3^ 905' 0 ^ 3 / OREtrON STATE l i b r a r y pt. 2.1 Sec. 562, P. L. & R. ‘c . 3 DOCUMENT U. S. POSTAGE COLLECTION PAID OktGON COUJECTlOSd Salem, Oregon Permit No. 7 STATE OF OREGON Official Voters’ Pamphlet For the Regular General Election November 2, 1948 Compiled and Distributed by EARL T. NEWBRY Secretary of State MARION COUNTY 27 LAW AUTHORIZING THIS PUBLICATION (Section 81-2109, Oregon Compiled Laws Annotated) MEASURES AND ARGUMENTS TO BE PRINTED AND DISTRIBUTED Not later than the thirty-fifth day before printing shall be done by the state, and the any regular general election, nor later than pages of said pamphlet shall be numbered 30 days before any special election, at consecutively from one to the end. The which any proposed law, part of an act or pages of said pamphlet shall be six by nine amendment to the constitution is to be sub­ inches in size and the printed matter theij^| mitted to the people, the secretary of state shall be set in six-point roman-faced s^ro shall cause to be printed in pamphlet form type on not to exceed seven-point body, in a true copy of the title and text of each two columns of 13 ems in width each to measure to be submitted, with the number the page with six-point dividing rule and and form in which the ballot title thereof with appropriate heads and printed on a will be printed on the official ballot. The good quality of book paper 25 by 38 inches, person, committee or duly organized offi­ weighing not more than 50 pounds to the cers of any organization filing any petition ream; provided, that the text of a proposed for the initiative, but no other person or amendment to any section of the constitu­ organization, shall have the right to file tion shall be printed in such pamphlet so with the secretary of state for printing and as to indicate by the use of brackets the distribution any argument advocating such matter that would be deleted from the measure; said argument shall be filed not existing provision, and by italic type the later than the ninetieth day before the matter that would be added thereto. The regular election at which the measure is to. title page of each argument shall show the be voted upon. Any person, committee or measure or measures it favors or opposes organization may file with the secretary and by what persons or organizations it is of state, for printing and distribution, any issued. When such arguments are printed arguments they may desire, opposing any he shall pay the state printer therefor from measure, not later than the seventy-fifth the money deposited with him and refund day immediately preceding such election. the surplus, if any, to the parties who paid * * * Arguments advocating or opposing it to him. The cost of printing, binding and any measure, referred to the people by the distributing the measures proposed and of legislative assembly, or by referendum binding and distributing the arguments, petition, at a regular general election, shall shall be paid by the state as a part of the be governed by the same rules as to time, state printing, it being intended that only but may be filed with the secretary of state the cost of paper and printing the argu­ by any person, committee or organization; ments shall be paid by the parties present­ in the case of measures submitted at a ing the same, and they shall not be charged special election, all arguments in support any higher rate for such work than is paid of such measure at least 60 days before by the state for similar work and paper. such election. But in every case the person Not later than the fifteenth day before the or persons offering such arguments for regular general election at which such printing and distribution shall pay to the measures are to be voted upon, the secre­ secretary of state sufficient money to pay tary of state shall transmit by mail, with all the expenses for paper and printing to postage fully prepaid, to every voter in the supply one copy with every copy of the state whose address he may have, one copy measure to be printed by the state; and he of such pamphlet; provided, that if the forthwith shall notify the persons offering secretary shall, at or about the same time, the same of the amount of money neces­ be mailing any other pamphlet to every sary. The secretary of state shall cause voter, he may, if practicable, bind the one copy of each of said arguments to be matter herein provided for in the first part bound in the pamphlet copy of the meas­ of said pamphlet, numbering the pages of ures to be submitted, as herein provided, the entire pamphlet consecutively from one and all such measures and arguments to be to the end, or he may inclose the pamphlets submitted at one election shall be bound under one cover. * * * together in a single pamphlet. All the NOTE—As authorized by the foregoing statute, the Measures Pamphlet for the regular general election, November 2, 1948, has been combined with the Candidates’ Campaign Book provided by sections 81-2505a and 81-2506, O. C. L. A. The candidates’ section starts on page 39. [ 2 ] FOREWORD i PROPOSED LEGISLATION TO BE VOTED UPON BY THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE AT LARGE, NOVEMBER 2, 1948, WILL APPEAR UPON THE OFFICIAL BALLOTS IN THE FOLLOWING FORM AND ORDER: ******* ® REFERRED TO THE PEOPLE BY THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY CONSTITUTIONAL SIX PER CENT TAX LIMITATION AMENDMENT— Purpo.se: To amend section 11, article XI, of the Constitution, providing for election on question of establishing new tax base in counties, munic­ ipalities and districts after the legal voters therein have authorized a tax levy in excess of the 6% limitation for two successive years; limiting such new tax base to the average of the total amounts levied in the year of such election and the two years immediately preceding it; providing for the initial establishment of a tax base in the same manner in municipalities and districts not previously included in or part of a like taxing unit. Vote YES or NO 300 Yes. I vote for the proposed amendment. 301 No. I vote against the proposed amendment. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT AUTHORIZING INDEBTEDNESS FOR STATE REFORESTATION — Purpose: Amending state constitution by i £ adding article XI-E, authorizing an indebtedness by loan of state credit i not exceeding at any one time % of 1% of all taxable property in state to : *_ provide funds for forest rehabilitation, reforestation and acquisition of land,s. Funds derived from sale, exchange or use of forest lands shall be i ^ applied in liquidating indebtedness. Bonds or other obligations issued may M ® be renewed or refunded. Ad valorem tax to be levied annually outside 6% i ® limitation in sufficient amount for paying indebtedness and interest. | cr- Legislative assembly may provide other revenues supplementing or replac- i ing tax levies and necessary legislation. !: Vote YES or NO 302 Yes. I vote for the proposed amendment. 303 No. I vote against the proposed amendment. BILL AUTHORIZING STATE BOYS’ CAMP NEAR TIMBER, OREGON— Purpose: Directs State Board of Control to establish, maintain and super­ vise a camp at Reeher’s C. C. C. Camp near Timber, in Washington County, Oregon, for the biennium ending June 30, 1949, and thereafter if deemed advisable, for delinquent boys, wards of state courts of juvenile jurisdiction, between the ages of 12 and 18 years, committed for training in useful occupations, discipline, moral and spiritual instruction, academic and vocational education. Appropriates $50,000 from funds authorized by section 3, chapter 317, Oregon Laws 1945, for establishment of camp, and [See pages 14-16] [See pages 11-13] [See pages 6-10] # $100,000 from general fund for operation thereof for said biennium. Vote YES or NO 304 Yes. I vote for the proposed law. 305 No. I vote against the proposed law. [ 3 ] 4 Proposed Constitutional Amendments and Measures Submitted to REFERENDUM ORDERED BY PETITION OF THE PEOPLE BILL AMENDING LICENSING AND ACQUISITION PROVISIONS OF HYDROELECTRIC COMMISSION ACT — Purpose: Amending hydro- ; electric commission act of Oregon requiring commission to set forth the ! maximum rate of return and amortization in license; providing that state j or any municipality thereof shall have right to take over any projec^it : expiration of the original licence upon payment of fair value not exceecftg \ net investment; if not taken over, commission may issue new license under ; then existing laws or extend original license according to the terms and ; conditions thereof for periods of five years; providing further, upon pay­ ment of just compensation state has right to acquire project during any j license period by condemnation. Vote YES or NO j 306 Yes. I vote for the proposed law. 307 No. I vote against the proposed law. PROPOSED BY INITIATIVE PETITION CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT FIXING QUALIFICATIONS OF VOTERS I IN SCHOOL ELECTIONS—Purpose: To amend Article VIII of the con- j stitution of the state of Oregon by adding thereto a new section numbered ; 6, as follows: In all school district elections every citizen of the United States of the age of twenty-one years and upward who shall have resided in the school district during the six months immediately preceding such i election, and who shall be duly registered prior to such election in the i manner provided by law, shall be entitled to vote, provided such citizen i is able to read and write the English language.
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