IHTi T*1 rrti rim laws ALUMNUS Continuing Alumni in the Army and Navy Geographical Directory Next Issue New Athletic Office Building on Northwest Corner of Grant Field. September October 1942 Vol. XXI No. 1 North Avenue Entrance to Grant Field Stadium. THE GEORGIA TECH ALUMNUS September-October, 1942 Homecoming and Alabama, Nov. 14 THE With little or no fanfare and in a modest yet quite appropriate manner, Georgia Tech plans to "carry on" with its traditional Homecoming, but in keeping GEORGIA TECH ALUMNUS with the spirit of the times and particularly with the conditions that are upon all of us. Published every other month during the college year by the As the Tech-Georgia football game is to be played National Alumni Association of the Georgia School of Technology. in Athens, Georgia, this fall, it was again thought best to hold Homecoming Day on the date of the R. J. THIESEN, Editor S. N. HODGES, Jr., Asst. Editor Tech-Alabama game at Grant Field, in Atlanta, Sat­ F. BOOKER, Bus. Mgr. W. C. YOUNG, Staff Asst. urday, November 14. In addition to all the homecomers in general, spe­ OFFICE OF PUBLICATION cial reunion groups will consist of the following 108 SWANN BUILDING classes: 1892 and the other Pioneer Classes, 1897, CEORGIA SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY 1902, 1907, 1912, 1917, 1922, 1927, 1932, 1937 and, as ATLANTA, CA usual, the graduating class of the year, 1942. The class representatives are Messrs. J. B. Mc- ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER MARCH 22, 1925 Crary, 1891, and W. A. Hansell, 1892, for the Pioneers, at the Post Office at Atlanta, Ga., under the Act of March 8,1879 together with A. R. Colcord, 1892 Class Secretary; R. M. Crumley, 1897; E. M. Klein, 1902; G. M. Stout. Vol. XXI September-October, 1942 No. 1 1907; W. A. Alexander, 1912; John M. Slaton, 1917; A. R. Flowers, 1922; Gilbert Boggs, 1927; Randy Whitfield, 1932; Lawrence Hayes, 1937; and C. L. NATIONAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Peacock, 1942. EXECUTIVE BOARD R. B. WILBY, '08. President The Pioneers through the members of the Class of .TACK ADAIR, '33 Vice-President 1892 are invited as the guests of honor to the Home­ ROBT. A. MORGAN, '09._ Vice-President CHAS. R. YATES, '35 Treasurer coming Luncheon by the Alumni Association, as this R. J. THIESEN, '10 Exec. Secretary will mark the fiftieth anniversary of the Class of BAXTER MADDOX, '22 Interim, Treas. C. L. EMERSON, '09 Board Member 1892. F. A. HOOPER, Jr., '16 Board Member F. H. NEELY, '04 Board Member Members of all classes, their families, dates, and W. A. PARKER, '19 Board Member other friends are to join with the reunion groups at ALBERT H. STATON, '22 Board Member CHAS. F. STONE, 03 Board Member the Homecoming Luncheon, 12:30 P.M., Saturday, November 14, in the Georgia Tech Dining Hall, as in the past. Class tables marked with class numerals GEORGIA TECII ALUMNI FOUNDATION, Inc. will be arranged for all and the luncheon will be OFFICERS AND TRUSTEES Y. F. FREEMAN, '10. President served cafeteria style, which has proved so satis­ GEO. T. MARCHMONT, '07 Secretary-Treasurer factory to everybody as to variety, quality and C. L. EMERSON, '09 G. M. STOUT, '07 FRANK H. NEELY, '04 ROBT. W. SCHWAB, '07 quantity. Any arrangements other than attendance at the luncheon and the football game will be a matter of CICORG1A TECII ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION separately arranged activities on the part of the in­ ALUMNI MEMBERS W. A. PARKER, '19 ROBT. T. JONES, JR.. '22 dividual classes and their respective secretaries, un­ ROBT. B. WILBY, '08 der the present circumstances. The program of the day will honor our "Gold Star" and other fine alumni in the armed forces of our ALUMNI STATE ADVISORY COUNCIL country, and our Pioneer and Fiftieth Anniversary By Districts Reunion Groups. 1. E. Geo. Butler, Savannah 6. W. E. Dunwoody, Jr., Macon 2. R. A. Puckett, Tifton i 7. R. A. Morgan, Rome 3. W. C. Pease, Columbus 8. I. M. Aiken, Brunswick 4. W.H.Hightower, Thomaston 9. W. H. Slack, Gainesville Athletic Office Open To Visitors 5. Forrest Adair, Jr., Atlanta 10. Wm. D. Eve, Augusta Georgia Tech's new Athletic Office Building will offer an attractive, modern and convenient rendez­ THIS ISSUE vous for the alumni, their families, and other friends, during the football season and at the time of other Homecoming and Alabama, Nov. 14 major and largely attended athletic events. New Athletic Office Open to Visitors The Athletic Board, Professor Armstrong, Head Coach Alexander, Charlie Griffin and their respective L. W. Robert, Jr., Deeds Tract to Tech staffs are justly proud of their attractive and well designed building and they cordially welcome all of Death of Dr. J. B. Crenshaw you to their headquarters. Doctorate Awarded Robert Gregg As previously stated, the building is located on the northwest corner of Grant Field with its main en­ National Alumni Officers Reelected trance fronting on Third Street and leading into a Additional Chemistry Building About Ready spacious lobby, on opposite sides of which are the business offices and the offices of the coaching staff. Alumni in the U. S. Army and Navy May we again state that Coach W. A. Alexander has kindly designated space on the coaching staff "Gold Star" Alumni side for the convenience and registration of the alumni Alumni in High Positions and other visitors, and that the alumni office will be in charge of registrations during athletic events, and Geographical Directory—Sports will be prepared to attend to the wants of the alumni and their guests. September-October, 1942 THE GEORGIA TECH ALUMNUS Officers Re-elected for Ensuing Year Dr. John Bascom Crenshaw In confirmation of their nominations, the officers of the present administration of the Georgia Tech National Alumni Association were unanimously re­ elected for the 1942-'43 term, as a result of the bal­ loting by mail in June. The new period of office will begin with the opening of the fall term of the college on October 5. This recognition is again a tribute to the officers and board members of the association, and is in keep­ ing with the fine precedent as set by the general alumni in returning their executives for a second year of service. The re-elected officers, prominent and popular executives so well known to all of you, are: President, Robert B. Wilby, 1908. Vice-President, Jack Adair, 1933; Atlanta. Vice-President, R. A. Morgan, 1909; At Large. Treasurer, N. Baxter Maddox, 1922. The foregoing officers with the alumni board ap­ pointees and the secretary, will constitute the Execu­ tive Board of the Alumni Association for the year. As is customary and for the information of those who might not have seen our previous summaries on the activities of these most capable officers, it is a pleasure to repeat a brief outline on each of them, as follows: Mr. Robert B. Wilby is President of the Wilby- Kincey Service Corp., and the Wilby Theatres, oper­ ating throughout the Southeast. He took the E.E. course and was a leader in campus activities. He has given most generously of his time and ability as DR. J. B. CRENSHAW, beloved director of modern languages for President of the Ga. Tech National Alumni Associa­ 38 years at Georgia Tech, and stalwart supporter of athletics, died in Atlanta on July 18. The 1942 Annual was dedicated to him. tion; contributes most liberally and graciously to Georgia Tech affairs with which he is ably experi­ Students, faculty members, alumni and all others enced, and is prominent throughout the nation in of Georgia Tech, together with a host of like friends business and civic undertakings. in every walk of life, were deeply grieved at the Mr. Jack Adair is President of the Adair Realty passing of Dr. John Bascom Crenshaw, 81, in Atlanta and Loan Company. He is a son of Georgia Tech's on July 18, 1942. great and immortal friend, "Mr. George" Adair. Out­ A native of Nottaway county, Virginia, he was the standing in Georgia Tech affairs during and since his son of William Claudius and Anne Ellington Cren­ college days, he is also a prominent leader in civic shaw, the youngest of nine children. After his gradu­ activities, a liberal supporter, and experienced in ation from Randolph-Macon College in 1881 he joined college and alumni work. the faculty of the institution. He received his mas­ Mr. Robert A. Morgan is a member of the firm of ter's degree from Randolph-Macon and served as Moore, Thies & Morgan, Textile Engineers, Rome, assistant professor of modern languages until 1890. Ga., and Charlotte, N. C, and Plant Manager of the He then became a member of the faculty at Johns Arkansas Ordnance Plant, Little Rock, Ark. He is Hopkins University, from which he obtained his a former president of the Rome Georgia Tech Club. Ph.D. in 1893. He left Johns Hopkins in 1902 to do Mr. Baxter Maddox is Vice-President, Trust De­ special work at the University of Berlin. partment, First National Bank of Atlanta. He is an In 1902, also, he married Miss Julia Willett Leach exceptional civic and business leader and has at­ of Baltimore, who died in 1917. tained state-wide and national prominence in busi­ In 1904 he accepted the chair of modern languages ness, civic and college affairs. at Georgia Tech and held the high position for thirty- (Class Representatives Continued Neoct Page) eight years, until his death. A pioneer in Southern Intercollegiate Athletics, Dr. J. B .Crenshaw Dr. Crenshaw was responsible for the first gymna­ sium in the South.
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