AGE OF INDIVIDUALS WHO IDENTIFY AS TRANSGENDER IN THE UNITED STATES By Jody L. Herman, Andrew R. Flores, Taylor N.T. Brown, Bianca D.M. Wilson, and Kerith J. Conron JANUARY 2017 INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY Few data sources exist that can be used to describe the demographic characteristics of transgender people in the United States. Most U.S. demographic data come from national, population-based surveys, like the Decennial Census and the American Community Survey. National surveys, such as these, have rarely included questions to identify transgender respondents, leaving large gaps in our knowledge about the size and demographic composition of the transgender population. Yet, an increasing number of states and localities do collect data about transgender people. In this report, we utilize data from state-level, population-based surveys to estimate the proportion of the population that identifies as transgender by age group, starting at age 13. We provide a new estimate of the percentage of youth (13 to 17) that identifies as transgender (Figure 1). We also provide a new estimate of the overall age distribution of the transgender population, ages 13 and above. This report is part of a series of Williams Institute reports in which we provide estimates about the size and demographic characteristics of those who identify as transgender in the United States.1 Figure 1. Percentage of Individuals Who Identify as Trangender by Age 0.7% 0.7% 0.6% 0.6% 0.5% 13 to 17 18 to 24 25 to 64 65 and older All Adults (18+) Some state-level surveys have provided researchers with data to compare the demographic characteristics of the transgender population to the non-transgender population. Studies based on state-level surveys of adults have differed somewhat in their findings in regard to the relationship between age and transgender identification. In a 2012 Massachusetts probability sample study researchers found that, overall, adults who identify as transgender were somewhat younger than non-transgender individuals.2 A more recent study utilizing data from 19 states found no significant difference in age between transgender and non-transgender adults.3 Currently, the best available data about transgender people come from surveys of adults. Less is known about the proportion of youth that identify as transgender in the United States. Studies based on probability and non-prob- ability survey samples at the local, state, and national levels have produced a range of findings in regard to the proportion of youth that identify as transgender. Wilson and colleagues found that among existing studies that measured transgender identity among youth, using local probability surveys or national convenience samples, the percentage of youth that identified as transgender ranged from 1.3% to 3.2%.4 In this report, we utilize data from the CDC’s Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), a national, state-administered survey, on which 19 states included a transgender identity question in 2014. An additional eight states collected data on transgender identity in 2015. In prior reports in this series, we estimated the size and the racial and ethnic composition of the adult population that identifies as transgender.5 In this report, we estimate that, in addition to 0.6% of U.S. adults (1.4 million), 0.7% of youth ages 13 to 17, about 150,000 youth, would identify as transgender. In addition, we find that, overall, the estimated population of individuals over the age of 13 years who identify as transgender appears similar to the general U.S. population in regard to its age distribution. A detailed description of the methodology for this report is included in the Appendix. AGE OF INDIVIDUALS WHO IDENTIFY AS TRANSGENDER IN THE UNITED STATES | 2 AGE OF INDIVIDUALS WHO IDENTIFY AS TRANSGENDER IN THE UNITED STATES In this report, we consider the age composition of individuals who identify as transgender in two ways: the age distribution of those who identify as transgender and the percentage out of each age group that identifies as transgender. In Table 1, the estimated age distribution of those who identify as transgender, ages 13 and older, in the United States is provided alongside the age distribution of the general population. In keeping with prior studies, we find that the population of individuals who identify as transgender appears similar to the U.S. general population in regard to age. For instance, of those ages 13 and older, an estimated 10% of the transgender-identified population is 13 to 17 years of age, whereas 8% of the U.S. general population is 13 to 17 years of age. Figure 2. Estimated Age Distribution for the Transgender-Identified Population and the General Population in the United States6 8% 13 to 17 U.S. General Population 10% U.S. Transgender-Identified Population 12% 18 to 24 13% 64% 25 to 64 63% 65 and older 16% 14% Based on our prior study, an estimated 0.7% of adults between the ages of 18 and 24 identify as transgender, whereas 0.6% of adults age 25 to 64 and 0.5% of adults age 65 or older identify as transgender.7 In this study, we add a new estimate for the number and percentage of transgender youth, ages 13 to 17, that would identify as transgender. We estimate that 0.7% of youth ages 13 to 17, about 150,000 youth, would identify as transgender, in addition to 0.6% (or about 1.4 million) adults.8 The 95% credible intervals around these national and state estimates are presented in Table A1 of the Appendix. For youth ages 13 to 17 that identify as transgender, the 95% credible interval ranges from 0.54% as the lower bound to 1.00% as the upper bound for the percentage of youth that identify as transgender. AGE OF INDIVIDUALS WHO IDENTIFY AS TRANSGENDER IN THE UNITED STATES | 3 Table 1. Estimated Number and Percentage of Individuals who Identify as Transgender by Age Age All Adults State 13 to 17 18 to 24 25 to 64 65 and older (ages 18+) Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent United States 149,750 0.73% 205,850 0.66% 967,100 0.58% 217,050 0.50% 1,397,150 0.58% Alabama 2,500 0.77% 3,250 0.67% 15,450 0.61% 3,700 0.53% 22,500 0.61% Alaska 350 0.70% 500 0.60% 1,950 0.48% 250 0.42% 2,700 0.49% Arizona 3,650 0.81% 4,700 0.72% 20,800 0.63% 4,850 0.50% 30,550 0.62% Arkansas 1,450 0.75% 1,850 0.65% 9,150 0.61% 2,300 0.52% 13,400 0.60% California 22,200 0.85% 33,450 0.84% 154,750 0.77% 29,050 0.63% 218,400 0.76% Colorado 1,800 0.54% 3,200 0.63% 14,900 0.53% 2,750 0.45% 20,850 0.53% Connecticut 950 0.39% 1,750 0.52% 8,450 0.44% 2,100 0.40% 12,400 0.44% Delaware 400 0.74% 700 0.73% 3,050 0.64% 800 0.55% 4,550 0.64% District of Columbia 300 1.12% 2,600 3.14% 9,900 2.66% 1,950 2.72% 14,550 2.77% Florida 9,050 0.78% 13,450 0.75% 66,750 0.67% 19,350 0.55% 100,300 0.66% Georgia 4,950 0.71% 8,700 0.86% 39,500 0.75% 7,450 0.66% 55,650 0.75% Hawaii 850 1.01% 1,200 0.89% 5,700 0.77% 1,550 0.72% 8,450 0.78% Idaho 700 0.61% 750 0.47% 3,250 0.41% 750 0.35% 4,750 0.41% Illinois 5,700 0.65% 7,150 0.57% 34,500 0.50% 7,750 0.46% 49,750 0.51% Indiana 3,350 0.74% 4,100 0.62% 18,950 0.56% 4,450 0.50% 27,600 0.56% Iowa 800 0.39% 1,100 0.35% 4,900 0.31% 1,350 0.29% 7,400 0.31% Kansas 1,300 0.66% 1,500 0.49% 6,300 0.43% 1,500 0.38% 9,300 0.43% Kentucky 1,850 0.65% 2,400 0.57% 12,200 0.52% 3,000 0.49% 17,700 0.53% Louisiana 2,350 0.76% 3,150 0.66% 14,550 0.60% 3,100 0.52% 20,900 0.60% Maine 450 0.55% 650 0.56% 3,650 0.50% 1,050 0.45% 5,350 0.50% Maryland 2,300 0.60% 3,200 0.57% 15,650 0.49% 3,300 0.43% 22,300 0.49% Massachusetts 2,150 0.52% 4,550 0.66% 20,150 0.56% 5,050 0.53% 29,900 0.57% Michigan 3,950 0.59% 4,800 0.48% 22,400 0.43% 5,600 0.39% 32,900 0.43% Minnesota 3,000 0.85% 3,450 0.69% 16,750 0.58% 3,950 0.54% 24,250 0.59% Mississippi 1,600 0.77% 2,100 0.66% 9,400 0.62% 2,150 0.53% 13,650 0.61% Missouri 2,500 0.63% 3,600 0.60% 17,000 0.54% 4,400 0.50% 25,050 0.54% Montana 300 0.49% 400 0.40% 1,800 0.34% 450 0.30% 2,700 0.34% Nebraska 750 0.62% 800 0.44% 3,650 0.39% 900 0.35% 5,400 0.39% Nevada 1,300 0.74% 1,750 0.70% 9,100 0.61% 1,750 0.49% 12,700 0.61% New Hampshire 450 0.55% 650 0.50% 3,100 0.43% 750 0.39% 4,500 0.43% New Jersey 3,850 0.65% 3,950 0.51% 21,050 0.44% 5,050 0.41% 30,100 0.44% New Mexico 1,200 0.88% 1,800 0.85% 8,000 0.75% 1,850 0.62% 11,750 0.75% New York 9,750 0.79% 11,150 0.56% 54,150 0.51% 12,850 0.47% 78,600 0.51% North Carolina 4,650 0.74% 6,600 0.68% 31,050 0.60% 7,150 0.53% 44,750 0.60% North Dakota 200 0.53% 300 0.34% 1,050 0.30% 300 0.29% 1,650 0.30% AGE OF INDIVIDUALS WHO IDENTIFY AS TRANSGENDER IN THE UNITED STATES | 4 Age All Adults State 13 to 17 18 to 24 25 to 64 65 and older (ages 18+) Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Ohio 5,900 0.76% 5,550 0.50% 27,150 0.45% 7,000 0.41% 39,950 0.45% Oklahoma 2,100 0.83% 2,800 0.72% 12,600 0.64% 2,900 0.55% 18,350 0.64% Oregon 1,700 0.70% 2,800 0.76% 13,700 0.65% 3,150 0.55% 19,750 0.65% Pennsylvania 5,250 0.65% 6,100 0.48% 29,250 0.44% 8,250 0.40% 43,800 0.44% Rhode Island 400 0.62% 650 0.56% 2,800 0.51% 750 0.46% 4,250 0.51% South Carolina 2,150 0.73% 3,150 0.64% 14,250 0.58% 3,450 0.50% 21,000 0.58% South Dakota 300 0.57% 350 0.39% 1,400 0.34% 350 0.30% 2,150 0.34% Tennessee 3,150 0.74% 4,250 0.68% 21,550 0.63% 5,150 0.56% 31,200 0.63% Texas 13,800 0.73% 19,600 0.73% 88,950 0.66% 15,700 0.55% 125,350 0.66% Utah 1,400 0.61% 1,350 0.42% 4,950 0.36% 800 0.30% 7,200 0.36% Vermont 250 0.71% 450 0.67% 2,000 0.59% 550 0.53% 3,000 0.59% Virginia 4,150 0.80% 5,150 0.62% 24,000 0.54% 5,200 0.49% 34,500 0.55% Washington 3,100 0.70% 4,850 0.73% 23,150 0.62% 4,700 0.52% 32,850 0.62% West Virginia 1,150 1.04% 750 0.44% 4,150 0.42% 1,200 0.38% 6,100 0.42% Wisconsin 1,850 0.50% 2,700 0.49% 13,150 0.43% 3,250 0.39% 19,150 0.43% Wyoming 200 0.50% 200 0.37% 1,000 0.32% 200 0.29% 1,400 0.32% AGE OF INDIVIDUALS WHO IDENTIFY AS TRANSGENDER IN THE UNITED STATES | 5 The following figure provides a visual representation of the number of youth, ages 13 to 17, that would identify as transgender in each state.
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