8 Abbreviations 8 Abbreviations 8. Abbreviations 8.1 General Abbreviations 8.1.1 State Abbreviations 8.1.2 Eras 8.1.3 Technical Abbreviations 8.2 Bible Texts, Versions, etc. 8.3 Primary Sources: Ancient Texts 8.3.1 Hebrew Bible/Old Testament 8.3.2 New Testament 8.3.3 Apocrypha and Septuagint 8.3.4 Old Testament Pseudepigrapha 8.3.5 Dead Sea Scrolls and Related Texts 8.3.6 Philo 8.3.7 Josephus 8.3.8 Mishnah, Talmud, and Related Literature 8.3.9 Targumic Texts 8.3.10 Other Rabbinic Works 8.3.11 Apostolic Fathers 8.3.12 Nag Hammadi Codices 8.3.13 New Testament Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha 8.3.14 Classical and Ancient Christian Writings 8.3.15 Latin Names of Biblical Books 8.3.16 Papyri, Ostraca, Epigraphical Citations, etc. 8.3.17 Ancient Near Eastern Texts 8.4 Secondary Sources: Journals, Periodicals, Major Reference Works, and Series 8.4.1 Alphabetized by Source 8.4.2 Alphabetized by Abbreviation Authors should make the most of abbreviations. Frequently abbreviations are listed in the front matter. Thus the abbreviations for Old and New Tes- taments, the different versions of the Scripture, conventional journal and dictionary abbreviations, and numerous other potentially abbreviated terms should be readily used in lieu of the entire word. (See §§8.1.3–8.3 for abbre- viations of periodicals, technical terms, and primary sources.) An exception to this would be if the term to be abbreviated came at the beginning of a sentence. In that case it should be spelled out. 68 8.1.3 Technical Abbreviations 8.1 GENERAL ABBREVIATIONS 8.1.1. STATE A BBREVIATIONS In bibliographies and footnotes, do not use the two-letter postal code state abbreviations; rather, use the standard, and usually longer, state abbrevia- tions, e.g., Mass., not MA; Calif., not CA. Do not abbreviate states or other geographic names in the body of a work unless they occur in parentheses. Ala. Ga. Md. N.Mex. S.Dak. Alaska Hawaii Mass. N.Y. Tenn. Ariz. Idaho Mich. N.C. Tex. Ark. Ill. Minn. N.Dak. Utah Calif. Ind. Miss. Ohio Vt. Colo. Iowa Mo. Okla. Va. Conn. Kans. Mont. Oreg. or Ore. Wash. Del. Ky. Nebr. Pa. W.Va. D.C. La. Nev. R.I. Wis. or Wisc. Fla. Maine N.H. S.C. Wyo. N.J. 8.1.2 ERAS The preferred style is B.C.E. and C.E. (with periods). If you use A.D. and B.C., remember that A.D. precedes the date and B.C. follows it. (For the use of these abbreviations in titles, see § A.D. anno Domini B.C. before Christ A.M. anno mundi (precedes date) B.C.E. before the Common Era A.U.C. ab urbe condita (precedes date) C.E. Common Era 8.1.3 TECHNICAL A BBREVIATIONS abl. ablative ca. circa abs. absolute, absolutely Can. Canaanite acc. accusative cent. century act. active cf. confer, compare ad loc. ad locum, at the place discussed ch(s). chapter(s) adj. adjective, adjectival Chr Chronicler adv. adverb cj. conjecture (regarding an Aram. Aramaic uncertain reading) art. article cod. codex Assyr. Assyrian col(s). column(s) b. born comm(s). commentary, Bibl. Aram. Biblical Aramaic commentaries bibliog. bibliography conj. conjunction bis twice consec. consecutive bk. book const. construct c. century cont. continued 69 8.1.3 Technical Abbreviations Copt. Coptic impv. imperative D Deuteronomist source (of the incl. inclusive; including Pentateuch) indic. indicative d. died inf. infinitive dat. dative inscr. inscription def. definition instr. instrumental deriv. derivative intrans. intransitive Deutero-Isa Deutero-Isaiah or Second Isaiah Isr. Israelite dim. diminutive J Jahwist or Yahwist source diss. dissertation (of the Pentateuch) Dtn Deuteronomic (history, writer) JPS Jewish Publication Society Dtr Deuteronomistic (history; writer); juss. jussive Deuteronomist K Kethib Dyn. Dynasty line(s) [always spell out] E Elohist source (of the Pentateuch) Lat. Latin ed(s). editor(s), edited by lit. literally e.g. exempli gratia, for example loc. locative Eg. Egyptian loc. cit. loco citato, in the place emph. emphatic cited Eng. English LXX Septuagint (the Greek OT) ep(s). episode(s); section of an inscrip- m. or masc. masculine tion or section of a common Mand. Mandean narrated event extant in more mg. marginal than one inscription Mid. Assyr. Middle Assyrian ESem. East Semitic (language group) Mid. Heb. Middle Hebrew esp. especially Midr. Midrash ET English translation Min. Pr. Twelve Minor Prophets et al. et alii, and others Moab. Moabite etc. et cetera, and the rest MS(S) manuscript(s) Eth. Ethiopic MT Masoretic Text (of the OT) ex. example N Northern (source) excl. excluding n(n). note(s) extrabibl. extrabiblical N.B. nota bene, note carefully f(f). and the following one(s) n.d. no date f. or fem. feminine n.p. no place; no publisher; no fig. figurative, figuratively page Fr. French Nab. Nabatean frg. fragment neg. negative FS Festschrift neut. neuter fut. future NHC Nag Hammadi Codex gen. genitive, genitival no(s). number(s) Ger. German nom. nominal, nominative Gk. Greek, referring to lexical forms, NS new series not translation NT New Testament HB Hebrew Bible obj. object Heb. Hebrew obs. obsolete Hitt. Hittite obv. obverse (front) of a tablet i.e. id est, that is OL Old Latin ibid. ibidem, in the same place op. cit. opere citato, in the work idem the same cited Imp. Aram. Imperial Aramaic orig. original imper. impersonal OT Old Testament impf. imperfect P Priestly source (of the impf. cons. imperfectum consecutivum Pentateuch) 70 8.2 Bible Texts, Versions, etc. p(p). page(s) ser. series Pal. Palestinian sg. singular Palm. Palmyrene SSem. South Semitic (language pap. papyrus group) par. parallel (use to indicate textual subj. subject parallels, e.g., Matt 25:14–30 subst. substantive, substantival par. Luke 19:11–27) suf. suffix pass. passive Sum. Sumerian passim here and there SUNY State University of New per. person, persons, personal York Pers. Persia, Persian superl. superlative pf. perfect, perfective suppl. supplement Phoen. Phoenician s.v. sub verbo, under the word pl. plural; plate SWSem. Southwest Semitic (lan- PN personal name guage group) poss. possessive syn. synonym (-ous) postbibl. postbiblical Syr. Syriac prep. preposition, prepositional Tg(s). Targum(s); Targumic pres. present theol. theology; Theologie, pron. pronoun theologisch ptc. participle trans. translator, translated by; Pun. Punic transitive Q Qere txt? problematic or corrupted q.v. quod vide, which see text R Redactor txt em textual emendation re regarding v(v). verse(s) rec(s). recension(s) Vg. Vulgate reg. register viz. videlicet, namely repr. reprinted VL Vetus Latina resp. respectively voc. vocative rev. revised (by) vol(s). volume(s) rev. reverse (back) of a tablet vs. versus Sam. Samaritan WSem. West Semitic sec. section x no. of times a form occurs Sem. Semitic The above list includes several abbreviations whose use we strongly dis- courage. The abbreviations f. and ff. (for references to ranges with no ex- plicitly named end point) should be replaced by an exact range. Instead of using op. cit. and loc. cit. for note citations, an abbreviated citation (au- thor’s last name and a short title) is preferred. 8.2 BIBLE TEXTS, VERSIONS, ETC. Books of the Bible cited without chapter or chapter and verse should be spelled out in the main text. Books of the Bible cited with chapter or chap- ter and verse should be abbreviated, unless they come at the beginning of 71 8.2 Bible Texts, Versions, etc. the sentence. All occurrences of biblical books in parentheses and footnotes should be abbreviated. Authors citing more than one translation of the Bible must indicate which translation is used in a particular citation. When this citation is in parentheses, a comma is not needed to separate the cita- tion and the abbreviation of the translation, as is indicated in the fourth ex- ample below. Right: The passage in 1 Cor 5 is often considered crucial. The passage, 1 Cor 5:6, is often considered crucial. First Corinthians 5:6 is a crucial text. “Do you not know that a little yeast leavens the whole batch of dough?" (1 Cor 5:6 NRSV). Wrong: 1 Cor 5:6 is a crucial text. 1 Corinthians 5:6 is a crucial text. In addition to the abbreviations for biblical books given below in §§8.3.1–3, the following abbreviations should be used: Divisions of the canon: HB Hebrew Bible NT New Testament OT Old Testament Units of text: ch./chs. chapter/chapters v./vv. verse/verses Ancient texts, text types, and versions: Byz. Byzantine Copt. Coptic LXX Septuagint MT Masoretic Text Syr. Syriac TR Textus Receptus Vulg. Vulgate Modern editions: BF2 British and Foreign Bible Societies, 2d edition BHK Biblia Hebraica, ed. R. Kittel BHS Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia NA27 Novum Testamentum Graece, Nestle-Aland, 27th ed. UBS4 The Greek New Testament, United Bible Societies, 4th ed. WH Westcott-Hort Modern versions: ASV American Standard Version CEV Contemporary English Version GNB Good News Bible GOODSPEED The Complete Bible: An American Translation, E. J. Goodspeed 72 8.3.1 Hebrew Bible/Old Testament JB Jerusalem Bible KJV King James Version LB Living Bible MLB Modern Language Bible MOFFATT The New Testament: A New Translation, James Moffatt NAB New American Bible NASB New American Standard Bible NAV New American Version NEB New English Bible NIV New International Version NJB New Jerusalem Bible NJPS Tanakh: The Holy Scriptures: The New JPS Translation according to the Traditional Hebrew Text NKJV New King James Version NRSV New Revised Standard Version PHILLIPS The New Testament in Modern English, J.
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