(iOftria ll. .& Heu~tin PUBLLdBED DAILY under order of THE PRESIDENT of THE UNITED tSTATEs by COMMITTEE on PUBLIC ZNFORMATION GEORGE CREEL, Chairman * * * COMPLETE Record of U. S. GOVERNMENT Activities VorL. 2 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1918. No. 445 BERLIN'S ARMISTICE APPEAL ISREFERRED TO TiHE ALLIES Surrender Will Be Demanded if the United States Must Deal, Now or Later, with Military Masters of the German'Empire PRESIDENT LAYS DOWN ESSENTIAL CONDITIONS PROGRESS OF AMERICA'S WAR Reply to Solf Says That Ger- EFFORT REVIEWED INLETTER many Must Be Deprived of Esthonians Send Gratitude BY MR. BAKER TO PRESIDENT Power to Renew Hostili- to President Wilson for His ties--Question of Cessa- Answer to German Note Mr. Wilson, in Reply, Expresses tion of Fighting Left to Gratification and Congratulates The American' Ambassador at War and Navy Departmerts on Allied Military Advisers. Archangel has transmitted the fol- Their Achievements. The Secretary of State rakes lowing to the President in behalf of Esthonians at Archangel: public the following: WAN DEPARI ",.N , From the Secretary of State to " 'Esthonian Legion fighting with Washington, October 22, 1918. the Charge Allied forces, Northern Russia, for My dear Mr. PRESIDENT: d'Affaires of Switzer- More than two million American sol- land, ad interim, in charge of Ger- liberationof Esthonia,express deep- est gratitude diers have sailed from the ports in this man interests in the United States: for your direct and country to participate in the war over- clear reply to German peace offer. seas. In reporting this fact to you, I DEPARTMENT OF STATE, " Ideas and intentions expressed feel sure that you will be interested in October 23, 1918. regardingdestiny smaller nationali- the follow ing data showing the progress Sm: I have the honor to acknowl- ties cause Esthonians of our military effort. to hope that In my letter of July 1, 1918, I informed edge the receipt of your note of the at the final peace conference they you that between May 8, 1917, and June twenty-second transmitting a com- will be gicen possibility of deter- 30, 1918, over a million men had either munication under date of the twen- mining their ow'n destiny as inde- been landed in Fran~e or were en route tieth from the German Government pendent nation. thereto. Since July 1, 1918, cmbarkations and "We by mouths, have been as follows: to advise you that the President have full confidence that July -------------------------- 306, 185 has instructed me to reply thereto your clear >eply and honorable in- August ---------------------- 290, 818 '1, 415 as follows: tention will put an end to violation Ocl~toberSeptvnber I to----------------------- 21--------131,388 "Having received the solemn of small nations in future world T'otal------------------89,816 and explicit assurance of the Ger- polities. E 'nbarkedto July 1, 118 -------- 1, 019,115 man Government that it unreserv- SEsTHoNIAN LEGION." Grand total 2, 008, 931 edly accepts the terms of peace In our overseas operations, I feel that we have good reason to be proud and laid down in his address to the U. S. S. Lake Borgne Sunk; thankful of the results obtained. Our Congress of the United States on Hits Rock on French Coast losses have been exceedingly small, con- the eighth of January, 1918, and sidering the size of the force transported and this is due to the the principles of settlement enun- The Navy Department efficient protection is informed that given American convoys the U. S. cargo steamship by the naval ciated in his subsequent addresses, Lake Borgne forces. We also have been greatly as- particularly the address of the struck a rock and sank off the French sisted coast. in the dispatch of troops abroad There wxas no loss of life, the re- by the allocation of certain vessels from twenty-seventh of September, and port states. The Lake Borgne had a that it desires to cargo-carring our Allies, principally those of Great discuss the de- capacity of 3,390 tons. Britain. tails of their application, and There were 10 officers and 48 enlisted men in the crew. Cordially, yours, that this wish and purpose ema- NEWTON D. BAKER, nate, not from those who have Secretary of War. hitherto dictated German policy BIG SAVING IN GUN SLINGS. The PRESIDENT, The White House. and conducted the present war on A saving of $193,750 has been effected by the Army Ordnance Department on Germany's behalf, but from min- one contract for 1,250,000 fabric gun The President's Reply. isters who speak for the majority slings. By investigation of production THE WHrr HOUSE, of the Reichstag and for an over- costs of webbing and metal parts of the Washington, October 22, 1918. whelming majority of the Ger- slings, the Ordnance engineers were suc- My DEAE MA. SECRETARY: man people; and having received cessful In reducing a quotation of 82 I am very glad to have your letter of cents to 661 cents per sling, a saving of this morning reporting that more than (Continued on page 4.) 151 cents on each sling. (Continued on page 4.) 2 THE OFFICIAL T. S. BULLETIN: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1918. QUALIFICATIONS AND TRAINING NINE NAVY MEN VOLUNTEERS PREFERENCE LIST AMENDED OF CIVILIAN APPLICANTS FOR INSPANISH INFLUENZA TEST BY THE PRIORITIES DIVISION AIRPLANE-BALLOON OBSERVERS Secretary Daniels has officially com- Supplement No. 1 to Preference List mended nine enlisted men of the Navy No. 2 issued by th priorities division, who volunteered to be inoculated with War Industries Boarid, contains the fol- ANNOUNCED BY WAR DEPARTMENT the Spanish influenza serum in order that lowing: medical ofliceis of the Navy might learn Effective at once Preference List No. 2 Rigid Physical Examination Re- some specific facts regarding the disease (Circular No. 20), issued September 3, and possible means of its prevention. 1918, by the priorities dhison of the quired Before Entrance to Ground The experiment took place early in the War Industries Board, is amended as riead of the epidemic in the first naval follows: School-Courses Total 24 Weeks. district, Boston, and the volunteers un- SECTION 1.-Add to list of diilitries Age Limit Fixed. derstood thoroughly the danger to which the following: No Definite they -i ere to expose themselves. The War Department authorizes the Not Due to Filterable Virus. Rubber.-Plants engaged prineilaly following: in manufacturing rubber products- IV The test indicated, according to the re- Seeds.-Plants engaged principally Referring to Gen. Pershing's recent re- ports, that the disease is not due to a fil- in assembling, cleaning, treating. quest for more airplane and balloon ob- terable virus, as the results n ere nega- preparing. storing, and shipping servers, the Division of Military Aero- tive. none of the nine men inoculated con- seeds for growing food and feed, nauties announces to applicants the quall- tracting the disease. and for growing medicinal and fl1cations necessary for this work and The experiment consisted of introduc- chemical plants (excluding flower what the supplementary course of in- lig the filtrate of the washings from the seed as such) -- _-- ___- _-III struction will be after the candidate has ,nose and throat of two cases of influenza SEc. 11.-Strike from pages 7 and 11 been accepted. The statement follows: into the noses of nine volunteers. The the following: 1. The civilian applying for training as influenza cases selected were typical, with Clans. acrial observer is subjected to a rigid definite history of recent exposure. One physical exaiination. The policy of the was in the second day of the disease and Fire brick.-Plants engaged princi- air service has been to accept only those the other in the fourth day. The nose pally in manufacturing same___ IV individuals who are free from physical and throat of each patient was washed Insert in lieu thereof the following: defects that might interfere with their and gargled with 75 cubic centimeters of Class. efflciency in the air. Observers are re- sterile normal saline solution. Throat Hefractories.-Plants engaged princi- quired to take the same physical examina- swabbings and sputum were added to the pally in producing refractories of tion as pilots. In view of his responsi- separately collected washings. Each was any character, including fire clay bilities and those duties which bring him shaken with beads in a sterile bottle brich and shiapes, silica brick and in contact with officers of the line, often and filtered through a. Mandler diato- shapes, magnesite brick and shapes, of high rank, importance is also attached maceous earth filter by means of a water bauxite brick and shapes, ganister to the intellectual and educational quali- vacuum pump. One filter had a positive and dead-burned magnesite, and fications of the applicant. pressure value of 9 pounds and the other dead-burned dolomite ____ IV 12 pounds. Cultures were made from the First Sent to Ground School. clear filtrates for control. 2. The applicant is first sent to a ground The filtrates were then carried to Deer tive for bacterial growth and none of the school, where he receives instruction on Island, where about 0.5 cubic centimeters nine volunteers showed symptoms of in- general military matters as is necessary was introduced into the noses of each of fluenza during 10 days of isolation. to fit him to be an officer of the Army. the volunteers, five receiving the filtrate Men Who Underwent Experiment. Formal close order and physical drill also from one case and four from the other. form an important part of this stage of Three and one-half hours had elapsed The following are the men commended: his training.
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