WhfcN WOOnBRIDGE TOWNSHIP NEI DS A DAILY PAPER 20 Pages Today THE INDEPENDENT W1IL PUBLISH DAILY Three Sections Vol.. XII, N". 45 WOODltRIIMiK, N. J., FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, PRICE THREE CENTS DEMOCRATS TAKE FULL CONTROL OF TOWNSHIP GOVERNMENT ».kOK<.;h I. APPLECATE ANTHONY AQUll.A MAYOR WILLIAM A. RYAN JACOB W. C.RAUSAM Committee Meets For Business With Seven JOSEPH L. GILL WILLIAM P. CAMPBELL ROBERT L. SATTLER HERE, CHICK, RED CROSS STARTS CHICK, CHICK! Democrats Taking Up Work Of New Year "Say, someone's heen raid- TO TALK HERE ON ing my chicken farm — I'm EMERGENCY DRIVE With United Democratic Support Mayor Ryan Starts 1931, As missing nearly 200," blurted out a Port Reading chicken MORALS OF YOUTH THANK YOU' SAYS EDISON BOARD OF HEALTH New Committeeman, Anthony Aquila, Goes Into Action— dealer to Sergeant Keating, of FOR TEN MILLION In a letli'i1 bearing his own Ryan Urges Abolition Of Lighting Districts As Committee the Woodbridge force Monday. signature', Thomas A. Edison, The astounded sergeant put To Relieve Drought Misery In AND SEXJRAINING the noted scientist, thanked MOVES TO FIGHT Considers Changes — Iselin Sidewalks and Buses Enter Officer Andrew Simonsen on) 21 States — Hoover Backs the township committee for its Discussion With Aquila Taking. Active Part. the case, and he found the Dr. Barker, Likened To Judge , action in urging the construc- large scale theft had been com- Movement With Proclama- DIPHTHERIA HERE mitted in the following man- Ben Lindsey, Will Give 4| tion of the Kilison Memorial With every desk occupied by Democrats, the township tion — Local Chapter Sends Houlevard proposed to be ner; $500. Talks In Woodbridge On j mimed after him us a memo- Organizes For Coming Year committee got away to a flying start for 1931 on Monday, when The owner, Philip Borchel, Thursday. rial. and Retains All Present the first meeting with the new committee, 100 percent Demo- <if Blair rosd, awns some 600 The letter was addressed to cluckers, which he keeps in a TOWNSHIP QUOTA $2,000 Township Clerk Hernard V. Aids Health Officer Urges' cratic after the last election, was held. number of coops. Naturally SPONSORED BY ROTARY Dunigan, in answer to one sent U»e Of Diphtheria Preven- Proudly Mayor William A. Ryan gazed around him. At his theft of 25 or so doesn't make An emergency situation in 21 by Dunigan advising Edison of mucji dent in 600, so the poul- states in the drought stricken area Mark next Thursday on your cal- the committee's ad inn. It tative. right sat Committeemen Applegate and Aquila, from the Sec- try fanciers simply took a has caused the National Red Cross endar! was read at the meeting Mon- ond Ward; in front Committeemen Sattler and Grausam, of the slight tax nightly. Until Bor- to begin an immediate drive for ten That in the day Dr. Charles ¥,. Bar- day. Similar communications ONLY 2 ANNUAL DEATHS ! chel grew suspicious, counted million dollars for relief work, of ker, Rotary's gift speaker to Wood- were received from Henry First, and at his left, Gill and Campbell of the Third; old war- up, and discovered the whole- which the quota for the Woodbridge sale robbery. chapter of the Red Cross ia $2,000. bridge, comes to town. Ford and the Port of New The Board of Health of the town- horses all, except Aquila, who begins his first term. Three times Dr. Barker will speak The big drive is sanctioned by York, Authority, who were also ship held its reorganization meeting The change in political complex-1 President Hoover, who by proclama- at the Barron high school auditorium, advised of the township action. and at noon before the Rotary Club. ion of the board was evident as Bonds For School 11 tion urges immediate and generous Mr. Dunigan was quite support from the nation. To boy and girl students at the I roud of the letter bi-:««inn Kyan was chosen chairman, and Aquila and Applegate, working to- Avenel To Have Park Addition Sold Monday high school he will talk at 11 a. m., Kdiaon's signtaure, and after Committeeman Gill secretary. Other gether for the Second Ward, ably The local Red Cross has already sent $500 to National Headquarters, telling them frankly of the problems a suggestion from Mayor Kyan, members of the health organization ))lesentcd the attitude of their con- A special meeting was held by the of life they must face, and showing of Education Monday "night i ^nd under the_direction of Mr*.A. may have it framed. were also retained in office. Health . h b QVer {[ M. By 1932 As Township Board " ~ 1 the road they must travel to attain The letters received were Inspector Peter Peterson was re- ,. , ., „ • for the purpose of opening bids on *. Randolph, chairman of the chajv strength of moral cha/acter. bonds for the new $140,000 addition!ter>. « wor,klnK h»rd.to ral8e *• re* ordered filed by the committee. tained in that capacity, and also to "IB districts and sidewalk improve- m mder of the uota At noon he will address the mem- act as Registrar of Vital Statistics, ments, which featured the meeting, Accepts Site Offer to School 11. Two New York firms ; » 1 - bers of the Rotary Club, speaking of lie gave his report for the past year, A large number of friends of the bid on the bonds, with the award Contributions will be received at the problems which confront the going to Rapp, Loekwobd & Co., who the First National Bank & Trust Co., and also asked that the board take new committeeman,, Mr. Aquilaq , sat That Avenel ia to have a park :J l L m younger generation, and how fathers 1 bid $140,019.60 for 139 bonds at of' "'---"--Woodbridge— , b y *the cashier>-•-, W. IU tion in obtaining toxin anti-toxin in the township meeting room in the built during 1931 was indicated by should face the responsibility of Aquila Fights For as a preventive against diphtheria Municipal Building, to see and hear 5 percent. One bond was held back L. Harned, and turned over to Mrs. guiding their sons through adoles- in th township. him in his debut. They were well action taken at the township com- by the board. The other bid was Randolph, who lives at 569 Rakway cence. Neaily all the other municipal!-' sati»ned,"'for"Mr." Aquila spoke fre- mittee meeting Monday, when Com- $140,400 for 140 bonds at 5 percent, avenue, Woodbridge. Mothers and daughters of the Bettei r Bui. s Servicmate. ties'in the state use this serum, quently, aiding materially in solu- mitteeman Joseph Gill reported made by Morris Mather & Co. All A telegram from Washington na- township will listen to Dr. Barker at which is a the board members were present, tional headquarters notifying the 15 p. m. in the high school, when he (111 I 1110 Tft Icolin preventive, adminis- tion of the problems under discus- favorably on the offer of „ free park with Melvin Clum presiding. The VH L11IC W laCllll, t.-red to children with their parent's »ion. .. „,, there bv the Manle Realtv Com- Woodbridgo chapter of the start oi speaks on "A Mother's 'Responsibil- w sitsitee there by the Maple Realty Com- next meeting will be held Monday. the relief work was received Wed- ity To Her Daughter," putting it Hi.tier bus service from Iselin to h WoodbridBe purchase some fo? The discussion of the lighting dis- pany, of Avenel, and the committee nesday. It reads: squarely up to mothers if a girl %oo.lbn(igc proper wa» urgeI by |no,ul||tion of the township children. trlet boundaries.begini with presen- accepted the offer, which carries "Greatly increased demand dur- "(toes wrong", as society puts it. Township (ommiUeeman Anthony, tation of a petition from property the site be de- ing last ten days have made impera- In the evening at 8 p. m. Dr. Bar InveBtigation b the board which with it provi3ion that i •„ . ,, ", L • J , AqwU iit the meeting Monday aft- on H *f the Jwnshio committee owners on Grant avenue, Pleasant veloned as a Dark bv the township No Hats In Ring Yet tive immediate campaign for Red ker will.talk to. fathers and sons at ernoon in the town hall . I dKed thai there ar'eaboutTd avenue and Harrison avenue, toll,,,' ^ot & than^«u.r, 8^ W82. Cross relief fund to meet emergency the high school, on the topic, "A litises **• run at half hour inter- f diphtheria here yeariy! with asking that the lights thera be placed Committeeman Gill, chariman of situation through parts of 21 states Father's Responsibility To His Son". yals frnm i. to 0 a. m. and from J:30 ^ {, > District No. 5, instead V District tt investigating the of- For School Board Posts in drought stricken area. Minimum Pitfalls which face a boy unwarned, f t d t n was ln the commi ee of ten million dollars needed to pre- to 7 ,., n, , Mr. Aquila stated, and nofiLt,,/that the cost of the diph_ No. 3. A letter was reur^gm the f of • realt• y company* , stated Nominating petitions are now be- and means of avoiding them, will be commissioners of pistrict vent untold suffering and actual t),at fe ^(j interviewed various civic ing circulated in the township for the subject of this talk. , telling of a recent election to the school board, four privation of thousands of families. Like Judge Lindsay .eeting, organizations in Avenel, and all were Pollution of water supply caused by chise if service ia not provided.
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