IPPPIIgipgpwiP^I^IBlIgppiBSHM SfPpPfPII^^ .': >; m u - ] r | ** . '' ’ i "■•' v . : Plymouth Day at I^prthville Wayne County Fair, Thursday, September 28th—Let’s Go! > T h e P l y m o u t h M a i l VOL. XXXIV, No. 43 PLYMOUTH, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1922 WHOLE No. 147* FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH F or the Kiddies Rev. S. Conger Hathaway, Pastor Mr. Edison proves "Athletic Pigs” it to ypu Vesper Service at Four Don’t fail to Get an Athletic Pig for the Kids Throw or Toss Them and They Always Land Mr. Edison doesn’t want you to buy his phonograph on a-t‘hunch.” on Their Feet He gives you proof positive that the New Edison should ifie your one and only logical choice. Over 3,000 times, before over 3,000,000 people, the New Edison has successfully sustained the test of direct comparison with living Special Program of Music Spanish Salted P eanuts......................20c per pound artists. Jumbo Salted Peanuts....................... 30c per pound No other phonograph has dared this test. Draw your own con­ clusions. Then come and hear an exact replica of the instrument used in these startling tests.' BEYER PHARMACY Pinckney’s Pharmacy Phone No. Block South and Mrs. Claude Williams, of Detroit. 211 F2 2*. 3?g*o£L.Jto» P. M Depot Later in the day, Mr. and Mrs. Hav- ershaw went to their new home at PLYMOUTH DAY AT 5002 Ivanhoe avenue, Detroit, which had been furnished and was awaiting them. Both young people are weH and favorably known here, having spent the greater part of their lives THE NORTHVILLE FAIR in Plymouth and having attended the Plymouth schools. The' bride is a member of the 1918 graduating class. Mr. Havershaw is a member of Sixes do Beat Fours EVERYTHING IS ALL SET FOR LOOK FOR Plymouth Rock Lodge F. & A. M., THIS SIGN PLYMOUTH DAY AT THE SEPTEMBER WEDDINGS and both young.people are members With such a Six as the Jewett there is no longer NORTHVILLE FAIR, THURS­ of Plymouth Chapter O. E. S. The ^ TILTON-CONNER bride is also a member of the L. O. any need to be content with lesser abilities of a four. DAY. SEPT. 28th;, LOCAL COM­ T. M. of this place. The groom has a The spacious home of Mr. and Mrs. MITTEE HAVE PLANNED FOR position as salesman with the Union Here is a really good Six—and it’s yours at the cost William T. Conner on Penniman Paper and Twine Co. of Detroit, and of a four. A BIG PARADE; EVERYBODY IS avenue, was the scene of a very pretty home wedding, last Wednes­ the best wishes of Plymouth friends GOING. go with them for happiness and suc­ The 33,4x5 inch motor of the Jewett Six is Paige day afternoon, September 20th, when cess. Accessories, Gasoline and A/ -------- their youngest daughter, Elizabeth designed and Paige built It develops 50 horse­ Everybody in Plymouth and the Jane, was united in marriage to power, and does it quietly, smoothly, efficiently. surrounding country is planning on Gardner Tilton of Concord, New WATTS-ROBINSON Motor Oils attending the Northville fair, next Hampshire. The house was attract­ Miss Blanche A. Robinson of this You loaf along at 3 miles an hour through traffic, Thursday, September 28th, which has ively decorated with beautiful pink place, and William C. Watts of De­ and sweep smoothly up to 60, if you wish, at the been set apart as Plymouth day at and green hydrangea blossoms and troit, were quietly married by Rev. BATTERIES AND TIRES REPAIRED the fair. The local committee from ferns. At four o'clock the bridal Frank M. Field, pastor of the Martha touch of the accelerator, without shifting gears. the Chamber of Commerce have party, to the strains of Lohengrin’s Holmes Memorial church, Detroit, at Here is the rush of power that makes play of the Our prices are right and “Service” our motto. lanned a monster parade, which will Bridal March, played on the piano the parsonage in that city, Wednes­ ;ave Kellogg park at 12:30 o’clock by Miss Alvena Streng, took their day, September 20. They will make extras weight of the sedan body. sharp. Everybody who . has an auto places in the living room in front of their home in Detroit. They have AU work guaranteed. is urged to join in this parade. The a bower of these beautiful fall blos­ the best wishes of many Plymouth Ask Our Satisfied Owners Millard band will furnish the music. soms, where, in the presence of about friends. The Plymouth schools will be in line, Bixty friends and relatives, the mar- and the merchants and other busir--riag* service was Impressively read ness places of the village, will have by Rev. B. F. Farber of Pittsburgh, CHAMPAGNE-MICOL THE PLYMOUTH AUTO SUPPLY CO. a car representing their line of busi­ Pa., former pastor of the First Pres­ Miss Anna Micol, formerly of this Hillman & Rathbum O. B. BORCK, Prop. 834 Pennimao Avenue ness in the parade. The committee byterian church of this place. The place was united in marriage to REO GARAGE PLYMOUTH P has other plans under way that are beautiful ring service was usecLj Harry Champagne of Grosse Pointe Corner Maple Avenue and South Main Street Esure to make the parade a regular The bride was charmingly gowTWfP Farms, Friday, September 15th. and hummer. A suitable windshield card in white crepe de chine over white will reside in their new home on will also be provided for every car. silk with pearl trimming, and her Grosse Pointe boulevard, on their re­ On arrival at the fair ground, the tulle veil was fastened with a wreath turn from their wedding trip. parade will go once around the race of orange blossoms. She carried a course. Everybody is urged to turn shower bouquet of white roses and out and make this parade the suc­ lilies of the valley. She was attend­ cess it should be, and thereby show ed by her sister, Mrs. Maxwell Moon, ANNUAL MISSION FESTIVAL Soap Specials our neighbors that we are interested who acted as matron of honor, and in their fair and its success. Re­ wore a becoming gown of orange St. Peter’s Lutheran' congregation Better member, Thursday afternoon, Sep­ Russian art crepe. Her bouquet was will celebrate its anLfial mission fes­ Bob White Soap, per b a r ........................................4c tember 28th, is the day, Business in of pink roses and autumn flowers. tival next Sunday. The morning ser­ general will practically be suspended Little Margaret Dale Moon, niece of vice will be in German, beginning at in Plymouth, and it is expected that the bride, in white dotted organdy, 10:30. Rev. John KempflL of near Business Classic Soap, per bar .............................................5c every business place will close for was flower girl, and carried a basket Ann Arbor, former missionary among the afternoon. Arrangements have of rose petals. Master Jack Wilcox, th$ heathens in India, will preach. been made with the fair officials, so young son of Mr. and Mrs. George The service in the afternoon at 2:30 Flake White Soap, per b a r .................................... 6c that tickets will be available here Wilcox, cousin of the bride, and Mas­ will be in English, and' Rev. Alfred before the parade starts, and thu^ ter Edwin Tilton, nephew of the Maas from Northfleld, will preach. avoid any confusion at the gate. groom were ribbon bearers. Clar­ In the evening, Rev. C. E. Krahnke Business is decidedly on the pick up, according to Naptha Soap, per bar ............."1...........................7c Be in line at 12:30 o’clock sharp. ence Ryan of Detroit, a Harvard from Detroit, will lecture on his work reports made by B. C. Forbes in Forbes Magazine Decorate your car and make it a gala chum of the groom, served as best in our county and the city of Detroit occasion. Let’s go. man. institutions. This service begins at of August 19, 1922. Ivory Soap, per bar .............................................. 8c Following the ceremony, a recep­ 7:30. Collections will be lifted in all If The Penniman Allen theatre re­ tion was held and refreshments services, the proceeds to be applied This means more money will be in circulation. Toilet Soap..............................................5c, 10c, 15c opened, Wednesday evening, and two served. to missions. The Ladies’ Aid society large audiences saw Charles Ray in Mrs. Conner, mother of the bride, will serve dinner and supper in the You should be sure that the money which comes to “A Tailor Made Man.” Everybody wore a gown of grey Spanish lace church basement. your hands is used wisely. Wise saving and wise was delighted with the beautiful ap­ with georgette crepe over silk, and spending are a boost to better business. I pearance of the newly decorated Mrs. Tilton, mother of the groom, REV. D. D. NAGLE DRAKE SISTERS theatre. Doniel Patterson’s four- was tastefidly gowned in black lace RETURNS TO PLYMOUTH LIBERTY and STARKWEATHER , NORTH VILLAGE piece orchestra furnished excellent over silk. Make regular deposits at this hank, music. During the afternoon, the bride and will be invested wisely. groom left for Quebec and a boat trip The Methodist conference held at down the St. Lawrence river. They Pontiac last week, returned the Rev. will be at home after October first, at D. D. Nagle to the Plymouth church No. 48 Pleasant street, Concord, New for another year. It was the unan­ : Hampshire. Their gifts were beauti­ imous wish of the members of the I 0 M ful and substantial, the groom’s gift local church and congregation that PLYMOUTH UNITED SAVINGS BANK SPECIAL to the bride being a handsome dia­ Rev.
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