PORTLAND .rune zs, isez. rot. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 8, 1869. T„m„ «._ ts.00 per annum< in The Portland uaiiy Press REMOVALS. INSURANCE. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. TEXAS. Is every day (Sundays published excepted) by This State will be entitled to four member! lh* DAILY PRESS. REMOV AL* MARINE. N T hepArf?°i,8tructed- The election has just Portland Publishing Co., FIRF, O I O eT behl, but its POUTLAND. result is not yet known. Exchange -AND Choice VERMONT. At 109 Street, Portland. have this day admitted Samuel H. Brackett, « /il WE SHALL OPES OUK a Security! 3 G. Smith. Terms:—Eight Dollars a Year in advance. WE partner in the firm ot Sheri Jan <$ Griffiths, I. Luke P.p-oU»a"J- Worth’gton and will continue the Plastering, Stucco and Mastic io name of Wednesday Moraine;, December 1869. business all its branches, under the firm Seven Per Cent. Gold, 8, VIRGINIA. The Maine State Press New Store 49 Life Sheridan, Griffiths & Brackett, also have purchased I. D. M. Norton. 5. Robert Hi.lcwzv Exchange St., Insurance 164 the stock and stand ot Jos. Wescott & Sou, No. Fuee of t. James H. Jr. 0. Govenment Tax. FORTY -FIRMT Platt, William Millies Jr Commarcial street, for the of carrying on CONOREBM. ]. Charles H. Porter. 7. Is at purpose Lewis McKenzie. published every Thursday Morning AGENCY. the Commission w ll constantly a if Business,ami keep Ten Pet' Cent. I. George W. Booker. $2.50 year; paid in advance, at $2.00 a on band the best quality ot Lime, Plaster, (Nearly Currency.) Cement, Ill Bccond Btmloa-l.isi at Of tbe memberselect from year. Holiday, Nov. 15th, Hair &c., We would solicit the former patronage Member*. above tbe tbe first and tiiat ot the in three districts were chosen as Radical public general. The (allowing is a list of the members of the Repub- Rates op JAMKS C. SHERIDAN, licans; the remainder as Conservative Repub- Advertising.—One inch of space, WITH A GOOD STOCK OF Rollins & Adams First Bonds with the date of the of JOHN GRIFFITHS, Mortgage Senate, expiration their licans. Dr. First is a constitutes a Norton, of tbe District, IU«i C0'uu,I'i square.” SAMUEL H. BRACKETT. $1.50 Represent the tjllowing first-class Insurance Com- OF terms of the names of the Republicans :olored man. The scat of James H. per square daily first week. 75 cents December 1869. office, Platt, panies : Portland, 1st, Jr., as Dis- per week three or less, $1.00; in roman and of Democrats in italic: Representative from the Second after; insertions, being trict, is other after first 50 of our Stock to Messrs. Sheridan, New- contested by T. E. Chambliss, Inde- continuing every day week, FRANKLIN Having disposed York & Oswego T1IE SENATE. pendent. cents. FURNITURE! Griffiths & Brackett, we would recommend them to our former for the Term Term WEST VIRGINIA. Half square, three insertions or less, 75 cents; patrons. We may be found Fire Insurance present at the old stand. All indebted to ns expires. expires. one week, $1.00; 50 cents per week after. Company. parties *' ^n T. Wiicher. are requested to call at once and settle. Midland Rail Road! ALABAMA. MISSOURI. 1: James c! McGrew. Special one third additional. Notices, and Glass OF PHIliADELPUIA. Established in 1829. dc2eod3m JOSEPH WESCOTT & SON. Under head of “Amusements,” $2.00 per Crockery Ware, Willar.l Warner.18T1 Clias D Drake.1873 WISCONSIN. be or less These Bonds can Registered OeoES|«ncer.1873 Carl Scliurz.1875 I. Haibeit E. Paine. 4. square per week; three insertions $1.50. CAPITAL, 9400,000 OO Charles A. MldriJae. Advertisements inserted in the “Maine Dissolution I ARKANSAS. NEBRASKA. !. Ben). F- Hopkins. 5. Pbilet *. Sawyer ... SIX O ASSETS, 2.677,372 13 MILLIONS OF DOLLARS PAID-UP STOCK I. Amasa Cobb. 0. Cad. C. Washburn. State Press” (which has a large circulation ARRETS, &c., &c., copartnership heretofore existing between D. Alex McDonald.1871 John M Thayer.1871 in o! the W. Brown & is consent this day Fit! e.1873 Thos W every part State) for $1.00 per square THE Co., by mutual SUBSCRIPTIONS. No bonds issued on road un- BenJ Tipton.1875 for Geo. F. Foster sold his interest to Fertility of the we re- for first insertion, and 50 cents per square which we dissolved, having CALIFORNIA. NEVADA. West.—Saturday will sell at the B. E. Townsend and L. F. Brown, the ot the der each subsequent insertion. Insurance Co., style construction; issue limited to $20,000 per mile of Cornelius Cole.1873 vived the initial number of a little sheet call- Washington firm to remain the same, and all debts contracted to JaiWNye.1873 Address all communications to 1875 OF NEW YORK. Established in 1850. be settled the new and all bills to Eugene Casserlg. WmMStewait.1675 id the Evans in Weld by firm, pue road built and in running order, BEING ONLY Express, printed county PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. paid to the same. CONNECTICUT. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Lowest Lash ! immediately Colorado. In its it says: Prices CAPITAL. ■ 00 D. W. salutatory $400,000 BROWN, ABOUT HALF THE ACTUAL COST. Tbc is Orris S Ferry.1 73 Aaron II QEJ.F. road Cragln.1871 Less than six weeks have since the ASSETS, .... 731,000 OO FOSTER. Wm A Buckingham .1875 Jas W Patterson.. .1873 passed built with ipot now occupied by the town of Evans was BUSINESS CARDS being great economy for cash; 150 Miles DELAWARE. JERSEY. LOWELL & HOYT, NEW » howling wilderness ot prairie. There was Notice. Willard S (1 FIRST NATIONAU are already completed in tlie most mlsburu.. .1871 Alex Cattell.1871 not a house here. To-day there are at least The will continne the LUMBER thorough manner, Thomas E John T undersigned Bayard. ...1875 Stockton.1875 one hundred and more No. 40 BUSINESS at the old and will keep upnstant- completed twenty-five E. Excliauigo Street, place, equipped and running regu'ar and the whole FLORIDA. NEW YORK. joing One week from if the weath- "DR. CHARLES WEBSTER, Fire Insurance Company, ly on hand Ship Knees and all kinds ot Lumber at trains; up. to-day, tUe lowest D. W. Thos W Osborn.187.1 Roscoe Coulllng.1873 er holds good, the number will be very largely prices. BROWN, line (over 400 it is will be Office and llesidence Xo. 241 Con- Between Middle and Fore. OF WORCESTER, MASS. B. E. TOWNSEND, miles) expected completed Abyah Gilbert.1875 Reulien E Fenton.... 1875 ncreased, lor the completion of the railroad L. F. BROWN- GEORGIA. will the and street. within the It is one ot the most im- NORTH CAROLINA. greatly expedite transportation gress November 13,18C9. dtf CAPITAL AND Portland. Dec. 1869. dtc2d3w ensuing year. ASSETS, $200,000 1, Homer V M Milter...mi Jos C Abbott.1871 irrival of material and hurry up thn comple- (Next to First Parish Church) portant roads in the State of New York. It short- Joshua Util.1673 John Pool.1873 tion of new bnild'iDgs wonderfully. We REMOVAL. now have four or five good hotels and nov9 A’so Agents for tlie Dissolution of ILLINOIS. OHIO. PORTLAND. Jiu* Partnership. ens the route from New York t> Buffalo 70 hut are rather Portland Water Co. have removed their City Richard Yates.1871 John Sheiman.1873 boarding houses, they small.— Another house of THEotiiee to (lie room over the Eastern Express HE Partnership heretofore existing between Lyman Trumbull.1873 Allen U Thurman... .1875 respectable dimensions is miles,and to Oswego 45 it traverses a now WILLIAM W. DEANE, office on Plum Street near Middle Street. 'J' miles, populous going up, and when completed will ac- National Life Insurance Co., INDIANA. OREGON. Pepttf L. D. SH LPLK Y, Sec’y. Drs. E. & G. R. commodate a .large number of guests, but OF THE CLARK, district destitute of other railroad facilities, which Oliver P Morton.1873 Geo H Williams.... .1871 ATTORNEY AT LAW there is yet room for more. Like all new lias been dissolved the of Danl D Pratt.1875 W Corbett. ...1873 by death G. R. Clark. must Henry towns we have a of hut we RE United States of America, Washington, D.C. The furnish it a large and profitable local busi- surplus saloins, Solicitor of Claims and Patents, MOVAL, undersigned, surviving partner, having given IOWA. PENNSYLVANIA. llso have several substantial as the good wholesale bonds law directs is authorized to settle all Jas W Paid and it will be at an Grimes.1871 Simon Cam ron .... 1873 ind retail Office Pfo, 440 Nercnth Hired, Opposite And Wave-House to Let t up Capital, -$1,000,000 tile business of the AH. ness; completed aggregate cost grocery houses, either of which can ibe Pest Office company. iteracrwhaving Jas Harlan.1873 John Scott.1875 111 Department, demands upon ttie company, are required to exhibit a respectable sized wholesale bill upon rea- subscribers have removed their of issue I the first year 7070 far below that ot any competing line. These advan- place Policies, covering $19,253,- the same; and all persons indebted to the company KANSAS. RHODE ISLAND. lonable terms. We have a butcher shop, slioe- WASHINGTON; IT.UV THEbusiness to ihe store E. E. 400 insurance. formerly occupied by arc called upon to make payment to Edmund G Rose.1871 B ..1871 nakers’ shops, a glove and fur store, black Upliant & Son, Commercial street, bead of Richard- tages cannot fail to make it one ot the best paying Henry Anthony. ELIPHALET CLARK, Sami C Wm imiths’ no attention to sons where be found a assort- Pomeroy.1873 Sprague.1875 corrals, etc., etc., but given applications ter Patents Wharf, may complete The and 239 Congress St.
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