NOTICE THIS DOCUM.ENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED \ .- .. FROM THE BEST COPYFURNISHED US B.Y . - THE SPONSORING AGENCY. ALTHOUGH.IT IS RECOGNIZED THAT CERTAIN PORTIONS IN THE INTEREST OF MAKING AVAILABLE AS MUCH INFORMATION AS POSSIBLE. NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS. TECRJICAL E3MORANDUU NO. 237 RIGID AIRSHIPS.* Sy Friedrich Stahl. In contrast with the nonrigid. airship, in the development of which men of all. ciuilized c0untrie.s have,assisted, the Tigi.dl airship is exclusively the result of German genius- Its father is Count Zeppelin. Chronologically, the airship of David Schrvarz' was built first (in 1897), but Zeppe1in.I~.plans go back to the seventies, of '-1 - the last century. The plans for the. construction of the ~chfitte- i I Lanz airship did not nature until after the Echterdinge disaster Spurred on by German successes, the construction of rigid I airships was also undertaken in foreign countries. The Spiess airship in France and the Vickers in Engla.nd, mere finished shortly before the war. Their performances and especially their small carrying capacity, did not encourage further production. During the war, hoaever, England succeeded in making ser- viceable airships, after spies of the Entente had obtainedprac- tical experience in airship construction by working in German . airship yards and after Zeppelin airships had fallen into the hands of the enemy through forced landings. The successes England gained with these airships, including * From flFlug-Fielt;lt 1920, Nos. 24 & 25; 1921, Nos. 1-4 & 6-13. ... -2- I ' the American trip of thi R 34, may properly be placed to the, cred- it of Germany. Performances equivalent to crossing the ocean had previously been accomplished under less faaorablp, conditiol?~. - 7-I -. I But little was knom of these performances by the outside world 5.n general; hence the indefinite and contradictory views which pre- vail regarding the development and efficiency of Germ~nairships. Idmy groundless prejudices were formed, which I hope to dispel- Before considering the development of the rigid airships in- dividually, I will here give a list of all the, Z (zeppelin) and S-L ( ~chfitte-~anz)airships, with their principal 'characteristics- - Serial Consi;,;;tion Natrne;y Owned No . 1 1 LZ 1 Manzell Zeppelin 2 3 After alterations Army Rudders r elnodeled I1 I Manzell I Zeppelin Army ,,,,,,ichshafen -- I ~jeppelin After alterations German Airship Navigation Coo Friedri chshaf en ( Deutschland Ersatz I1 .' I I II Army After alterations I1 Friedrichshzf en Schwaben German Airship IJavi gat ion Co . I Han sa German Airship Navigation Co . 11 L 1 Navy I I Ersatz Z I Army II . It z IV Sachsen11 German Airship Navigation Co. 11 After '1enahening I1 a) ~eppeiinAirships (~ont.) : Serial . Construction Named by Owned by i No. yard owner I I LZ18 .Friedri ch shaf en L 2 Navy I 19 II Ersatz Z I Army II 20 II z v II II I I I1 21 11 . z VI 22 II Z.VII II I I 23 11 z VIII 24 11 L 3 Navy 25 Friedrichshaf en Z IX Army 26 Frankfurt a. M. Z XI1 II 27 Friedrichshafen L 4 Navy 28 I1 L 5 II .II ZX . Army - 29 c 30 Pot sdam Z XI I1 31 Friedri ch shaf en L 6 Navy 32 I1 L 7 II 33 II L 8 11 34 Po t sdam LZ 34 Army 35 Friedrichshaf en LZ 35 II - .. u 36 .L 9 a Navy 37 Pot sdam LZ 37 Army 38 Fri edrichshafen LZ 38 I1 39 II LZ 39 11 -5- a) Zeppeli~,Airships (Corit. ) Serial Construction I Baraed by Owned by Eo . yard I otmer -- L Z 40 Friedrichshafen L 10 lUa.v y 41 Lo ementhal L 11 II 42 Pot sdam LZ 72 Army 43 Friedrichshaf en L! 12 Navy 44 Lo ewenthal LZ 74 % Army 45 Friedri chshaf en L 13 Navy 46 Lo ewenthal L 14 11 47 Fri edrichshaf en LZ 77 Army 48 Lo ewenthal L 15 Navy 49 Pot sdam LZ 79 Army 50 Fri edrichshaf en L 16 Navy 51 Loementnal LZ 81 Army After lengthening I I 11 52 Loewent ha1 L 18 Navy 53 Fri edrichshaf en L 17 I I 54 II L 19 11 55 Pot sdam LZ 85 Army 0 56 II LZ 86 II After lengthening n II 57 Lo ewen thal LZ 87 ll After lengthening 11 I n 58 Pot sdam LZ 88 I I 59 After lengthening It I I -6- a) zeppelin Airships (~ont.) Serial Construction Xamed. by Owned by 1No. yard owner After lengthening It Lo ewenthal Navy 61 1 62 1 Friedrichshafen 20 t sdam Army I! I I Lo ewenthal Ikvy 65 1 Friedrichshafen I Artny 66 1 Pot sdam I Wavy Lo ewenthal LZ 97 Army 67 I I I I Po t sdam L 24 I Navy Lo ewenthal 70 1 Pot sdam LZ 101 Army 71 1 I Lo ewenthal I L 31 I Navy Pot sdam I LZ 103 I Army 74 1 Friedrichshafen L 32 I Navy 75 Staaken 76 Friedrichshafen Po t sdam 77 1 I Lo ewen thal Navy ?* 1 I 79 1 Staaken I II 80 I Friedrichshaf en - 7 - a) "Zeppelin Airships (Cont.) Serial Construction Named by Owned by No. yard omler Pot sdam LZ 111 Army Fri edr ichshaf en Navy Staaken Army Lo ewen thal I L 38 Staaken I L 45 Fri edri chshaf en Staaken Friedrichshaf en Staaken Lo ewenthal Army Fri edrichshaf en L 42 Navy I1 11 . L 43 Lo ementhal L 44 Friedrichshaf en L 46 I I L 48 'Loewenthal I L 49 Friedrichshaf en Staaken I1 Friedrichshaf en Lo ewenthal Friedrichshaf en a) Ze&kiin Airships (ddnt. ) ;e;?i 1 ~ons'".,tion Named by Owned by owner L Z 103 Staaken L 56 Na,vy 104 I1 L 59 11 105 Fri edrichshaf en, L 58 I I 106 II L 61 II 107 Lo ewenthal L 62 I i 108 Staaken L 60 I1 109 I I L 64 I I 110 Friedrichshaf en L 63 I I 111 Lo ewenthal L 65 II 112 ~rikdrichshafen L 70 I I 113 II L 71 II -- 114 Lo ewenthal L 72 120 - Fri edri ch shaf en Bodensee German Airship Navigation Co After lengthening I1 II 121 Nordst ern . n lay. -9- a) ~ebpdinAirships (~ont. ) Serial Gas Fo- of Length Diameter Useful load No. of No Capacity cells at 0' engines and 760 mm cu-m. m. m - P. L Z 1 11300 17 128 11.65 -- 2 2 11300' 16 128 11:. 65 2700 2 3 11300 16 128 11.65 2700 2 12200 17 11.65 2700 2 12200 17 1 ii: 11.65 2700 2 4 15000 17 136 13.00 4500 2 5 15000 17 136 13-00 4500 2 6 15000 1 17 136 13.00 4500 2 16000 18 144 13.00 4000 3 7 19300 18 148 14.00 6500 3 - 8 19300 .I8 148 14.00 6500 3 9 16800 16 132 14.00 -- 3 17800 17 140 14.00 6000 3 10 17800 17 140 14.00 6000 3 11 18700 18 148 14.00 6200 3 12 17800 17 140 14.00 6000 3 13 18700 18 148 14.00 6200 3 14 22465 18 158 14.86 8 600 3 15 19500 16 142 14.86 7050 3 16 19500 16 142 14.86 7000 3 17 19500 16 140 14.86 7000 3 20870 17 148 14.86 7500 3 7.' - 18 27000 18 158 16.6 11000 4 19 19500 16 140 14-86 7000 3 a) Zep~elinAirships (~ont. ) I Serial - No Capa.city cells engines cu-m. m. - L z 20 ,19500 1- 6 3 20870 17 148 14.86 7400 3 20870 17 148 14.86 '75'30 3 22140 18 156 ' 1-4-85 8000 3 22 140 18 156 14.86 ,1 8000 ' 3 .- 22500 18 158 14-46 8700 3 22 500 18 158 14.86 3 25000 15 161.2 I 3 22 500 18 1 158 1 ..L 8700 22500 18 158 . 14.86 8700 3 3 22500 18 158 14-86 ' 8700 . 22500 18 158 14.86 8700 3 22500 18 158 14.86 8700 3 158 14.86 8700 3 22500 158 14.86 8700 3 22500 18 158 14.86 8700 3 22500 18 158 14.86 8700 3 25000 15 161.4 16-00 ' 10000 3 22500 18 158 14-86 8700 3 32 000 15 163.5 18.7 15000 4 25000 15 161.4 16.00 10000 3 32000 16 163.5 18.7 15000 4 32000 16 163-5 18.7 15000 4 I I Serial Gas No. of Length Diameter Useful Joad No. of No. Capacity cells at 0 .engines cu.m. m. .m- an4.760 rnm -T - LZ42 32000... 16 163.5 18.7 15000 4' 43 32000 16 , 163.8 18.7 15000 4 44 32000 16 163.5 18.7 15000 4 ' I 45 32000 I 16 163.5 18.7 15000 4 46 32000 16 1 163: 5 18.7 15000 I 4. 47 32000 16 163.5 18.7 15000 3 (2.10 HP) 1 (240 HP) 48 32000 16 163.5 18.7 15000 4 49 32000 16 163.5 18.7 1 15000 4 i 50 32000 16 1163 5 18.7 150CO 4 51 32000 16 163.5 18.7 15000 4 35800 18 178 a 5 18.7 17500 4 52 32000 16 163.5 1 18.7 15000 4 53 32000 16 1163.5 18.7 1 15000 4 i ! 54 32000 16 163.5 18.7 ,i 15000 4 ! 55 32000 16 163.5 18.7 15000 ' 14 56 32000 16 163.5 18.7 15000 4 35800 18 178.5 18.7 17500 4 I 57 32000 16 163.5 18.7 15000 .4 35800 18 .
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