VISIT WWW.MCQTESTONLINE.COM FOR ONLINE TEST SERIES FOR SARKARI NAUKRI/GOVERNMENT JOB S. No INVENTOR/ DISCOVERER INVENTION/DISCOVERY 1. A. Celsius Centrigrade scale 2. A.L. and J.L. Lumiere Cenema 3. A.L. Breguet Watch 4. A.Parker Celluloid 5. Adolph Rickenbacker electric guitar 6. Alessandro Volta Battery 7. Alexander Fleming Penicillin 8. Alexanderson Radio transmitter 9. Alfred B. Nobel Dynamite 10. Alfred Binet I.Q. Test 11. Alfred Kinsey Human Sexuality 12. Alfred Wegener Continental Drift 13. American Viscose Co. Rayon 14. Amundson (1912) South Pole 15. Anderson Positive Electrons 16. Andreas Vesalius New Anatomy 17. Andre-Marie Ampere Galvanometer 18. Antoine Joseph Sax Saxophone 19. Antoine Laurent Lavoisier Revolution in Chemistry 20. Archimedes Principle for lever (S.P.Gravity) 21. Archimedes Specific Gravity 22. Archimedies Archimedean Screw 23. Arthur Eddington Modern Astronomy 24. August Kekule Chemical Structure 25. B. F. Goodrich Zipper 26. B. F. Skinner Behaviorism 27. Baird Television 28. Bardeen, Shockley, Brattain Transistor 29. Benjamin Franklin Bifocal Lens 30. Benjamin Franklin Lightning Conductor 31. Bessemer Steel Melting Process 32. Binet Intelligence test 33. Bohr Electron Theory 34. Bohr and Rutherford Atomic Structure 35. Boyle Boyle’s law 36. Braille Printing for the Blind 37. Braun, Dr.Wernher Von Space flying 38. Broquett Helicopter 1 VISIT WWW.MCQTESTONLINE.COM FOR ONLINE TEST SERIES FOR SARKARI NAUKRI/GOVERNMENT JOB 39. Bunsen Spectroscope 40. C. Sholes Typewriter 41. C.V.Raman Crystal Dynamics 42. C.V.Raman Raman effect 43. Carl Gauss (Karl Friedrich Gauss) Mathematical Genius 44. Carl Linnaeus Binomial Nomenclature 45. Carlton Mcgee Parking meter 46. Carothers Nylon Plastic 47. Cartwright Powerloom 48. Casimir Funk Vitamin B1 49. Cavandish Rare Gas 50. Cavendish Hydrogen 51. Chadwick Neutron 52. Chandrasekhar Mathematical Astro Physics 53. Charles Babbage Computer 54. Charles Babbage Difference engine 55. Charles Darwin Evolution 56. Charles Darwin Evolution (theory) 57. Charles Darwin Origin of Species 58. Charles Goodyear rubber (vulcanized) 59. Charles Goodyear Vulcanised Rubber 60. Charles Lyell Modern Geology 61. Charles Macintosh Raincoat 62. Charles Macintosh Rubber (waterproof) 63. Charles Macintosh Waterproof Rubber 64. Charles Sherrington Neurophysiology 65. Chester Carlson zerox machine 66. Christiaan Huygens Wave Theory of Light 67. Christian Barnard Replacing human heart 68. Christopher Cockerell Hovercraft 69. Claude Bernard Founding of Modern Physiology 70. Claude Levi-Strauss Structural Anthropology 71. Col. J. Schick Razor (electric) 72. Columbus (1492) West Indies 73. Conrad Elvehjem Vitamin B6 74. Copernicus (1540) Solar System 75. Coulomb Fundamental Laws of Electric Attraction 76. D. T. Smith, E. G. Hendrick Vitamin B2 77. Daimler Automobile 2 VISIT WWW.MCQTESTONLINE.COM FOR ONLINE TEST SERIES FOR SARKARI NAUKRI/GOVERNMENT JOB 78. Dalton Atomic Theory 79. Dalton Laws of Multiple Proportion 80. Darwin Laws of Natural Selections 81. Darwin Theory of Evolution 82. Dauguerre Photograph 83. David Brewster Kaleidoscope 84. David Bushnell Submarine 85. Dewar Liquid Oxygen 86. Dewar Thermos Flasks 87. Dmitri Mendeleev Periodic Table of Elements 88. Domagk Sulpha Drugs 89. Dr. A.H. Taylor and L.C. Young Radar 90. Dr. Alan M. Turing Electronic Computer 91. Dr. Lee de Forest Film (with sound) 92. Dr. Richard Gatling Machine Gun 93. Dr. Wallace H. Carothers Nylon 94. Dr. William Stokes, Rene Laennec Stethoscope 95. Dr.Hargobiad Khorana Deciphering the genetic code 96. Dr.Paul Muller D.D.T. 97. Dr.Philip Drinker Drinker’s Chamber of Iron Lung 98. Dr.Sigmund Freud Psycho-analysis 99. E.G. Otis Lift 100. Edison Incandescent Bulb 101. Edison Phonograph 102. Edmund Cartwright Power Loom 103. Edward Jenner Vaccination 104. Edward Mellanby Vitamin Folic acid 105. Edward O. Wilson Sociobiology 106. Edward Teller Bomb 107. Edwin Hubble Modern Telescope 108. Eijkman Beri – Beri 109. Einstein Theory of Relativity 110. Elisha G. Otis Elevator 111. Elmer V. McCollum Vitamin B 112. Elmer V. McCollum and M. Davis Vitamin A 113. Emil Fischer Organic Chemistry 114. Enrico Fermi Atomic Physics 115. Ernest Rutherford Structure of the Atom 116. Ernst Haeckel Biogenetic Principle 3 VISIT WWW.MCQTESTONLINE.COM FOR ONLINE TEST SERIES FOR SARKARI NAUKRI/GOVERNMENT JOB 117. Ernst Mayr Evolutionary Theory 118. Erwin Schrodinger Wave Mechanics 119. Euclid Foundations of Mathematics 120. Euclid Geometry 121. Evangelista Torricelli Barometer 122. F.Banting Insulin 123. Fahrenheit Fahrenheit Scale 124. Faraday Electricity 125. Faraday Induction of Electric Current 126. Faraday Law of Electrolysis 127. Francis Crick Molecular Biology 128. Francis Galton Eugenics 129. Frank Whittle Jet Propulsion 130. Franz Boas Modern Anthropology 131. Frederick Sanger Genetic Code 132. Friedrich Reintizer LCD 133. Friese-Greene Cine camera 134. Fulton Steam boat 135. G. Bradshaw Scooter 136. G. Claude Neon-lamp 137. G. Marconi Radio 138. Gabriel Fahrenheit Mercury Thermometer 139. Galileo Telescope 140. Galileo Galilei New Science 141. Galileo Gallei Thermometer 142. Gauss Electric Measurement 143. Gay Lussac Law of gases 144. George Eastman Camera 145. George Gaylord Simpson Tempo of Evolution 146. George Westinghouse Air Brake 147. Gertrude Belle Elion Pharmacology 148. Gottlieb Daimler Carburetor 149. Gottlieb Daimler Carburettor 150. Gregor Mendel Laws of Inheritance 151. Gregory Mandel Laws of Heredity 152. Gustav Kirchhoff Spectroscopy 153. H. W. Seeley Flat Iron 154. H.C.Urey Deuterium (Heavy Water) 155. H.W. Seeley Electric iron 4 VISIT WWW.MCQTESTONLINE.COM FOR ONLINE TEST SERIES FOR SARKARI NAUKRI/GOVERNMENT JOB 156. Hadley Sextant 157. Hahnemann Homoeopathy 158. Hans Bethe Energy of the Sun 159. Hans Selye Stress Concept 160. Harry Brearley Stainless Steel 161. Harvey Blood Circulation 162. Heike Kamerlingh Superconductivity 163. Henry Becquerel Radio-activity of Uranium 164. Henry Bessemer Steel production 165. Henry Great Head Life Boat 166. Herbert Evans and Katherine Bishop Vitamin Niacin 167. Hermann Fottinger Automatic gearbox 168. Hermann von Helmholtz Rise of German Science 169. Herschel William Uranus (Planet) 170. Hideki Yakawa Meson 171. Hippalus Scientific astronomy 172. Hoffman Aniline Dyes 173. Hopkins and Funk Vitamins 174. Hopkins and Funk Vitamins 175. Isaac Newton Newtonian Revolution 176. J. Froelich Tractor 177. J. Whinfield and H. Dickson Terylene 178. J.B. Dunlop Bicycle Tyre 179. J.C. Perier Ship (steam) 180. J.C.Bose Crescograph 181. J.E. Lurdstrom Match (safety) 182. J.J.Thomson Electrons 183. Jacob Schick Electric razor 184. Jacques and Joseph Montgolfier Balloon 185. James Clerk Maxwell Electromagnetic Field 186. James Hargreaves Spinning jenny 187. James Harrison, Alexander Catlin Refrigerator 188. James Lind Vitamin E 189. James Watson Structure of DNA 190. James Watt Steam Engine 191. James Watt Steam engine (condenser) 192. Jean Baptiste Lamarck Foundations of Biology 193. Jean Piaget Child Development 194. Johann Vaaler Paper clip 5 VISIT WWW.MCQTESTONLINE.COM FOR ONLINE TEST SERIES FOR SARKARI NAUKRI/GOVERNMENT JOB 195. Johannes Gutenberg Printing Press 196. Johannes Kepler Motion of the Planets 197. John Boyd Dunlop Pneumatic Tyres 198. John Dalton Theory of the Atom 199. John Harrison Chronometer 200. John J. Loud Ball-Point Pen 201. John Logie Baird Television (mechanical) 202. John Napier Logarithmic Tables 203. John Napier Logarithms 204. John von Neumann Modern Computer 205. Joseph Aspdin Cement 206. Joseph J. Thomson Electron 207. Joule, James Prescoft Measurement of Electrical Energy 208. Joules Mechanical Equivalent of Heat 209. K.G. Gillete Raazor (safety) 210. Karl Benz Automobiles using gasoline 211. Karl Benz Gasoline engine 212. Karl Butler Motor Car (petrol) 213. Karl Landsteiner Blood Groups 214. Kepler Laws of Planetary Motion 215. King C. Gillette Safety Razor 216. Kirkpatrick Macmillan Bicycle 217. Kodak Film & Photographic goods 218. Konrad Lorenz Ethology 219. Lablanc Washing Soda 220. Lee-de-Frost Talkies 221. Leo H Baekeland Bakelite 222. Levi Strauss Jeans 223. Lewis E. Waterman Fountain Pen 224. Lippman Coloured Photography 225. llly Brandt T.N.T. 226. Lockyer Helium Gas 227. Lord Joseph Lister Antiseptic Surgery 228. Lord Kelvin Dynamical theory of Heat 229. Louis Braille Braille 230. Louis Pasteur Germ Theory of Disease 231. Louis Pasteur Hydrophobia 232. Louis Pasteur Rabies Vaccine 233. Louis Victor de Broglie Wave/Particle Duality 6 VISIT WWW.MCQTESTONLINE.COM FOR ONLINE TEST SERIES FOR SARKARI NAUKRI/GOVERNMENT JOB 234. Lucretius Scientific Thinking 235. Lucy Wills Vitamin C 236. Ludwig Boltzmann Thermodynamics 237. Lynn Margulis Symbiosis Theory 238. Madame Curie Radium 239. Marcello Malpighi Microscopic Anatomy 240. Marcony Wireless Telegraphy 241. Maria Montessori Montessori Method 242. Marie Curie Radioactivity 243. Max Born Quantum Mechanics 244. Max Planck Quanta 245. Max plank Quantum Theory 246. Max von Laue X-ray Crystallography 247. Maxwell Electromagnetic Theory 248. Meghnad Saha Effect of Pressure on trough bodies 249. Mendeleef Periodic Law 250. Mergenthaler Linotype 251. Michael Faraday Classical Field Theory 252. Michael Faraday Dynamo 253. Michael Faraday Electric Generator 254. Michael Faraday Transformer 255. Mosley Atomic Number 256. Murray Gell-Mann Eightfold Way 257. N.R.Finsen Phototherapy 258. Neils Bohr Atom 259. Newton Laws of Gravitation 260. Newton Laws of Motion 261. Nicolaus Copernicus Heliocentric Universe 262. Nikola
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