Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed: first published as 10.1136/fn.78.1.F25 on 1 January 1998. Downloaded from Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 1998;78:F25–F28 F25 Influence of ethnic origin on respiratory distress syndrome in very premature infants Valia Kavvadia, Anne Greenough, Gabriel Dimitriou, Richard Hooper Abstract evidenced by the occurrence of RDS, in very Aim—To determine whether the incidence prematurely born infants of African, caucasian, of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) is or Caribbean descent. related to ethnic origin in very premature infants (<32 weeks of gestational age and birthweight <2.0 kg). Methods Method—A retrospective cohort study was Infants who had been admitted to the neonatal performed to determine the incidence of intensive care unit, and of less than 33 weeks of respiratory disorders in African, Carib- gestational age were retrospectively identified bean, and caucasian infants. An African between 1991 and 1995. In 60 infants both infant was matched with two infants (one parents were of African descent. Matching for of Caribbean and one of caucasian de- gestational age and birth order was then scent) for gestational age and birth order attempted for each subject with an infant and, if several eligible matching infants whose parents were both of caucasian descent were found, for gender and approximate and a second infant whose parents were both of birth date. Fifty African infants (median Caribbean descent. If several infants matched a gestational age 28 weeks, range 23–32) subject, a same sex infant and then the one were matched with an infant of Caribbean closest in birth date was chosen. Matching and one of caucasian descent. proved impossible for 10 African infants— three sets of twins and four infants all of 31 Results—Compared with the incidence of RDS in African infants (40%), that in cau- weeks of gestational age. The latter problem casian infants (75%) was significantly was due to the limited number of Caribbean higher (p<0.05), while the incidence in the infants in that age group. Caribbean infants (54%) did not diVer Maternal and newborn inpatient hospital significantly. Regression analysis showed records served as the information source for our study. Data obtained from the mothers’ that ethnic origin was related to the hospital records included parental ethnicity, occurrence of RDS independent of antenatal steroids (a standard regimen was gestational age, size for dates, antenatal used throughout the study period), hyperten- steroids, hypertension during pregnancy, sion during pregnancy, prolonged rupture of premature rupture of membranes, mater- membranes (>24 hours) (PROM), antepartum nal smoking, mode of delivery and infant haemorrhage, smoking habit, birth order, gender. http://fn.bmj.com/ mode of delivery and gestational age of the The enhanced lung matura- Conclusion— infant calculated from the date of the mother’s tion found in certain ethnic groups, even last menstrual period to that of birth. when born prematurely, has implications The infant’s hospital records provided infor- for clinical management. (Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 1998;78:F25–F28) mation on birthweight, gender, occurrence and diagnosis of respiratory failure, requirement for Keywords: respiratory distress syndrome; ethnic origin, ventilation and supplementary oxygen and prematurity discharge status (alive or deceased). Infants were on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. described as small for gestational age (SGA) if their weight was less than the third percentile on Black infants have a lower incidence of respira- the Gairdner-Pearson growth curves. The diag- tory distress syndrome(RDS) than white nosis of the infant’s respiratory failure had been infants.12 This seems to be due to enhanced made by the clinician in charge using standard lung maturation.3 That eVect, however, may be criteria, in particular the appearance of the Department of Child restricted to relatively mature infants.4 Logistic infant’s chest radiograph taken within four Health, King’s College Hospital, London regression analysis of 298 infants born between hours of birth. The chest radiograph appearance V Kavvadia 24 to 35 weeks of gestation failed to demon- was independently reported by one paediatric A Greenough strate a lower incidence of RDS in white rather radiologist. Respiratory distress syndrome G Dimitriou than black babies.4 A further study5 showed (RDS) was diagnosed if the infant developed Department of Public accelerated lung maturation only in infants respiratory problems within four hours of birth, Health beyond 32 weeks of gestation. The situation which persisted for longer than 24 hours; or if R Hooper may also be complicated by the exact ethnic the infant’s chest radiograph appearances Correspondence to: origin of the infant. Lung maturation occurred showed symmetrical granular opacities in both Professor Anne Greenough more rapidly in Ethiopians, but more slowly in lung fields with a superimposed air Department of Child Health 7 King’s College Hospital South African blacks, than in white or black bronchogram, and the infant had received at London SE5 9RS. infants from the United States.6 The aim of this least one dose of surfactant replacement therapy. [email protected] study was, therefore, to assess if ethnic origin Transient tachypnoea of the newborn (TTN) Accepted 8 July 1997 did aVect the rate of lung maturation, as was diagnosed if the infant was tachypnoeic and Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed: first published as 10.1136/fn.78.1.F25 on 1 January 1998. Downloaded from F26 Kavvadia, Greenough, Dimitriou, Hooper Table 1 Demographics according to ethnic origin (data expressed as median (range) or n 26 of the caucasian and 19 of the Caribbean (%)) infants were heavier than their matched subject. All patients had been incorporated into African n=50 Caucasian n=50 Carribbean n=50 the hospital’s standard policies. In particular, Gestational age (weeks) 28 (23-32) 28 (23-32) 28 (23-32) antenatal steroids were given to all women if a Birthweight (kg) 1.03 (0.57-2.0) 1.0 (0.50-1.99) 0.973 (0.47-1.76) Small for gestational age 5 (10) 9 (18) 9 (18) preterm delivery was predicted and there was Males 20 (40) 21 (42) 24 (48) no evidence of maternal septicaemia; diabetes Vaginal delivery 33 (66) 28 (56) 28 (56) and hypertension were not contraindications. Maternal hypertension 7 (14) 10 (20) 12 (24) PROM 13 (26) 7 (14) 8 (16) Infants less than 29 weeks of gestational age Maternal smoking 2 (4) 10 (20) 3 (6) were routinely intubated in the delivery suite; Antenatal steroids 19 (38) 27 (54) 24 (48) more mature infants only for resuscitation pur- poses. Infants would then remain intubated Table 2 Outcome according to ethnic origin (data expressed as median (range) or n (%)) and ventilated until arterial blood gas estima- tion on arrival at intensive care showed this to Respiratory distress syndrome 20 (40) 37 (74) 27 (54) Congenital pneumonia 8 (16) 3 (6) 1 (2) be unnecessary. Surfactant replacement was Transient tachypnoea of the newborn 5 (10) 1 (2) 3 (6) given in the first four hours of life to infants Respiratory distress 17 (34) 9 (18) 19 (38) whose chest radiograph appearance was sug- Ventilation 42 (84) 47 (94) 45 (90) gestive of RDS (see above), who were venti- Maximum peak inspiratory pressure (cm H2O) 18 (13-29) 20 (14-40) 18 (12-32) Duration of ventilation (days) 6 (0-38) 7 (0-49) 4 (0-46) lated, and who required an inspired oxygen Duration of O dependency (days) 12 (0-112) 13 (5-105) 8 (0-68) 2 concentration of more than 0.29. Death 8 (16) 11 (22) 11 (22) Results had a chest radiograph appearance which The only significant diVerence in the maternal showed increased vascular markings, fluid in the characteristics among the three groups was in 8 horizontal fissure, and overinflation of the lung. the proportion who smoked (÷2 = 8.44, df=2, Congenital pneumonia was diagnosed if there p<0.02), smoking being most common in the was chest radiographic evidence of caucasian group (table 1). The proportions of pneumonitis—that is, asymmetrical consolida- infants in the three groups who were diagnosed tion, with or without positive blood cultures. with RDS, congenital pneumonia, TTN and Respiratory distress was diagnosed if the infant respiratory distress are shown in table 2, along required supplementary oxygen or ventilatory with the other infant outcomes. Each infant support, but did not have an abnormal chest received one of these four diagnoses. A diagnosis radiograph appearance. of congenital pneumonia or of TTN was DiVerences in maternal characteristics and comparatively rare, so that a statistical analysis in diagnoses of infant respiratory failure in the which distinguished these diagnoses was not three ethnic groups were assessed for signifi- feasible. When numbers of infants with RDS cance using ÷2 tests. Multiple logistic were compared with numbers of infants without regression, with presence or absence of RDS as RDS, a significant eVect of ethnic origin was the dependent variable, was used to investigate observed (÷2 = 11.9, df=2, p<0.005). Table 3 the eVect of ethnic origin on this outcome after shows odds ratios and their confidence intervals controlling for gestational age, size for dates, for RDS in Caribbean and caucasian infants antenatal steroids, hypertension during preg- relative to African infants. It also shows how nancy, PROM, maternal smoking, mode of these odds ratios were relatively unchanged even http://fn.bmj.com/ delivery and infant gender. Non-linear eVects after being adjusted to take account of of gestational age were not evident, using the gestational age, size for dates, antenatal steroids, various methods suggested by Hosmer and hypertension during pregnancy, PROM, mater- Lemeshow.9 Thus gestational age was treated nal smoking, mode of delivery and infant as a continuous variable.
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