003.017-00387 ,'., NOAA FOAM 25-13 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 12-73) BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA SHEET NATIONAL OCEANIC AtJD Al'MOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION 1. NOAA ACCE:;SION NUMBER 2 3 RECIPIENT'S ACCESSION NUMBER NOAA-7610l8l5 1 • 1 • 4. TITLE AND SL,'ST:TLE S. REPO~T DATE Marine Flora and Fauna of the North~astern United States. Au!! 1976 Cnidaria: Scyphozoa 6. 7. AUTHOR!SI 8. REPORT NO. Ronald J. Larson CU.S. National Museum, Washington. DC) NOAA-TR-NMFS Circular ~~7 9. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS 10. PROJECT/TASK NO. NOM, National Marine Fisheries Service, Seattle, WA, 181 CJ S' 11. CONTRACT/GRANT NO. Scientific Publications Staff 12, SPONSORING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS 13. TYPE OF REPORT AND PERIOD Same COVERED 1'~~h Rent' 14. 15. PUBLICATION REFERENCE NOAA Technical Report NMFS Circular 397, August 1976. 21 p, 28 fig, 24 ref. 16. ABSTRACT This manual is an introduction to the scyphomedusae found in coastal waters from Maine to the Chesapeake Bay. It includes a discussion of their identification, ~- collection, rearing, preservation, and nematocysts. Also included is an introduction to the natural history of the scyphopolyps and medusa,e, a discussion of stinging scyphomedusae, a glossary of terms, an illustrated synopsis of ephyrae, an illustrating key to the scyphomedusae (including the Stauromedusae), an annotated systematic list, a bibliography of major refer~nces, and an index. (Author) 17. KEY WORDS AND DOCUMENT ANALYSIS 17A. DESCRIPTORS Coelenterata, Jellyfish, MaTlua1s, Taxonomy, Invertebrates, Descriptions 11e. IDENTIFIERS/OPEN-SNOED TERMS Cnidaria, Scyphozoa, Stauromedusae, Scyphistomae, Ephyrae, Scypr.omedusae, Sea net'tles, Sea wasps, Keys, U.S. Northeast Coast, Systematic lists !7C. COSATI ~IE:::LD/GROUP 6C 18. AVAILABILITY STATEMENT 19. SECURITY CLASS 21. NO. OF PAGES (This report) UNCLASSIFIED d-5 20. SECURITY CLASS 22. PRICE (This report) -:> "). -~O . , UNCLASSIFIED NOAA FORM 25-13 I SUPERSEDES ALL PREVIOUS EDITIONS. ---------_.._..._------ I NOAA TEPHNICAL REPORTS ~ National Marine Fisheries Service, Circulars i T!le major responsibiJities of the National Marine Fisheries ServiC"e lNMFS) arl' to monitor and aue" the abundance and Reographic distribution of fbitJery resources. to under:'lland and predict nuctuations in the quantity and di.!ltribution of the~e resourt'es. Iond to establish leveb for optimum use or the resourteS. ! NMFS is also charged with the dew:lopmen;. and implementation of policies for managing "ationa.! fL!lhing grounds. development Ind en(oN!ement of domestic' l f15heries regulations, surveillance of foreign Hshing oU United Slales ("OMta1 waters, and the development and enforcement of intern.tiona: fishery 8gret!:nents and ~liries. NMFS also M5ists the fishing industry through marketing service and economic analysis programs, and mortK!lg~ insurance and vessel construction I SIJbSldi~s. It collects, analyzes, and publishes statistics on various ~hases of the industry. The NOAA Technical Report NMFS eiRC !terie! continue! a !eries that has been in exist~nce since 1941. The Circulars are technical publications of general interest I intended to aid conservation and management. Publications th~t. review in considerable detail and at a hi,h technical level certain broad areas of rt-..ear('h appear in thi5 s~ries. T~chnical p,~rs originatinR in economics studies and from managemeru. investigations appear In the Circular s~ries. NOAA T«hnical Reports ~MFS CIRf" are a\iailable rree in limited numbers to governm~ntal agendes. both Federal and State. The)' art' also available in ! exchange for other scientific ... nd technical publil"ations in the marine sciences. Individual copies may be obtained lunless otherwis.e nOlA'd) from 083, Tec:hnic:l1 I Information Divisioll' Envirllnmental Scien,'""e Information Center, NOAA. Wllshin!{ton. D.C. 20235. Recent Circulars are: 315. Synopsis of biologi~al data on the chum salmon. Oncorh1l1ldlu$ kelt! 349. LJ!liL' of abstrat'ts lind 'lummarics as communication devices in technical IWal~.uml 119'~. By Richard G. Bakkala. lI.arch 1970. iii + 89 p.. 15 fop.• 51 artidl:s. By F. Drure Sanford. l"cbruary 1971. iii + 11 p., I fig. tab!{'s. 319, Dureau or Commerl'ial Fi'St;eries Great Lakes Fi.IIlt'lery Laboratory, Ann 3..'10. Resl!srch in fiscal year 1969 at the Bureau of Cummercial Fi5herit~s Arbor, Michigan. By Bureau of Co:nmercial Fishuies. March 197(),8 p.• 7 figs, Biolol{ical Laborator.r. B..~aufort. N.C. By the Laboratory stafL November 1970. II ii + 49 p.. 21 figs,. 17 tables. 330. EASTROPAC Atlas: Vol•. )·7. Camlog No. I 49.4:3301Ivo\.l 11 vol•. i Availabl~ of from fl)e Superintendent Documents. U.S. Government Printing 3,')1. Burenu of Commercial F;sheries E)"plorl1tory Fishin,li, and Gear R~,earch Office. WashinKlon. D.C. 20402. \ fiase, (Jasca~oula, Mississippi, July 1. 1967 to ..Tunc 30. 1969. By Harvey R. Bullis. Jr. and John R. Thompson. November 1970, iv + 29 p., 29 figs .• 1 331. Guidelint'5 for the processing of hot·smo!.:ed chuh. By H. L. SCl1RTan, J. t3hll>. I T. Graikoski. and J. A. Emerson. January H~·,U. iv + 23 p., 8 fiJVi .• 2 tablt"s. :lS2. lJpslrl~3m pas~.aKe of anlldromou!i fish through navigation locks and u~e :3.12. Pacific hake. 02 articles hy 20 l\utlJond March 1970, iii + 152 p.• 72 of tht! strt'am for spawning and nursery habitat, Capp F("ar Rivt-'r, N.C., figs., 47 tables. n_li2-(lii. II)' Paul R. Nichols and Darl·ell F... Loud~r. October 1970. iv + 12 p.. I !l fi,,;!'i., .1, tahles, 333. Recommended practices for vc.:isl'i sanitation and fisll handHng. By EdJitar W. BC"\lman anti Alfred LarsL·n. March 1970. hI + 27 p.• 6 rigs. :~.,'i6. FloatinK laboratory for stud)' of aquatic orhanisms and their environ 335. Pro~ress I""t'port of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Cenler for rm'nl. By G('Orge R. Snydl'r. Theodore II. B1ahm, and RiJocrt J, McConnell. Estuarine and Me"lhaden Research. Pt'sticide Field Station. Gulf Brp('ze. ,.~ta .• Mn)' 1971, iii + It. p., 11 fiKS .. lise" I )'car 1969. By the Laboratory !Ower. AUFrU5t 1970, iii + 33 p., 29 rigs" 12 tables. :~61. Rt·Kinn..1 and other related aSpt'Ct5 of sbellfish ["onsumption - some­ prdiminary findings frum tht, 1969 Consume r I>anel Survey. lJ}' MorLon M. 336. The northern rUT seal. By r.:alph C. Raker. Ford Wilke. and C. H.JWIlM Mill.'r and I>arrl'1 t\. Nash. June 1971, iv + 18 p.. 19 figs .. 3 Lahles, 10 apps. Balun. April 1970. iii + 19 p.. 13 ro"•. :162. Ht'search \'e!'sels of lht· National Marint' Fi!lhcries Scrvj..t'. By Roh.'rt S. 331, ProKram of Div\sion of Economic Re~earch. llure.llU of CommeITial Wnlf. t\ugu.st 1971, iii + 46 p.• 2,') fiKS .• :J tabl£'s. Fo!" sale b)' the Fisheries, fi!lical )'ear 1%9. By Oiv!sion of Economic Research. April 1970. iii Supl'Tintt'ndl'nt of DlX·uments. U.S. Go\,("rnnl{-'nt Printing OffiCl', WashinK!on, + :?9 p., 12 fiKS., 7 tables. n.c. 20·102. 338. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biol:>Kieal Laboratory. Auke 8a)'. ;kj.1, Hi~tory and onelopmcnt or surf dam har\ll'!ltiug gear. By Phillip S. AlaskD.. By Bureau or C.,mmercial Fisheries, June 1970, 8 p., 6 riR's. Parker. Ortoht'r 1971, iv + 15 p., 16 fiR'S. For sail! b)· the Supt'rintcnderlr of nOl.~Umt>nt5. u.s, Go\'('rnment Printing Ofrice, Wnshinfrloll. D.C. 2;:,402. 339. Salmon research at Ice Harbor Dam. By W~.sl •.·y J. Eta'i. April 1970,6 p.. 4 figs. :165. Procl'ssing Et\STHOPAC STD dnLD and thl' con'ilruction of vfl"'licnl h'mp(>raturc and !':alinit)" sloctions by co~putt'r. By Forrest R. Miller and 340. Bllreau of Commercial Fisheries Technological LaboraLory, Glouct'ster. }\('nnl'th A. Bliss. February 1972, iv + 11 p., 8 figs., 3 appl'ndix figs. For Ma"lsachusetls, By Hureau of Commercial F'i'iheries. June 1970. 8 p., 8 figs. sale hy tht' ~~uperintenrlent of J)ocument~. U.S. GO\'ernment Printinl{ omct'. \\'u!lhinKton. D.C. 'lO402. ~ 1. Rt-'port of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, Beaufort. N.C., for the fiSCRI year endinK June 30. 1968. RJo· the Laboratory staff. August W70. iii + 24 p., 11 Ci~s .• 16 tllbles. aBO. Key to field identification of IIndromuu.s jU\'f'nil£' snlmonids in thf> Pacific Northwest. By Robt'rt J. M,.. Conneli and George R. :"';n)·df'r. January 1972. i\l + 6 po, 4 fil':s. f~()r salp by lht· SU~t'rintl'ndent of DoclJmcnts. U.S. 34.2. Report of the Burt'3u of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory. Gn\,"('rnmt'nt PrintinK OHiC:l', Wa~hin~rton, D.C. 20402. St. Petersburg Beach. Florida. fiscal year 1969. By the Laboratory staff. August 1970. iii + 22 p.• 20 figs., 8 tables. :167. l':nKlDel'rin~ economic model f('lr fish prmt'in conc{ntration pro{'ess('~. By 343. Report Df the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory. K. K. Almenas. L. C. Durilla. R. C. Ernst. J. W. Gelltr)'. M. 3. Hale, and J. Galveston, Totus. fiscal yf!aT 1969. By the Laboratory stafr.
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