TTHHEE VVOOIICCEE OOFF HHAANN 漢漢 之之 聲聲 An Educational Journal in Chinese Studies and International Relations 中國研究和國際關係的教育雜誌由海鴻基金會出版 Volume 5 第五冊 January 2012 2012年1月 2011 APEC summit was held in Honolulu, Hawaii in November 2011年11月亞太會議于夏威夷檀香山舉行 z Great Indian Founding Father Mahatma Gandhi, Comments on 2010 Nobel Peace Prize and 2011 Inner Mongolia’s Protests 偉大印度國父聖雄甘地, 2010年諾貝爾和平獎評論 暨2011年內蒙示威抗議 z Golden BRICS Renamed Including Five Developing Countries in 2011 2011年金磚五國正式出爐 z Toward an Inter-Americanist Literary Paradigm 面向美洲国家之间的文学新范式 Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) pioneered 2011 G20 summit was held in Connie, France satyagraha (non-violence) which helped India to in October. 2011 年 10 月 20 國家領袖群 independence. 偉大印度國父聖雄甘地 利用 會議在法國康尼召開 和平非暴力促使印度獨立 Ma Yinjio won the re-election of 2012 Taiwan’s Thomas A. Edison (1847-1931) was possibly President (left), and Ma Yo Yo received the US the greatest inventor in the world, and had Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2011 馬英九 1100 inventions. 愛迪生可能是世界上最偉大 榮獲 2012 台灣總統連任(左); 國際知名大提 的發明家,他專利了 1100 樣發明項目. 琴家馬友友於 2011 年獲美國總統自由獎章. January 2012 The Voice of Han Volume 5 漢之聲 第五冊 2012 年 1 月 1 Editor’s Remarks 編者的話 2011 was a year of calamities, man-made and natural. In January, Egypt cut its people off from the internet as the “Arab Spring” began. In Syria, Tunisia, Libya and elsewhere, citizens used social media to organize street protests. In March, a magnitude 9.0 earthquake rocked Japan, followed by a tsunami that devastated towns and left about 20,000 dead or missing. In July, 91 people were killed in Norway island massacre and capital blast. In September, the United Nations warned that about 750,000 people could perish as the drought in Somalia worsen, and declared a famine crisis. Recently, there were floods in Thailand and Pakistan, which destroyed properties and human lives alike. We express our deepest sympathy and condolence to families of those people who died in all incidents. Our best wishes for health, peace, and prosperity for people throughout the world in 2012! 2011 年是不幸的一年,可謂天災人禍。1 月當「阿拉伯春」開啟,埃及切斷人民们的 電腦網;敘利亞,突尼西亞,利比亞及其他國人们用社會媒體組織街道對抗遊行。3 月日 本發生 9.0 級地震導致掃蕩本州東北一帶,約 2 萬人死亡與失蹤。7 月挪威的島嶼與首 都發生槍殺,導致 91 人喪生。9 月聯合國警告,由於桑馬立亞嚴重旱災,產生饑荒危機, 約 75 萬人將死亡。最近洪水淹沒泰國與巴基斯坦,吹毀了許多人命及財產。我們對所 有遇難家屬,表示最誠摯的憐憫與慰問。在這嶄新 2012 年的來臨,我們對全世界所有人 们,呈獻最佳祝福,健康,和平與興盛! 21 leaders of countries convened at the 18th APEC summit in Honolulu in November, 2011, and the declaration contained: the 19th APEC economic leaders’ meeting, strengthening regional economic integration and expanding trade, promoting green growth, regulatory convergence and cooperation, and looking forward to the fruits of these international agreements. Earlier, the 2011 G20 summit was held in Connie, France in October, which was resulted in little progress on the issues under discussion, although there was an agreement to allow increased use of Capital controls as a defense against international speculators. 2011 年 11 月第 18 屆亞太經濟合作會議包括 21 國家領袖於夏威夷檀香山舉行,其 宣言包含:19 屆亞太經合會議,加強地區經濟整體與擴展貿易,提昇綠化成長,收集與 合作規則化,與展向未來。稍早 2011 年 10 月,20 國家領袖群在法國康尼召開,雖然 有一同意允許增加利用資本來控制對抗國際冒險投機者,但對討論題目獲得很少進展。 Congratulations to Ma Yinjio for wining the re-election of the President of Taiwan in 2012. Taiwan’s democracy is a role model for China. Ma YoYo was one of 14 civilians who received the US Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2011. He is a world renowned cellist and 16-time Grammy award winner. Xian’s International Horticultural Expo and Taipei’s International Flora Expo attracted millions of visitors in the world in 2011. 恭賀馬英九榮獲 2012 年台灣總統連任,台灣民主是中國的榜樣. 2011 年馬友友是 14 位之一獲美國總統自由獎章者,他是國際知名大提琴家曾獲葛瑞米音樂獎 16 次,彈奏 古典和國際音樂.2011 年西安世园與台北花博并蒂绽放双博双赢,吸引世界百萬民眾. January 2012 The Voice of Han Volume 5 漢之聲 第五冊 2012 年 1 月 2 The Voice of Han 漢 之 聲 Volume 5, January 2012 第五冊, 2012年1月 Publisher: Hai Hung Foundation 出版所: 海鴻基金會 Web Site: http://haihungfound.org 網站 E-mail: [email protected] 電腦地址 President: Sing Ging 會長: 信淨 Editorial Board: Soon Leong, Edward Chang, Xin Hua 編輯委員會:梁蓀河,張暢繁,欣華 Margaret Mi, Shin Chang, Chin Jen, Hongbo Tang 瑪格特宓,張馨,親珍,唐洪波 Information Technology: Sue Cheng 資訊技術: 鄭淑媛 Cover and Photo Design: George Meadows 封面與圖片設計: 喬治馬竇斯 Mailing Address: Hai Hung Foundation, P. O. Box 3864 通訊地址 Fredericksburg, VA 22402, U. S. A. *************************************************************************** The Voice of Han is an educational journal in Chinese studies and international relations published by the Hai Hung Foundation. Hai Hung Foundation is a non-profit organization established in Virginia, U. S. A. in 2000. The objectives of the foundation are: 1. to award scholarships for university or college students in financial need in Virginia, U. S. A. and Guangdong province, China; 2. to publish “The Voice of Han”. 「漢之聲」是一份致力於中國研究與國際關係的教育雜誌,由海鴻基金會出版。海鴻基 金會是一非營利組織,於 2000 年成立于美國維吉尼亞州。其目標一: 美國維吉尼亞州 及中國廣東省大學清寒獎學金; 目標二: 出版 「漢之聲」。 Submissions: The Voice of Han (bilingual, English and Chinese) welcomes the submissions of articles from experts and scholars in Politics, Economics, Science, Engineering, Education, Literature, Philosophy, History, Culture, Religion, etc. Although we are more interested in Chinese studies and international relations, an excellent article in any area involving any country will be published. One volume of the journal is published every three years. Articles should normally not exceed 30 pages (including English and Chinese). Please send your articles or letters to: [email protected] 投稿:「 漢之聲」(英文與中文雙語雜誌)歡迎專家學者投稿於政治、經濟、科學、工程、 文學、哲學、歷史、文化、宗教等。雖然我們對中國研究與國際關係較感興趣,但若一 篇關於任何課題涉及任一國家的佳作將會被出版。這雜誌每 3 年出版一冊,一篇文章最 長 30 頁(包括中英文)。請將您的文章或信件寄至: [email protected],您若 只能用一種語言撰寫文章,編輯委員會將幫助您翻譯成另一語言。 Copyright: Hai Hung Foundation. All rights reserved. 版權所有 January 2012 The Voice of Han Volume 5 漢之聲 第五冊 2012 年 1 月 3 Table of Contents 目錄 1 Editor’s Remarks 編者的話 POLITICS, SOCIOLOGY AND MILITARY 政治, 社會與軍事 4 Great Indian Founding Father Mahatma Gandhi, 偉大印度國父聖雄甘地, Comments on 2010 Nobel Peace Prize 2010 年諾貝爾和平獎評論 and 2011 Inner Mongolia’s Protests - Shan Shui 暨 2011 年內蒙示威抗議–山水 35 Golden BRICS Renamed Including Five 2011 年金磚五國正式出爐 Developing Countries in 2011 - Chin Yun -慶雲 46 Toward an Inter-Americanist Literary Paradigm 面向美洲国家之间的文学新范式 -Antonio Barrenechea - 安東尼歐‧巴巒契 56 A Brief History on the Development of Chinese 中國戰略核武器發展簡史 Strategic Nuclear Weapons–Soon H. Leong -梁蓀河 96 Dilemmas of China’s Modernization: Population Problem 中国现代化的困境:人口问题和 and the Strategy of Sustainable Development - Hongbo Tang 可持续发展战略-唐洪波 SCIENCE AND EDUCATION 科學與教育 108 International Congress of Mathematicians 2010 年國際數學家國會于印度 in Hyderabad, India in 2010 – Jenny 亥德瑞堡舉行–臻你 116 The Life of Thomas A. Edison and Science Education 愛迪生的生活及科學教育 - Winston Chow -周棋 125 Research Universities in China: Basic Concepts, 研究型大学的基本概念特征 Charcteristics and Strategic Policies (1) - Hongyi Zhao 及其建设对策 (1) - 趙弘毅 LITERATURE AND ART 文學與藝術 137 Translation of Two Famous Poems of Sung Dynasty 英譯宋詞二首 into English -Edward Chang - 張暢繁 140 Oriental Artist Picasso: Great Zhang 東方畢卡索-五百年來一大千(3) Daqian in Five Hundred Years (3) - Ou wen - 我聞 146 Who Understands the Spirit of It─the Taste 誰解其中味-<<紅樓>> and Sensation of The Red Chamber (3) - Oyang Yizhang 的吃與情 (3) - 歐陽宜璋 RELIGION 宗教 152 The Patriarchs of Buddhism (4)-instructed by Hsuan Hwa 佛祖道影(4)-宣化上人講述 154 Elder Master Hsu Yun’s Self-Description of His Time 虛雲老和尚自述年譜暨開示(5) and Instructions (5)-Ze Shei Lu -岑學呂 SCHOLARSHIPS 獎學金 160 The Scholarships of Hai Hung Foundation 海鴻基金會獎學金 January 2012 The Voice of Han Volume 5 漢之聲 第五冊 2012 年 1 月 4 Great Indian Founding Father Mahatma 偉大印度國父聖雄甘地, Gandhi, Comments on 2010 Nobel Peace 2010 年諾貝爾和平獎評論 Prize and 2011 Inner Mongolia’s Protests 暨 2011 年內蒙示威抗議 Shan Shui 山水 “I have nothing new to teach the world. Truth and non-violence are as old as the hills.” 「我沒有什麼新事務教導這世界,真理與非暴力陳舊如同高山。」 -M. K. Gandhi 甘地 Introduction 序言 Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (is known as Mahatma Gandhi, 1869-1948) was the great preeminent political and spiritual leader for Indian independence. He was the pioneer of sayagraha-resistance to tyranny through civil disobedience, a philosophy founded on non-violence. This non-violent philosophy helped India to independence and inspired many movements for civil rights and freedom throughout the world. Gandhi is officially honored as the Father of India, and his birthday, 2 October, is commemorated as Indian National Holiday and worldwide as the International Day of Non-Violence. It is widely held─ in retrospect ─that Gandhi should have been the very man to be selected for the Nobel Peace Prize. He was nominated several times, but unfortunately, was never awarded the prize. 馬漢搭斯‧甘地 (1869-1948)是促使印度獨立偉大優秀的政治與精神領袖,他是「撒 亞格若哈」(印度語)哲學的先驅, 這是一門根源於非暴力的哲學,即經由文明的不服 從,反對專制獨裁。這非暴力的哲學幫助印度獨立,並激發了全世界許多維護民權及自 由的運動。甘地被國家榮譽推舉為印度國父,其生日被公訂為印度國家紀念日及全世界 國際非暴力日。大家都公認追憶甘地應該是諾貝爾和平獎的最佳得主,他被提名數次, 但是很不幸的,從來未獲此和平獎殊榮。 2010 Nobel Peace Prize was honored to the jailed Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo, 54, who was sentenced to serve 11 years prison for undermining state power in December, 2009. He had demonstrated “a long and non-violent struggle for human rights in China,” described by the Norwegian Nobel Committee. However, Chinese communist government in Beijing branded the decision an ‘obscenity’. In fact, Liu Xiaobo is only one representative of tens of thousands of Chinese political advocates, who strive for China’s democracy for decades. January 2012 The Voice of Han Volume 5 漢之聲 第五冊 2012 年 1 月 5 There were some controversies domestically and internationally whether he was the appropriate recipient for this Nobel Peace Prize or not. But, when Liu Xiaobo first heard the news from his wife Liu Xia, “this peace prize is for all the sacrificed heroes for 1989 pro-democracy demonstrations in the Tiananmen square,” he said. 2010 年諾貝爾和平獎得主中國異議囚士 54 歲的劉曉波,他於 2009 年 12 月被判 刑顛覆國家罪作牢 11 年。挪威諾貝爾獎委員會形容,他證實了「為中國人權做長時期 的非暴力的奮鬥與掙扎」。但是中國共產黨政府斥責這是荒謬絕倫的決定。事實上,劉 曉波僅是長年以來數以萬計的眾多追求中國民主人士们代表之一,在中國與國際有一些 議論(有些正面的,有些負面的),劉曉波是否值得此和平獎殊榮的最佳人選。然而,當 劉曉波面對前來報信的妻子劉霞道出第一句話:「這個獎是給 1989 年天安門亡靈的。」 In May-June 2011, there were a series of protests occurred in Inner Mongolia. Because two incidents related to two Inner Mongolian herdsmen who intended to protect their environments for pollution to prevent exploring coal mines, they were killed by two coal truck drivers in two conflicts.
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