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Pirate Search Audio Video Applications Games Other All Details for this torrent DCP and Minutemen Week of 20-01-10 - Complete Type: Other > Comics Quality: +1 / -0 (+1) Files: 1 Uploaded: 2010-01-27 18:29:19 Size: 807.65 KiB (827036 Bytes) GMT Tag(s): DCP Minutemen By: espurious Seeders: 0 Leechers: 1 Comments 3 0 DOWNLOAD THIS TORRENT ( MAGNET LINK) DCP Air 017 (2010) (Steam-DCP) Amazing Spider-Man #302 (July 1988-Marvel) c2c (Comixbear-SCC-DCP) Anna Mercury 2 003 (All Three Covers) (2009) (Steam-DCP) Avengers Annual 23 (1994) (Bchry-DCP) Azrael 04 (2010) (GreenGiant-DCP) Batman - Streets of Gotham 08 (2010) (GreenGiant-DCP) Black Panther #8 (March 1978-Marvel) c2c (Comixbear-SCC-DCP) Blackest Night - Flash 02 (of 3) (2010) (GreenGiant-DCP) Blame! v03 (2006) (case-DCP) Brave and the Bold 031 (2010) (GreenGiant-DCP) Captain America 602 (2010) (Bchry-DCP) Captain America 602 (2010) (noads) (GiantRobot-CPS & ComicHost-DCP) Casper 019 (1960)(c2c)(tielk-DCP) Claymore v03 (2006) (case-DCP) Daffy Duck 052 (1968)(c2c)(tielk-DCP) Dark Avengers 013 (2010) (Siege) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP) Dark Wolverine 082 (Siege) (2010) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP) DC Comics Covergirls v1(2007)(c2c)(bZc-DCP) Dennis the Menace Bonus Magazine 111 (1972)(c2c)(brianzc-DCP) Desert Peach 013 (1991) (c2c) (ComicHost and Kritter-DCP) Doctor Strange & Doctor Doom Triumph and Torment GN (1989) (Bchry-DCP) Fables 092 (2010) (Steam-DCP) FantaSci #1 (October 1986-Warp Graphics) c2c (Comixbear-SCC-DCP) Freak Angels 083 (2010) (ScriptoplexRip-DCP) GI Joe 14 (2010) (beavx-DCP) GI Joe Origins 11 (2010) (beavx-DCP) Gravel 016 (Both Covers) (2009) (Steam-DCP) Green Lantern Corps 044 (2010) (GreenGiant-DCP) Groo the Wanderer 002 (fixed) (1985) (c2c) (tielk-DCP-scannerfriend) Groo the Wanderer 004 (1985) (c2c) (tielk-DCP-scannerfriend) Groo the Wanderer v2 005 (Epic 1985) (tielk-DCP) Hellblazer 263 (2010) (Steam-DCP) Hulk 019 (2010) (GreenGiant-DCP) Incredible Hulk 606 (2010) (GreenGiant-DCP) Inhumanoids #1 (January 1987-Star-Marvel) c2c (Comixbear-SCC-DCP) Invaders #36 (January 1979-Marvel) c2c (Comixbear-SCC-DCP) Invaders #37 (February 1979-Marvel) c2c (Comixbear-SCC-DCP) Invisibles Vol 1 Preview (1994) (Bitch Is Back-DCP) Iron Man vs. Whiplash 02 (of 4) (2010) (c2c & noads) (OllietheOx-GreenGiant-DCP) Joe the Barbarian 001 (2010) (Steam-DCP) Kill Audio 04 (2010) (c2c cvr A) (OllietheOx-GreenGiant-DCP) Marvel Comics Presents #23 (early July 1989-Marvel) c2c (Comixbear-SCC-DCP) Marvel Team-Up 079 (1978) (Bchry-DCP) Marvel - The Characters and Their Universe c2c (2002) (A-Team-DCP) Marvel Two-In-One Annual 04 (1979) (C2C) (BWT-DCP) Marvel Two-In-One Annual 06 (1981) (C2C) (BWT-DCP) More Fun Comics 048f (1939) (c2c) (Darkmark-DCP) Mystique Poster Book (2005) (Sepi-DCP) Nightwing #2 (October 1995-DC) c2c (Comixbear-SCC-DCP) Outsiders v2 026 (2010) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP) Phantom Stranger 042 (2010) (GreenGiant-DCP) Power Girl 08 (2010) (ShoeshineBoy-DCP) Ray #5 (June 1992-DC) c2c (Comixbear-SCC-DCP) Sable 011 (1989) (noads) (ComicHost-DCP and Paper Pirate-CPS) Sable 013 (1989) (noads) (ComicHost-DCP and Paper Pirate-CPS) Sable 014 (1989) (noads) (ComicHost-DCP and Paper Pirate-CPS) Scamp 09 (1972) (c2c) (Walkabout-DCP) Scamp 012 (1973) (Walkabout-DCP) Sgt Fury and his Howling Commandos 044 (Jul 1967) (c2c) (Fin Ende-DCP) Sgt Fury and his Howling Commandos 047 (Oct 1967) (c2c) (Fin-Ende-DCP) Sgt Fury and his Howling Commandos 048 (Nov 1967) (c2c) (Fin Ende-DCP) Solo Avengers #8 (July 1988-Marvel) c2c (Comixbear-SCC-DCP) Spider-Woman 05 (2010) (GreenGiant-DCP) Starman 081 (2010) (GreenGiant-DCP) Star Trek - Captains Log - Sulu 01 (2010) (c2c) (GreenGiant-DCP) Star Trek - Nero 04 (2009) (c2c) (GreenGiant-DCP) Star Trek - Romulans - Schism 03 (2009) (c2c) (GreenGiant-DCP) Star Wars - Dark Times 015 (2010) (GreenGiant-DCP) Star Wars - Knights of the Old Rebublic 049 (2010) (GreenGiant-DCP) Superman Batman 068 (2010) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP) The Amazing Spider-Man 618 (2010) (The Last Kryptonian-DCP) The Mighty Avengers 033 (2010) (Hatful Of Hollow-DCP) Thor Annual 13 (1985) (Bchry-DCP) Thor Annual v1 03 (1971) (C2C) (BWT-DCP) Thor Annual v1 04 (1971) (C2C) (BWT-DCP) Thunderbolts 140 (2010) (GreenEngine-DCP) Transformers Bumblebee 002 (2010) (noads) (2 covers) (ShiftyEyedWombat-DCP) Uncanny X-Men 520 (2010) (Bchry-DCP) Uncanny X-Men 520 (2010) (Steam-DCP) Warlord 010 (2010) (c2c & noads) (GreenGiant-DCP) Web of Spider-Man 021 (1986)(c2c)(ActionComics-DCP) Web of Spider-Man 022 (1987)(c2c)(ActionComics-DCP) Web of Spider-Man 023 (1987)(c2c)(ActionComics-DCP) Web of Spider-Man 024 (1987)(c2c)(ActionComics-DCP) Web of Spider-Man 025 (1987)(c2c)(ActionComics-DCP) Web of Spider-Man 027 (1987)(c2c)(ActionComics-DCP) Web of Spider-Man 028 (1987)(c2c)(ActionComics-DCP) Web of Spider-Man 030 (1987)(c2c)(ActionComics-DCP) Web of Spider-Man 032 (1987)(c2c)(ActionComics-DCP) Web of Spider-Man 033 (1987)(c2c)(ActionComics-DCP) Web of Spider-Man 034 (1988)(c2c)(ActionComics-DCP) Web of Spider-Man 035 (1988)(c2c)(ActionComics-DCP) Web of Spider-Man 036 (1988)(c2c)(ActionComics-DCP) Web of Spider-Man 037 (1988)(c2c)(ActionComics-DCP) Web of Spider-Man 038 (1988)(c2c)(ActionComics-DCP) Web of Spider-Man 040 (1988)(c2c)(ActionComics-DCP) Web of Spider-Man 041 (1988)(c2c)(ActionComics-DCP) Web of Spider-Man 042 (1988)(c2c)(ActionComics-DCP) Web of Spider-Man 075 (1991)(c2c)(ActionComics-DCP) Web of Spider-Man 077 (1991)(c2c)(ActionComics-DCP) Web of Spider-Man Annual 002 (1986)(c2c)(ActionComics-DCP) WildCATS 01 (2006) (Bchry-DCP) Wizard #031 c2c (except price guide) (March 1994) (A-Team-DCP) Wizard #042 c2c (except price guide) (Feb. 1995) (A-Team-DCP) Wizard #059 c2c (except price guide) (July 1996) (A-Team-DCP) Non-English 1981 Guerre Stellari L'impero colpisce ancora (c2c by Tura Max e AndreaMM Italia-DCP) 1992-11 Conan Il Barbaro #045.-.(Comic Art)(c2c by Tura Max.Aquila.e.Mal32 Italia- DCP) Barack the Barbarian 04 (0f 04) (2009) (Minutemen-ThosTew) Capitan America v1 078 (c2c) (jedi1489 & antoniosonoio-DCP & Miao Films) Capitan America v1 079 (c2c) (jedi1489 & antoniosonoio-DCP & Miao Films) Capitan America v1 080 (c2c) (jedi1489 & antoniosonoio-DCP & Miao Films) Corriere della Paura 004 (c2c)(jedi1489-Italia-DCP) I Fantastici Quattro n 110.-.[Star Comics].-.(c2c)(by Mibrun, Aquila e Marvelous- Italia-DCP) I Fantastici Quattro n 111.-.[Star Comics].-.(c2c)(by Mibrun, Aquila e Marvelous- Italia-DCP) I Fantastici Quattro n 112.-.[Star Comics].-.(c2c)(by Mibrun, Aquila e Marvelous- Italia-DCP) I Fantastici Quattro n 113.-.[Star Comics].-.(c2c)(by Mibrun, Aquila e Marvelous- Italia-DCP) I Fantastici Quattro n 114.-.[Star Comics].-.(c2c)(by Mibrun, Aquila e Marvelous- Italia-DCP) L'Uomo Ragno 160 [1995-01-30][ITA][c2c][FakkWylde+Piricullo+T-Max - Miao.Films] Italia-DCP Nick Raider 003.-.LO STRANGOLATORE DI MANHATTAN.-.(c2cHQ)(Bonelli)(aquila Italia-DCP) Nick Raider 005.-.OMICIDIO AL CENTRAL PARK.-.(c2cHQ)(Bonelli)(aquila Italia-DCP) Nick Raider 006.-.IL CASO GERONIMO.-.(c2cHQ)(Bonelli)(aquila Italia-DCP) Nick Raider 006.-.IL CASO GERONIMO.-.(c2cHQ)(Bonelli)(EWScan re edit aquila Italia- DCP) Nick Raider 011.-.UN NASTRO CHE SCOTTA.-.(c2cHQ)(Bonelli)(aquila Italia-DCP) Nick Raider 022.-.JIMMY e JUANITA.-.(c2cHQ)(Bonelli)(EWScan re edit aquila Italia- DCP) Nick Raider 023.-.COLPO DI SCENA.-.(c2cHQ)(Bonelli)(EWScan re edit aquila Italia-DCP) SUPERGULP 00 - c2c - (Mondadori) (by F1 & Andreamm-DCP) TEX.a.colori.n.016.-.IL SEGRETO DELLA MINIERA.-.(c2c) (Aquila-Italia-DCP) Tex Willer 01 - Tutto Tex 01.-.LA MANO ROSSA.-.(c2cHQ)(Bonelli)(Aquila Italia-DCP) Topolino Giornale del 1936-12-06 #206 (c2c)(Aquila e Tura max)(Italia-DCP) Topolino Giornale del 1936-12-13 #207 (c2c)(Aquila e Tura max)(Italia-DCP) Topolino Giornale del 1936-12-20 #208 (c2c)(Aquila e Tura max)(Italia-DCP) Topolino Giornale del 1937-01-07 #211 (c2c)(Aquila e Tura max)(Italia-DCP) Topolino Giornale del 1937-01-14 #212 (c2c)(Aquila e Tura max)(Italia-DCP) Topolino Giornale del 1937-01-21 #213 (c2c)(Aquila e Tura max)(Italia-DCP) Topolino Giornale del 1937-01-28 #214 (c2c)(Aquila e Tura max)(Italia-DCP) Topolino Giornale del 1937-02-04 #215 (c2c)(Aquila e Tura max)(Italia-DCP) Topolino Giornale del 1937-02-11 #216 (c2c)(Aquila e Tura max)(Italia-DCP) Topolino Giornale del 1937-02-18 #217 (c2c)(Aquila e Tura max)(Italia-DCP) Uomo Ragno n 76 [Star Comics] (c2c) (by Maraviglia, Aquila e Marvelous-Italia-DCP) Uomo Ragno v1 001 (c2c+poster) (jedi1489 & Prix79-italian-EWScan-DCP) Uomo Ragno v1 012 (c2c+poster) (jedi1489 & Prix79-italian-EWScan-DCP) Uomo Ragno v1 015 (c2c+adesivi) (jedi1489 & Prix79-italian-EWScan-DCP) Uomo Ragno v1 016 (c2c+adesivi) (jedi1489 & Prix79-italian-EWScan-DCP) Uomo Ragno v1 017 (c2c+adesivi) (jedi1489 & Prix79-italian-EWScan-DCP) Uomo Ragno v1 018 (c2c+adesivi) (jedi1489 & Prix79-italian-EWScan-DCP) Uomo Ragno v1 021 (c2c+adesivi) (Jedi1489-UomoTarallo-Italia-DCP) Uomo Ragno v1 024 (c2c+adesivi) (Jedi1489-UomoTarallo-Italia-DCP) Uomo Ragno v1 120 (c2c+adesivi) (Jedi1489-Maraviglia-Italia-DCP) Uomo Ragno v1 121 (c2c) (Jedi1489-Maraviglia-Italia-DCP) Uomo Ragno v1 122 (c2c) (Jedi1489-Maraviglia-Italia-DCP) Uomo Ragno v1 123 (c2c) (Jedi1489-Maraviglia-Italia-DCP) X-Marvel 31 [1992-10] [ITA] [c2c] (Aquila.e.marvelous&Miao.Films-Italia-DCP) X-Marvel 32 [1992-10] [ITA] [c2c] (Aquila.e.marvelous&Miao.Films-Italia-DCP) X-Marvel 33 [1992-10] [ITA] [c2c] (Aquila.e.marvelous&Miao.Films-Italia-DCP) X-Marvel 34 [1993-01][ITA][c2c][Aquila.e.marvelous&Miao.Films]
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