SPRING 1991 SHORT COMMUNICATIONS 19 ley 1976, Duncan 1979). The relatively high number of Du•c•, S. 1979. An analysisof the stomachcontents juvenile Red-winged Blackbirds and especiallyHouse of some Sharp-shinnedHawks (Accipiterstriatus). J. Wrens in the prey sample suggestsselection for juvenile Field Ornithol. 51:178. birds. Eves, D.L. 1982. Status reports on twelve raptors. USDI Fish and Wildlife Service,Special Scientific Re- R•UMV.N.--Una pareja de Gavilfin PechirrojoMenor port--Wildlife, No. 238. (Accipiterstriatus), en 6pocade anidar, ha sidoobservada cerca de Beaverhill Lake, Alberta. E1 nido estaba ubicado Noon B.R. 1981. Techniquesfor samplingavian hab- a 2.4 m sobreel sueloen un bajoAlamo Temb16n(Populus itats. Pages 42-50 in D.E. Capen [Ed.], The use of tremuloides)dentro de una firea densa de sauces(Salix multivariate statistics in studies of wildlife habitat, spp.). La hembra puso cuatro huevos,tres de los cuales Workshop proceedings.U.S. Forest Service,General incubaronbien, y las crlas emplumaronhasta volar. E1 Technical Report RM-87, Fort Collins, CO. machofue el que hizo la mayoria de la caza, haciendo PLA•rT,J.B. 1976. Sharp-shinnedHawk nesting and presa, predominantemente,de j6venesTotdos Sargento nest site selection in Utah. Condor 78:102-103. (Agelaiusphoeniceus) y de TrogloditasContinental (Trog- QUINN,M.S. 1989. Factorsregulating the breedingpop- lodytesaedon). Se observ6que el machocapturaba y con- ulation, reproductive successand mating system of sumia grandespolillas. [Traducci6n de Eudoxio Paredes-Ruiz] House Wrens (Troglodytesaedon) at Beaverhill Lake, AB. M.Sc. thesis,Department of Forest Science,Uni- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS versity of Alberta, Edmonton. I thank Sheila Braun, Valerie Kerr, Dick Decker and REYNOLDS,R.T. •D E.C. M•LOW. 1984. Partitioning Matt Beskofor assistingwith the observations.I am grate- of foodand nichecharacteristics of coexistingaccipiter ful to the Beaverhill Bird Observatoryfor cooperationon during breeding.Auk 101:761-779. the research area. The comments of Drs. W.M. Samuel , E.C. MESLOW •D H.M. WIGHT. 1982. Nest- and G.L. Holroyd on this manuscriptwere greatly ap- ing habitat of coexistingaccipiter in Oregon. J. Wildl. preciated.This researchwas supportedby the Canadian Manage. 46:124-138. Wildlife Service,the Universityof Alberta andthe Alberta SummerTemporary Employment Program through a grant SNYDER,N.F.R. •D J.W. WILEY. 1976. Sexual size to the EdmontonNatural History Club. dimorphism in hawks and owls of North America. Ornithological Monographs No. 20, American Orni- LITERATURE CITED thologists'Union, Lawrence, KS. BROWN,L. ANDD. AMADON. 1968. Eagles,hawks and falcons of the world. McGraw-Hill Book Co., NY. Received19 June 1990; accepted28 November 1990 J. Raptor Res. 25(1):19-20 ¸ 1991 The Raptor ResearchFoundation, Inc. ORNATE HAWK-EAGLE FEEDING ON GREEN IGUANA JACK CLINTON-EITNIEAR Center.forthe Studyof TropicalBirds, Inc., 218 Conway,San Antonio,TX 78209-1716 MICHAEL R. GART$IDE P.O. Box 20219, Charleston,SC 29,t13 MARK A. KAINER Departmentof Biology,Southwest Texas State University,San Marcos,TX 78666 The Ornate Hawk-eagle (Spizaetusornatus) is a scarce be the rarestof the three hawk-eaglesin Belize (Hartshorn resident of dense subtropicaland tropical forests from el al. 1984). Lyon and Kuhnigk (1985) documentedboth southernMexico to northern Argentina (Eitniear 1986, mammalian and avian prey speciesbut consideredthe 1988, Brown and Amadon 1968). The speciesis statedto Ornate Hawk-eagle a specialiston birds. This note doc- 20 SHORT COMMUNICATIONS VOL. 25, NO. 1 uments an additional sightingof the speciesfeeding on en Belice.Se consideraque estaespecie se alimenta prin- Green Iguanas (Iguanaiguana) in Belize. cipalmentede aves.Sin embargo,este registro, asl como On 28 May 1990, we observedan Ornate Hawk-eagle los dosdocumentados y publicadospreviamente, indican feedingon a Green Iguana while perchedin a tree on the que el •guila exhibeel mismocomportamiento oportunista banks of the Raspaculobranch of the Rio Guacamayo,4 documentadoen avesrapaces que habitan zonasde clima km upstreamfrom the confluenceof the Raspaculoand templado del norte. Guacamayo.Several minutes after our arrival the hawk- eagleattempted to carry the prey to anotherbranch in a ACKNOWLEDGMENTS nearbytree. The hawk-eaglewas unable to lift the iguana, We thank Lloyd Kiff for his commentson this manu- however,and bothplummeted into the underbrush,where script and Mick Fleming and Mr. Oscar Rosadofor shar- the hawk-eaglecontinued to feedon the lizard. The entire ing their previousexperiences with the speciesand the episodewas documentedon videotape, which is deposited region. in the videolibrary of the Centerfor the Studyof Tropical LITERATURE CITED Birds, Inc. An earlier sightingwas madeby Mick Fleming in the fall of 1987. In the same area as the 1990 sighting, BROWN,L. AND D. AMADON. 1968. Eagles,hawks and Fieming's party observedan Ornate Hawk-eagle flying falcons of the world. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New acrossthe Raspaculo with an adult Green Iguana in its York. talons. The bird alighted in a nearby tree where it con- EITNIEAR,J.C. 1986. Statusof the large foresteagles of sumedits prey (Fleming 1987). Belize. Bull. Int. Council Bird Preservation, World In Tikal National Park, 70-80 km northwest of the Working Group on Birds of Prey 3:107-110. RaspaculoRiver, Lyon and Kuhnigk (1985) observedOr- 1988. Statusof the Ornate Hawk-eagle in Mex- nateHawk-eagles feeding upon a youngtinamou (Tinam- ico and Central America. The Eyas 11(2):8-10. idae), a Plain Chachalaca(Ortalis vetula), a youngCrested FLATrEN,C.J., J.A. MADRID,A.E. HERNANDEZAND R.P. Guan (Penelopepurpurascens), a Gray-headed Dove (Lep- GERHARDT. 1989. Observations at the nest of an totilaplumbeiceps) and a leaf-nosedbat (Phyllostomidae). Ornate Hawk-eagle (Spizaetusornatus). Maya Project, More recently,also in Tikal National-Park,Flatten et al. ProgressReport 11:69-80. (1989) recorded52 Ornate Hawk-eagleprey itemsof which FLEMING,M. 1987. Wild animal sightingson the Ras- 21 (40.4%) were identifiedas avian, 24 (46.1%) as mam- paculo.Newsletter of the BelizeAudubon Society, De- malian, and 7 (13.5%) were unidentifiable. Klein et al. cember. (1988) reported that 63.5% of prey items were avian, HARTSHORN,G., L. NICOLAIT, L. HARTSHORN,G. BE- including macaws(Ara spp.). The Ornate Hawk-eagle VIER,R. BRIGHTMAN,J. CAL, A. CAWICH,W. DAVID- has been reportedto feed upon Great Curassow(Crax SON,R. DUBOIS,C. DYER,J. GIBSON,W. HAWLEY,J. rubra) (Russell1964), Kinkajoo (Potusflavus) (Brown and LEONARD,R. NICOLAIT, D. WEYER, H. WHITE AND Amadon 1968), and Guiana Cock-of-the-Rock(Rupicola C. WRIGHT. 1984. Belize country environmental rupicola)(Trail 1987). An additionalreport of this species profile. Imprenta Trejos, San Jose, Costa Rica. feedingon a reptile was madeby Klein et al. (1988) who KLEIN, B.C., L.H. HARPER,R.O. BIERREGAARD,AND G.V. mentionedthat the hawk-eagle fed upon an unidentified POWELL. 1988. The nestingand feedingbehavior of snake and a lizard (Teiidae) in Manaus, Brazil. the Ornate Hawk-eagle near Manaus, Brazil. The Con- Sinceprevious studies of this raptor havenot beencon- dor 90:239-241. ductedalong rivers where Green Iguanas are abundant, LYON, B., A. KUHNIGK. 1985. Observationson nesting our sighting(despite abundant avian prey items)suggests Ornate Hawk-eaglesin Guatemala. WilsonBull. 97: that the Ornate Hawk-eagle,like mostraptors, will take 141-147. vulnerable prey specieswhen they become available. RUSSELL,S.M. 1964. A distributional studyof the birds Therefore, the Ornate Hawk-eagle shouldbe considered of British Honduras. Ornithol.Monogr., No. 1. more opportunisticthan previouslybelieved. TRAIL, P.W. 1987. Predation and antipredatorbehavior at Guiana Cock-of-the-Rock leks. Auk 104:496-507. RESUMEN.--Losautores observaron un Aguila Elegante (Spizaetusornatus) consumir una iguana(Iguana iguana) Received9 August1990; accepted 3 December1990 .
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