Josephine M. Coates, Editor •( Vol. 46 May, 1930 No.4 • o N T E N T s • Fraternity Directory . ...•....•.. ..•.. .......•. .. .......... .. • . .• •.•.• Editorials .. .........•..•..•••.....••• . ... .. .... .....•.•••••••.• •.••••. m'" Allerton Director . ...... ....•........•. , ....• . .. , .. .....••••••..•..•.. , The National PanhcJlenic COllrrre .. Meeting at Denver ...... , .... .... .. , .. '" The Central Oflice ......... ....... , . .. ... .. ..•....... .. .... ....... '"'OJ Clu ieal Philolowy- An ) ntueltmK LuJ[ury .................... .. ..••... 57. With the Actives (Rotogravure Section) ., . .. .. •.. ....•.••. .•. • racinl" Swarthmore Girls See Iowa .... ........ ,., .. ......., .. " •..••• , .. , ...... '" Panhell eni<: Congr("a_CamIJU I Rulbing •.....•..• .. •. •.. .••••• •. •.. ...... 51''" Pi P his in the Public Eye ...... , .. , .. , .. ", .. , ....... .••• . •• . • •.. •... .. S78 From Pi Phi Pc-nl .............. '0' Pi Phi Relatives ........... ,.. News from Little Iligeon .... .. • ............•...... •.. •. ..••...•.... ,.. Alumf12 PerlOnal•.......... .......... ..... " ...... •... .•. .. ....•.. • . ,. '.7 In l-t emoriam ........ , . .......•............. ,." .... .. ....•....... ... 620 Challter Letter•.........•........•..•..•... • , .............•..• ' . , ....•.. 22 THIt Ano w ia publiahed (our timet a year, in September, Noftmber, Februa,.,. and May. by Pi Beta Phi Fraternity at the preIS of the Georce Banta PuhHalaina Company. AU aub8c:rip!ions abould be ICnt to M'u. R. D. BrowD, Central Of&c:e, 175 Broad St..I Hartrord, CODn. Subec:ription price $1.50 per year; SO centa for aincle c:opiea; $1) life auhlCription. All manuac:ripta .bould be addreSRd to the Editor, Ja.ephine Y. Coates 254 Hason St., MilwaUkee, Wis. Material intended for publication mUU retda the Editor fi n ...ceka before dale of publicatioD. Chapter leltera should be H nt to Mri. C. C. Daniel, Jr., 4322 Mercier, KanlU City, Mo. AJumnle pereonaJa, Alumnle Club reports, and In Memoriam notkH "ould be ICDt direct to the Alumne Edit'Or, Agnea Miller Turner (Mu. 1. R.), 458 Rodney A.,e., Portland. Ore. Ad.,ertiain, ratH may be had upon applicatioD to Mra. M . C. Cord, 2555 Bryant An. S., M inneapolia, Minn. Entered .. aceond-cl.... maHer at the po.tt of&ce at Hart(ord, Conn., and Menasha, WiL Acceptance for mailing at apcc.ial rates of poatqe pro.,.idcd for in Seetloa. 110J, Act of October 3, 1917, autbori&ed Auruat 15, 1918. FRATERNITY DDlECTORY FOUNDERS OF THE FRATERNITY M.r~ret Campbelll 514 Pike St., HOUlton, Pa, Libbu~ Brook Gadoia (Mu. M . E.), Ann, m. Clara Brownlee Hutebin.on (Mrs. Alexia), 318 Fint Ave" Monmouth, Ill. Fanny Whitnack Libbey (Mu. Howard), 3021 Tbirty-,ixili Ave., S.W., Seattle, Wuh. Inez Smith Soule (Mu. Melville C.), 315~ N. L St., Tacomat Wasko Jennie Horne Tumball (Mrs. Thoma. B.), 2229 N . Fifty-third St., Wynnlleld. Phila· delphia, Pa. Tennie Nichol, M.D. (deceased). F'aDnie Thompson (deceued). Nancy Black W.lIace (deceased). Ada Bruen Grier (deceased). Rosa Moore (deceued). Emma Brownfce Killore (deceased). Pr'uidt'f4t E",trilfU May K. Keller, Westhampton College, University of Richmond, Va. GRAND COUNCIL GraM P".sidetll---Amy B. OnkeD, Chapin, III. GraNd Vice P,.,..rid",,'-Kathcrine Burr Tdler (Mrs. Charles F.), 106 Walnut Pl., Syra­ cu~ N.Y. Gra"d .H·c,.na,.y--Cail De Wolf, 4011 W. Third St. Los Anldes, Calif. Gra"d Trnstl,..,.- Lois Franklin Stoolman (Mrs. A. \V.), 1001 S. Third St., Cbampailfl, III. AN'OUI Edito"- Josephine M. Coates, 254 Muon St., Milwaukee, W i•. Asristul to G,.a"d Pr.rid".t-Margaretta Fenn, al3 Hinman Ave., Evanston, III. A.r.rista"t '0 G,.a"d Viu p,...,ident-Ruth Barrett Smith (Mrs. \Varren T.), lOIS Tremaine, Los Anleles, Calif. THE ARROW STAFF AN'OUI Edito,. a"d BNri"US Mana9n-Josephine M. Coates, 25 4 Muon St.t... Milwaukee, \Vi!;. A/lu,,,•• Edilor-A~ne. Miller Turner (Mrs. ]. R.>, 458 Rodney An., t'ortland, Ore. CAapi" L.uu Ed,IO,.-Aanes HiJdebTand Daniel (Mrs. C. C. Jr.), 4J22 Mercier, KansaJ City, Mo. NnIIs /,.om Littl. Pi",.oM-Blanche Cbarlton Curti. (Mn. P erce H .), 2525 HiIl,ide DT., Burlinpme Calil. Editor of Pi Plai R .. lotiv• .r--Florence Taylor Shield. (Mrs. Paul L.), 106 South St., Omaha, Neb. Exclaa"flu ""d Coli.. ",. Notu- Helen Call Cord (Mrs. M. C.), 3240 Garfield Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Prom Pi Plai P..,..,- EstheT Fuller, Tribune-Caphal, Des Moines, Iowa. A,.,.our Fi/.. - Delia Conger, 381 N. Prairie St., Galesburg, III. PI BETA pm CENTRAL OFFICE Di,..dor of Cul,."l O~lt-Mrs . R. D. BTown, 175 BTOad St., Hartford, Conn. NATIONAL HISTORIAN Grace Filter, 208 N. Wayne Ave., 'VaJne, PL NATIONAL BOARD OF TRUSTEES FUND Chairma-Lois Franklin Stoolman (Mu. A . W.>, 1001 S. Third St.!,. Champaign, 1II.; Anne Stuart, 1906 D St., Lincoln, Neb.; Nita Hill Stark (Mr•. H . J. Lutchu StaTk), DT&Wer 201, Orange, Tex. : Anna Tannahin Brannon (Mra. M. A.), 427 PoweT St., Hdena, Mont.; Amy BUTnham Onken, Chapin, Til. NATIONAL SUPERVlSOR OF CHAPTER ACCOUNTING Marie Freeman Palm~r (Mra. Wm. G.), 60 1 W. Michigan Ave., Urbana, 111. PI BETA PHI MAGAZINE AGENCY Mary Bobo Durden (lilTS. W. Dawton), 3Hl N. lleridian, Apt. 301, Indianapolis, Ind. COMMITTEE ON ENDOWMENT FUND Ernestine Bibr McArthur (Mrs. Chule:s E.), J.4 0B W . Fiftieth St. Terrac!l Kana.. City, Mo., Chairman' Marcuerite Gr.rl?i.U Lewis (lin, Arthur H .). 3635 \,..&mpbe.lI. Kan· au Cit,. )fo., Treasurer; Gnu »qaw Phd.D (MrL William), 2109 Walnut. Kan ... Cit,. Mo. SETTLEMENT SCHOOL COMMITTEE ChQinft411-Dr. Edith Gordon, 3$ Kendal Ave., Toronto. 001., Canada. Booldctt of Ht.tory ud such information. Fin.ide Industry Booldcts. Tf'IIt..,tI,.,.,.-GrKe Post, 707 N. Maren __ o Ave., Pasadena, Calif. ,Ptd1licil1:-Blancbe Charlton Curti. (Mrs. Perce H.). 2525 Hillside Drive., Burlinrame, Calif. News (rom Little Pigeon. Rebctta DOW1lcJ White (Mn. Allred H .) , 608 Onondan St., Ann Arbor, Mich. bolated Oub Members. Procnma for Settlement School Meetin.. for both Acti .. e Chaptenl and A.lumlUt Oubs. Heleu Doll TotUe (Mu. 1. \V.), Sunkt Knoll, St. George's Rd., Baltimore, Md., Gatlinburc New., Wa~ and Means. Di,.,.a.,.-.EwITD Bishop Pi Jkta Phi Settlement &bool, GatlinburJlt, SeyiC:T County, Tenn. Ord~r. and information concernin. Fil'"«ide Industries, application for positioD to teacb, Trtasur~r of Fireside In4uatri~.----- STANDING COMMITTEES CDmMut,.. ON ErteRJ1·o_Mar,. Cooyer Frost, 163S Gaylord St., Denver, Colo., Cbairman; Cblrlotte CroDle,. Brown, 53 Garden St., Cambridge Mus.: Ann McDonald D'Auie Mrs. Jolin), ~09 N. t.o. PaJmu St., Lo. AnrcJ~, Calif. ; Mildred Cathers. 100 W. 3Jrd St., Ba,.onne, N.J. Com",i",.. 0" Mot/tlrs' Cllllbl-MrL Louise Neil Tuber, 1060 Humboldt, Denver, Colo., Chairman. CDm",;Uu ",. SchDtarsliif>-Alice Simmons Cox (Mrs. L. C.), 1109 \V. Gift Ave.., Peoria, II!., Chairman: A, Marion E. Reid, 10 Claybourne S!:.o Dorchester, Ma •. ; B, Mra. A. C. Roorbach 1815 Whitehall Harrisburg. Pa. ; r, AlrL L. J. Bernard, Box US3 Deland, Fla.; 4. MrL Wallace Hampton. 2064 Eastern Parkway, Loui .... i1Ie. Ky.; E, Rejtina B~nnaD, Pi Beta Phi House. Univerlitl of N~rtb nakota, Grand FC?rks ... N.D.: Z, Hn. VlDcent M . Carroll. 5579 Gates Ave.., St. LoUIS, Mo.; H, M .... AustlQ Kraca .... 1445 M"o.,roe St .• Oennr. Co'o: 9. Ruth Morton, 12Jof Grand Ave. Fort Smith, Ark.: • I. Mra. Robert T. n.nk" E. 317·14tb Ave .• Spokane. Wasb.; K. Mrs. Harry J. Frost. 1021 N. Virginia St., Reno, Ney. CDm,"ut,. ON TraN"f'rl-C~riltine Yerges Cona.ly (Mrs. S. Stede>. 1230 Glenn Aye .• Columbus, Ohio., Chairman. CDm",iuu OIJ Frat,_i,y Stllldy and EJrami"Cltio.- Etlen·Clare Gillespie Kribs (Mrl. C. L.. Jr.>, 4005 Gillon Aye., Dallas. Tex.. Chairman; A, Ellen Grace Stradling, Hamil· ton Ave .• Hamilton, N.Y.; B, Florence Hutchinson Ke ...ley (Mrs. J. E.), 1950 Noble Rd., Ealt C1evdand, Ohio; r , Margaret Tonch 3310 Windsor Aye., Baltimore, Md.; ,6, Ruth MitcheD Deeds (Mrs. Carla.>. 1920 Meridian, Apt. 3, Indianapolis, Ind.; E. hnie Howaer Job (Mra. Thesle T.). 52 .. Clarence Aye., Oak Park. Ill. : Z, Isabel Baker, 1207 Stratford Rd;: Kansas Cit,., Mo.; H. Lucile Hartman. 613 S. Ro... e. Fort Collins. Colo.; e. Gladys ;:,dun,.. 201 W . Msin St.. Ardmore, Okla.; I, Frida Hendrickson, S022·2Oth An., N.E .• Seattle, \Vash,; K. Helen Ricbardson Henr,. (MrL 'Vard, J.), 7725 Norton Ave., Rollywooa. Calif. Committe. 0" H,oItla ProQ'ram-Dr. Geraldine Ollelev, Care Calgary School Board. City HIli, CaI'lry, Alberta, Can .• Chairman; Dr. Edith Gordon. 35 Kendal Ave .• Toronto, Ontario, Can.; Anna Tannahill Brannon (MrL M. A.), .. 27 Power St .• Helena, Mont.; MI,. Lanlfield Keller • Westhampton College, Richmond, VL: Sarah Pomeroy RUII ()lrs. F. A.>, 113 \vDOddiffJ Rd., Newton Hlablands. Mua. CD,"Mitt,. ON Uflldfftfrtld"at. LOG" FIII"d--Ruth HeK:1tine. 122 Griswold, Dda ....re. Obio. Ckairm.n: Mildred nabeoek (Mrs. H. L.>, 16 WoodleiJ(h Rd.. Dedham, lola ... ; Ruth Curtis. Murray (Mrs. Cornelius T.), 9"0 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. Com",ittu 0" Sociol ErcllaNu,.-Faith Martin Hanna (Mrs. Robert), Mankato. K.n., Cba... • m.n; A, Edns Grah"m, .. Iv,. Court, Oneonta, N.Y.; B Rutb Trimble, 309 Eich,r Aye., Grunaburg, Pa.; r , Louise Sale CaaAad,. (Mrs. Maynard L.), Hl2 Irvin, Pl., Ithaca, N.Y.;~. Josephine Dtocker, 753 Oak St, Chaltllnoo~a. Tenn.; E, Anita H ...en. Frazier (MrL F. H.>, 653 Hinman Ave .• E.anlton, Ill.: Z, Elizabeth Carpenter. 601 W. A.bland, Indianola, Iowa; H, Jeane Moore Martin (MrL W. L), Winfidd. Kan.: e, MaUa%oa Marahan, Siloam SprinJltl, Ark.; I, Mar,. Wiaeca"er DiJI.rd (Mrs. Jamea M.), 665 E. Tbirt,.-.econd St. N •• Portland, Ore.; K, Ethc::l Redpath EJlinpton (MrL H.rr,. C.), Yucaipa. Calif. CDm",ijf,. ON F,.-at""fllity M"sic-M.rgard Kellenbaeh. 3U5 College Ave., Jndlanapolil, Ind., Cbairm.,,; Ruby Burtne.. Olmltead (Mrl.), 16 S. Nineteenth Aye. E .• Duluth, Minn.; Hden Kammerer MeKendrew (Mn. E. t..>, 111 E. Eightieth St., New York, N.Y.: Doroth,. Iackes Miller (MrL Warren E.> , 708 W. Fort,.-eiabtb St., Kanau Cit,., Mo.: LoUI!e Spauldina Main (Mrs. Douglu), 12 .... Richard Pl., Glendale, Calif. ComMittu 011 CUI""" Fi_IK.... ..- Sybil Bat~ Guttenen (Mrs. M. E .>, .. 7.. 1 Thoma. AYe::.
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