page 2 the paper april 27, 2016 CCorruptionorruption ppg.g. 3 DDeadits,eadits, ppg.g. 9 BBoyeoye TToyeoye TTroye,roye, ppg.g. 1155 F & LL,, ppg.g. 221-221-22 EEarwax,arwax, ppg.g. 2233 the paper “Name of Your Netfl ix Show” c/o Offi ce of Student Involvement Editor-in-Chief Fordham University Siobhan “Morning in America” Donahue Bronx, NY 10458 [email protected] Coming Soon..... www.fupaper.org Kelly “London Gal” Tyra the paper is Fordham’s journal of news, analysis, comment and review. Students from all News Editor years and disciplines get together biweekly to produce a printed version of the paper using John “Tammy and the T. Rexes” Looby Adobe InDesign and publish an online version using Wordpress. Photos are “borrowed” from Luis “The X Files” Gomez Internet sites and edited in Photoshop. Open meetings are held Tuesdays at 9:00 PM in McGin- ley 2nd. Articles can be submitted via e-mail to [email protected]. Submissions from Opinions Editors all students are always considered and usually published. Our staff is more than willing to help Melody “Flexi” Knight-Brown new writers develop their own unique voices and fi gure out how to most effectively convey their Claire “Manresa” Nunez thoughts and ideas. We do not assign topics to our writers either. The process is as follows: have an idea for an article, send us an email or come to our meetings to pitch your idea, write Arts Editor the article, work on edits with us, and then get published! We are happy to work with anyone Arthur “10,000 Hours of Tammy and the T. Rex” Banach who is interested, so if you have any questions, comments or concerns please shoot us an Matthew “Meme or No Meme” Whitaker email or come to our next meeting. So why come write for us? We are a constantly evolving publication, and have been since Earwax Editor 1972. We provide an outlet of expression otherwise unavailable to Fordham students. Writers Reyna “Lavender” Wang are free to say whatever they want, whenever they want. We are also pretty cool people, to be completely honest. So please come hang out with us. You’ll have a good time, we promise. Features and List Editors Michael “The Shadow” Sheridan our aim Lisa “FBI: Camden” Calcasola the paper is Fordham University’s fully student-run, free speech publication. Our aim is to challenge our writers and our readers: we want to make you think. We provide an outlet for all Copy Editors students to express themselves, whatever their passion may be. Whether it’s commenting on a Rachel “Sisters” Poe social issue, writing a factual news article, making people laugh with a humor piece, composing Nick “The Dox” Peters a personal narrative, giving advice or ranting about something that makes you feel a certain strong way -- we have a place for you. Because of our platform as a free speech newspaper, we Contributors tend to push the boundaries of university journalism by talking about important social issues, Adam Hamilton, Kirsten Anastasio, Tommy Gerity, Brian Conway, Colleen expressing otherwise silenced voices and opinions, addressing Fordham policy and administra- Burns, Gabby Gillespie, Anonymous tion, and starting serious conversations about what is important to our student body. Here at the paper, we encourage creativity and uniqueness, spark dialogue and discussion, and foster Back From The Dead a community where students are free to fully express themselves. Zoe Sakas, Ali Glembocki, Elena Meuse, Caitlin Hufnagle, with a special appear- ance by Will Speros and Val Heinmets april 27, 2016 the paper page 3 The Panama Papers are a Huge, Confusing, and Important by Luis Gomez Explaining the biggest data leak in history News Co-Editor ca doing? Welcome to the wonderful Doe offering them information. When Al Nahyan. Others include a personal If there were ever a moment where world of extra-super-rich people and all was said and done, the information friend of Vladimir Putin’s, Columbian journalists should congratulate them- corporate fi nance. provided amounted to 2.6 Terabytes of singer Juanes, and Jackie Chan. All selves, the Panama Papers prove no Here’s the deal. When a company encrypted email, memos, images, and told, nearly 14,000 clients and over better moment. The documents leaked makes a profi t, they have to pay taxes other documents. 2.6 Terabytes. Really 214,000 companies have been listed. from Mossack Fonseca, a Panamenian on that profi t. However, money that’s let that amount of information sink in. Now, what does this mean? Well, law fi rm, create the world’s largest doc- reinvested into the company (for build- By comparison, the Wikileaks docu- for the moment, lots and lots of deni- ument leak ever. The documents them- ing new facilities or research & de- ment trove was 1.7 Gigabytes. That’s als of any wrongdoing. Nearly everyone selves link shell company purchases to velopment, for example), isn’t taxed. nearly 1500 times smaller. who currently is listed in the Papers, celebrities, corporate leaders, and even So, when a company or individual After SZ was approached by their including Mossack Fonseca itself, has heads of state around the world. This anonymous source, they quickly real- confessed to doing nothing actually story is big. Too big for any one writer, ized that the scope of their leak was wrong, and from a legal perspective or news agency. So, let’s break it down. far too large for one organization. They they might be right. The Atlantic points Who is Mossack Fonseca? What were enlisted the help of the International out that “Some of the activity uncov- they doing? How did these leaks hap- Consortium of Investigative Journal- ered in the Panama Papers will turn pen? ists (ICIJ) to help analyze the data. out to be illegal. But if past is prologue, Founded in 1977 by German lawyer TTechnically,echnically, I ddidn’tidn’t ddoo iit.t. This analysis involved, according to then the majority of what we learn from Jürgen Mossack in 1977, the fi rm part- SZ, “around 400 journalists from more the leak will merely be embarrassing nered with Panamanian novelist/lawyer has made a boatload of profi t, they than 100 media organizations in over for those exposed—showing them to Ramón Fonseca in 1986. They eventu- will sometimes buy a shell company 80 countries...[including] teams from be opportunistic and perhaps unethi- ally added a third director, a Swiss law- to invest that money into, in order to the Guardian and the BBC in England, cal, but not criminal.” Essentially, the yer named Christoph Zollinger, but he lower their tax obligations. From a le- Le Monde in France, and La Nación in fi rm’s main service was providing their wasn’t cool enough to get his name on gal perspective, this is all perfectly Argentina.” Journalists met in Washing- clients with the ability to defy the spirit the company or something. The fi rm fi ne. There’s no law that says you ton DC, Munich, London, and the Nor- of tax laws without actually defying specializes in the commercial law, trust aren’t allowed to own a shell company wegian town of Lillehammer to initially the written word of law. Most of those services, investor advisory, and inter- for the purpose of avoiding taxes. The map out their research approach. implicated will never see the inside of national business structures, as well problem, however, lies in the fact that The impact of this data is massive. a courtroom, and those who do may as international property and maritime a) the line between tax avoidance (le- Mossack Fonseca had clients all over have enough on their side to eventually law services. Basically, there was noth- gal) and tax evasion (illegal) is often the world, and thousands have been be declared innocent. ing on paper that Mossack Fonseca very thin and b) ethical concerns are implicated in the leaks. World-renown So where does everything go from wasn’t doing. Off-paper, they were be- incredibly easy to come up with. Plus, soccer star Lionel Messi is in there. So here? A few different directions are ing really shady. A leaked memo from the ownership of these companies is is Simon Cowell. Even Stanley Kubrick likely. Because most of those impli- one of the fi rm’s partners stated that often completely anonymous, meaning shows up. A member of FIFA heading cated in the papers will likely not face “Ninety-fi ve per cent of our work...con- that someone could conduct some se- up an important ethics committee is in charges, this will become an embar- sists in selling vehicles to avoid taxes.” riously shady business dealings with- there, too. rassing moment in their lives that they Mossack Fonseca was also no stranger out anyone ever knowing. Until now, of What’s more are the astounding num- can move on from. For the few that will to international controversy. They were course. ber of world leaders that are named lose their jobs, their political offi ce, or implicated in an Argentine money laun- Leaks of any signifi cant magnitude within the leak’s fi les. The most nota- be convicted, the consequences are dering scheme, the German Commerz- usually have a central person some- ble: Icelandic prime minister Sigmun- much steeper. Furthermore, legisla- bank money laundering and tax evasion where: think Julian Assange, Chelsea dur Davíð Gunnlaugsson, Pakistan’s tion is now being introduced across the charges, and supposedly had a hand in Manning, or Edward Snowden.
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