ilBKARY p,,». » " 'V „ h i Betnil vcnu# \ S PRINC J L i . i vjAZETTE Manasquan Seaside Established 1877 Gazette and Mirror Established 188a VOL XLV-NO 22 Si K:\ij LAKE, N, J., FRIDAY, JUNE 2. 1!»22 $2.00 PER YEAR i Third Avenue Paving A Defence O fiered An Important Sale Hoffmeistcrs Go Abroad The business part o f Third ave­ T o Honor a Hero To the Editor of the Gnzo-v 1 Lowlands," that beautiful . estate Mr 'in > Mi . A F Hoffmeistcr, nue is still in a state o f eruption, but It ha.-, been suggested that one of it is to be regretted tlia’ ui.jum | which cover, the entii. block bound- •vho pe?it the w in ter on their place there are indications that the day of the most fitting, yet simple, orna­ who believes in God and who -I.o.,! j r,! G .cun, Pro..pert. Lorraine anil at Poit Sew ail, Florida, tml who have completion is nearing its dawn ments to t lie Community Hou.-e therefore love his neighbor a.- i, i. ^L-w-oi iwnii-., funnei ly owned by been occupy mu their beautiful estate* Much o f the first work has been would be a tablet to the memory of self, should attack another s faith ti­ - - licnt y W elsh Roger, and pur “ Alanna-in the Pines”, on Pitney ave­ of a character that did not show the Robinson - Worthington. the contributor did last week. C! t- et, led about two year- ago b y Mr nue since April, will leave Spring actual progress made. The entire Tlie prime object o f the Community ian Science is not a parlor pliiln-opl , ’ I boiu, Morrison, of Pittsburgh, Pa, Lake on Tunc 1*1 for the beginning old surface o f tint* street, to a depth House was that it should stand an, a nor one-sided. Let anyone who 1 a !h,- been sold through the PaUer..ot, ot a sum m er F uropcan trip that wiJi of a foot or more, hud to be removed memorial to tho.-e o f our hoys who been discouraged and pronoun, i"1 L-w.-n y to Mr. Fe. | \v. Roeb- he novel and certainly delightful. to prepare a sollid foundation of con­ offered their service ard lives in the past the help pf all m aterial aid, tin n I M>: 1 ronton, whoso present sum W ith them wall he M r. Charles \V. crete upon which the smooth asphalt defence o f our country in the great turn to God with his whole h eart and mo! home i> at 8 .Jersey avenue. Schlatter and a friend from Cincin­ surface coat is to be laid. Then for World War. Of nearly forty from realize for one moment even that In the sale o f “ L o w la n d s” Mr. nati. The party will motor from three blocks the sidewalks bad to he this immediate vicinity who put their Jesus’ promise was meant for now Morn-on does not wish it understood Spring Lake to Quebec, Canada,, from cut away three feet on each side, so lives in jeopardy for us, only one and all time, and apply that truth, 1111,1 lu‘ has abandoned Spring Iaike. | which city they w ill .sail on June 25, as to ‘make the roadway six feet made the great sacrifice. Robinson he will then know whether Christian 111- and Mrs. Morrison will spend the j on the steamship Empress o f Unfair, wider than formerly, and a new curb Worthington, of Como, after months Science is such a philosophy, or a rommy nmnier in Europe, returning j for Liverpool. They will then motor set on each side. The laying o f the of notably heroic service volun­ living, palpitating truth, and to know to Spring T ake next Season and sec­ through.Englund-und Scotland, cros. concrete bed began last week and is tarily undertaken and under the and understand this Truth will in­ u ring a -m ailer property m ore suit- the Channel and tour through France now completed up to Washington greatest risks, finally was brought deed make you free a s He has prom ­ aide for their decreased family. and Belgium, and possibly extend avenue. down by a German shell. ised. Science has no argument or their trip to include Italy and per­ The Standard Bitulithie Co., which " Rob ” was a young man of ex­ wish to argue or criticize an oth er’s Mr. Baker Coming Here haps other countries. li doing the work, is also engaged in ceptional mold, a model o f American faith, or the work done by those dear The large and handsome property They w ill leave England on thei a similar contract at Seabrlfcht, and at Ocean and Washington avenues, youth. A devoted worker in his good souls who think and work diff­ return on the Cunard liner Coroniu has established its asphalt plant at belonging to Mrs. George Alien and church and Sunday-School he was erent to the Scientist, but it does about September 1(1, coming to Spring Bradley Beach, hauling the black and active and proficient in youthful ask that we show brotherly love one known as “ Green Gables," has been Lake to spend the fall months. odorous surface mixture in its big sports and clean and manly in all his to another and respect one anothe-'s leased through the Patterson agency trucks from there to each of its two life. As a typical example o f those faith and creed, as we ate command­ to Mr. George Pales Baker, of New Ocean Avenue Lighting contracts. The surface, or finishing, whom we would honor there could bo ed to do in the Bible and in th e book 5 ork. Mr. Baker is one of the On Monday night the Borough work will begin here in a day or none better. that is studied with it to interpret wealthiest of New York’s multi-mil­ Council awarded 'the contract for two at Passaic avenue, and the three Because o f what especially we want its Holy pages, “Science and Health lionaires who has successfully kept lighting Ocean avenue to the Atlan­ blocks wil speedily be completed. the House to stand for, and because with Key to the Scriptures, written himself out of public notice until tic Coast Electric Light Co. The North of Washington there will be o f his life, example and service, there through inspiration by its author, and withjn the last few years. contract includes the laying of a no change in the curb lines and fast should be placed in or on this new who has given that inspiration out to conduit on the east side o f the avenue er progress will be made up to W orth ­ structure a tablet to his memory. It . all the world, who has obeyed Jesus’ Fishing from the Bridges furnishing the standards and operat­ ington avenue, where the new pav­ should not be the g ift of one person, command, “ Gd ye out into all the Again the boys, and some o f the ing the lights for a period o f six ing w ill join the fine roadway which or of any dozen, but should come world, preach the gospel, and heal the grown-ups, have begun fishing from months. A light w ill be placed in was fiuilt from that point north last from all his. friends—and they were sick.’’ The Scientists’s strongholds the rustic bridges o f the Lake, muss­ the centre o f the intersection o f each year. The preparatory surface ex­ legion—and made up by dimes and are the 91st Psalm, the 23rd Psalm ing up the decks o f the bridges with east and west avenue, affording addi­ cavating for this is alrady done near­ quarters. believed in and applied in daily life, fish and bait, and endangering pedes­ tional illumination fo r these. ly to St. Clair avenue. It needs only to be known that the every hour. There are many in trians by flying hooks wielded by ex­ The installation o f these lights A t the junction o f Passaic and design is to be carried through to Science as in any other faith and cited hands. Although notices are w ill require but little labor, and Third avenue there w ill be a sub­ bring a host of willing contributors creed who fall short, very short of posted at each end o f each bridge there will be no obstruction what­ stantial and eelctrically lighted traffic to the fund. W ill not some individ­ what they profess, but who shall that fishing therj Is unlawful, they ever to the avenue. post, the foundation and wires for ual or organization at once undertake judge? pay little attention to the warning. its accomplishment? The Ga which are already in place. This An arrest or tw o might do some A Student in Science Real Estate Transfers Is something which has been greatly good. DMM, * summer is very heavy. On Sunday, June 11, at 8 P. There Library Note* the Rt. Kev. Albion W . Knight, D. D. put into logical form, Newman u: A collection of about one hundred will visit St. Uriel’s church for a con­ preferences and attachments, which * 1. which to deposit any trash of which and fifty volumes have been present­ firmation. A t this time he w ill also we cannot explain, are often very Daniel H .
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