Lighted Way Ministries Study Guide Bible Study Tools & Methods That Really Work!... 2 How to STUDY to find the TRUTH “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (correctly understanding) the Word of Truth,” 2 Timothy 2:15-16 Once we come to realize that the denominational leaders and the Bible is Yahweh’s trustworthy theologians cannot agree, who can Word—the Source of ultimate be assured of finding the Scriptural Truth— the next order of business Truth on any given subject? is to learn how to study it in order to successfully mine the rich gems Actually, studying the Bible to find of Truth which it contains. At first, Yahweh’s Truth isn’t as difficult as this seems a daunting prospect. such statistics make it seem. The After all, there are now over 34,000 “impossibility” of studying the Bi- Christian denominations, all with ble to find Yahweh’s ultimate Truth their own doctrinal teachings, all is really a demonic smokescreen. of which supposedly came from It only appears to be impossible “studying” the Bible. Recognizing for regular people to effectively this, one is almost minded to throw study the Scriptures, because most in the towel before even trying. If people fall into one, or more, of the six pitfalls of improper Bible study, KEY POINT listed in Lesson 1. Yahweh tells every believer to study (2 Timothy 2:15-16). In In fact, properly studying the Bible this command is a Promise. to effectively find God’s Truth God Himself will help us to is key to our spiritual growth in obey! And since studying to Messiah. It is only when we seek the Knowledge of the Truth in His correctly understand the Word Word that we are “weaned” from of Truth is God’s Will for each the milk and become mature in Christian, we can seek and our own Christian development. expect His Help! But how do we actually go about 2 proper and effective Bible study? Proper Bible Study is like How can we search the Scriptures putting a puzzle together. to find Yahweh’s ultimate Truth, not We only have the Truth doctrinal confusion? Let’s break when all the verses, on a down this vital process into the subject, are collected and Steps, given to us in Scripture Itself: included in our doctrinal beliefs: 1st Step in Effective Bible Study: Pray “...For precept must be upon precept... line upon Effective Bible study always begins a little, and there by praying for the Holy Spirit to a little,” guide us into all Truth. This is Isaiah 28:9-10 something Yahweh has Promised to do, if we ask Him. Effective Bible Study in- “Howbeit when He, the Spirit of volves using Scripture to Truth, is come, He will guide you interpret Itself: into all Truth...” John 16:13 “...No prophecy of the Scripture is of any private “If any of you lack wisdom, let him interpretation...” ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and 2 Peter 1:20-21 it shall be given him,” James 1:5 2nd Step in Effective Bible Study: Use the Best Bible For Bible study, one must obviously have a Bible. But does it matter which version you use? Yes! It mat- ters a great deal. This is because Bibles all have a family tree, some of which are corrupted at the root. Considering this, one of the best ways to measure a Bible version’s reliability is to carefully consider its origin. There are three main sources in the Bible’s “family tree”, two of which are rooted in the traditions of men and even the doctrines of devils, as we will see in this study. Only one written source in the Scrip- tural “family tree” is reliable in that it does not come from human tradition. This source is the Textus Receptus. When considering how reliable the Textus Receptus is as a Bible source, it is significant that this is the only Branch of the Bible “family tree” which was the object of persecu- tion. During the time of the In- quisition, Christians were burned at the stake for possessing or preaching from a Textus-Receptus- sourced Bible. The Waldensees and Reformers used this Bible source, 4 exclusively. This was because only 150 AD. Jerome’s completed trans- Textus Receptus sourced Bibles did lation was called the Latin Vulgate not support the papal power. For and became the official Bible ver- this reason, destroying it, or under- sion of the Vatican, intentionally mining its influence, was the only giving “Scriptural” foundation to way for the papacy to counteract its papal dogmas, which previously empowering effects. had been unscriptural. Besides the Textus Receptus, there Once the Latin Vulgate was com- are two additional points of origin pleted, the Papacy declared it to be for modern Bible versions. These other two sources in the Bible fam- KEY POINT ily tree are: the Latin Vulgate and the Alexandrian text. But Bibles Bible translations are not in- from either of these two sources spired - the original Scriptures cannot be trusted for finding were Inspired. Bibles which Yahweh’s ultimate Truth. This is convey the original message because both of these two other most clearly and with the least roots in the Bible “family tree” were amount of changes are from the created and promoted by biased, Textus Receptus source. papal sources working to advance the beliefs of the “Mother Church” the only approved source for Scrip- of Rome. ture. All Scriptures from the Textus Receptus were called “heretical” as Many papal doctrines were with- they differed on many key issues out any Scriptural support as late from the Papal doctrines. During as the 4th Century AD. Reformers the Inquisition, the papal power and Scriptural purists challenged even went so far as to hunt down the papal power to make doctrines anyone who dared to interpret that went against the Word of the Scripture differently than the God. Naturally, this gave cause for Catholic Church. These “heretics” concern among the papal leader- were considered criminals, punish- ship. The Pope took the matter in able by death. This determination hand and intentionally changed the was made and proclaimed at the Bible to support papal teachings. In famous Council of Trent and reads 382 AD, Pope Damascus I commis- as follows: sioned Jerome to revise the popu- lar Latin translation of the Bible, The… holy Synod… ordains and which had been in use since at least declares, that the… Vulgate edition, 5 which... has been approved of in the “corrupt readings”? The corrup- Church, be, in public lectures, dis- tion came in the form of doctrinal putations, sermons and expositions, changes. The following are some held as authentic; and that no one is of the doctrinal changes from the to dare, or presume to reject it under original Scriptures made in the any pretext whatever. Latin Vulgate: Furthermore, in order to restrain 1) The Latin Vulgate exalts Simon petulant spirits, It (The “holy Synod” Peter to a Christ-like level, giving of the Council of Trent) decrees, him titles and authority, which that no one, relying on his own only belong to Yahshua, accord- skill, shall... presume to interpret ing to the original Scriptures. the said sacred Scripture contrary to... holy mother Church… Con- Yahshua called Simon Peter, “Ce- traveners shall be made known by phas”, which is interpreted as “a their Ordinaries (leaders), and be stone.” But, in order to exalt Peter punished with the penalties by law (as the first Pope) to a Christ-like established. level (and thereby give precendent for all future popes to enjoy such The Council of Trent, The Fourth Session, elevation), the Latin Vulgate chang- The canons and decrees of the sacred and es Peter from “a stone” to “The ecumenical Council of Trent, Trans. J. Wa- Rock” upon which the Church is terworth (London: Dolman, 1848), 17-21. built. The Rock is a title of Messiah. Patrick Scrivener, in his online “...[The Children of Israel] did all article titled, The Latin Vulgate of drink the same spiritual Drink: for Jerome Unmasked at Last, explains they drank of that spiritual Rock that the papal-bias from the Latin that followed them: and that Rock Vulgate corrupted Bibles in many was Christ,” languages: 1 Corinthians 10:4 “The corrupt readings in the Latin 2) The Latin Vulgate adds the Vulgate found their way into the teaching of the Mass and the English, French, Spanish, and Ital- Transubstantiation of the com- ian Versions.” munion bread and wine, which masked.html weren’t present in the original Scriptures. What does Scrivener mean by 6 Doctrine teaches that the bread KEY POINT and wine become the literal Body and Blood of Christ. The ground- EFFECTIVE BIBLE STUDY RE- work for this “miracle” is found in QUIRES USING THE PUREST the Latin Vulgate version. In the BIBLES. The best Bible Source is “Lord’s Prayer”, Yahshua said: “Give the Textus Receptus. Bible ver- us this day our daily bread” (Mat- sions from this source include: thew 6:11). From this statement, the Geneva Bible, The King James the Latin Vulgate tells us to pray for Bible, The Scriptures, The Word our supersubstantial bread. of Yahweh version, etc. “Give us this day our supersub- The highlight of the mass is the stantial (Lat. supersubstantialem) “transubstantiation” of the com- bread.” munion emblems, where Catholic (Douay-Rheims Version) 7 End of Preview - get the whole 16-page study in our store..
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