The weather Gearing today with highs in the mid inside today W. Increasing cloudiness tonight, lows in up^r 20s Tuesday cloudy with snow 10-12 MACC news... ..3 Precipitation ..13 MCC Calendar ..3 protability 10 per cent tonight, 90 per’ Ettptttng llrrali ..13 Obituaries___ . 14 cent Tuesday. National weather ...4 Sports............. 69 forecast map on Page 11. Manche$ter—‘A City of Village Charm ...5 Suburban ....... 67 FOURTEEN PAGES MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MARCRJl, I»77- VOL. XCVI, No. 144 PRICEi FirrEEN CENTS New voting law discussed WASHINGTON (UPI) - President Carter’s cabinet meeting came of Fairfield, Vt.; and Jose Hingosa Carter met today with his cabinet to participants to make more practical shortly before he welcomed another who grows cotton, grain sorghum and discuss a variety of matters, in­ use of their time. foreign visitor — Japanese Prime vegetables near Edcouch, Tex. cluding details of the ad­ The President instructed Sunday Minister Takeo Fukuda — for two After the Fukuda greeting on the ministration’s universal voting School and attended services at the days of talks on the the world south grounds of the White House, package. First Baptist Church Sunday, along economy, nuclear proliferation and Carter arranged a private meeting The proposal will be unveiled with First Lady Rosaiynn, and their other mutual problems. and a “working dinner’’ tonight with ’Tuesday by Vice President Walter daughter, Amy. It is the second time the Japanese prime minister. Mondale, who drafted it after con­ Carter taught the adult Bible class. Today also was American Following the prime minister’s sulting key members of Congress Agriculture Day, and Carter invited arrival at the south grounds of the from both parties. The Carters, along with others in to iunch five farmers from various White House, and a private meeting, Essentially, the proposal would the congregation, voted to accept parts of the nation to solicit their both leaders tonight participate in Mrs. Mary Fitzpatrick as a member. simplify voting registration — permit views on agriculture policy. what is termed a “working dinner.” - 3 persons 18 years and older to vote in The five men, who operate small She was released from a penal in­ federal elections merely by proving stitution in Georgia last month, after, family farms, included Homer Such dinners, instituted by Carter, their age. Foster, a teef, hog and grain farmer being convicted of murder, in order ’The legislation also would revamp eliminate much of the traditional to serve as Amy’s nursemaid at the from Moville, Iowa; wheat farmer pomp normally tied to the visits of the Electoral College and amend the White House. Tom Davis of Couiee City, Wash.; foreign heads of state. ’The attire is Hatch Act to permit federal workers James Frazier, a poultry and The Carters hadf met Mrs. Fitz­ greater participation in political limited to business suits and general­ patrick when she worked at the produce farmer near Bucksport, ly wives do not attend. ’The White campaigns. S.C.: dairy farmer Robert Howrigan governor’s mansion in Georgia on a House contends the approach allows work release program. Delay asked in zone change trial By GREG PEARSON for an immediate trial. Commerce Department’s approval 'Town of Manchester that is con­ Herald Reporter Judge O’Donnell granted a motion of the project plan. ’That hearing is ’The attorneys who represent the for an immediate trial filed by Attys. tingent upon park property being scheduled for Hartford’s Superior available by the end of August. plaintiffs in the appeal of the in­ Holland Castleman and Jules Jiarp, Court. dustrial park zone change have filed who represent the Manchester “We have no intention of permit­ Attys. Castleman and Karp ting a delay to destroy this project,” Spring is here,„almost a motion to postpone the appeal trial. Economic Development Commission requested an immediate trial to en­ Atty. Bruce Fleck, who, along with (EDC). Castleman said after the granting of sure that development of the park is the motion for immediate trial. With March apparently trying to go out like a lion, and weather Atty. Anthony Pagano, represents Beck said that the decision “makes not seriously hindered by a delayed and delivering a new snowfall every other the plaintiffs, said that the motion it extremely hard for us to present “We will do everything we can to court proceedings. The J.C. Penney continuously advance all litigation to day, these two snowbound bicycles on Harrison St. symbolize the was filed “to give us adequate time our case. We’re not criticizing what Co., which would be the park’s major to prepare.” the judge did. It just makes it tough completion within the time period of frustrations of young and old alike who have had enough winter tenant, has signed a contract with the the Penney contract,” he said. for this year. (Herald photo by Dunn) ’The motion will be considered on us.” Thursday at 10 a.m. when the case has been scheduled in New Britain’s ’The attorneys have said that at Court of Common Pleas. ’The appeal least one of their expert witnesses trial was set for ’Thursday following a will not be available until June. Mrs. Gandhi may resign Spring debut snowy decision last week by Hitftford Court Beck also pointed out with a of Common- Pleas Judge ’Thomas J. hearing on their request for a tem­ in wake of ballot loss O’Donnell that the case be scheduled porary injunction against the state By United Press International spring officially arrived at 12:43 p.m. NEW DELHI, India (UPI) - of Rae Bareli, seemingly laymg to Spring arrived in Connecticut Sun­ The storm caught the state off Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was rest her party’s slogan that “India is day with a wintertime companion. guard. Many Connecticut residents toppled from power today in a The National Weather Service said were still digging themselves out Indira and Indira is India.” No progress reported resounding parliamentary election Her controversial 30-year-old son up to 11/2 inches of snow fell in some from Friday’s snowstorm, which defeat and her Congress party, which parts of the state. dumped up to seven inches of white Sanjay lost by 75,000 votes in a con­ has ruled India since independence in stituency adjoining hers. Both were powder on the state and swelled local in Shorts negotiations 1947, trailed the opposition. A No.progress was,made..thls mor­ defeated by Janata candidates. A travelers’ advisory was in effect rivers and tributaries............. would not be <mrt byt purt of her spokesman for Mrs. Oandhl said she A personal aide to ttie prtfne ning in discussion between members until Sunday night, and state police parcel being in an Industrial zone,” would resign later today. minister, H.Y. Sharada Prasad, said State police said two Connecticut of the Manchester Economic he said. reported scores of minor accidents Hours after her defeat- was an­ she would submit her resignation residents died Saturday following the on slippery roadways. Development Commission (EDC) ’"That’s a matter of opinion. She nounced, Mrs. Gandhi revoked the later in the day. He described her as * storm. and Suzanne Shorts, the owner of a The forecast for today calls for doesn’t happen to agree with that,” harsh and unpopular state of “pretty cheerful” despite her loss. parcel of land that is divided by the he said. partly sunny weather, highs in the emergency which she imposed 21 Other party sources said they industrial park boundary. upper 30s to mid 40s with increasing Phelon said that no decision has yet months ago and which was largely expected acting President B.D. Jatti Vincent P. Marzano, 44, of Water- Atty. Herbert Phelon, who cloudiness at night. More snow or been made on what his client will do. credited for her downfall. to ask Mrs. Gandhi to remain in of­ bury, died when his car skidded off represents Mrs. Shorts, said that he rain is likely to develop Tuesday with But, he did say of Mrs. Shorts, “She’s Official results for 286 of 540 fice and head a brief caretaker an icy road in Chester and crashed and his client will meet in the next highs 35 to 40 degrees. been very frank with the town. She parliamentary seats showed the government until a new prime into an embankment. John Moris, 66, two days to discuss further action, in­ doesn’t want to be a stumbling block, Lasge flakes of swirling snow of Bristol, suffered a fatal heart at­ Congress party won 111 and its allies minister is sworn in. began falling throughout the state cluding the possibility of an appeal to but she does want some guarantees 17, while the Janata party, an opposi­ tack while shoveling snow at his the zone change. Sunday afternoon, only hours after home. and they don’t seem to be there.” tion coalition, held 140. The rest went V.B. Raju, a general secretary of Weiss also said that little progress to a scattering of other parties. the Congress party, said party of­ ’Twelve acres of the Shorts parcel was made at this morning’s meeting, are part of a northeast section of the Mrs. Gandhi polled 122,517 votes to ficials would meet later in the day to which he called a “discussion 177,729 for her rival, Raj Narain, a select Mrs. Gandhi’s replacement as park that was granted a zone change session.” by the Planning and Zoning Commis­ Socialist lawyer, in her home district leader of th^ party. sion (PZC) 6n Feb. 28. ’The northeast Today’s news section and a small northwest section of the park were granted zone changes separate from the major Tech colleges picketed zone change granted Jan.
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