DOCUMENT RESUME ED 193 492 CE 026 902 AUTHOR Brand, Horst, Comp.: Belitsky, HarveyA., Comp. TITLE Productivity: A Selected, AnnotatedBibliography, 1976-78. INSTITUTION Bureau of Labor Statistics (DOL), Washington,D.C. PUB DATE Apr 80 NOTE 172p. AVAILABLE FRCM Superintendent of Documents, U.S.Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. EDFS PRICE MF01/PC07 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Annotated Bibliographies: Career Education:Costs: *Economic Development; *Economic Factors;Economic Progress: *Economic Research: Employment: *Input Output Analysis: Measurement: Postsecondary Education: *Productivity: TechnologicalAdvancement: Transportation ABSTRACT This selective bibliography provides annotated references fcr 1,200 books and articles publishedbetween 1976 and 1978 which ccncern productivity--the relationbetween physical output and input. Publications deal with conceptsand methods: measurement of levels and trends: the sources of productivitychange (such as technology and research): the relation of productivityto economic variables such as wages, prices, and employment:and economic growth. Major sources drawn upon were the UnitedStates Department of Labor Library accessions lists, Journal of EconomicLiterature, and Dissertation Abstracts International--Humanitiesand Social Sciences. The annotated listing is divided into (1) concepts and measurement: (2) measures (total economy and privatesectors, industries, public sector, international) :(3) factors affecting prou,uctivity change (work force characteristics: hours and workschedules; capital: technological change: research and development/innovation:management and other organizational factors;energy, economies of scale, and other factors):(4) productivity, prices, and costs;(5) productivity and employment:(6) productivity and economic growth; and (7) bibliographies, annual reports, etc. Each citationcontains the following: author, title, place of publicationand publisher or source of article, number of pages or pace numbers, and brief annotation. Author and subject indexesare provided.(YLB) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best thatcan be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** N Productivity:A Selected, MAnnotatedBibliography,1976-78 Cr r--4 U.S. Department of Labor Ray Marshall, Secretary L..1 Bureau of Labor Statistics Janet L. Norwood, Commissioner April 1980 Bulletin 2051 U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION & WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEENREPRO- DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVEDFROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATIONORIGIN AT ING IT POINT.; OF vIFYV OROPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE- SENT OF F ICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION OP POLICY NOV 3 1980 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents. 11.14. GovernmentPrinting Office. Washington. D.C. vUir 2 20402 Preface Productivitythe relation between physicaloutputMany studies published and inputhas beenstudied for many in 1975 are includedin this years in thebibliography; they had Bureau of Labor Statistics(BLS). Such studies and not become available in timefor research are conducted inclusion in the previous in the Bureau's Officeof Pro- one. Earlier BLS bibliogra- ductivity and phies on productivityinclude Bulletin 1226 Technology. The interest inproductivity (1958), derives froma iiturnber of concernsthe Bulletin 1514 (1966),Bulletin 1776 (1971), and pace of tech-Bulletin 1933 (1977). nological change andits effects on skills; the trend in employment and prices and costs; andthe rate at Major sources drawnupon were the U.S. Depart- which additional goods ment of Labor Library and services becomeavailable. accessions lists; the Journalof Thus, the study ofproductivity is essentialin under-Economic Literature; andDissertation Abstracts Interna- standing the factors givingrise to variations in tionalHumanities and SocialSciences, published by and wealth, and in incomeXerox University determining economicpolicy. Microfilm, Ann Arbor,Michigan. This bibliography, the fifth in a series, isintended to The bibliographywas compiled by Horst Brand facilitate such study.It covers a large selection and of books Harvey A. Belitsky, underthe direction of Charles and articles thatwere published between Ar- 1978. 1976 anddolini, Chief, Divisionof Industry Productivity It provides annotatedreferences for Studies. publications dealing 1,200 with concepts andmethods; Material in this publicationis in the public domain measurement of levels andtrends; the sources ofpro- ductivity change (such and may be reproduced as technology and research);the without permission ofthe relation of productivity Federal Government.Please credit theBureau of to economic variables suchas Labor Statistics and cite wages, prices, and employment;and economic growth. Productivity: A Selected,Anno- tated Bibliography,1976-78, Bulletin 2051. f 3 iii Contents Page Annotated listing Concepts and measurement 1 Measures 11 Total economy and private sectors 11 Industries 14 Public sector 17 International 21 Factors affecting productivity change 24 Work force characteristics and education 24 Hours and work schedules 43 Capital 48 Technological change 54 Research and development; innovation 65 Management and other organizational factors 72 Energy, economies of scale, and other factors 84 Productivity, prices, and costs 91 Productivity and employment 97 Productivity and economic growth 106 Bibliographies, annual reports, etc. 120 Author index 123 Subject index 134 Annotated Listing Concepts and measurement (equate, that 1947 wasan unrepresentative yam,-,that identical production 1.1 Afriat, S.N.The Price Index.London, technologies were premised for a number of countries,and Cambridge University Press,1977. 187 pp. that the combination of physicaland human Deals with the index numberproblem, the capital in one capital figure isunsound. general problem of limits,and the Laspeyres and Paasche indexesas well as the Fisher in- 1.6 dex. Archibald, R.B. "On the Theoryof Industrial Price Measurement: OutputPrice Indexes." Annals of Economic and Social 1.2 Agarwal, M., Askari, H., and Corson, Measurement, W. "A Vol. 6, No. 1, Winter 1977,pp. 57-72. Testing of the RicardianTheory of Com- parative Advantage."Economia Inter- Proposes two output price indexeswhich in- nazionale,Vol. 28, No. 3-4, At.3ust- clude the effects of substitutioncaused by price November 1975, pp. 341-52. changes. Discusses the propertiesof these in- dexes. The authors contend that investigatorshave used a very narrow definitionof productivity 1.7 in the empirical testing of the Ricardiantheory Balk, Walter L., and Shafritz,Jay M.Public of comparative advantage. Theypresent their Utility ProductivityManagement and own concepts of labor productivity. Measurement.A Symposium sponsoredby the New York State Departmentof Public 1.3 Allen, R.I.G., and Goss ling,W.F., eds. Service and the State Universityof New Estimating and Projecting Input-Output York at Albany, August 1975.Albany, The Coefficients.London, Input-Output, 1975. New York State Departmentof Public Serv- 104 pp. ice. 256 pp. The contributors deal with improvementsin The contributors discuss,for electric the Leontief model to achievemore accurate utilities, aggregatemeasures of productivity, projections of interindustry relations. including performanceindicators; data re- quirements; managerialefficiency; and ap- 1.4 Altmann, Franz-Lothar, and others. On the plications of productivitymeasurement. Measurement of Factor Productivities: Theoretical Problems and EmpiricalResults. 1.8 Barlow, R. "A Test of AlternativeMethods eat Goettingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Making GNP Comparisons." 1976. 605 pp. Economic Journal,Vol. 87, No. 347, September1977, A collection of papers dealing with;:.on- pp. 450-59. cepts, techniques, and problems of prod- Describes four methods forestimating a na- uctivity measurement. Theypresent compara- tion's gross national product tive and country studies. in dollars. Con- cludes from data for 41 countriesthat the ad- justed-exchange-rate and 1.5 Ammann, Alan I. A physical-indicator Re-Examination of the methods are equally good for Leontief Paradox and the U.S. approximating Import-Export the repricing estimate,which is conceptually Position.Doctoral dissertation presentedto superior. Mississippi State University, 1978. 159pp. Argues that Leontiefs data andassump- 1.9 Barna, T. "Quesnay's Model tions, correct for 1947, are incorrect of Economic for 1976. Development."European Economic Review, Also asserts that Leontiefs two-factormodel is Vol. 8, No. 4, December 1976,pp. 315-38. Examines Quesnay's ideas en growth and the model variables, specifications, and technical progress in agriculture. Formalizes estimation results. these ideas in a dynamic model. 1.14 Brown, Alan A.;Licari, JosephA.; and 1.10 Bendick, Marc, Jr., Essays on Educationas a Neuberger, Egon. "Productivity Measure- Three-Sector Industry. Doctoral dissertation ment in Socialist Economies Using Divisia presented to The University of Wisconsin- Indexes and Adjusted Factor Shares." Madison, 1975. 270 pp. Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 42, No. 3, January 1976, pp. 482-85. Discusses industry measurement, sectoral product differentiation, and sectoral market The authors present a method that partially shares in a framework of industrial organiza- removes price distortions from socialist tion theory. statisticsand discuss the implicationsfor measuring total factor productivity by Divisia
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