'snonJrclsuocururnrq :ruln8ue dll€rluol 'papunor ,{llesrop 'slrd ,\\ollpqs qlt./t\ alelncrlar {1aur; ,sno.r1snl -ruras'u^loJq alBd 'surSJeu a?nc€ qlr^r 'proAo-passorduoc fFeln8a.r.rr paas .palJasxa sa I" :JSrp puB rurJ urnrqluBd,{q uaa,t laq aAooJEE ur,{Ipnsrl oqdouturvls pue sJ?rs urnlnJrado :q8rq uIuI g-Z 'paprs-daals 'lEcruoc-al€Junll 'ra,rollBu Jsrp :8uo[ ulur g -t 'lBcuoqdsruaq-possordap .rc][:rol- wntqluedtq :'uerp urur tI-6 Tul L-V ,tre^O 'pnq ,rapuals ur {eaq urnlnJJado Jo drl Jauur Surqceal ssal Jo aloru a1,f1g 3uo1 urur 'c 'relnqol8-prolqo 'alrlBsro^ 1.g ffaq?uy.pnq ur paxauur ,sluaurBlrJralno uEql rallor{s 'srsaqluE ,lcBlur quawe[rJ rcuu1 aae qllia peJ .ro rlurd Surutocaq lE ,tdollo^ ^ureaJc 'aseq paqs 01 lsourl€ aaJJ sluaurElrJ lsourJalno ^tal e qll^\ saurlouos $q glz 01 uI .snoFpuad .3uo1 ra,rol ur sluaruBlrJ .{q aqnl B ur polrun uruJaorpuv sraa.rolg. urur 91 -l 'urJoJIllJ ',leaq '8uol ,8uol la"rpad ruJoJrlu saurrlauros E olur pa?BnuallB tuu 0Z -OI LunlncJado l8uol ueql JapEoJq qJnur 'lEJrr3qdsluraq-passardap urnrq?upd,frl :Fuol rrlur gA-gI 'lecruoc ol plo^o spng e.tn1e111.Euo1 Iuur gI-6 ,rapuals ,alarol ,paArnJap 'paranaou-, 'frBlIxB .3uo1 apunpad sarqarsarollu! TUn urur 91-g alor?ad :sueulJads ,alEurJun ,spuo parrp uo arncsqo spusF pue sura :urur gI-t x 002-0' q?oq 01 .{llua8 '3rldrTla-,uoJJBu ,alrsoddo 3uuad4 .{larBJ Jo rBaurT lou sa aal ?/npy a}ElncJaqnl urals 'uaorF-.{ar8 ,alor}od Suqpaas:qlpouaq ralBd llnp'Iuur gI-Z x 06-gI lloqs e o1 Surradel 'sur8JBur 'aleAo-,r1orJBu -ffaurl ,srl€d pa^rnJa.r ,{11q311sqlt^\ 01 F-I JoJ {luo alrsoddo satea[ aryuaAnf Suol urur t-t saqol :8uol ruur 9-6 alorlad :palcasrq saopaLqoJ ',{a.r8 'qtoours ,IIe1t 01 alrq^A {rBq :slalqcuBrq snolnpuad ro lrara qly rn g-Z aaTew '(HJUSd 'IASN 'X 'IE.{ 'CgC ,olorld ,.{ ,.U : ost:HJUgd : oloq) IErralEruturds 'EOZ,I 'S '186I 'luef ,Erqr.{8qf aarca) y Z'g,gZ"LII'S,Ito0t Jo S uut g + : snd,t 'BpuacsouErp alrceJ urnlBloaJJn-urnlBlndnc cau urnJua€r{dsrtIIaq -wnssoJdap snlcnrJ urnrqlu€d,{q la ElBpunloJ cau ElEnualJ.e urs€q pp sapue,,rnf erloJ raldord pas rlrpaccB urBr}a ueqerpreaq .g pe erpueu,ts sryd,|p)ng .VaJJrp 'anbrunssrp aplB^ unrqluEd^q Jalur oclns anttrunJald lunlf,nq,(ulu gI-Z) saror8uol '(urul ,saluapuad ,eleuuor sollocrpad 0A-0I) arol8uol olnJrado ErlsEqBIe sarou unqnl ur eJor8uol BluaruElg raldord pas snlEuSoc allu wepodoldol .g pE xalnJd (I orn8rd) ,rou ds'dsrr3 e.rpupu,{s sn}d^lBcng 'rl?uag 'e^qElar Epodoldel-A Jeeuslr JoJuesoqc sr addtolral V larrped8urlrn{ (ruurqt-r) Suolstr,{q puE umrqtuBddrlpuE csrp uee^\teqpa^ood dlFnsn sl qrFlr{|lrnrJ el€loecrnuou slr dq 'eqnl E olur palun Suraq suaurBtssll ,{q parlsrn:ur}srpsr U lIasao BrJolrr^ leer0 oql ()1E^lerow rBau uorl paJaJlErssuottElndod AaJ B uorJ peqrrr8apBr 'atpugufs snjdllerng '6alcadsuB.rI€JlsnV urat6a^\ a{auy (Z86I) :(I)t 'arpueuf,s teI-6ZI'dsuo ersldnN EIlBrlsnVuralsal urorJaallelu Jo serradBA\eu B (oPacBI!{) snldfleen4 ( ntr lrBrlsqv {89I isuap.re0 'rrrnrrBqIaH I09Z J'C V'.qrJ erJequEC xog O d rruelog leuortpN .0.tr dsuC tr BII€rlsnV uralsod\ .(oeocB}rf,Il\\ urorJ oall€ru Jo solrads a\ou 3 erpueuls snld4lecng (2861)tgI-6ZI :(I)t Ers nN NuytsiaVol. ,1, No. 1 (1982) .- .,-:' ,!'-"'1 .....:. :.'.'4..".'..'.. Figure 1. Eucalyptus syrandra 1-Holotype specimen,A. S. Georye 16203.2 Plant near Jingymia from u hi, h r vpeu a-.n 'lletted lphotoby A. S. Ceorget. 3-Srems and bark tphotoby A. S. Georger.4-Se"dling. rrom M. D. arisp 6693.5 Collledon.. lrcm M. D. CrJsp669J.6 Buds.'rrom holot-vpe.? Flowei. showingconnate filaments, from holotype.8 Fruits, from M. D. Crr'sp6693. 'epodoldat .i pup Brpu8u,l.ssntdllprna{ }o uorlnqutsr(I Z ain8rd Ppodoldel l PJPUeulsSnld Il eln: o lr3sa0 DrJOlsA +DaJe 'uorlBJrJrssEIc s.uosuqof puB JodJd ul uollrsod 13q1 ur alqElIB^BsI opoJ ou ^la]€unlroJull '(SVAIS 'qluag apor) IIax€lB 1a ra{oorg "uerprsag 8. puB (YVAIS apoJ) epodoTda[ 'E '(IZ6I) uaa,rlaq poc€ld lsaq sr 1r qflq,r ulqlP\ uosuqor puB ro.{rd Jo aBulpodolda'I 'sarlruryJv sarJasqnserJBlras,rg uorlcas I€ruJoJuraql 01 sSuolaqeJpLrvuts snld,{leJnT '(HIUSd) rrauaqtlrx Etl >lueuuarg ratsarod g IZ] salru gI ?urod € uro{ pBor [au1T.{e,rler eurTSuErJ Jo [Iu{ 'U 'sSuudsFluaur}uocsu€r]] t8] saUtrrZ9 :(HIUSd) 9BZ9ac,toT €rrolcr^ uaanb Jo N [ur{ O ruotra^ErlJo tZ] salrurgI :(IUd) IL9VSSraqIIeH asroH pEa( g uI{ tt S lrlr)l r'{EoS'Y 'Eqnx Jo 'n 'IEd Jo gs ur{ 002 :(H,Lusd) 00IzI rauprec J r€au :(HJugd sN 'C€lC) 'O'trN'Brurf8urf '€qlno 9-S699dsuC Jo ur{ 9'g :(HIUtrd) 6VtI zrsurae li 'us S 'y 'J '896I 'uosql0 g t'OI] salru 9 9 :(r{trad) raupre.D lro ua}uour Jo [ur{ '(uaas adord s-rsoxBss-rsouarB uI :VI'IYUJSnV NUSJSS,^I\ IA) suo4rauor papaps 'ds 'ureol "rr"rv'Jo pu€lqnrqs llBl B sr uorl€la8a^ aql puB ^pu€s p ol SuIJaqlEa^\ 'salnpou euolsuorr qlr^\ Iros paluaural alBd B sr alPJlsqns aql flllEcot ad{l aq1 'spuEls lv IIEursur srncco fllBtrdfl 1I pues uro4 sl (Ilg?s ErcqllgH\ uollrallor aqo 'saFprJ lnq ouolsuorr uo Jo alrJalBl uo s^\or8 dllBnsn BJpuBu,fssryd'{lnng 1e1!qeH 'P./t\3Jotr\l 'Bproox Jo qlrou pup uosqlc lw Jo rlFou ()1uasa(I €Irolct^ lear3 urarllnos aql tuo{ paJoll€JsSuorlBlndod u.rou{ xrs lnoqB : BIIEJISnYuJalSaAA (Z Jrn8ld)uo{inqlJlslc' erpueu[s sn]dqerng'ds'rJ C t'{ 132 NuyisiaVol.4, No. I (1982) Table 1 gives diagnostic characters separating these three species. The most striking character of E. synandra, its connate androecium (Figure 1), at once separates it from .E. leptopoda. Brooker and Blaxell (1978) report a population of -U. leptopoda with united stamens, but the specimen (R. D. Royce 5286) on which the report is based (M. L H. Brooker, personal communication) belongs to E. synandra. "Coburn" The type population of E. beardiana at Station also has united stamens (Brooker and Blaxell, 1978). Within Eucalyptus this character is restricted to these two species,and is clearly a derived condition. However, the central population of E "158 beardiana,at km peg, N of Geraldton on Highway 1", appears to have stamens which are free to the base, as seen on old flowers attached to the specimen M. L -FL Brooker 5023 (FRI, NSW). These flowers were collected from the ground but almost certainly had fallen from the plant from which the specimen was taken (D. F. Blaxell, personal communication). There is a third population of E. beardiana at "158 km N of Gingin on Highway 1", but the only speciilen, L. D. Pryor s.n., 28 June 1978 (FRI), lacks flowers. The similarity between the localities cited fbr the central and southern populations is coincidental. It is apparent that the variation of the androecium of .8. beardiana needs to be investigated further. Table1. Diagnostic characters of Eucatptussynandra, E. leptopodaand, E. beardiana E. synandra E. leptopoda E. beardiana Stamers All except outermost Free to base. Type population: united in coherent in a tube for a tube. Central population: lower 1/2 to 2/3. free to base. Southern population: unknown. Operculum length 12.9 l- 2.61 (n = 9)2 5.9 i 1.0(n = 12) 13.3! 1.3(n = 2O)3 (nn) sho est measured10.3 longestmeasured 8.1 Tapering to petiole, grey Tapering to petiole, grey Roundedat base,green. green. green, Sor'1 Usually outcropping lat' Deep,usually yellow sand. Sand,usually dunes- erite, rarely sand. F iting pedicej 10.8 l- 1.8 (n = 15) 4.5 I 1.1(n = 44) length (mn) shortestmeasured ?.3 Longestmeasured 7.? Ratio pedicel 3.2 1 0.?(n =15) 1.1 t 0.2(n - 44) length: lowest.2.2 highest2.2 hypanthium length Fruit diameter 10.11 1.5(n = 15) 8.0 t 1.0(n = 44) 10.9t 0.9(n = 29)a (mm) Fruit slape Hypanthium depressed Hypanthium hemispheri- Hypanthium cupular urceo- hemispherical, not con- cal; disc from flat to late (constricted just below stricted; disc truncate- broadly convex;when disc fim); disc slightly depressed conical, steep-sided; strongly convex, fruit not to slightly convex. usually hypanthium or slightly rimmed or rimmed, with a groove grooved. betweenit and disc. 1 Standard deviation- 2. Except where otherwiseindicated (below),each datum is an averageof ien measurementsfrom a single specrmen. 3. Twenty measurementsfrom one specimenfrom the type locality. A specimenfrom the central Iocality had much shorter buds but was not measured. 4.Twenty nine measuremenl. irom fourspecimens. 'lB uaprpnl ((826I) la naUBlS ur ,,sadd1Jo Surururralap aql roJ aprn0,, rapun (B) 'eJed .Igtr v apL^) 1l uoas s?q ueqluag ]€ql uorlecrpur ou sarrJBc l ul ..tt puoul[(/nJo,, 'auol€ Jo laar{s alFurs aql asnEcaq prlp^ lou sr uorl?rrJrd^lolJal parldlur srqJ 1r SurlrJ dq epodol.dal fi. Jo ed^l aql s€ ..tt ou puowurnte,, sasooqcf111c11dur1 pue 'erclqdouourles <gt puowwnle,, Jo uaurcads ou sBq oq lEql salpls aH g-sarJads,rau 'epodoldal .g srq ol pBolsur uraql Su,ru8rsse urorJ 88I pue IgI puorrrarnJg sapnlcxa (tI 'II d :BIBI) rollanlN suaurrcadsrarood ^lluanbasuoc ar? pue slrnq MaJ aABq 'lloc qloq x ul t8 ou qlg prrowLunr(I Jo laaqs raqlo eql pup (N) 9t ou ItoS qlg 'lsBJ?uoc 'sa^Bal pqowwnt(I fg'spnq arnl€urwr pus slrn{ Jo aJuepunq€ u€ seq pu€ 'Surlrrarpueq s.ur€r{luog ul ,.'qlu€g epodolda[ 8,, aur€u aq] sarJrBr ad,{1o1ral aqJ '88 '>I 'Bpodoldal ou IIoS q19 puowLrrnr(I Jo slaoqs o^\1 are araql Iv g' s€ paprESar 'llo3 .{lluarrnc sarcads aql ol Suolaq 9g pue gg sou ylg puowqtn<f sad^luds aql .{lu0 lq8noqlrege u€ sp dlluawdd? IgI pup ll salrc puB IEJrd,{lB sr 88I lBq1 '1c€J '(8r8I) 'llanntr sarldurr (6tZ d :1981) urEqtuag uI ,{ erc[qdouou]Ies A'01 Suolaq 'ou 88I puE IgI sadflufs aql asnecaq frBssacau sr srqJ a8esn luaJrnJ ol Surprocce 'E- ypodoldol Jo aruBu aql Jo uorlpcrTddB aql xrJ ol araq uosorlJ sr ad^lolJal V '(lAy) 'u '('08I) ,,Sg A :llor puouurnrq BrpuBIIoHE^oN,, :adftoloH 'JSaq '(AS8I)
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