ADRAY.YOURMAJOR -t __--!_ I WASHERS MICROWAVE GOUNTERTO P REFRIGERATORS & DRYERS OVENS OVENS cExrnAr@rrEcTnrc ctrtnlL 6 rrrcrnrc crrrnlr @ rrrctntc c:rrnlr@rLrcrr : Whirlpool Whirlpool tll-ooo loastmrsrER ,llrnioo. M]IYT}\G TAPPAN FARBERl/l/AFIE 72wsVsTEM3 REMOTECONTROL coLoRt II I -7'a/' \ , SVSTENNB REMOTECONTROL cotoRtf ffi r l,1f;=..7..;1t "nj:.t_;:, 1..----]p.V1"..l*'-' r lplVl; li / r\ i@IEffi -*^"brdtnL/_/ LF GUESUPPLIER ;l r .-- ro-- t /:,>--; t{ '' ,ri *.iddUrudlojldsdfd. STEREO CAMERAS WATCHES SYSTEMS & ACCESSORTES BULOVA LUGGAGE rrr.r[.-tlt l rt Nikon ECITIZEN O Samsonite SONY Canon SEIKO American Touristero GDPIONEETT PEIITAX LoN(;INES6 Escott' gm@ffinrcER5 lg8jt Yearbooh F..S, i, l\ 't rl'l tll I u,[l ,l - rlir, '')), " ll ,4, i'1,,'r FACELIFIThis ls lhu way Tisc hen o s3 6 mlllon ro.ovnrion h .oD'plered ON THE COVER of the greatest The DETBOITTIGERS Speak The DETROITTIGERS Detroit Tigers 6nd the names YEARBOOKis on sale at Tiger YEARBOOKis publishedannually ot CharlieGehringer and Hank Stadiumand at magazinestands by the DetroitBaseball Club. Greenbergcome up wilhout for per copy.lt alsois for sale Contenrscopyrighted (19831 by rhe $2.00 hesita$on.ln honor of the two by mailar per copy. DetroitBaseball Club- $3.00 Hall of Famers,the Tigers are Sendmail orderswith for EDITOB:Larry Paladino. $3.00 retiring their numbersthis eachcopy to: Yearbook.Tiger COVERDESIGN: Bill Herzog, Stadium,D€rroit, M148216. Please Detroit. Gohringer,No. 2, and allow four weeks for postal PHOTOGRAPHY:Cliff Boutelle, No. Al Greenberg, 5, loin ChrisChagnon, Mike Litaker,Rod Kalineamong the select group Forinformation on purchaseof Reiser,Preston Stroup. of Tigers to havetheir previousissues, write: Public GRAPHICDESIGN: Oxley numbersre$red. Kaline'sNo. 6 RelationsDepartment, Tiger InternationalPublishing Group Inc. was retired in 1980.(Ty Cobb Stadium,Detroit, Ml 48216. - Gfaphic Artist, RichardWeaver. didn't wear a number.) PRINTING:Gaylord Printins Co., The cover of the 1983 Detfoit. Tigers Yearbookis dedicatedin honor of Gehringerand Greenberg, /r' \ ,2.-,a ) ALEMNDERC, CALLAM JOHNE. FETZEn,Ownor& Ch.lm.n olth.lo.rd Vl6 Pr.lrdo.lop.rlrlons JAMESA. CAMPBEII,Prc3ldonr& GonorrlMsnrs.r Owner and Executives onetor ol Public R.lotion. Dlr.ol Sl.dlum Op.r.ilons -l lr A$i Dn d Publiciollrlon. A$r. Dlr.ot St dllm Op.r, Ex.., s.c..t ry/B!..b.ll 1 i A$1. Dlr, ol Publlc R.hilon. Arrt, Dlr,ol SlldluE Opor. Fl.ld Dlr.ot Phy.r D.v.l. v[{cEoEsMoND tou NtElo CIAREI{CES. UVINGOOD,M,D, N|cHAhD A, FERAELL A.rt, Dlr, ol Po6ll. A.l.tlon. A$i Dlr, ol Sl.dlom Op.i ai 'l 'TETTGE, AOSENTA. M,D. EDWANDG. (ATALINAS Administrative Staff l SparkyAnderson is more than a major league I baseballmanager with charisma.He's got the I flgures to back up his reputation. At th€ start ol lhe 1983se6son, Anderson had the highestwinning percentageamong major leaguem6nagers currently in th€ game. His r€cord in 13 years - the last four with Dstroit - showed 1,146victories and 842 lossesfor a .576pe.centage. That is good for eighth on the all-tim€ lllL list for those wilh at least 10 vears exp€fl€nc€. And€rson'svictory total was third on the list arnong curr6nt managersbehind former Tiger mansgerRslph Houk, now with Boston,and San Di€go'sOick Williams. Andersonjoined the Tigers on June 14, 1979, 6nd hi6 contr€ct runs through 1984.B€for€ joining the Tigors,the two-time NationalLeague Manager ot the Year direct€dth6 CincinnatiReds to an 863-586mark between 1970and 1978. The 4g-vearrld one time Philad€lohiaPhillies inti€ld€r (1959)was born in Sridg€wator,S.D., but rais€din California.He liv€s in ThousandOaks, Calif. Sparky Anderson a ) 10 o sg G oo o wBLIY CONSOLO F D|cKTNACEWSKI Whilethe manager usually is theone who gets the €ttontion,he knowshe must havea top-drawer staffof coachss.They must be talentedat not only moldingyoung up-and-comers, but also motivating Andersonis bless€dwith six of the finer coaches in GatosBrown, Billy Consolo, Roger Crsig, Alex Grammas,and DickTrac€wski. Tracewskihas been with th9 Tiggrstho longost - since1972 - while Brownis nextin Detroit seniority,having ioined the Tigersin 1978.Consolo cameaboard in '1979,while Craig and Grammas bothbecame Tiger coaches in 1980. Grammas(Milwaukee, 1976-77) and Craig (San Diego.1978-791 bolh haveb€en manag€rs in th€ majors. ROGERCMIG F ot ! tF o T \ G { Talkabout great first runsin consecutiveplate impressionslAfter a solidbut unspectacularsix-year career with Butwhile hittingstatistics are the SanFrancisco Giants, Herndon the easiestto document,in leftfield movedto the American L€ag!e last Herndonalso was sensational.He Yearand becameone of th€ most covereda lot of groundand made outstandingand consistentTigers. manypotential hits appear to be Theright-hand€d hitting routineouts. He alsomade two outfielder,a former Tennessee game-saving,over-the-fence state university student,enjoyed hisfinest season with personal Herndon,acquired in December, highsin nearlyevery batting 1981,in the tradethat sent Dan category-He hit.292,with 614at Schatzederand MikeChris to the bats,92runs, 179 hits,21 doubles, Giants,was fhe Sporting News' 23 homers,and 88 RBl.He even NationalLeague Rookie of the Year stole12 bases, had a 17-game in 1976.He was SanFrancisco's hittingstreak, and tied a major lvivPin 1981. leaguerecord by hittinglour home l0 &. *qil5 \ +.\ a-o c oa .1- Forthe third straight season, recordand 3.46 composjte ERA. Petrylast year hadthe lowest Last seasonPotry, who started earned-run-averageon the Tigers, 35 gamesand totaled246 innings, 3.22.That went alongwith a fine hada pairof two'hit games/as well 15-9rscord. as two four-hitters,He struck out 10 The6-4, 200-pound right-hander battersin seveninnings against fromAnaheim Hills, Calif., has Chicagoin l\4ayand owned a 9-2 becomeone of the betterpitchers recordat Tigerstadium. in the feagusand, at only 24,could Besideshis pitching prowess, becomea stalwartstarter for many Petry has becomeone oI the finest defensivemoundsmen in the game, A fourth-rounddraft choicein In 1982he Iielded1.000, with no June,1976, Petry earned his way erro.s in 76 chances- best ontothe Tigers roster in ?979and pertormancein the league. sincethen hasposted a 41-32 12 lf heever can avoid inluries whichhave plagued his louryear majorleague career, Gibson could putsome phenomenal hitting statisticson the books. Theleft-handed hitting outfielder hasdisplayed raw powerthat has excitedTiger f€ns sinco he brokein with Detroitin September,1979. Butinjuries, particularly a severe leftwrist injurylirst sufferedin June,1980, have soured his progrsss, Lastyear he was limitedto 69 games,having been sidellned by a soreleft knee,strained left caif muscle,stomach ailment, and onco againthe 16ftwrist problem. Hewas on th6disabled list from July15 to theend of the season, Earlyin theseason cibson had a 12-gamehitting streak. He had a fourhitgame and six thrss-hit games.Despite the partialseason, he colloctedsix game-winninghits, eighthomers, 16 doubles,35 RBl, and25 walks, plus a .278average in 266at bats, An All-Am€ricanfootball wide r€ceiverat lvlichiganState, the 6-3, 21s-poundPontiac, [rich,, native was Detroit'sNo. 1 choic€in the J!ns, 1978,draft atter playing just oneysar of collegebaseball as the Spart6ns'csnter fielder. Kirk Gibson - Howcould a 5-11,160-pounder findthe upper deck in rightc6nter fieldso often?Who knows,but Whitakerdid. And he wound up with 15 homeruns lasty6ar. Add the dimensionof powerto his alreadylarg€ array of talents andit becomesclear how valuable a player"Sweet Lou" is. Hehit .286,s6t a team record with11 game-winning hits, drove in 65runs, and l6d American L€ague secondbasemen with a ,988 fieldingp€rc€ntage. Heeven stole 11 bases, includinghome at lMilwaukee duringa gamein September. Sinceb€ing giv6n tho,ob of leadotfhitter last July 6, he batted ,309.He had four hits in onegamo in Augustand live RBI in another gamethat month, The25-ye€Fold left-handed hitter,signsd by the Tiger6as the Lou fifthselection ih th€June, 1975, draft,joined Detroit in September, 1977,along with shortstopAlan Whitaker Tr€mmell.The two havebe€n entrenchedat the keystonecotnsr Known as one of the finest fieldingshortstops in the majors, T.ammell needsonly to dsvelop some hitting consistencyto become a lruly greatplayer, lf he'd have b€en able to put AIan logetherthe same type of statistics 'n the first hslf of 1982as ho did in Trammell the secondhalt, h€ would have been a shoo-in as the bgst shortstopin th€ l6ague, The 25-year-oldright-handed hitterfiom SanDiego hirjust.201 rhetirst half of the campaign.Then he hir .310the rest ot tho way. giving him a .258avsrage tor the s€condconsecutive yaar - after havingbeen a.300 hittorin 1980. 8ul lhere'sno doubtabout his solidoverall ability and hardlyis therea mentionof his name wilhout including ksystonepartn€r, secondbas€man Lou Whitaksr, Lastyear Tramm6ll tinished secondin th€ AL in fielding D€rcentageamong shortstoPs 1.978).He smashed two Orand slamsamong his pro high of ning Trammell'scareer batting averageis .2728nd, in tive full s€asons,h€ has averagodonly 16 \ sI q\ The26-yearold torm€r slow start{1-5 record) after being rookioin liv€ years. Universityof Minnesot€student, recallgdJun€ 6 from Ev€nsville, Uldur,who alsois from St. Paul. Detroit'sfourth selection in the Ujdurawardsd Detroit for its Minn.,as is Jack lrorris, ended a June.1978, draft, made brief patienceby b€cominga solidcog in 1o-gameTiger losing streak with € appearanceswith the Tig€rsin 1980 ths rotation. 7-1triumph June 24 at Ealtimore. ahd 1981bofore earning his stripes The6-1, 205-pound right-hander He hada 5-0record in one lastse€son. went9-5 with a 3.58ERA the last seven-gamestretch, 6nd wound up Whenthe Tig6rswere in needof halfof theseason to linishat 10-10 with onethree hitter and two four a newstarting pitcher last year, witha 3.69ERA {14th in theAL}.
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