![Carillon, 1941 John Carroll University](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
John Carroll University Carroll Collected Carillon Student 1941 Carillon, 1941 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carillon Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "Carillon, 1941" (1941). Carillon. 2. http://collected.jcu.edu/carillon/2 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in Carillon by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Bert Geains THE AMERICAN ASSISTANCY OF THE SOCIETY Or JESUS ST. ANDREW-O N-HUDSON FOUG H -< EEPS,E. N Y . OFF I CE OF THE ASSISTANT ~Y DoLr Cr adua tes :- It i s a n esteemed privilege to salute you a nd to wish fo r you a rich me asure of t hat for wh ich JOHN CARROLL UN IVERS ITY has endeavored to equip you, t he fulness of culture a n d h oliness which is Catholic life! You a r e v e nturi ng forth into a world tha t is s ore ly tried a n d tortured . False prophe t s have a risen in every field of h uma n t h ought a nd a ctivity, men of no principle , men of bad prin­ ciple. You a re prepa r ed to meet thi s world, for you too a r e men of violence, men of a noblo r violenc e , men of t hat Chri s tia n violence which a lone can win the Kingd om of Heaven. You have been g ive n principles for thinking s tra ight, principles for a ct i n g righ t. Use them, as God gives you s treng th a nd opportunity, to further Hi s c a u se on earth a nd your ca u se in hea ven in wha tever field of a ction the future ma y open to you! I pra y a nd trust tha t yours ~ill be a life of h a ppiness a nd pros perity. I pra y a nd know tha t, if you are true to the ideals of your Ca tholic educa tion, yours will be a n eternity of tha t joy a nd rich po ssess ion, which i s God. Sincerely yours in Christ, Assi s t a nt Genera l of the Society of Jesus for America ' ANNUAL PUBLICATION OF THE STUDE . TS OF TH J 0 II N c· A R R 0 L L 0 HI 0 Most Reverend Joseph Schrembs, S.TD , LL.D. Arc hbis hop-Bishop of Cl eveland DIOCESE O F CLEVELAND 605 N . B . C. B U I LDING 815 S U PERIOR A VE . N . E . CLEVELAND OFFICE OF T H E ARCHBISHOP It i s a di s tinct privilege to extend to the Society of Je s u s my hea rtfelt congra tula tions on the occasion of the Four Hundredth Annive r sary of its foundation. For four full centuries t h3 J esuit Fa t he r s have spent them­ selves in furthering the interes t s of Holy Mother Church. No religious a ctivity, no field of Ca t h olic endeavor, no type of priestly work, has been overlooked by t hem . Every na tion of t he earth has felt their Most Reverend James A. McFadden, STD. Aux iliary Bishop of Cl eveland influence a nd through their efficacious ministry oen of every age have learned to live in closer union with Him whose n ame t hey bear. We a re happy to have had t he Jesuit Father s he r e in our city for more tha n half a century. Although fifty-five years is not long when contrasted with the four hundred yea r s which we commemora te, no one will doubt the grea t good tha t they have accompli shed in t he Clevela nd Diocese during those yea r s . We a re proud to ac claim t he n ew Joh n Ca rroll Univers ity, which is r a pidly t a king its place in the r a nks of t he fore­ most universities of the country, as a monument to t he past a chievement s of the Jesuit Fa thers in Cleveland a nd as a pledge of a n even more glorious future . May the Providence of God, which has directed the Fathers of the Society of Jesus so well for four hundred yea r s , continue ever to protect them and aid them to do a ll things for the g rea ter glory of God. ftjryiA (fi:ll~tJ/J/I.J Archbishop-Bi shop of Clevela nd. Ma rch 11, 1941. ST. IG"-JATIUS LOYOLA Founder of the Society of Jesus, 1540 Ve ry Re v. Vladimir Le dochows ki, S.J . General of the Socrety of Jesus Ve ry Re v. Zoche us J . Mohe r, S.J. Amencon Assrstont to the Father General Ve ry Re v. Edmund C. Horne, S.J. Presrdent of Jo hn Carroll Unrversrty Ve ry Re v. William Magee, S.J . Provrncrol of the Chicago Provrnce lDJEDITCA l'JEIIJ) to the commemoration of the Fourth Centennial of the Society of Jesus, to the continuation of Jesuit education in America, and reviewing the fifty-fifth year of instruction by the Society of Jesus in Cleveland. John Co roll University (formerly St. Ignatius Colle ge) , 1886- 193 5 FOREWORD In this, the third edition of The CARILLON, it is the sincere desire of the editor and staff to picture John Carroll University as it is today. Each phose of the college life has been sub jected to a photographic survey in the hope that in this manner the spirit and substance of Carroll will be revealed. Therefore we present The CARl LLON of 1941 as a permanent record of life at John Carroll University. John Carroll University 1935- GERALD E. TRUDEL Ed itor-in - Chie f THOMAS J . DUNNIGAN Assistant Editor The Streaks romp in the Stadium Back to the books Freshman hazing at the Carroll a Sunday Ham?" on Carroll "Lorrupin" Lou warms up Genial Gene Oberst The first snow comes to Carroll Freshmen rehearse "Sons of Carroll" .&ellt... ..._~ ..... f»cto&.-,. llou~m&~tt M T W T F ---..,.__ ----·- -~----.,~, Off for the Christmas holiday The e xom schedule is post ed If I only knew the answe r .. A breathe r be tween exams Yeo! the e xams ore ove r Winte r frolic Mopping out sche dules for the new seme ste r ..A Registration, a bus~:y for the Registrar Bosketbo I _opens the winte r sport se osb x~- _, T ryi lrg yoid ofte r'!oon classes ---. ' . Holy Communio~ eludes o good re tre at •• ~ ~ Carroll. IK. ube rculosis Past a fe"J':":'·r-fte r. the exams Fr. Mahaney, re t maste r The last mass of the old se me ste r Carre ll tokes to the ice Action in the hockey playoffs Talty gets ready for the final Big Four contest Spring visits Carroll's campus \ April brings slug- \ fe-St \ ear the call of the 1 b ~i ld for a success- Is ' ready and Faist, Ping Pong finalists · \t Step up and get your bids to the Prom ' 1 I I .l / I ,(; 1// Iff \\ {';"' .... h;b " c,.,,, John Wilhelmy, Carroll's king of the heavyweights Graduation and farewell to Carroll Evening falls and so passes another year at Carroll --,,.__W T F 1 2 THE UNIVERSITY Very Reverend Edmund C. Horne, S.J . PRESIDENT W HEN the Very Reverend Edmund well -known throughout Ohio and the Horne, S.J ., came to John Carroll nation. The measurer of the success University in 1937, he brought with of John Carroll can be gauged by the him an extraordinarily pleasing per­ outstanding success of its present sonality that was powerful withal, an president. Throughout his many ac­ energetic way of doing things, and a tivities he has perfused a constant remarkable knowledge of Sociology, interest in , care for, and consideration his chosen field . He was the successor of, the student. Indeed, he has so of Father Benedict J . Rodman, S.J ., identified himself with the fortune who had directed the building of the ond interests of the University and its present John Carroll. Father Horne, then, stepped into a situation that re­ students that only the highest praise quired of him all the diplomacy and can even approximately reward him. executive talent that he could m uster. VVe think that we can say that our He had to face the task of "selling" school is fortunate in many respects, Carroll to the city, to University but in none more than in its posses­ Heights, to the Catholics of the Cleve­ sion of so notable a president. VVe of land Diocese, and that of making her the Carillon express for the student educational facilities and excellencies body and faculty our pride in him. TilE CARILLON 20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D E A N THE Carillon also has the privilege of potible with his scholastic endeavors. extending to Father Edward C. Father McCue combines with his McCue, S.J , it's heartfelt thanks for duties as Dean of the Regular Session the worm understanding and sincere those of Dean of the Summer School, co-operation that he has shown to the in which he has taught Ancient Greek Carroll student. Under his capable Philosophy.
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