Central Washington University ScholarWorks@CWU CWU Student Newspaper University Archives and Special Collections 3-25-1937 Campus Crier Central Washington University Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.cwu.edu/cwu_student_newspaper Recommended Citation Central Washington University, "Campus Crier" (1937). CWU Student Newspaper. Book 256. http://digitalcommons.cwu.edu/cwu_student_newspaper/256 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives and Special Collections at ScholarWorks@CWU. It has been accepted for inclusion in CWU Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@CWU. • ';-. :. Don't Miss .the Lincoln l A. S. Dance Saturday l Players Tonight! I Campu~ • Crier Nig·ht! ._ _______. l CENTRAL WASHINGTON COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Vol. No. 10 ELLENSBURG, WASHINGTON, 'l'HURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1937 No. 23 STUDENT TEACHERS NUMEROUS KNIGHTS OF THE CLAW JOIN,WITH ' ' THIS OUARTER: 102 TEACHING NATIONAL INTERCOLLEGIATE CLUB . --.:....o-- · • . .. ! •• Mr. Thompsoh Arranges With Dr. Sparks For Assistance IHEY PILED UP 55 Vlcra<!IES ~anipus Organization Plans For Initfatiori arid A. S. IN A. RCHJ .'. · in Supervising 37 Junior High 'Cadeters Dance on Saturday, March 27 "Where are you teaching next ----------------* After its ·. many ~ctiv.iti~s around quarter?" school the Knights of the Claw is go­ "In the fifth grade. I have the ing places. It has been accepted into group for Social Science.. I've heard NEWCOMER TO< the membership of. the Intercollegiate This that is a hard subject to teach but I Knights, a service club of national think it will be fun. Last quarter ASSUME SEC­ renown. This organization is really and· maybe That they studied about airplanes all the :o. fraternity with national head­ -Dick Ross time." quarters and carries ·on many activi­ "Who has my arithmetic group in RETARIAt JOB ties between schools. the sixth grade? Arithmetic sounds On the P acific Coast there are nine OH, FOR A GOOD bus ride. To like a cinch to teach but it isn't.'' Miss Edris Warner From schools that belong and have clubs, hea,r the little man with the big "Have you heard yet who else is as follows: Cheney, Gonzaga, Wash­ voice. He who sits in the rear seat teaching in the fifth grade? I'd like Colorado Will Be in ington State College, University of is he who thinks he· knows all. He to know." Campus Office Washington, Idaho Normal, Univer­ is the oracle of the journey. He is This is the type of conversations sity of Utah and University of Mon­ willing to tell you of his experiences, we've heard in the dormitories, on To Replace Mrs. Iversen tana. hair-raising to him, with a voice that the campus and in the library ever The present officers of the club would make an Arkansas hog-caller since the Juniors have started mak­ Miss Edris Warner of Fort Collins, are P rater Hogue, president; Robert look sheepish. He can, in a flash, ing appointments to get their teach­ Colorado, will arrive on the campus Dunnington, vice president ; Gari launch himself into a long-winded, ex­ ing appointments. We got interested next week to assume her duties as Howard, secretary - treasurer; and ceedingly improbable discussion of and so went over to Miss Hebeler and Sl'Cretary to Mr. H. J. Whitney, tak- Ernest Wellenbrock, sergeant at arms. how he thinks the world should be tried to get a list of the teachers and ing the place of Mrs. Marian Miller The adviser is a member of the fac­ run. He points out, to the utter dis­ their assignments several weeks ago, Iversen. Miss Warner is a graduate ulty who should receive much credit gust of the unfortunate many within but this is the first time we've been tHREE'S' A CROWD/ of the Colorado ·State College of Edu- for the support and help he has given ear-shot, the everyday events we have able to get a copy of the list to print . ONLY ONE PAYING CUSION.ER. cation at Greeley, where she has also to the club. That member is Dr. been seeing and witnessing all of our Student Teacher Assignments ATl'ENDED 1t\E WHllMAN­ served as secretary to Dr. Earle Rugg, Loren D. Sparks. The membership Hves. He isn't content with just that. Kindergarten- Miss Meisner and M:SCOrr ~ GANiE librarian, for a number of years. She of the club is limited to 25 and the He can tell us something that we Miss Stolz, supe.rvising, At 9 o'clock, Pl.AYe) AT WN.1.A WALLA, WAffi. comes to Ellensburg from Fort Col- present members are the following: never heard before, and something Bernice Broad, Norma Erickson; 1 !ins, Colorado, where she has .been Prater Hogue, Robert Dunnington, that he never heard before either. o'clock, Dixie Graham, Ruth Weed, [ employed in the Registrar's office at Carl Howard, Ernest Wellenbrock. He's a member of the same family Margaret Davidson; 2 o'clock, Mrs. the Colorado State Agricultural Col- Joe Chiotti, Lloyd Mitchell, James of loud-mouthed saps always to be Dilley. 1---- --.-.. ------------ lege. Miss Warner's parents live in Smith, James E. Merryman, Jack Ras­ found standing in the front row of .Salem, Oregon, ·mussen, Jack Hanlon, Tom Bostic, the spectators watching · a circus pa­ Jo~::,de s~pe:!~:~ng~im~in 9an~,c~~~· EASTER CONCERT AT METHODIST Mrs. Iv.ersen will be. .on the campus Tom .Stephens, Kenny Meeks, Harold rade go· by. He tells the companion Nella Falseni; 10 o'clock, Lois Ridley'. · · · · · · · .· · ·· · until ,the first of April and possibly Widsteen, George Fitterer, Wynne at his elbow something; that he sus­ a .few days lon.ger, while Miss· Warner Rogers, Elmer Anderson, Pon Thomp­ pects is very clever, and then turns ~:~:s, Z~~~f~ ~al~~l~r~k, Genevieve CHURCH WJLL 'FEATURE,,C. w•C. E_. becomes acquainted,:.with the duties son, Brooks Bouillon, Charles Breit­ around to see how many of the people. Grade II-Miss Simpson and Miss here. haupt, Lee Metcalf, Carl Brandt, Bill in too crowd behind heard him. Davies, supervising. At 9 o'clock,' Irvin Gattiker:lo · Direet Program, Consisting of Choir; Carr, ·and Bill Stevens. And so it goes, on and on into the Zelma Moe, Katherine Riggs; 10 Orchestra, and Organ · ,:NEW .·.YORK ­ Saturday night, March 27 at 5 p. nigFJ.:._ ~. o'clock, Mary Whittaker, Edna ,Skyles, ill. t he members wm be formally ini­ Marjorie Prater; 1 o'clock, Marie ----------------* The choir, orchestra, and org_~:n _'i!fated into the Intercollegiate Knights GERMANY IS BEGINNING to Dreaney, Audrew Morrow. PROF.ESSOR ,· - :by 10 Cheney members who will help spit. Some prominent people in the Grade III- Miss Simpson and Miss MRS R0 0 s Ev EL T ~~~e~r~~:n~i:e~~~~r~~ I:nth~a:~k~~ in the installing. After the initiation United States have got up enough Anderson, supervising. At 9 o'clock, • , · church, Easter Sunday at 11 a.. m. a banquet for all the members will nerve to publicly state their opinions Mary Linn, Marcia Best, Martha Hicks ; TO .BE .HERE be held in the dining room and to com­ of Hitlerism. And so the German lG o'clock, Jean McDonald, Catherine REOUESTS BYRD :~~n~· A. Anderson will be at the plete the evening t here is to be an A. S, B. dance for all the student press kicks up a storm, demands ani Kitchion; 1 o'clock, Lilliam Shinn, The program is as follows: Thomas ·' Mursell of Colum- official apology, and then turns loose Mary Lou Stritzel. ~cdy, 1. "Unfold Ye Portals".... ....... Gounod bia Will Speak Next against the people of this country in Grade IV- Miss Bloomer, supervis­ To. SPEAK· '· Choir, orchestra, and organ much rougher langauge than any of ing. At 9 o'clock, Ruth M. Beckman, 2.. " Open the Gates of the Temple" Monday u1; would dare to use in denouncing a Irene . Hoisington; 10 o'clock, Ruth ()b. f B d t _ Sol9_ b;\' ,.Mi!).s... ;Ruth Wee.d. - ·· ....----- - - - -- - m ere individual, to, say .nothing of a_ :\3eckman, Evelyn Herald; 11 o'clock, P eace ..,I S JeCt:-O croa cas -3. "As It Began to Dawn" On Monday, March 29, Professor PEACE-NOW whole -nation. • · ' -- Mrs. West, Laverne Bohnen; 1 o'clock, From White House Choir and organ Thomas Mursell, from New York * * * * Eva Lusby, Martina Hunt. On A,ril 6 4. "Star of Eve". .......................Wagn er City, will speak hfered. Dtr: Murstel~~s VITAL ISSUE We of the younger generation, we, Grade y_:_Miss Johanson, supervis­ Trumpet solo by Miss Ernestine the professor o e uca ion a e the human beings who are "going to ing. At 9 o'clock, Marie Floyd, Mar­ Aid · h Teachers College, Columbia. h~ve to shoot and kill and sweat and PHILADELPHIA, March 25-'--Mrs. nc He is on his way from Salt Lake America must give up certain garet MoKibben; 10 o'clock, Kather­ 5 toil and try to live but maybe die in ine Robbins, Gilbei:t Giles ; 1 o'-clock, Eleanor Roosevelt has accepted an · "iSanctus" ---·----·--····---·----------·Gounod City and is going to Portland, Ore·gon, "rights" traditionally · accorded neu- invitation to participate in the launch_ - Chofr, orchestra, and organ where he wnJ attend a musical con- trals if she is to stay out of European Uncle Sam's next war-we are the Helen Hawthorne, Mary Gas·parich, Incidental solo by Miss Harriet Castor war· accord1·ng to a statement i·ssued ing of the Emergency Peace Ca:tn- ference. ' · ones who are going to be most seri­ Loma Hall, · ·T. he folio. wmg people from the col- he1·e today b Ray· Newton execut1·ve aign's No-Foreign-War Crusade and The topic .
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