ARTICLE IN PRESS www.elsevier.de/mambio Short communication Daily torpor in a pregnant dunnart (Sminthopsis macroura Dasyuridae: Marsupialia) By F. Geiser, Bronwyn M. McAllan and R.M. Brigham Centre for Behavioural and Physiological Ecology, Zoology and Human Biology, University of New England, Armidale NSW 2351, Australia; and Department of Biology, University of Regina, Regina SK, Canada S4S 0A2 Receipt of Ms. 17.2.2004 Acceptance of Ms. 3.6.2004 Key words: arid tone, mammalian reproduction, thermo-energetics Mammalian reproduction is an energetically Chruszcz and Barclay 2002; Willis 2005).It expensive process. In addition to normal appears that species with small litters or energetic costs for maintenance, locomotion offspring or those that spread the costs and thermoregulation, reproduction requires associated with reproduction over a long energy expenditure to acquire and process time, may be able to enter torpor during nutrients, produce milk, and transferring reproduction. However, information on tor- nutrients to growing offspring with the por by reproductively active mammals is consequent increase in metabolic rate (MR) limited and is currently restricted to only a (Farmer 2003). Torpor in heterothermic few of the large number of known hetero- mammals, on the other hand, results in an thermic mammals. overall reduction of energy expenditure and We tested whether marsupial dunnarts, is characterised by a pronounced fall in body Sminthopsis macroura, a small species temperature and MR (Geiser and Ruf 1995). (25 g)of the family Dasyuridae ( Fig. 1) For most mammals, these different energetic, can enter torpor while reproductively active. and also hormonal, demands appear to S. macroura is insectivorous, has a slow rate require a temporal sequence of reproduction of development, and lives in the arid and and torpor within the yearly schedule and semi-arid area of inland Australia where thus, torpor usually occurs during the non- conditions of limited food and water avail- reproductive season (Goldman et al. 1986; ability, which promote torpor use, occur Barnes 1996; Stamper et al. 1998; Mzilikazi regularly (Godfrey 1969; Geiser et al. 1998). and Lovegrove 2002). Not surprisingly then, A similar-sized closely related species there is a widely held view that torpor and (S. crassicaudata)with similar thermal and reproduction in mammals are mutually ex- developmental biology has been observed in clusive processes. torpor in the field while lactating (Morton Nevertheless, members of a few mammalian 1978). S. macroura is therefore suitable for taxa, including echidnas (Monotremata), addressing the question whether torpor may some small dasyurids and feathertail gliders be employed during reproduction. (Marsupialia), and some small insectivores We studied 12 adult, female S. macroura and bats (Placentalia), are known to enter (body mass 24:0 Æ 3:0 g)that were captive- torpor while pregnant and/or lactating (Ra- bred at the University of New England in cey 1973; Morton 1978; Geiser 1996; Armidale. Individual reproductive condition 1616-5047/$ - see front matter r 2005 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.mambio.2004.06.003 Mamm. biol. 70 (2005) 2 Á 117–121 ARTICLE IN PRESS 118 F. Geiser et al. Fig. 1. A stripe-faced dunnart, Sminthopsis macroura. was classified following McAllan et al. measured as the rate of oxygen consumption (1991). When exhibiting oestrus, each female once over 23–24 h (Geiser et al. 1998). Food was paired with a male for the duration of the and water were not provided and T a was oestrous period. Of the 12 individuals stu- 16:8 Æ 0:5 1C: These measurements were also died, two did not exhibit oestrous cycles used to quantify minimum MR during torpor during the reproductive season, two were (TMR), and average daily MR (ADMR). paired with males at the time MR measure- Torpor was defined as MR falling below 75% ments were conducted, and the remaining of the resting MR at the same T a and torpor eight exhibited oestrous cycles during the bout duration as the time period when MR reproductive season and were paired with was o75% resting MR. Measurements were males prior to MR measurements. We did conducted between late July and mid-Sep- not know at the time of measurements tember (late winter/early spring)within the whether or not the animals were pregnant; normal reproductive season for the species this was determined after the measurements (Godfrey 1969). Numerical values are pre- during weekly assessment of reproductive sented as mean71 standard deviation (SD) condition. When not paired for mating, for ‘‘n’’, the number of individuals. dunnarts were maintained individually in Of the 12 dunnarts measured, 11 were not cages as described in Geiser et al. (1998) pregnant. Ten of these individuals entered under the natural photoperiod of Armidale at torpor and one remained normothermic an ambient temperature ðT aÞ of 20 1C. Cages (Fig. 2). The 12th dunnart, the lightest were cleaned weekly when animals were individual measured (19.2 g), was pregnant weighed and reproductive condition assessed. during our measurements. This individual To determine whether or not individuals entered torpor (Fig. 2A)and gave birth entered torpor, the MR of each animal was approximately 9 days after the measurement. ARTICLE IN PRESS Daily torpor in a pregnant dunnart 119 7 pregnant 6 5 4 3 2 1 A 0 7 non-pregnant ) 6 -1 h -1 g 5 2 4 3 2 1 B 0 Oxygen consumption (mlO 7 non-pregnant 6 5 4 3 2 1 C 0 15 18 21 24 3 6 9 12 15 Local time (h) Fig. 2. Oxygen consumption of female dunnarts (Sminthopsis macroura) measured over 1 day at 16.8 1C. Female (A) was pregnant and entered a 4 h torpor bout lasting from 06:00 to 10:00 h, female (B) was non-pregnant and entered a 10 h torpor bout lasting from 02:00 to 12:30 h, and female (C) was non-pregnant and the only individual that remained normothermic. The black bar indicates the period of darkness. The torpor pattern shown for the non-pregnant dunnart (B) was one of the longest observed. ARTICLE IN PRESS 120 F. Geiser et al. As the gestation period in this species is that a low MR during parts of the reproduc- 12.5 days (Godfrey 1969), the female had tive season is one of the traits required completed 30% of pregnancy on the day for torpor expression during pregnancy or she entered torpor. Its minimum TMR lactation. À1 À1 (0.23 ml O2 g h )was even less than the Species for which torpor has been observed mean TMR of non-pregnant animals during the reproductive period are also À1 À1 (0.3270.35 ml O2 g h , n ¼ 10), but the insectivorous or nectarivorous. Abundance pregnant dunnart only remained in torpor of most insects (and other arthropods)and for 4.05 h, somewhat shorter (65%)than nectar fluctuate (Csada and Brigham 1994; the average torpor bout length of the Law 1994). Occurrence of torpor during non-pregnant individuals (6.2572.96 h). reproduction may thus be linked to the food The ADMR of the pregnant female consumed by the mammals. Species that have (31.7 kJ dayÀ1)was among the lowest mea- access to relatively predictable food supplies sured in the non-pregnant females that during the reproductive season, like many entered torpor (36.575.5 kJ dayÀ1), and the herbivorous rodents, may be able to adopt ADMR of all individuals entering torpor was strict homeothermy while pregnant or lactat- lower than that of the individual remaining ing. In contrast, species with relatively normothermic (49.6 kJ dayÀ1). The pregnant unpredictable, weather-dependent food sup- female raised two young successfully, wean- plies may improve fitness via the ability to use ing them about 70 days after birth as torpor. What remains to be resolved is the expected (Godfrey 1969). relative importance of reproduction and diet Our study documents another mammalian in determining torpor expression during species capable of entering torpor during reproduction. pregnancy. While the general torpor vari- ables of this female were similar to that in the non-pregnant individuals, it remained in Acknowledgements torpor for a shorter period than most of the non-pregnant individuals. Nevertheless em- This work was supported by a grant from the ploying torpor substantially reduced its Australian Research Council to FG, and ADMR and consequently food and water University of New England Research Grants requirements. As the minimum TMR of the to FG and BMM. We thank Rebecca Drury pregnant dunnart was similar to that for non- and Wendy Westman for technical support. pregnant dunnarts, we estimate from the body temperature–ambient temperature dif- ferential during torpor for the species (Geiser et al. 1998)that its minimum body tempera- References ture was about 20 1C. Barnes, B. M. (1996): Relationship between hiber- The observation of torpor in a pregnant nation and reproduction in male ground dunnart raises the question of how mammals, squirrels. In: Adaptations to the Cold: Tenth which appear to be strictly homeothermic International Hibernation Symposium, Ed. by during the reproductive season (e.g. ground F. Geiser, A. J. Hulbert, S. Nicol. Armidale: squirrels, marmots and hamsters)( Goldman UNE Press, Pp. 71–80. et al. 1986; Barnes 1996; Mzilikazi and Chruszcz, B. J.; Barclay, R. M. R. (2002): Lovegrove 2002), differ from those that Thermoregulatory ecology of a solitary bat, exhibit torpor when reproductive. It appears Myotis evotis, roosting in rock crevices. Funct. that mammals with small litters or individual Ecol. 16, 18–26. offspring or those who spread the reproduc- Csada, R. D.; Brigham, R. M. (1994): Reproduc- tion constrains the use of daily torpor by free tive effort and the associated metabolic costs ranging common poorwills (Phalaenoptilus nut- over a long time, like monotremes, many tallii).
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