+EDINBVRGH+ THE CITY OF EDINBURGH COUNCIL Review of Edinburgh’s Library and Information Services Policy and Strategy Committee 10 June 2008 Purpose of report I To refer to the Policy and Strategy Committee issues in regard to the development of the Central Library and any potential capital receipts. Main report 2 On 29 April 2008, the Culture and Leisure Committee considered the attached report by the Services for Communities which detailed the outcomes of the review of the City’s Library and Information Services. 3 The Committee agreed on a division: i) To note the contents of the report and the “Review of the Libraries and Information Services” and endorse the approach taken. ii) To note the financial implications outlined in Section 5 of the Director’s report. iii) To refer the issues on the development of the Central Library, as detailed in Appendix C of the report and any potential capital receipts to the Policy and Strategy Committee (in June) for further consideration. iv) To request the Director of City Development to provide a supplementary report for that meeting on the options for the disposal of the Annexe and other sites which might be surplus to operational requirements in the vicinity. 1 Recommendation 4 That the Policy and Strategy Committee consider the issues on the development of the Central Library, as detailed in Appendix C of the Director of Services for Communities report and any potential capital receipt. Deidre Brock Convener, Culture and Leisure Committee Appendix Report by the Director of Services for Communities - The City of Edinburgh Library and Information Services. ContacUtel Ken Scott, Committee Services Tel: 0131 529 4245; e-ma iI ken.scott@ed inbu rgh .gov. u k Wards affected All. Background None. Papers WG/REPORTS07/Li b&l nfl00608SBIEK 2 Item no + €Dl N BVRGH + Report no THE CITY €IF EDINBURGH Ct3UNClL Review of Edinburgh’s Library & Information Services Culture and Leisure Committee 29 April 2008 1 Purpose of report To advise the Culture and Leisure Committee of the outcomes of the review of the city’s Library & Information Services. 2 Summary 2.1 Services for Communities has conducted a comprehensive review of the Library & Information Services. The outcomes are as detailed in the attached document, and include: 0 Improvements to services to meet current and future customer requirements; 0 Proposals for investment in technology and buildings; and 0 A comprehensive performance management regime. 3 Main report 3.1 At the meeting on 8 February 2007, Council approved a motion calling for “a report from the Director of Services for Communities to review the provision of libraries city-wide”. It was decided that this report should: 0 Take into account previous reports and the financial consequences in both capital and revenue terms; 0 Evaluate the range of services being delivered through the modern library service; Recommend a programme of changes to library outlets and related services to increase access and use by local communities; and 0 Examine the possibilities for new libraries in Kaimes/Alnwickhill and Drumbrae. 3.2 This review has brought together a number of distinct but related elements, including : An assessment of current service provision using the external Public Libraries Quality Improvement Matrix (PLQIM); 0 An assessment of existing customer service quality through the Charter Mark evaluation process; 1 e A review and re-alignment of library budgets as part of a more general appraisal of financial management across Services for Communities; e An audit of library buildings including location and fitness for purpose; e A review of opportunities for relocationlco-location and partnership in the provision of library and other services; e A comprehensive review of the Central Library through the Conservation Plan Option Appraisal Study; e An examination of opportunities for reconfiguring opening hours to improve access and better meet public expectations/demand; e An assessment of the opportunities provided by new technology to improve/extend services and deliver efficiencies; e Research on comparative performance and best practice UK wide; and e Consultation with public users and non-users through the new Neighbourhood Partnership and Management arrangements. 3.3 The review work streams involved staff at every level in the service and were co-ordinated by a project manager reporting to a Libraries Review Steering Group, chaired by the Head of Performance and Community Engagement, and including the Director of the Scottish Library & Information Council (SLIC). The outcome of the review is a comprehensive improvement action plan for the provision of Library and Information Services for the City of Edinburgh. 3.4 The review of the Libraries & Information Services has produced proposals for a range of changes in the way the services are delivered that will result in a more efficient service which better meets customer needs and preferences. These include revised ways of working, more appropriate staffing structures, changes to opening hours, automation of certain functions and a comprehensive performance management regime. 3.5 The review has looked at the stock of library buildings, their location and suitability for purpose. A programme of investment is proposed from within the current Capital Investment Programme and for consideration in any future extension of this programme which includes the provision of new libraries at Drumbrae and Kaimes/Alnwickhill. 3.6 There is also an aspiration to rejuvenate the Central Library (and feasibility work on this project currently features within the Strategic Work Programme). Refurbishment and extension of the existing premises was the preferred strategic option of the multi-agency group set up to consider the issue. The development of a funding strategy for this is now underway. It is also recommended that any future development proposals for the site to the rear of the Central Library take into account options for the expansion of this Library as part of that development. 3.7 The organisational changes set out in the Review document involve changes to staff terms & conditions. It is intended that detailed consultation on these changes will take place with staff and unions. This consultation will include a series of local 'road show' presentations and discussions with staff. 3.8 Once the general approach has been approved, it will form the basis for local programmes of service improvements, developed in consultation with local service users. 2 4 Conclusions 4.1 This review of Edinburgh’s Library & Information Services has been able to build on a solid platform of achievement. The review has been comprehensive, examining all aspects of the Libraries Service. It has included the views of staff and customers, performance comparisons with services elsewhere and both internal and external assessments. Edinburgh’s Libraries Service - like libraries everywhere - faces a time of change. This brings with it both challenges and opportunities, and this review attempts to identify ways forward taking account of both. 5 Financial Implications 5.1 The review has been conducted within existing revenue budgets and is proposing to introduce service improvements as these can be funded by service efficiencies. These efficiencies will also contribute to the additional revenue costs of the two new libraries proposed for Kaimes/Alnwickhill and Drumbrae. The total revenue costs for these new libraries will be accommodated within existing SfC budgets. 5.2 There will be a continuing need for capital investment and the programme that has resulted in the modernisation of a number of libraries in recent years will need to be considered for extension in future capital programmes. 5.3 In particular, the total estimated cost of bringing the Central Library up to adequate standards is more than f 15m. A maintenance and investment plan for the library is currently under development and elected members will be asked to consider this in future capital programmes. 3 6 Recommendations The Culture & Leisure Committee is recommended to: 1. note the contents of this report and the ‘Review of Libraries & Information Services’ and endorse the approach taken; II. note the financial implications outlined in Section 5 above; and Ill. To note that, as a result of the proposed reconfiguration of the Central Library, the Annexe will be available for disposal and the use of this receipt (est. f2m) in connection with the proposed work to Central Library be referred to the Policy and Strategy Committee. IV. It is also recommended that any future development proposals for the site to the rear of the Central Library take into account options for the expansion of this Library as part of that development. Mark Turley Director, Services for Communities Appendices Appendix 1. Review of Libraries and Information Services Contactltel Angela Leitch, Head of Performance and Community Engagement, Services for Communities, 0131 529 7329. Wards affected Cit y-wid e Background Minutes of Council meeting of 8 February 2007 Papers Central Library Strategic Options Development Study (Available from Services for Communities) 4 LOCAL LIBRARIES REVIEW OF LIBRARY & INFORMATION SERVICES EDINDVRGH THE ClTT IJF EOIfI6L'RGtl CO'JNCIL Page 1 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS City of Edinburgh Council gratefully acknowledges the assistance of the Scottish Library & Information Council (SLIC) in carrying out this review. SLlC have provided specialist knowledge, experience and enthusiasm to the Review Steering Group, as well as
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