Biography- Prophetic Biography- Understanding the Prophet's Biography- (Lesson 06-57): The Names Of The Prophet (pbuh) Praise be to Allah, the Lord of Creations, and Peace and blessings be upon our prophet Muhammad, the faithful and the honest. Oh, Allah, w e know nothing but w hat You teach us. You are the All- Know er, the Wise. Oh Allah, teach us w hat is good for us, and benefit us from w hat You taught us, and increase our know ledge. Show us the righteous things as righteous and help us to do them, and show us the bad things as bad and help us to keep aw ay from them. O Allah our Lord, lead us out from the depths of darkness and illusion, unto the lights of erudition and know ledge, and from the muddy shallow s of lusts unto the heavens of Your Vicinity. All praise to Allah the lord of all w orlds, blessing and peace be upon our master Muhammad the truthful in w hat he had promised and the trustw orthy. O Allah w e have no know ledge apart from w hat you have taught us, for you are the all know er and the all w ise, so teach us w hat is beneficial to us, and let us benefit from w hat you have taught us and increase our know ledge, and let us see truth as it is and make us comply w ith it, let us see falsehood as it is and make us avoid it, and let us be among those w ho listen to w hat had been said and follow the best of it, and let us be under your mercy w ith your righteous servant. Take us out of the darkness of ignorance and illusion to the light of know ledge, and from the mud of lusts to the gardens of obedience. Honorable brothers, w e w ill start today w ith a new lesson of the prophetic biography, w e shall move to his names (pbuh). The prophet (pbuh) has many names that scholars found and explain the meanings of them and w hat they indicate. It has been authenticated in the tw o references (of Al-bukhari & Muslim) that Mohammad Bin Jubair Bin Mat'am heard his father saying: The Prophet (pbuh) said: I have five names, I am: Mohammad, Ahmad, the terminator by w hom God terminates infidelity; am the one of whom people w ill be resurrected at his feet; I am the successor, i.e. no prophet shall come after me. In another saying in the Authentic Muslim: Abi Muosa Al Asha'ri said: The prophet (pbuh) call him self w ith many names, he said: I am Mohammad, Ahmad, Al-Muqafi, the Gatherer [of whom people shall gather around on the judgment day], the prophet of repentance and the prophet of mercy. Honorable brothers, the names of the prophet (pbuh) are of tw o kinds: one that are restricted to him only, no other prophet had shared it w ith him; such as the five names mentioned in his authentic saying. Another kind that he (pbuh) shared w ith the rest of the prophets: The Witness, the herald and the prophet of mercy. He is best know n as Muhammad (pbuh). This name [in Arabic] is derived from the w ord 'praise' w hich connotes praisew orthiness, to love him, to glorify and honor him (pbuh). He is (pbuh) praisew orthy by God and by people and even by him self; a bright person could be praisew orthy by people but he could not praisew orthy by him self. Nay! Man w ill be a w itness against himself [as body parts (skin, hands, legs, etc…) w ill speak about his deed; though he may put forth his excuses (to cover his evil deeds). Surat Al-Qiyamah Verse: 14,15 A man could be praisew orthy by God for performing w orships, and being disciplined according to the course of Allah; but also, he may not praisew orthy by people for not being merciful and not being characterized by the prophetic manners; he maybe praisew orthy by him self but not by people. Heroism in the prophet (pbuh) is that he is praisew orthy by God, by people and by him self. Therefore [in Arabic] the name Muhammad is the exaggerated form of praise w hich means the beloved, the glorified, and the esteemed; w hen such form is used [in Arabic language] this denotes the repetition of the verb on the object either for being w orthy of it, or being the object. The name Muhammad literally means the one of w hom has been praised time after time, or the one w ho is w orthy of being praised time after time, either the praise is done on his blessed self, or he is w orthy of it because he come for the benefit of mankind. By the w ay honorable brothers, I w ill give you a w onderful rule: If you w ant to know your standing according to God, then you should look in w hat He made you occupied w ith. If you w anted to know if you are dignified by God then know for certain that the highest dignity one could get to is to know Him, and the greatest dignity according to God is to be straight according to His order. Straightness is the heart of dignity, and know ing Allah is the greatest dignity for it does not need abnormalities. And [He] taught you that w hich you knew not. And Ever Great is the Grace of Allah unto you (O Muhammad pbuh). Surat Al-Nisa Verse:113 Honorable brothers, another comment that I w ould to give: It is sad thing that a Muslim has a perfect name but he is not; for instance, some called Saeed [means happy] but he is not. Heroism is that your name must match your personality. There is a rule in Arabic language that says: if you know a name [of someone] this because he is characterized by that name. For instance; Mr. so and so is Rashed [means rational], so if you say Rashed came this means that he came w ith his rational behavior, therefore it is the childrens' right that there parents call them w ith fine names, and the best names are Abed [servant of God] & Hamd [praise]. Honorable brothers, the prophet (pbuh) had been begotten by Abdullah Bin Abed Al-Muttaleb, he w as married to Aminnah Bint Wahab the son of Abed Manaf, the son of Zuhra, the son of Kilab, the details of this marriage w as not reported through correct methods, but w hat matters the most is that the prophet (pbuh) w as the fruit of the marriage of Abdullah Bin Abed Al-Mutaleb and Amina Bint Wahab [Pre Islam, old Arabs w ere concerned about the lineage of their families]. Furthermore, one may w onder: w hy w as the prophet (pbuh) an orphan, he know s his father but he had not seen him. His father died w hen he w as in Al-Madineh at his uncles' (the clan of Al-Najjar). Al-Zuhri mentioned that Abed Al-Mutaleb sent his son Abdullah to buy dates from Yuthreb [Al-Madineh Al-Munaw ara] then he died there. Aminah gave birth to the prophet (pbuh) under the care of Abed Al-Mutaleb. The Holy Qura'an mentioned that the prophet (pbuh) w as an orphan: Did he not find you (O Muhammad [pbuh]) an orphan and gave you a refuge? Surat Al-Duha Verse:6 O brothers, I heard once something that touched me deeply, I heard someone saying to his friend: if this child did not have a father then he must have the Lord, so those w ho lost their fathers they under the patronage of God: And it may be that you dislike a thing w hich is good for you and that you like a thing w hich is bad for you. Allah know s but you do not know . Surat Al-Baqarah Verse 216 He w ho loses his father may become a very distinguished person. A pow erful rich father maybe an obstacle in his son's w ay to reach the highest rank [in a certain field], for every thing is at his disposal, as for those little orphans they have nothing, so they w ork really hard. But w hat I w ould like to clarify to you is that a human being is free to choose in w hat he is assigned, he is ordered to pray so he is free to choose, he is ordered to fast, ordered to avoid looking at w omen, he is ordered to investigate w hether his earnings are legal according to Islamic jurisprudence and to spend it according to Allah's order. How ever human beings are not free to choose their gender, a male or a female, not free to choose the parents, not free to choose the city of birth and the date of it, not free to choose the look, characteristics and potentials. I know for certain that w hat you are not given to choose is the most w onderful thing. The great Imam Al-Ghazali has expressed that saying: "It is not possible to make things more w onderful than w hat they are [the w ay and the look that God -exalted He is- had created them]" What you have not been given to choose fits you the best, and then on the Day of Judgment, the secrets of fate [the unseen or unconceivable or deemed to be misfortune to one's mind] shall be revealed to know the reason w hy one w as not given the privilege to choose, therefore the relation betw een God and His servants can be summarized on the judgment day w ith one phrase: And the close of their request w ill be: ( Al-hamdu Lillah Rabb-ill-Alamin) praise is to the Lord of w orlds Surat Yunus Verse: 10 You should be satisfied w ith w hat Allah has given you.
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